Сценарий постановки по рассказу О'Генри "Коловращение жизни" (на английском языке)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Сценарий разработан на основе рассказа О'Генри "Коловращение жизни". Постановка требует минимум декораций: стол, три стула, свеча с подсвечником, молоточек судьи, и так далее, всё это перечислено в постановке. Фантазия постановщика ничем не ограничивается. Как вариант, можно предложить слайды на экран сцены (смотри приложение). Костюмы желательно подобрать соответствующие той эпохе. В постановке в основном сохранён авторский текст. Действие ведёт рассказчик (narrator).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Коловращение жизни, сценарий. (По рассказу О’Генри).
(Иллюстрации к рассказу - из Интернета, как вариант, смотри приложение – презентацию, показывать на экране с помощью проектора)
Действующие лица:
Narrator, рассказчик
Ransie Bilbro, a man, living in a village in Cumberland Mountains, Tennessee, USA.
Ariela Bilbro, his wife.
Benaja Widdup, Justice of-the-Peace (the Judge) in the county of Piedmont, Tennessee, USA.
Сцена 1. At the Court.
(на сцене стол, три стула, на столе две книги, свод законов и библия, свеча в подсвечнике, спички, молоток судьи, толстая газета, листы бумаги, ручка).
Narrator: | Justice of the Peace1 Benaja Widdup was sitting in the doorway of his office. The Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee rose blue-grey in the afternoon sky. Up the road came a sound of creaking wheels, and then a slow cloud of dust, and then a cart, bearing Ransie Bilbro and his wife. The cart stopped at the Justice's door, and the two climbed down. Ransie was a man six feet tall, of brown skin and yellow hair. The woman was angled, a typical village woman. The Justice of the Peace slipped his feet into his shoes, and moved to let them enter. Then he sat at the desk. The man and the woman stopped at the desk. |
Ariela: | We want a divorce. (Her voice sounded like the wind blowing through pine trees. She looked at her husband Ransie to see if he agreed.) |
Ransie: | (shaking his head as if saying “yes”): A divorce. We can't get along together anymore. It's rather lonesome to live in the mountains when a man and a woman don’t care of each other. And when she is spitting like a wildcat every moment, there is no reason to live with her. |
Ariela: | (looking at the judge but pointing at Ransie): And he is an idler, doing nothing the whole day, and lying on his back knocked down with corn whisky, together with other drinkers, and you must feed his dogs! |
Ransie: | (looking at the judge but pointing at Ariela): And she keeps throwing4 lids of the pans and spills boiling water over the best hound dog in the Mountains, instead of cooking dinner, and keeps her man awake all night accusing him of what he was doing all day! |
Narrator: | The Justice of the Peace unhurriedly got down to his duties. He placed his one chair and a wooden stool for his "guests". He opened his book of laws on the table and looked through the contents. Then he wiped his spectacles and shifted his pen. |
Judge: | The law is silent on the subject of divorce as far as the jurisdiction of this Court is concerned. But, according to custom and the Constitution, and the golden rule, it's a bad bargain that can't run both ways. If a Justice of the Peace can marry a couple, it's clear that he is able to divorce them. This Court will give you a decree of divorce and stand on it, unless the Supreme Court says otherwise. |
Narrator: | Ransie Bilbro took a small tobacco-bag from his trousers pocket. Out of this he shook upon the table a five dollar note. |
Ransie: | I sold a bearskin and two foxes for that. It's all the money we've got." (saying this, he gives the money to the Judge). |
Judge: | (taking the 5-dollar note and thinking a while): The regular price of a divorce in this Court is five dollars. |
Narrator: | He put the note into the pocket of his coat as if money was nothing to him. Then, with much effort, he slowly wrote two copies of the divorce decree. Then he stood up and started reading the decree aloud). |
Judge: | (reading aloud): Let know all men that Ransie Bilbro and his wife, Ariela Bilbro, this day personally appeared before me and promised that since this day they will neither love, nor honour, nor obey each other, and live separately. And, they accept this decree of divorce, according to the peace and dignity of the State. God save and help us. Signed, Benaja Widdup, Justice of the Peace in and for the county of Piedmont11, State of Tennessee. (finishing to read, he knocks his hammer on the table). |
Ariela: | Judge, don't give him that paper yet. It's not all settled, anyhow. It isn't kind for a man to divorce his wife without leaving her any money. I've got to have my alimony. I'm going to visit my brother Ed up on Hogback Mountain. I'd like to have a pair of shoes and some other things. If Ransie has money enough to get a divorce, let him pay me alimony. |
Ransie: | (surprisingly, looking at Ariela): There had been no previous talk about alimony. |
Narrator: | Everybody knows that women are always bringing up startling and unexpected surprises. So, Ransie Bilbro got a shock. The Judge felt that this case demanded a judicial decision. The Law was also silent on the subject of alimony. But the woman's feet were bare. The way to Hogback Mountain was steep and flinty. |
Judge: | (in official tones): Ariela Bilbro, how much do you expect to be good and sufficient alimony? |
Ariela: | (thoughtfully): I think, for the shoes and all, well, to say, five dollars. That is not much for alimony, but that'll help me to get to my brother Ed. |
Judge: | The amount of money is not unreasonable. Ransie Bilbro, you are ordered by the Court to pay the sum of five dollars before getting the decree of divorce. |
Ransie: | (having breathed heavily): I haven't got any money. I have paid you all I had. I'm sorry. (пауза 5-7 секунд) I think if you give me time till tomorrow, I might be able to scrape it up somewhere. I've never expected to be paying any alimony. |
