Сценарий "Любовь в нашей жизни " на английском языке
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9, 10 класс) на тему
Сенарий открытого меропрития "Любовь в нашей жизни", 9-10 классы
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Предварительный просмотр:
муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Майская средняя общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов Пушкинского муниципального района
( 11 клаcс)
Учитель английского языка- ГАВРИЛОВА НАТАЛЬЯ
образовательные – активизация лексических и грамматических структур на основе данной темы;
развитие навыков аудирования;
формирование коммуникативной культуры;
пополнение знаний по страноведению Англии;
совершенствование ранее приобретённых навыков и знаний устной речи;
использование дополнительных материалов, проработанных самостоятельно;
расширение кругозора учащихся.
воспитательные – развитие добрых чувств;
привитие любви к английской поэзии и музыке;
развитие эстетического восприятия мира, умения ценить прекрасное, умения ощутить себя неотъемлемой частью мира, веры в любовь;
активизация творческих способностей через размышление и презентацию своего мнения.
совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
развитие социальной коммуникативности.
плакаты с цитатами;
телевизор; компьютер;
DVD player;
«Мужчина и женщина»- исполнение пьесы на пианино (сначала громко, потом тише).
T- Hello, everybody! We are glad to see you at our party. By the way we are having a very unusual party today & it is so not only because of our dear English speaking guests but also because our theme today is very touching & exciting. We’re going to speak about Love, love between a man & a woman. Love means much in people’s life. They say: “Beauty saves the world”. We can add: “So does Love”. Music & poetry are sometimes called a universal language of Love. So, the theme of our party today is Love in our life. Its epigraph is “Real Love always makes people better”. We hope you’ll enjoy our party. So let’s start it. Our participants are pupils of the 8-th, 10-th & 11- th forms. Let us introduce our J. & S.
J- Thank you!
S- Thanks!
J- Everything begins with Love
They say: “At first there was a word”.
But I declare again, my Lord,
Everything begins with love.
S- During childhood you take love, care & friendship from your parents. You are supported & pampered by those who love you. You are happy & pleased. You are offered love, possibilities in education & personal development in every respect. Later you look for real friendship & true love.
J- Love is a basis of our life. We live for love & thanks to love, thanks to the fact our parents love each other.
S- No matter whenever & wherever people lived, live & will live, they always spoke, speak & will speak about Love.
J- Attention, please! What are your associations when you hear the word “Love”?
S- Thank you! We have some quotations! Let’s read & discuss them! The first one is:
“Real Love always makes people better” (A. Duma, the younger).
What do you think about it?
S- Thank you!
J- Let’s go on!
“Love is the strongest of all passions: it takes hold of head & heart at the same time” (Voltaire).
What are your opinions?
S- The next one is
“The best way to win the love of others is to give them your own” (V. Hugo).
What do you make of it?
Thank you!
J- Lopez de Vega said: “When we are in love we become blind”
What can you say about it?
S- I want you to express your opinions about the last quotation:
“Friendship can do without Love but love cannot do without friendship” (V. Klyuchevsky).
That’ll do! Thank you!
J- Love! L- O- V- E! Only 4 letters, but it’s a big word. A lot of people have their own idea about what it means.
S- Surely. So many persons, so many opinions. Every man or a woman has a different attitude towards Love but everyone is lucky & happy if he or she finds it.
J- Right you are. But how do you understand the word “Love”? What is it for you, I wonder?
What do you expect from Love? Discuss it, please!
P- What do we expect from Love? First of all support, understanding. Having a boyfriend or a girlfriend helps us to realize our aims & believe in people’s good intentions. We want to trust them & rely on them in different situations.
P- Personally, I think we are able to accept ourselves more easily if we know that there are some people who love us & trust us, too.
P- According to my personal observation, Love can really make you feel, that you’re a better person & when you are in love, you really know you are.
P- As far as I can judge, young people are happy because they are young, they are in love, because life is beautiful.
P- I can hardly put into words what I think of it but love is a way of being.
S- You may well say so. Different musicians, writers & poets have always tried to reflect the feeling of love in their works. Let’s remember some of them.
J- That’s it. & I offer to begin with W. Sh. Everyone can agree with the fact that he was not of an age but for all Time in spite of the fact he lived in the 16-th century.
S- But it’s only 450 years ago. We have been studying English for 9 years & we’ve read & learnt a lot about W. Sh.
P- Right you are, In my opinion W. Sh’s genius was in his capacity for revealing Love in its full richness & movements.
