Волонтёры России
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Презентации о жизни и деятельности Доктора Лизы (Елизаветы Глинка). Материал подойдёт для уроков по волонтёрскому движению и о знаменитых людях России.


Файл Доктор Лиза (Елизавета Глинка)1.24 МБ

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Подписи к слайдам:

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Elizaveta Glinka or Dr . Liza Born 20 February 1962 Moscow Died 25 December 2016 (aged 54) Black Sea near Sochi

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Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka ( Sidorova ) was a Russian humanitarian worker and charity activist. She was honoured three times with state awards for her work.

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Her father served in military. Her mother Galina Ivanovna Poskrebysheva was a doctor, as well as a TV presenter and writer of cookbooks and encyclopedias.

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Glinka studied at the Russian National Research Medical Institute in Moscow, graduating in pediatric anesthesiology. In 1986 she emigrated to the USA, where she studied palliative care and became involved with the work of hospices. On returning to Russia, she worked at the First Moscow Hospice, after which she moved to Ukraine.

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Glinka's first charity project began in 1999, when she opened the first public hospice in Kiev, Ukraine. She later founded the VALE Hospice International fund based in the USA and served as a board member of the Vera Hospice Charity Fund in Moscow. In 2007 she founded a humanitarian NGO Spravedlivaya Pomoshch (in English, "Fair Aid" or "Fair Help"). The organisation works to support terminally ill cancer patients and underprivileged and homeless people by providing medical supplies, financial aid and other essential services. In 2010, the organisation collected and distributed aid for victims of forest fires and in 2012, for those who lost their homes after floods in the Krasnodar region in Krymsk . Since November, 2012 Glinka was a member of the Russian Presidential Council for Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights (HRC).

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With the outbreak of the War in Donbass Glinka became involved with evacuating sick and injured children from territory held by pro-Russian separatists. She moved them to hospitals in Moscow or Saint Petersburg, where they could receive medical care . It has been estimated that she travelled more than 20 times into conflict zones, and saved about 500 children. Children were moved across the state border without permission from authorities, leading to accusations of child abduction from Ukrainian government officials.

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Her organisation was also active in providing medical supplies, equipment and food to hospitals in Donetsk and Lugansk . Glinka was also known for her anti-euthanasia stance; in October 2016 she commented on the Dutch draft bill legalising euthanasia, stating the proposed law was "demonic".

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Glinka and her work were the subject of a documentary film by Elena Pogrebizhskaya . In 2012 Glinka received the Order of Friendship award, and in 2015 the Decoration "For Beneficence". 8 December 2016 Russian President Vladimir Putin presented her with another national award, the State Prize of the Russian Federation, for outstanding achievements in charity and human rights activities.

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After her death different Russian ministers and Chechen leaders announced the naming of health and care institutions after Elizaveta Glinka: - Russian Defense Ministry's medical facility - announced by the Russian Deputy Minister of Defense, Ruslan Tsalikov ; - hospice in Yekaterinburg - announced by the city's mayor, Yevgeny Roizman ; - children sanatorium in Yevpatoria in Crimea is also to be named after Dr. Liza; - children's clinic in Grozny - announced on twitter by the president of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov Also a rock-festival "Different People" has been named after her.

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