Photography. Describing a photo. Конспект урока по теме "Описание фотографии"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок разработан в соответствии с ФГОС второго поколения и знакомит учащихся 7 класса с темой описания фотографии: правилами построения устного высказывания, историей фотографии, знаменитыми фотографиями 20 века и грамматическими конструкциями, используемые в монологическом высказывании
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Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги!
Проедставляю вам открытый урок по теме:
Photography. The first steps to describe a photo. к учебнику 7 класса
для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой Английский язык.VII класс. Раздел « Me and my world»
(Урок рассчитан 45 минут)
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с историей фотографии, видами фотографии, знаменитыми фотографиями и правилами описания фото.
Планируемые результаты:
- познакомить с новыми словами по теме;
- научить применять новые слова в речи;
- напомнить правила словообразования;
- развивать построения монологического высказывания по образцу.
2. Личностные:
- понять и выделить для себя основные культурные элементы фотографирования;
- объяснить, какие и почему ты хотел бы сделать фотографии.
3. Познавательные:
- находить и выбирать нужную информацию в текстах;
- классифицировать по заданным фактам;
- сравнивать по заданным параметрам;
- устанавливать аналогии самостоятельно.
4. Регулятивные:
- выдвигать версии;
- планировать свою деятельность;
- оценивать степень своей успешности при достижении цели;
- сравнивать полученные результаты с планируемыми в начале урока.
Тип урока: усвоение новых знаний.
Используемые педагогические технологии, методы и приемы:
-использование компьютерных, здоровье сберегающих технологий;
-использование технологии проблемного обучения;
-использование приема развития критического мышления учащихся;
-методы контроля (взаимопроверка и самоконтроль);
-методы формирования интереса к учению (методы эмоционального стимулирования)
Организация урока:
-индивидуальная работа (высказывание собственного мнения и работа с заданиями)
-парная и групповая работа
-работа с презентацией и с фотографиями
-карточки с текстами
-карточки для заполнения таблицы по аудированию
-карточки с буквами ABC для выполнения теста
-карточки с изображением символов: карта Европы, флаг Соединенного королевства, флаг Санкт-Петербурга, флаг Советского Союза.
Речевой материал: лексика по теме «Photography»
План урока.
1.Постановка проблемы и определение темы. Мне нравится когда учащиеся сами определяют тему урока и решают логические задачи, поэтому я начала свой рассказ с сенатской площади. Я встретила группу студентов, мы разговорились и они мне передали фотографии для вас. В конвертах на партах находятся следующие фотографии, которые можно также увидеть на доске.
My new friends told me that the photos were the part of their project and they gave me an idea to work with you. What can you tell me about these photos? What can you see in them? To whom was the monument put up? Where was the photo taken? Where are these students from? Maybe, the symbol of their school helps you. Они работают в парах и выдвигают свои версии.
Для подтверждения своих версий они используют смартфоны и сканируют код на обороте фотографий и работают с текстом, отвечая на вопросы. Answer the questions Вариант ответа учащегося
What can you see in the picture? The monument to Peter the Great.
Where was it put up? It was put up in Deptford in the district of London.
Who took the picture? The students you met, they are from London.
Do you remember where I met the students? You met them in Senate Square.
Why? Maybe, they want to compare two monuments to Peter the Great because there is a monument to Peter the Great in Senate square.
Есть ли еще какие-то не выясненные факты: Кто ?
Памятник был открыт в 2001 году в лондонском районе Дептфорд, в том месте на берегу реки Темзы, где в 1698 году некоторое время жил Петр I. Памятник создан скульптором Михаилом Шемякиным и архитектором Вячеславом Бухаевым. Он является даром России Великобритании.
2.Составление предполагаемого плана.
3.История фотографии. Виды фотографий.
You know one of the famous American photographers of the 20th century Diane Arbus said: “The photo is a secret about the secret.” [3] (Слайд 4)
You have taken a photo of a moment and will keep it for a long time. By the way, do you know when the photography was invented? (Предполагают о появлении фотографии)
Some scientists believe that Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, described the image of the first photo. (Слайд 5)
When did he live? Two thousand years ago.
Why is he famous? His works in Philosophy, he was a teacher of Alexander the Great.
To find out more information about the photography, before doing the task, try to read out the words on the board. (Слайд 6)
Louis Daguerre landscape/cityscape
Lewis Carroll daguerreotype
Still life to establish
Работают по распечаткам на партах. Читают текст и вставляют слова по смыслу в предложения.