P- To it must be added an observing mind, a profound sympathetic understanding of life & above all an ability to see human nature helped him to depict his characters & their feelings very convincingly.
P- Sh’s classic story is “Romeo & Juliet”. By the way, I think Juliet is remarkable because she is very determined & mature. At the same time she has an innocence, she is young & fresh. She loves & she makes her own decisions & takes fate into her own hands. For a woman, this was totally unheard of in Sh’s time.
P- May be “yes’, may be “no”. But in my opinion Romeo is brilliant & very perceptive. To my mind it’s very hard to feel like you have lost everything. I mean the scene in the church. But both Romeo & Juliet fall in love, defying their parents. It’s very dramatic.
P- As for me I will never forget the scenes from “Romeo & Juliet” performed by me & Stas. It was so exciting! It seems to me even if I am woken up at night, I will be able to recite Juliet’s monologue.
P- We all remember this play & your marvelous performing. To my mind you were the best Romeo & Juliet.
S- Thank you.
P- Excuse my interrupting you but as for me when I hear words “Romeo & Juliet” I always remember the film “Titanic”. It is a fictional romantic tale of a rich girl & a poor boy who meet on the ill- fated voyage of the unsinkable ship. It’s an epic love story. Cameron is a director of this film. & we see how the feeling of Love is developing between two young people. & what a man can do for the sake of his Love. I think it’s Cameron’s “Romeo & Juliet On a sinking ship. This story is full of Love.
P- I am of the same opinion. By the way I can’t restrain my tears watching the plot of this story. & as for the music it is full of drama & love.
J- No doubt whatever. Now, let’s listen to the song from this film.
S- Thank you! But now let’s return to W. Sh. As you know he wrote 37 plays, among them comedies, tragedies, & historical plays. Let’s remember their titles.
P,P,P- Twelfth Night, As you like it, Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, Henry VI, Much Ado About Nothing, King Lear, Othello.
P- But what about his sonnets?
J- Oh, what a shame! We’ve forgotten about them. Nevertheless, his sonnets are real masterpieces. Sh. expressed in them the variety of human nature & the capacity for Love.
--------, would you like to recite any sonnet for us.
P- With great pleasure.
S- Thank you! As far as I know Irene can sing sonnet 90. Do it, please.
J- Thanks. You see, weather W. Sh. is writing of history or tragedy or comedy, Love has meaning & value.
S- It was W. Sh.’s genius that gave the world poetry of a deathless beauty.
J- Speaking about poets we can’t mention in passing Robert Burns.
S- Really. As for me I remember only
“My hearts in the Highlands,
My hearts is not here.
My hearts in the highlands a-chasing the deer
A chasing the wild deer & following the role
My hearts in the Highlands wherever I go”.
J- Oh, S! Robert Burns wrote a lot of poems about love.
P- Sure. Don’t you remember his wide-known poem “Red Rose”.
S- Marvelous. But what age is a person able to fall in love at?
P- I think at any age.
P- Youth is the time to meet your first love.
P- May be so. Each of us remembers Tom S. & his feelings to Becky. We’d like to remind you how Tom made Becky a declaration of love.
J- Of course, Mark T. wrote about the first feeling with his sense of humour & wit, but in a touching manner. Do you believe in Love at first sight?
J- Now listen to the song “Strangers in the night”
S- Let’s say you have found a person you would really like to go out with & you are really to ask that person out on a date. You will immediately have the question. What are we going to do on a date?
P- this question can be particularly tough on the first date because you are trying to make a good first impression & you may or may not know what your partner likes to do.
P- I agree with you. Because in my opinion on later dates things tend to get easier.
P- Certainly. But there are few things more uncomfortable than the conversation that goes like this (will you help me, please):
He- Would you like to go out this weekend?
She- I would love to.
He- What would you like to do?
She- I don’t know. What would you like to do?
He- I don’t know…
J- To avoid this little scene, it is helpful to have smth. in mind when you call. What are your ideas?
P- Inviting someone to a movie is definitely safe. One good way to make it a little interesting is to let your date choose the film or put a bunch of movie names in a hat & pick one at random when you get together.
P-A cafe is another classic. But you’ll have to think of smth. to talk for an hour or two. Sometimes that can be hard, especially on the first date. Besides, it can be a little expensive if you aren’t careful- so plan ahead.
P- Most cities & towns have museums: art museums, history museums, nature museums etc. If you & your partner like this sort of thing, a museum can be a great place to go on a date.
