Методическая разработка урока английского языка English speaking countries
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Презентация на английском языке, рассказывающая об англо говорящих странах
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The English language has about 400 million native speakers worldwide, second only to Chinese and Spanish. It is the most popular second language. As a result, including the native speakers and those who speak it as a foreign, it is considered to be the most commonly used international language.
English is considered the official language in 67 different countries and 27 non-sovereign entities. In addition, it is one of the main languages of business communication, as well as the official language of a number of major world organizations, including the UN, NATO and the European Union.
English, perhaps most commonly associated with the United States and United Kingdom , the two largest English-speaking countries
It is believed that the United States has a population of about 230 million native speakers, which makes them the largest English-speaking country
In the UK approximately 60 million native speakers
English originated in the UK. The growing British Empire facilitated the dissemination of contemporary English around the world in the 18th and 19th centuries. That is why many from countries where English is the official language, is a former British colony
Colonial politics contributed to the spread of English in regions like India and parts of Africa, where it is still spoken. Although Hindi is the most spoken language in India, English remains an official language, and is often used as in education and in politics
According to official data, only 12% of Indians speak English, many only as a foreign language. However, from extremely high population density, which means that 12% is more than 100 million people. As a result, India is one of the main countries by the number of English-speaking population on the planet
Despite the existence of the two official languages, Canada ranks third largest English-speaking population, comprising about 20 million native speakers
Next in the list is Australia . It is approximately 17 million speak English
Other well known country in the world where English is the main language, include Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand. Collectively, these three countries are home to about 13 million people, whose native language is English
The English language is recognized as an official language of several non-sovereign sites, including Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands and Bermuda
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