Judge: | The case is suspended till to-morrow, when you both will present yourselves and obey the order of the Court. After that the decrees of divorce will be handed to you. (saying this, he knocks his hammer, and sits down). |
Ransie: | (turning to Ariela): Ariela, where shall we spend the night? Let’s go to Uncle Ziah. (they leave). |
Narrator: | The judge sat at the table and started to read his weekly newspaper, and read it until the twilight came. Then he lit the candle on his table, and read until the moon rose, marking the time for supper. He lived in a cabin on the slope of the mountain. So, he started going home to supper. (the Judge leaves). |
Scene 2. Robbery. (на экране иллюстрация густого тёмного кустарника) | |
Narrator: | Going home to supper the Judge crossed a little stream darkened by a laurel thicket. The dark figure of a man stepped from the laurels and pointed a rifle at his breast. His cap was pulled down low, and something covered most of his face. |
Ransie: | Hey, you, stay where you are! I want your money, without any talk. Money or life! |
Judge: | (raising both hands). I've only got f-f-five dollars! (takes the note from his pocket). |
Ransie: | Roll it up, and stick it in the end of this gun. And don’t play any trick! I am too angry! (the Judge rolls up the note and puts it into the gun): And go now, and don’t look back! (the judge runs away). |
Scene 3. At the Court again. | |
Narrator: | The next day came, and the Bilbroes appeared in the Court. Justice Benaja Widdup had his shoes on, for he was expecting the visit. (enter the judge, and after him Ariela and Ransie). |
Ransie: | Judge, I’ve got the money, 5 dollars. Ariela, here you are. (gives her a 5 dollar note). |
Narrator: | The judge handed each one a decree of divorce. Each stood absolutely silent, slowly folding the guarantee of freedom. The woman looked shyly at Ransie. |
Ariela: | (in a lost voice): If you are going back home, there's bread in the tin box on the shelf. I put the bacon in the boiling-pot to keep it from the hound-dogs. And don't forget to wind the clock tonight. |
Ransie: | Are you going to your brother Ed's? |
Ariela: | I expect to get there before night. I think they will hardly be happy to trouble themselves to make me welcome, but I've got nowhere else to go. It's a long way, and I better start going. Could I say good bye, Ransie, if you don’t mind? |
Ransie: | "I don't know anybody who could be such a hound dog not to want to say good bye. But if you are in such a hurry to get away, you may not say it." |
Narrator: | Ariela was silent. She folded the five-dollar bill and her decree carefully, and placed them in the bosom of her dress. Benaja Widdup watched the money disappear with mournful eyes. |
Ariela: | You may feel yourself lonesome in the old cabin tonight, Ransie. |
Ransie: | It might be lonesome. But when a woman gets mad and wants a divorce, you can't make the woman stop. |
Ariela: | But you also wanted a divorce. Besides, nobody asks anybody to stay. |
Ransie: | (showing his feelings hurt) Nobody said he didn't want. |
Ariela: | (showing her feelings hurt) Nobody said he did. I’d better start going now to brother Ed's. |
Ransie: | (with a clear pity, and turning out of Ariela): That old clock, who can wind it now? |
Ariela: | (hopefully): Do you want me to go back with you and wind it for you, Ransie? |
Narrator: | Ransie showed no emotion. But he reached out his big hand and took Ariela's hand. |
Ransie: | (taking Ariela’s hand): I promise, those hound dogs won’t get you down anymore. I think I behaved badly. If only you could go back with me and wind the clock …. I wish you could. |
Ariela: | My heart is in that cabin, Ransie, along with you. I am not going to get mad anymore. Let's be going, Ransie, to get home by sunset. |
Narrator: | At these words Justice-of-the-Peace Benaja Widdup stopped them. |
Judge: | (raising his right hand): Stop! In the name of the State of Tennessee, I forbid you to go together. This Court is full of joy to see the clouds of discord and misunderstanding rolling away from two loving hearts, but it is the duty of the Court to keep the morals and integrity of the State. The Court reminds you that you are no longer man and wife, but are divorced by regular decree, and as such you are not allowed to use the benefits of the matrimonial state. (At these words Ariela takes Ransie's arm and says “Ransie!”). |
Narrator: | Ariela caught Ransie's arm. Did those words mean that she must lose him now when they had just learned the lesson of life? |
Judge: | (continues his speech): But the Court is prepared for to remove the disabilities set up by the decree of divorce. The Court is ready to perform the solemn ceremony of marriage again, thus giving you back your matrimonial rights. The fee for performing this ceremony21 will be, in this case, five dollars." |
Narrator: | Ariela caught the gleam of promise in his words. Swiftly her hand went to her bosom. The five dollar note fell down on the Justice's table. Her cheeks coloured red as she stood hand in hand with Ransie and listened to the reuniting words. |
Judge: | In the name of the State of Tennessee, I declare you, Ransie Bilbro, and you, Ariela Bilbro, man and wife again. (after saying these words, he knocks his hammer on the table, then sits down and takes off his shoes. Ariela and Ransie leave happily, hand in hand). |
Narrator: | Justice-of-the-Peace Benaja Widdup sat and took off his shoes. The ceremony was over. Once again he looked at the five dollar note and with clear satisfaction put it in his pocket. |
The End |
Приложение: Презентация с иллюстрациями (вариант).
Разработал: | Мурзин А.П. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Justice of the Peace Benaja Widdup
In the Court
The night came.
Hey, you, stay where you are! Money or life!
Local Court County of Piedmont
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