Will you swap your sheet of papers with each other? Let`s check the work. Will you read out sentence by sentence in turn from the board? [4] (Слайд 8) ( Меняются распечатками и проверяют друг друга)
Who has no mistakes? Brilliant! Good job!
By the way, what are the most popular styles of photography? (Называют стили ещё раз, используя информацию из распечатки)
Please, think about the first photos what style they were?
Portraits and cityscape (предполагаемые ответы детей).You are absolutely right.
Even the first selfie was made in 1839! Nowadays the portrait photos are most popular
Использую песню дл отдыха, иотому что 7 классы любят петь.
Let`s have a rest and listen to a funny song describing people. It will help us brush up our appearance vocabulary. But it is a game. If any element of a song is connected with you, please, stand up. Children, watch each other, we`ll find out who is the most attentive in our class. [5] (Слайд 9)
5.Составление плана описания фотографий в паре. Знаменитые фотографии.
Now will you take the photo of my friends? Do you remember the way we describe the photo of the monument to Peter the Great? (Вспоминают последовательность описания первых фотографий)
By the way, what are their styles? Portrait and cityscape.
Remember the plan of describing a photo. (Слайд 10)
1. Where was the photo taken? When was it taken?
2. Who/What is in the picture?
3. What is happening?
4. Why does the photographer make this picture?
To make your description right, take the lexical reminders from the desk. Follow me, please.
(Работают с памяткой по построению высказывания по картинке фронтально, в паре, а затем в группе) [6]
Question № 1. this photo was taken when/ … in… / during one`s stay at… / While travelling…./ last year/ two years ago; this is a photo from my photo album, which was taken during one`s holidays
Question № 2. In the photo you can see … /… there is/there are …
-People (relatives, friends, classmates…): • Age, appearance, clothes • How do they feel? (happy, sad, worried, angry, bored, tired/ tall, …)
-Objects • size, colour
-In the background/ foreground / centre / top right corner / bottom left corner
Question № 3. Present Continuous: He/she is …- ing. They are …- ing
Question № 4. this photo was taken because … • to memorize one of the best days of one`s holidays • to show it to one`s parents • to show the proof that I indeed saw (the place or object) in person • to capture the exciting moment of/the remarkable scene of
Will you work in pairs and try to describe this photo making a story together?
You have 3minutes to make up a story. Use one or two sentences to each question.
Your time is over. Will you turn back and form a group of 4.Will you share your information with them either? You have 3 minutes to exchange your ideas.
Now who wants to present a group and try to describe a photo?
(Один из группы рассказывает с опорой на памятку, другие члены группа могут дополнить.)
6. I think many people in the world have photo albums. Either do I. But these photos are most popular. They are known all over the world. Will you match the number, letter and description? [7]
Will you work in pairs? Take your sheets of paper on your desks, please. Work with the board and your papers. (Слайд 11)
a) Albeit Einstein is considered a genius. He created the theory of Relativity (относительность) and challenged Isaac Newton`s laws. But he was a hipster (человек,не принимающий условности)
b) The Soviet Union soldiers Raqymzhan Qoshqarbaev and Georgij Bulatov
raised the flag on the roof of Reichstag building (the house of the government) in Berlin in Germany in May, 1945. It was one of the main symbols of the victory over Germany.
c) Astronaut Neil Armstrong left his footprint on the moon. He was the first man who set foot on the lunar surface. He said: “That was one small step for a human, one giant leap for mankind”
Who has made no mistakes? Will you stand up? Brilliant!
Who has made one mistake? Will you stand up? Have you cleared up everything?
What styles are these photos? ( Отвечают по стилям фотографий)
Why do you think these photos are still popular? Will you explain the expression of Neil Armstrong? «That was one small step for a human, one giant leap for mankind»
What did he mean? What is the important role of the photo? Give your explanations.
(Выражают своё мнение о фотографии, её роли и месте в истории)
As we`ve mentioned, nowadays portraits are popular. Will you look at my photos and find what can be said about each of them. Match sentences and photos. The sentences and photos are in your envelopes. Take them out and start working. Who will be the first? [8] ( Слайд 12)
1. They all look cheerful.
2. They look suntanned and relaxed.
3. He looks like an army general.
4. They look like scientists.
5. She looks as if she is going to cry.
6. They look as if they are quarrelling.
Let`s check. Will you read out the right sentence to the photo?
( После работы в паре проверяют вместе с учителем работу пары)
Now what can you say about the usage of the verb look? ( Слайд 13)
Look at the board, think using your matching, work in pairs and be ready to answer.
Complete the rules.
These are common phrases with the verb look.
1. look + ___________________ to describe how things seem.
