Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных навыков
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Орлова Наталия Евгеньевна

В данной презентации рассмотрены основные этапы деятельности учащихся для отработки коммуникативной компетенции


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных навыков на основе отработки диалогической речи. Диалог с обменом оценочной информацией ( модулированная ситуация)

Слайд 2

Диалогическое высказывание Умения Уметь начать, поддержать и закончить беседу, предлагать варианты к обсуждению, выражать свои аргументы “ за ” и “ против ” предложенного варианта, соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами, выбирать адекватный стиль речи, употребляя формулы речевого этикета, принимать совместное решение

Слайд 3

Raising money for charity. Choosing an art event. Discuss the following options and choose the best art event: a photographic exhibition a demonstration by a well-known local artist a classical music concert a painting competition

Слайд 4

The Structure of a Dialogue Speaker A Speaker B Introduce the topic & make the 1st suggestion(reason) Ask for another option. Reject the 2nd suggestion , give reason. Suggest the 3d option, give reasons. Agree on the 4th option. Reject the 1st suggestion, give reason. Suggest the 2nd option, support your idea. Reject the 3d option, reason. Suggest the 4th option, support your idea. Agree.

Слайд 5

Complete these questions in as many different ways as you can Why don't we…? How about…? Do you want to… ? Shall we…? Do you feel like…? Do you think we should …? What do you think of..? Do you fancy…? Would you like to… ?

Слайд 6

Complete the phrases using the given words: afraid are certain completely good have point I'm ……. I don't agree because… I agree up to a…., but… . That's a …..point, and… I ………to disagree with you. I'm ……. I don't agree because… I agree up to a…., but… . That's a …..point, and… I ………to disagree with you.

Слайд 7

Complete the phrases using the words: about best do don't idea let's sure thing think wonder I …….if we should……. Maybe the best….. would be to…… Why…..we...? What do you think……? I think the ……thing might be to… I'm not……..I agree, to be honest. I don't …….we should… I'm not convinced it's a good…….because… …..think about…… So, …….we agree?

Слайд 8

Choosing an art event to raise money for charity Your class should organize an art event to raise money for charity. Discuss the following options and choose one of them that appeals to both of you: a photographic exhibition a demonsteation by a well-known artist a classical music concert a painting competition

Слайд 9

Arguments for Arguments against a photographic exhibition a demonstration by a well-known artist a classical music concert a painting competition

Слайд 10

A photographic exhibition Arguments for Arguments against We can learn photography techniques. It’s modern & popular with teenagers. It’s in great demand now. Sometimes looking at photos we can see things from another point/with different eyes, discover new things in everyday life. I’m worried whether everyone would be able to get involved. Not everyone has a camera to take pictures. It could be expensive to print & enlarge the pictures.

Слайд 11

A demonstration by a well-known artist Arguments for Arguments against We could get someone to come in & teach a variety of art skill. Many students are interested in the profession of an artist. It’s a great chance to speak to a celebrity. It may be not interesting for other students. There may be not many fans of this artist. It will be difficult to find & invite a really famous well-known artist.

Слайд 12

A classical music concert Arguments for Arguments against It’s a great chance to demonstrate your talents & abilities. It’s good to acquaint children with classical music. I t improves hearing & develops a good taste in music. Many people are not keen on classical music. We have no good performers of classical music.

Слайд 13

A painting competition Arguments for Arguments against Everyone can try to paint. We have all necessary facilities & supplies . It will be a beautiful exhibition. It’s boring. We’ve already had it recently . It’s interesting only for young children.

Слайд 14

Remember to: Discuss all the options Take an active part in the conversation Be polite Come up with ideas Give good reasons Find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account Invite your friend to come up with suggestions Come to an agreement

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