Класс: 7 Тема: «Music is great». Основной метод: Технология проектной деятельности на уроках английского языка.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Использование Технологии проектной деятельности на уроках помогает учителю развить в детях самостоятельность, ответственность, умение адаптироваться к сложившейся ситуации, монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся, умение работать со словарями и другой справочной литературой индивидуально и в группе. Самое главное – самостоятельно добывать знания, самореализовываться и социализироваться в современном мире.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Класс: 7 Тема: «Music is great».
Основной метод: Технология проектной деятельности на уроках английского языка.
Тип урока: обобщение и закрепление знаний по теме.
создать условия для развития самостоятельной, творчески мыслящей личности; активизировать речемыслительную деятельность;
развивать все виды речевой деятельности через технологию критического мышления,
воспитывать мыслительные отношения;
формировать умение работать в команде, помогать друг другу; умение анализировать и критически оценивать информацию, применять полученные результаты к различным ситуациям;
рефлексия – учить оценивать достижения свои и своих товарищей;
совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по разным видам речевой деятельности: говорению, чтению, аудированию и письму;
учить выражать в устной монологической и диалогической речи различные виды оценки, сообщения, доказательства.
Познавательный аспект:
познакомить учащихся с исследованиями о влиянии на людей классической музыки;
знакомиться с музыкальной жизнью страны изучаемого языка.
Развивающий аспект:
учить работать самостоятельно, развивать критическое мышление;
готовить к решению усложняющихся речемыслительных задач, требующих от учащихся интеллектуальных, поисковых усилий.
Воспитательный аспект:
воспитание уважительного, толерантного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры.
Осознание значения музыки в жизни человека.
Результат использования Технологии проектной деятельности:
Использование Технологии проектной деятельности на уроках помогает учителю развить в детях самостоятельность, ответственность, умение адаптироваться к сложившейся ситуации, монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся, умение работать со словарями и другой справочной литературой индивидуально и в группе. Самое главное – самостоятельно добывать знания, самореализовываться и социализироваться в современном мире.
- Организационный момент:
Teacher: Good morning, dear children!
I think you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. Our today`s lesson is dedicated to music. It`s impossible to live without it, it follows us everywhere, it is in our hearts, feelings and souls. And as H. Longfellow said – “Music is the universal language of the world”.
2. Сообщение целей и задач урока:
Today we`ll speak about your favourite music, practising your English by doing different exercises.
The first task is to read the words and make word combinations or sentences. Then
look at the poster. Can you tell where the photograph is taken?
exciting overcrowded exhilarating splendid awesome claustrophobic thrilling disconcerting |
Which of the following adjectives would you use to describe the picture?
Are these words positive or negative?
• Can you think of any more adjectives to describe the picture?
1. In pairs, talk about the music you like.
You should say:
- what sort of music you like to listen to and why
- how you access music
- where you listen to music
- who your favourite musicians/ bands are
2. Discuss the following question with your partner:
- How popular is live music in your
Task 3
Match the words to their definitions.
Word Definition
Word | Definition |
1. exponentially (adverb) | A. an abbreviated form of ‘wellington boots’, which are rubber boots |
3. renowned (adjective) | C. describes the way in which something is growing or increasing very quickly |
2. countless (adjective) | B. well known, or famous, usually for a positive reason |
4. quagmire (noun) | D. the end or death of something |
5. undeterred (adjective) | E. very many |
6. wellies (noun – plural – informal) | F. not prevented from doing something, even though it may be difficult or problematic |
7. demise (noun) | G. large in size, amount, degree or importance |
8. substantial (adjective) | H. a soft, wet area of land, which you may sink into if you walk across it |
Task 4
You are going to read a text about Glastonbury, a major music festival in England.
- Do you think this is an event you would like to go to? Why?
- Glastonbury festival.
- The first Glastonbury Festival took place in 1970 and was organised by Michael Eavis, who still runs the festival now on his farm in Somerset in the south-west of England. Michael charged people just £1 to enter, and the ticket included free milk from the farm. Only 1,500 people attended on that occasion, but this number has grown exponentially since then. In 2011, there were approximately 100 times more people in the crowd and tickets, which cost £195 each, sold out within 4 hours. The festival takes place almost every year in the last weekend of June and lasts for three days.
- Although it is best known for contemporary music, Glastonbury (or ‘Glasto’ as it is often called) is host to other performing arts such as dance, comedy and theatre. The festival site is now made up of distinct zones, each one providing something different to cater for the tastes of all those present.
- Countless famous British musicians have played at the festival, including Sir Paul McCartney, Oasis and Coldplay, however the festival also attracts international interest, and has seen headline acts in recent years such as the likes of Beyonce Knowles, Stevie Wonder and Jay-Z.
- The festival is renowned for being extremely muddy, and on many occasions, most notably in 1997, heavy rainfall turned the whole festival site into a quagmire. Glastonbury-goers remain undeterred, however, and are quite happy to boogie the festival away in their wellies.
- Because of the high demand for tickets, the festival has also been famous for ‘fence-jumpers’. In 2000, when only 100,000 tickets were sold, about 250,000 people attended the event – many of whom jumped over the surrounding fence to gain entry. Security increased in 2002 and a ‘superfence’ was created to prevent people from entering without a ticket. In the same year, the new Pyramid Stage, graced by the presence of David Bowie, was welcomed back following its demise in 1994 when it burnt down just a week before the festival was to begin.
- The festival supports Fair Trade and has made substantial contributions to charity over the years. In 2003,over a million pounds was donated, and Greenpeace, Oxfam and WaterAid continue to be main beneficiaries.
- The next Glastonbury festival is set to take place in 2013, following a year off in 2012 to make way for the Olympics and give the farmland a chance to recover. Registration for tickets is already open.
- Task 5
- Find the numbers below in the text. Write a sentence to say what they refer to. The first one is done for you.
1,500 | The number of people who attended the first Glastonbury festival | |
100,000 | ||
2013 | ||
150,000 | ||
4 | ||
1970 | ||
1997 | ||
>1,000,000 | ||
250,000 | ||
195 | ||
2002 | ||
1994 | ||
1 |
Did any of these figures surprise you?
Task 7
Extension activities
Option 1
Plan a trip to a festival. You may want to choose a festival you learned about during the lesson, or another one of your choice. The following websites might be useful:
Consider the following questions:
- Where is the festival?
- When is the festival?
- How will you get there?
- Where will you stay?
- How long will you stay?
- What will you do at the festival?
Give a short presentation to the class about your festival plans.
Option 2
Design a poster for your dream music festival.
1. Consider the following questions:
- What is the name of your festival?
- Where is it?
- When is it?
- How often does it happen?
- How long does it last for?
- How much do tickets cost?
- What sort of music is played?
- Which famous artists/ bands will headline?
- Will there be any other activities?
2. Present your poster to the class, explaining why you made your choices.
If you have Internet access, www.glogster.com enables you to produce an attractive, online, interactive poster. You can embed music and movie clips to make your poster even more appealing!
Итоги урока
- Teacher: I hope you liked the lesson. Express your ideas in cinquain poetry. You know its structure.
- 1word (a subject or a noun)
- 2 words (adjectives) that describe word 1
- 3 words (action verbs) that relate to word 1
- 4 words (feelings or a complete sentence) that relates to word 1
- 1 word (a synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up)
Here is the example:
- Music
- fantastic, romantic,
- inspires, enriches, conquers
- It wakes up in the morning
- Melody
Teacher: Dear students! I`m very grateful to you for the lesson. You`ve worked hard and I will give only good and excellent marks to all of you! Good – buy!
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