Коспект урока английского языка в 6 классе "Времена года и месяцы" к учебнику СПОТЛАЙТ
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Ход урока
I. Начало урока
1. Оргмомент.
Good morning, children! Nice to see you. Everything is ready, all are present, we can start our lesson.
The theme of our lesson is “Here we are”Today we sum all our knowleges and prepare to the test. We are going to birthday party.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
Look at the board? Listen and repeat after me.
Слайд 1
Seasons and months (Времена года и месяцы)
Слайд 2
Spring is green, (Весна зелена)
Summer is bright. (Лето яркое)
Autumn is yellow, (Осень желтая)
Winter is white. (Зима белая)
Слайд 3
Слайд 4
Winter months are ….
December January February
Слайд 5
Spring months are….
March April May
Слайд 6
Summer months are….
June July August
Слайд 7
Autumn months are…
September October November
4. Речевая зарядка
Answer my questions, please.
Слайд 8
How many months are there in the year?
-There are 12 months in the year.
What are they?
- They are… (December January February, March April May, September October November)
Слайд 9
What are the winter/ spring/summer/ autumn months?
- The winter/ spring/summer/ autumn months are… (December January February, March April May, September October November)
Слайд 10
What season is now?
Now is autumn.
II. Повторение, закрепление и активизация в речи лексико-грамматического материала по теме.
5. Основная часть.
- Do you know who celebrates his birthday in autumn?
Слайд 10
Слайд 11
We have a letter from him.
From: | Peter Pen |
To: | pupil’s of 6th form of Ostashevskaya school |
Subject: | Party! |
Hey, children, My 12th birthday is this week! Please come to my party on Sunday, 12th October at 5:45 pm. My address is 17, Belgrave Road, Neverland. See you then! Love, Peter Pen |
What kind of letter is it?
When has he his birthday?
What is his address
2) Слайд 12
Who invites you to the birthday party?
At what time does he wait for you?
When does he wait for you?
It is Peter Pen’s house. How do you think,in what room Peter Pen waits you for the birthday party?
In the hall, in the kitchen…
Take the pictures and put all the furniture in place. Describe of the room in “Living pictures” (Do you need the describing of the room?)(класс делится на 2 группы,1 зачитывает текст, остальные берут картинки с предметами мебели и обставляют комнату, т.н. «Живые картинки»)
What kind of room have you got?
-A living room.
-A kitchen.
A living room
This is a living room .
There are many furniture here.
There is a sofa opposite the door.
There is an armchair under the picture.
There is a lamp between the sofa and the chair.
There is a mirror next to the door on the left.
There is a wardrobe next to the door on the right.
This living room is cosy.
A kitchen.
This is a kitchen.
There are many furniture in it.
There is a cooker next to the window.
There is a sink under the buffet.
There is a bin under the sink .
There is a table in front of the cooker.
There is a chair next to the table on the right.
This kitchen is cosy.
Let’s check each other .The furniture stand still and check. The speaker reads.
(учитель меняет тексты ведущим группы)
3)How can we get there? Do you remember Peter Pen’s address?(What is his address?)
Peter Pen sent you the describing of his house’s neighbourhood.
You get a describing list, read the text and fill in the map.
My neighbourhood.
I live in a beautiful neighbourhood. There are a lot of shops and cafes around here. There's a post office right next to the bank. Opposite the bank, there's the newsagent's. There's also a supermarket opposite the post office and a bus station behind the supermarket. Next to it there's the chemist's. Behind it, there's a library. Opposite the chemist's, there's my house! I like my neighbourhood a lot!
1 Newsagent’s; 2 Bus station; 3 Supermarket; 4 Library; 5 Post office; 6 Belgrave Road,17
Look at the board, check yourselves, write down your names.
Слайд 13
4) Слайд 14
We know address. Do you remember on what date Peter Pen has his birthday?(12/10)
What season is it?
Do you have a present for Peter Pen?
Yes, a poem about months.( учащиеся рассказывают стихи о месяцах)
Autumn months stand up at the window and tell us your poems.( Autumn months start)
Twelve Months
Cold December brings us skating,
For the New Year we are waiting.
January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow
February snows again
And sometimes it brings us rain.
March brings sunny days and winds
So we know that spring begins.
April brings the primrose sweet,
We see daisies at our feet.
May brings flowers, joy and grass
And the holidays for us.
June brings tulips, lilies, roses.
Fills the children`s hands with posies.
Hot July brings apples and cherries
And a lot of other berries.
August brings us golden corn,
Then the harvest home is borne.
Warm September brings us school,
Days are shorter, nights are cool.
Fresh October brings much fruit
Then to gather them is good.
Red November brings us joy,
Fun for every girl and boy.
III. Подведение итогов урока.
Well done. We are ready to go to Peter’s birthday party. We have a present.We know the date of Peter’s birthday party,his address.
Who can remember the time?
This way we have prepared for testing. How have we done it?
Слайд 15
- We have reviewed
- vocabulary to the themes Seasons and months, neighbourhood, furniture
- preposition of place
- there is\are
Слайд 16
IV. Домашнее задание: p.16 Ex. 2,3, p.18 Ex.4(таблица)-повторить
Слайд 17
V. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия.
- Рефлексия. What was interesting, difficult, boring for you?
Заполнение таблицы
Interesting(интересно) | Boring(скучно) | Difficult(сложно) | Other(другое) | |
the presentation | ||||
Reading | ||||
Drawing the map | ||||
The game |
2. Анализ работы учащихся и выставление оценок.
3.Создание мотивации ожидания следующего урока.
Слайд 18
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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