Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе "Brain Ring"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе "Brain Ring"
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МАОУ «Гимназия им. Н. В. Пушкова»
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе
Название: “Brain Ring”.
Составитель: Куркина Татьяна Анатольевна
Учитель английского языка
Троицк, 2018
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе
Название: “Brain Ring”.
Цель мероприятия: Развитие спонтанной речи учащихся, развитие аудирования, письма. Активизация грамматических навыков, активизация изученной лексики.
Задачи мероприятия:
- Образовательные:
- закрепить знания учащихся по изученным темам
- Развивающие:
- развивать умение работать в коллективе;
- развивать внимание, память, мышление;
- развивать такие личностные качества, как ответственность, доброжелательность, чувство взаимопомощи;
- развивать умение аудирования;
- развивать умение спонтанной речи.
- Воспитательные:
- воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка;
- повышать мотивацию к изучению языка.
Оснащение кабинета: Интерактивная доска, компьютер, аудиоприложение, раздаточный материал, картинки.
Ход мероприятия
Teacher: Hello, children and our guests! I’m very glad to see you here. Two teams will take part in the competition called “Brain Ring”. Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English. We have a competent jury to count your points. Every right answer brings you a point. And you made up your motto. It can bring you 5 points.
I wish you success! Be active, honest and helpful!
It’s time to introduce yourselves.
Who is the captain of the 1st team? (капитаны команд и девиз выбираются заранее).
Pupil 1: I’m the captain of the team. The name of our team is “The stars of England”. Our motto is “Learning English is so fun, we like to do it every time!”
Teacher: Who is the captain of the 2nd team?
Pupil 2: I’m the captain of the team. The name of our team is “The Rainbow”. Our motto is “Colour me red, colour me blue, colour me a rainbow too. We can count, we can write, we can listen and be right!”
- Teacher: Our first contest is a warm-up activity. Every team will get a card with a task. You have to find a word with the 1st tipe of a syllable in every column of words. Then make up a sentence with these words. Write it down.
Then find a word with the 2nd type of a syllable in every column and make up a sentence with those words. Write it down. You will have two sentences in the end.
- The second contest. Listen to me and guess what the word is. Don’t forget to raise your colour for jury to give you a point first.
- It is a person who serves people food and drinks, for example, in a café or a restaurant (a waiter).
- It is an animal which is very big. It has got a big head, a big body and a big long tail. It hasn’t got any legs. It can swim and jump. It can’t walk or run. It lives in the sea (a dolphin).
- It is a number. Five multiply eight, plus thirteen, minus twelve. (41).
- It is a thing where you put your pens, pencils and rubbers (a pencil case).
- You can sit on it. It is usually in the living room. There are often two of them together with a sofa (an armchair).
- It is your relative. It is a girl. She and you have the same mother and father. You are ten and she is five (a little sister).
- The third contest. Describe a picture with one sentence (Use Present Continuous).
- She is painting a picture.
- He is watching TV.
- He is riding a bike.
- He is playing a computer game.
- He is playing the violin.
- They are dancing.
- She is skating.
- He is making sandcastles.
- He is driving a car.
- She is riding a horse.
- The fourth contest is listening. Listen to children and say what is their favourite day or days of the week and why? I’ll give you cards with the children.
Jun – Monday. She is back to school. She likes learning.
Ling – Thursday. It is his lucky day.
Edna – Friday. You are with your friends. Weekend isn’t far away.
Dennis – Tuesday. He doesn’t like Friday. He is tired on Friday.
Mike – Saturday and Sunday. There is no school. You play games and meet friends.
Lora – She doesn’t have her vavourite day of the week. She likes every day.
V. And the last fifth contest for our captains. Say what is your favourite day or days of the week and why? You have 1 minute to think.
Teacher: This is the end of our competition. Of course, all of you were the best and all of you are winners!!!
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