Методическая разработка по теме: Let’s Write a Fairy-tale!
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Разработана для тренировки чтения слов в транскрипции по теме «Животные», повторения и активизации лексического и грамматического материала по изученной теме, развития монологической и диалогической речи, навыков письма, чтения повествовательных предложений.
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Методическая разработка по теме:
Let’s Write a Fairy-tale!
Мотина Алина Алексеевна, учитель английского языка,
МБОУ СОШ №15, г.о.Королёв М.О.
Цели: тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции по теме «Животные», повторение и активизация лексического и грамматического материала по изученной теме, развитие монологической и диалогической речи, навыков письма, чтения повествовательных предложений, обучение проектной технологии,
1-ый этап: подготовка, определение темы и целей проекта (написание сказки о животных),
2-ой этап: планирование, распределение задач и обязанностей между участниками (учащиеся выполняют эту работу индивидуально или в парах),
3-ий этап: исследование проблемы (поиск необходимого лексического и грамматического материала),
4-ый этап: достижение результатов (составление сказки о животных),
5-ый этап: презентация результатов (чтение сказки в классе).
- Introduction.
- Warming-up.
Pupils answer the following questions using the picture on p.64.
- Where did the little monkey sit?
- Was the crocodile hungry or not?
- What did the little monkey do?
- Did the crocodile want to eat?
- Who helped the monkey?
- Phonetic activities.
Pupils read the following words. The words are given in transcription.
Crocodile Giraffe Lion Elephant | Mouse Fox Camel Whale | Dolphin Eagle Sheep Wolf | Monkey Snake Horse Kangaroo |
- Lexical activities.
Pupils translate the phrases into English.
1)маленькая обезьяна (a little monkey)
2)хотела есть (wanted to eat)
3)зеленый крокодил (a green crocodile)
4)был голоден (was hungry)
5)много охотников (many hunters)
6)желтый банан (a yellow banana).
- Project “Let’s write a fairy tale!”
- Writing.
Pupils make up a fairy tale about a monkey and a crocodile using the expressions on p.64.
E x a m p l e: There was a little smart monkey on a tall tree. A big green crocodile came to the tree. He saw the little monkey and wanted to eat it. He was hungry. He said, “We are friends. Come to me! I want to speak to you!” but the little monkey was very smart. The monkey said, “I see many hunters. They are on the way to the tree!” The crocodile said, “Oh, hunters! I must go home! I do not want to eat this yellow banana!” And the crocodile ran away.
- Speaking.
Pupils read their fairy tales and play different roles. They work in their workbooks (p.78). after reading the fairy tale, pupils can ask different questions.
- Where was the little monkey?
- What did the monkey eat?
- What did the crocodile say to the monkey?
- Who did the crocodile see?
- What did the monkey say to the crocodile?
- Why did the crocodile run away?
Pupils chose the best fairy tale.
- The conclusion of the lesson.
Homework: review irregular verbs on page 63.
In order to keep fit it is necessary to follow some rules:
- To get up early and to go to bed early.
Every person should sleep 8 hours a day in order to stay calm. The English proverb says: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.”
- To eat natural food: fruit and vegetables, freshly squeezed juices and mineral water. One shouldn’t drink much coffee. No smoking. Lots of garlic to prevent colds. “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”.
- To go in for sport and do morning exercises regularly.
As for me I like swimming. I like to swim twice a week. It keeps me fit for the rest of a day. It is getting popular now.
I know what I should do to stay healthy. Unfortunately, when I see tasty food I forget all useful proverbs.
The Global Warming
In my survey I tried to find out how the global warming can change the geographical profile of the Earth and its vegetation cover.
It is easy to understand the Greenhouse Effect by thinking of the greenhouse in the garden. Atmosphere around the Earth acts like glass in the greenhouse. It is important to all living things, the Earth would be lifeless without atmosphere. The trouble is that our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals. The most important greenhouse gas is CO2 . The main source of it is the burning fossils –coal, gas, petrol and wood. Other greenhouse gases are nitrogen oxide, given off by cars, and CFCs. They are building up in the atmosphere and do not allow the sun’s heat to escape into space. That is why we are facing the problem of overheating or Global Warming.
However, if the temperature rises by a few degrees a number of things would happen:
- Some of the ice around the North and South Poles would melt.
- Sea levels would rise.
- The weather would begin to change.
Some scientists now think that the sea level could rise 2 metres. The results of it would be catastrophic. Low-lying countries such as Holland and Bangladesh would disappear. Seawater would surge up the rivers and the salt would kill many of the things which live in the water.
Moreover, many countries could be hit by tropical storms and hurricanes. People might face a food shortage. Large areas of farmland can be flooded, ruined by seawater.
Furthermore, many scientists say that the Global warming has already caused odd changes in the weather, among them the recent mild winters and the extremely hot summer in 2010.
To conduct the survey to find out how aware people are of the problem, I asked 25 people to answer my questions. Their ages range from 15 to 68. The analysis of the results proves that most of the respondents are fully aware of the problem. However, only a few of them (15%) do something about it. They put plastic bottles into recycling bins (there are some in Korolyov), walk or ride bicycles to school or work instead of using transport.
Finally, considering the problem to be very important, I suggest dealing with it on a global scale, like introducing state environmental programs and studying Ecology at schools, developing new environment friendly technologies. Something must be done as soon as possible before it is too late!
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