P- If your city has a Zoo it can be a fun place to go.
P- Take your roller skates & spend the day at it.
P- But I think one way to break the ice with a group of people is to have a small party with a theme at your house. Invite your date as one of the people at the party. As a teenager you will probably have to get your parents involved-if that is comfortable for you, it can be fun for your parents too.
S- Very nice! But what to do if you live in such a small & quiet place as Sofrino-1?
P- Let’s say you are looking for a gift for someone like your mother or father. Take your date along with you to the shop & look for the gift together.
P- You may plan a picnic at a local wood.
P- You can have your own disco. Get a group of friends together, pick the music & dance.
P- Pup a video or two & invite some people over. Have fun!
J- Oh, really, let’s have fun. Please, listen to some romantic jokes:
1. She- That boy over there is annoying me.
He- He’s not even looking at you.
She- I know, that’s what’s annoying me.
2. She- My boyfriend thinks I’m beautiful.
She- Well, they do say that love is blind.
3. She- I wish you were on TV.
He- Would you love me if I were a TV star?
She- No, but I could switch you off.
- She- Now that we are engaged I hope you’ll give me a ring.
He- Of course. What’s your phone number?
- He- I’m not rich like John, don’t have a mansion like Pete or have a Cadillac like Martin but I do love you & want to marry you.
She- I love you too, but what was that you said about Martin.
S- Thank you. So when you are in love you are happy. But sometimes your parents do not approve your choice. Once there was a boy who loved a girl very much. The girl’s father however did not like the boy & did not want their love to grow. The boy wanted to write the girl a love letter, but he was sure that the girl’s father would read it first. At last he wrote this letter to the girl.
J- The girl’s father read the letter. He was pleased, & then gave the letter to his daughter. The girl read the letter & was very happy. The boy still loved her. Do you know why she was pleased?
S- She & the boy had a secret way of writing to each other. She read only the first line of the letter & then the third line & then the fifth line & so on, to the end of the letter. Can you read it right?
J- OK. But frankly speaking when you are in love only she or he exists for you. There is one thing you are sure you will love her or him forever. You believe this love of yours will never die. Elvis Presley sang about it in his famous song “Only you”. Sasha, please!
Sasha- By the way Elvis Presley, who was known as “The king of rock’n’roll”, brought together the musical sounds of the blacks in America & of country people. His songs started a new period in music. Elvis Presley was the most popular performer of his day of songs about Love. & now…”Only you”…
S- Thanks. In your personal life you seek a reliable partner to become your husband or wife. You simply fall in love & want to make the other person happy too. & so you marry & take on the responsibilities of married life. But why do people get married? Let’s discuss it.
P- Most likely the self- realization in marriage & parenthood is the key to happiness, although it is still associated with effort, sacrifice & hard work.
P- I think in this new life you learn to take care of your partner & you expect to have a family & bring up your children in the way you know to be right.
P- In my opinion by rearing children & being a good partner you yourself feel needed & loved.
P- But I’d like only to say each of us should be responsible & reasonable & offer your love & joy of life to your own partner & children.
P- I see marriage seems to be a gateway to happiness, as it opens the way to the fulfillment of our dreams & expectations.
P- I agree with you. Marriage is the most important event in human life. I think you are obliged to love your partner for ever.
J- I’d like to add we have a great chance to succeed in marriage. Your one & only will come later. But only remember people, whom you love, always look for your presence, sincere, smile & your love & care.
P- I think it’s time to sing a song “A woman in Love”. We hope you’ll like it.
P- It’s splendid! But I’d like to remember a well-known story “The gift of the magi” by O. Henry. So…
S- It’s so romantic & touching. It caught my attention. & what about you?
P- If people, two people love each other, they live very intensively. They have a lot of satisfaction & joy. The first signs of old age appear then as first wrinkles or grey hair.
J- That’ll do. Thank you.
Some people just know
Right from the start
How to bring joy
To another’s heart.
S- Some people just know
How to love & to give
& they do such nice things
Every day that they live.
J- Love… We can speak about love endlessly. Robert Frost said: “Earth is the right place for love. I don’t know where it’s likely to go better.”
S- & I say “Go out & love others & have a good day”. Have a good day! How many times have you heard that expression? Here’s what we mean by “Have a good day!”
J- Our party is over.
P- What a pity!
S- We hope you liked it.
P- Oh, we enjoyed doing it.
S- & one more thing. When you are feeling pessimistic or angry or bitter-say to yourself- you are nice, you love & you are loved.
J- Be happy!
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