Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Volunteer in Sport"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке “Volunteers in Sport”
- Oh, my God! We are lost! We have chosen a wrong way!
- We are alone in a foreign city, in a foreign country. I am frightened. What are we to do?
- I am afraid I have no idea.
- Excuse me, can I help you?
- Oh, thank God. You speak English. We are from Great Britain, you know.
- Yes, we are football fans. This is our first visit to Russia. And we don`t know how to get to Mordovia arena.
- I`m afraid we will be late to the match.
- Don`t worry! My name is Dasha and I`m a sport volunteer. I`ll help you. At first, you’re going in the wrong direction. Secondly the best way of getting there is to take a bus.
- And, Which bus must we take?
- Number 12.
- Ok, and where’s the bus stop, please?
- Let me show you the way to the bus stop. This way, please.
- Oh, Thank you for your help.
- You are welcome. Have a good time!
- Nowadays, it is not surprisingly to participate in volunteer activities. Volunteers are everywhere: they help animal shelters, arrange educational campaigns, care for the elderly and organize different parties at the children`s home. This requires a lot of inner strength, desire and understanding – for what and why. As for me I am a volunteer of sport events.
- You ask me what the sport volunteerism is? It became popular after the Olympic games in Sochi. Any competition is a mobilization of forces and resources in one place and assistants quite not excess here. You can help on stadium, prepare tracks, meet teams at the airports, and communicate with tourists in town.
- At first sight, it seems that a sport volunteer means only sport. But it is not true. Help is needed in different spheres – from translation to the first medical aim.
- I was a volunteer in the biathlon World cup. It was an unforgettable experience. Imagine, I talked to Anton Shipulin and Marten Furkad themselves. Oh, it was unbelievable. I made some photos. Look. But it is not necessary to get involved in it if you think it's a way to watch the competition for free. The volunteer can stand in the sub-tribune room or in the Parking lot the whole match.
- Is it for everybody? I think not, and that's okay. You can't force a person to be a volunteer. It's not anything you can do under a stick.
- I`ve made a lot of friends during my volunteer activities. Let`s ask them why they chose this way.
1. I like to be aware of sports events.
2. I want to be useful for people. I can help people free of charge, and I like it, I love people, and it's easy for me to work with them.
3. When I was offered to be a volunteer, I immediately agreed! After all, this is a unique chance to enter the history of the Olympic movement and the history of our country! "To make the Olympics with your own hands, to assist in conducting this grandiose event - I think that this experience is invaluable for the future career and life in General.
4. "It started with the love of biathlon and the Norwegian biathlete Bjorndallen. In 2009 I went as a spectator on the stage of the biathlon world Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk. Then I had a desire gradually to be in the sphere of sport.
5. Why did I decide to become a volunteer? Since childhood, I have been doing sports and I cannot imagine my life without it.
- Now we are volunteers of the football world Cup which takes place in our country, in Russia. It`s a great event for me and my friends. 4 matches will be held in our Republic in Mordovia arena. This is a new modern stadium. The capacity of the stadium is 45 015 seats. Hotels, fan zone, the main city attractions are also located at an acceptable distance from the arena. I think everybody will enjoy matches in such great Arena. And our team of volunteers will make this holiday better for others. So, welcome to Mordovia.
- Oh, Dasha, we are very glad to see you again.
- My old acquaintances! How are you? How did you like our town, and matches in the Mordovia arena.
- Everything was at the highest level. We didn't have any problems.
- We were surrounded by volunteers everywhere. We are very grateful for all.
- Now we are convinced that Russia is a very friendly country. Here there are a lot of friendly people who are ready to help.
- I want to present you a symbol of friendship, charity and kindness. It`s a pigeon. Take it and remember me and our country.
- Thank you!
The way of kindness
Ask your life what the road I should pick in the world?
And where in the world should go following the sun?
Temptations, let them go and grasp unwritten law
So, go my friend and always choose the way of charity
Temptations, let them go and grasp unwritten law
So, go my friend and always choose the way of charity
Forget your worries now, forget your ups and downs
And don't weep when fortune doesn't act like it`s your friend
But if your friend's in trouble - don't hope for any marvel
So, go my friend and always choose the way of charity
But if your friend's in trouble - don't hope for any marvel
So, go my friend and always choose the way of charity
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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