2. look like +________________ to say two things appear similar.
3. look as if+ ___________________to suggest something is true or possible.
Who wants to answer? So you are ready to check yourselves. (Выводят правила в паре, а затем проверяют вместе)
7.Now let`s check ourselves. ( Слайд 14)
Take ABC cards, please. I will read out the sentence then you will raise the right card. Ready, go.
Complete the sentences with A) look, B) look like, C) look as if.
1. He doesn’t ___________ very happy in this photo. A
2. We ___________ a businessman. B
3. They ___________ they`re going to pull a gun out of his pocket. C
4. They ___________ they are chatting. C
5. They all ___________very sad. A
6. She doesn`t ___________ a teacher. B
If you have no mistakes, you have been attentive today. Good job!
Now let`s see how you remember the information you`ve learnt today.
Look at the board and use ABC cards again. [9] (Слайд 15)
The right answers are 1A 2B 3A 4C.
Will you stand up who hasn`t made any mistake? All the students. Brilliant!
8. At the beginning of the lesson you tried to guess what we were going to study. Let`s check our ideas. (Читают план, составленный в начале урока, и обсуждают его)
According to the plan what we have studied today. What may you study at the next lesson? What have you known at the lesson today? What new words have struck you today? Why are you interested in photographing?
Do you have any questions after the lesson? Then my question to you:
What is this monument in Senate Square?
Why were the students in Saint Petersburg? They were in Senate Square because they took photo of Peter the Great or Bronze Horse rider.
Your homework will be to prepare a folder of different interesting photos about your life, your friends or hobbies. We will try to describe the best photos and guess whose photos are.
I hope your life story is kept in photos, because the English idiom says “A picture is worth a thousand words”. [10] Save your lovely moments. (Слайд 16)
Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day. Goodbye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Senate Square
Diane Arbus (1923-1971) American photographer “The photo is a secret about the secret.”
Aristotle 384 – 322 B.C. Alexander the Great
Louis Daguerre landscape/cityscape Lewis Carroll daguerreotype Still life to establish
1839 Louis Daguerre 2009 photos Lewis Carroll 17 Fill in the information to complete sentences. The most popular hobby in the world is taking (1 )……. The word photography came from the Greek words photo (meaning “light”) and graphein (meaning “to draw”). The process of taking a photo was invented by (2 ) …… in the 19 th century. In (3) …… this process was called after him as a daguerreotype. Many outstanding people took up photographing in the 19 th century. The most well-known photographer was (4) …….. , a writer of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. His famous photo was the skeleton of the sunfish. At the beginning of the 21 st century the World Photography Day was established. Since (5) …… the day of the 19 th of August is known as the World Photography Day when most pictures should be taken. Today there are about (6 )…….. styles of photos. The most popular kinds are landscape/cityscape, portrait, still life and nature photography.
1839 Louis Daguerre 2009 photos Lewis Carroll 17 Fill in the information to complete sentences. The most popular hobby in the world is taking (1 photos The word photography came from the Greek words photo (meaning “light”) and graphein (meaning “to draw”). The process of taking a photo was invented by (2 ) Louis Daguerre in the 19 th century. In (3) 1839 this process was called after him as a daguerreotype. Many outstanding people took up photographing in the 19 th century. The most well-known photographer was (4) Lewis Carroll , a writer of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. His famous photo was the skeleton of the sunfish. At the beginning of the 21 st century the World Photography Day was established. Since (5) 2009 the day of the 19 th of August is known as the World Photography Day when most pictures should be taken. Today there are about (6) 17 styles of photos. The most popular kinds are landscape/cityscape, portrait, still life and nature photography.
The plan of describing a photo 1. Where was the photo taken? When was it taken? 2. Who/What is in the picture? 3. What is happening? 4. Why does the photographer make this picture?
1 2 3 A The print on the moon (1969) B Albert Einstein (1951 ) C Reichstag flag (1945) D Lewis Carroll Let`s check : 1Cb 2Ba 3Ac That was one small step for a human, one giant leap for mankind
a b c d e f
Complete the rules. These are common phrases with the verb look . look + ___________________ to describe how things seem. 2. look like +________________ to say two things appear similar. 3 . look as if+ ___________________to suggest something is true or possible.
He doesn’t ___________ very happy in this photo. 2. We ___________ a businessman. 3. They ___________ they`re going to pull a gun out of his pocket. 4. They ___________ they are chatting. 5. They all ___________very sad. 6. She doesn`t ___________ a teacher. Complete the sentences with A) look, B) look like, C) look as if.
for your work !
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