Урок по теме "Рождество"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка по теме
«Рождество в англоговорящих странах»
Учитель английского языка
Калинкина Т.Е.
2016 г.
Цель: Повышать интерес учащихся к культуре изучаемого языка, ознакомить с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании и США.
- Закрепление и совершенствование навыков устной монологической речи учащихся;
- Совершенствование навыков аудирования;
- Тренировать навыки чтения;
- Формировать умение работать с текстом.
- Приучать к этикету в межличностном общении;
- Воспитывать ценностное отношение к культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка;
- Развивать и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевую культуру и культуру общения друг с другом;
- Развивать логическое мышление, память, внимательность;
- Развивать личность учащихся через знакомство с историей, традициями страны изучаемого языка;
- Стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся, а также активность, любознательность.
Оборудование урока: лингафонное оборудование, проектор, экран, раздаточный материал, компьютер.
I. Орг. Момент ( Слайд 1)
a) Приветствие.
Good afternoon!
Glad to see you!
Sit down, please.
b) Речевая разминка
How are you today?
Fine, thanks. And how are you?
II. Введение в сюжет урока.
As you see our lesson is unusual. There are a lot of guests here. And we will try to amaze them.
3 Стихотворение (Слайд 2)
4 What do you know about Cr. in Britain? ( Слайд 3)
Are the statements true or false? Correct the false statements.(экран)
- Christmas day is a public holiday.
- This day is held on December 25th in honour of the birth of Santa Claus.
- In Britain people eat pudding before the dinner.
- Christmas cake contains dried fruit.
- Carol singing means singing carols at home at a Christmas table.
- There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking.
- Santa Claus visits each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
Santa Claus is a real old man in red clothes and with a long white beard
5 Name the symbols of Cr.(картинки на экране) (Слайд 4)
6 Текст ( Слайд 5)
New words:
Tinsel [tinsl] – гирлянды
Baubles [bo: blz] – шарики
Fairy lights – елочные огни
Cracker – хлопушка
Sprouts [sprauts] – брюссельская капуста
Covering of icing – корочка из глазури
Mince pie – пирожок с начинкой из изюма, миндаля, корицы и сахара
Bake – пекут
Pudding – пудинг
Tangerine – мандарин
Santa Claus – Cанта Клаус
Supposed – предполагается, что
Imaginary – воображаемый
Chimney – труба
Sleigh – сани
Reindeer – олени
Decorations – украшения
Shepherds – пастухи
Bethlehem [‘beOlihem] – Вифлеем
Holly – остролист
Mistletoe – омела
Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain. This day is held on December 25th in honour of the birth of Jesus Christ. People often see it as a time of merry-making and present giving.
Christmas is a religious holiday, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The Christmas story comes from the Bible. An Angel appeared to shepherds and told them that a Savior had been born to Mary and Joseph in a stable in Bethlehem. The Wise Men followed a star until it led them to Jesus. The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. So it is a tradition to give presents on Christmas Day. Another tradition is to put a star on the top of Christmas tree.
On Christmas families are usually spend the day opening their presents which are often piled around the Christmas tree decorated with tinsel, candles, baubles, and fairy lights. The most beautiful Christmas tree is in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to people of Great Britain.
People sometimes go carol singing, which means singing carols in the street, outside people’s houses.
There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney or hang it by the fireplace so that Santa Claus will fill it with presents. Tangerines or nuts are often put into the stockings. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
In Britain, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. A lot of sports take place on Boxing Day and many people now spend time watching sport on television.
Работа с текстом
1) чтение
2) пересказ (2 человека)
.3) работа в группах
- What is the main public holiday in Britain?
- b) Christmas
- What does carol singing mean?
- singing carols in the street
What do British children do before they go to sleep on Christmas Eve?
- c) put a long sock at the end of their bed or by the chimney
- How is the day after Christmas called?
- it’s called Boxing Day
- How does Santa Claus travel?
- b) he flies in a sleigh, pulled by reindeer
- Christmas Word Find ( Слайд 6)
In the puzzle, find and circle the hidden holiday words. The words go across, up, down, and diagonally in the puzzle. Some words may share a letter.
H | C | H | A | P | P | Y | Y | B | A | L |
A | A | X | M | S | R | L | W | T | Z | C |
T | R | N | D | E | I | E | R | R | Q | H |
N | O | E | U | M | R | E | S | E | C | R |
A | L | U | A | K | B | R | A | E | A | I |
S | Z | F | N | M | K | G | Y | D | N | S |
C | E | L | E | B | R | A | T | E | D | T |
A | Q | C | A | A | L | V | H | O | L | M |
R | E | W | T | P | A | H | A | R | E | A |
D | E | C | O | R | S | T | I | O | N | S |
S | R | E | I | N | D | E | E | R | X | O |
December Eat
Santa Candle
Feast Happy
Present Carol
Celebrate Tree
Family Reindeer
Cards Christmas
Decorations Merry
Play Share
- Аудирование с заданием (Слайд7 )
9 .Расставить слова в нужном порядке (магнит)
- 10.What’s in a name
Follow the directions below very carefully, and you’ll see a name-change happen right before your eyes.
- Write down KRISKRINGLE __________________________________
- Add an A before the two I’s and the E _____________________________
- Place a T in the exact center of the word ____________________________
- Double every 5th letter _______________________________________
- Move the first S to the beginning of the word ________________________
- Move the second S to the end of the word _________________________
- Take away all the K’s _______________________________________
- Exchange the places of the 4th and the 10th letters _______________________
- Take away all the I’s ________________________________________
- Change the G to C __________________________________________
- Remove the R’s and the E’s ____________________________________
- Now, add a U before the last letter, and put a space between the second A and the C ____________________________________________________
11 .Просмотр презентаций учащихся
- 12 Put the sentences into a logical order according to the text.
- The most beautiful Christmas tree is in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square.
- The most important meal is Christmas dinner.
- Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
- Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the US.
- They put branches of holly and mistletoe over the doors.
- In Britain, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday.
- People sometimes go carol singing, which means singing carols in the street, outside people’s houses.
- Santa Claus is supposed to fly about the sky in a sleigh, pulled by reindeer.
- The Christmas story comes from the Bible.
- There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney.
- 13. Find the answers to the questions
- What is the main holiday in Great Britain
- When is Christmas celebrated?
- Is Christmas a religious holiday?
- Where is the most beautiful Christmas tree situated?
- How do people decorate Christmas tree?
- What is the main Christmas desert?
- What do children put at the end of their bed or by the chimney?
- Who is Santa Claus?
- How does Santa Claus get into people’s houses?
- Is Boxing Day a public holiday?
- Santa Claus is an imaginary old man in red clothes and with a long white beard.
- Yes, Boxing Day and is a public holiday.
- Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the US.
- The most beautiful Christmas tree is in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square.
- People decorate Christmas tree with tinsel, baubles, and fairy lights.
- Children put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney.
- Christmas is held on December 25th.
- The main Christmas desert is Christmas pudding.
- Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
- Yes, Christmas is a religious holiday.
- . Заключительная часть.
- Подведение итогов урока
- In the end of our lesson I want you to tell me in a few words what you’ve known about Christmas in Britain.
- Выставление оценок.
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