Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Мой любимый праздник"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Размахнина Ольга Борисовна

Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Мой любимый праздник" учебник New Millennium English


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное образовательное учреждение

 « Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2 »

Урок английского языка

My Favourite Holiday

10 класс

по учебнику « New Millennium English»  


                                                                                               учитель английского языка

                                                                                               Размахнина О.Б.



Учитель: Размахнина О.Б., МОУ СОШ № 2 г. Моршанск

Тема урока: «Мой любимый праздник»

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели урока:


- расширение  и углубление знаний обучающихся по теме « Праздники»

- формирование коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенции обучающихся


- воспитание любви к родному краю, его историческому прошлому и традициям

- повышение самооценки обучающихся


- развитие критического мышления, познавательной активности


- пополнить лексический запас по теме «Праздники»

- стимулировать употребление лексико-грамматических единиц в устной и письменной речи

- научить обучающихся извлекать информацию из текста в том объёме, который необходим для решения конкретной речевой задачи, используя определённые технологии чтения

Формируемые ценности

Культурно-историческая идентичность

Основные понятия

Праздники, традиции

Межпредметные связи




Раздаточные дидактические материалы

Мультимедийная презентация

Учебник Гроза О.Л. и др. Английский язык нового тысячелетия/New Millennium English для 10 кл. общеобраз.учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул,  2009


компьютер, проектор, доска



  1. Lead in

T: Here are some photos from my family album. Can you give them a title?

LL: Holidays.

T.: During our lesson you will expand your knowledge about holidays and I hope you’ll enjoy it.

  1. Reading and Listening

T: Read, listen and guess what holidays this information is about. Match the holiday and the picture if there is any on the screen.

L – Cl

1. In America and Great Britain this holiday is before New Year and in Russia it is after the New Year’s Day. (Christmas)

2. Presents are supposed to be sent by Father Frost and Snow Maiden. (New Year)

3. This religious holiday is held on the first full moon between March 22 and April 25. (Easter)

4. It is one of the most memorable dates when our country won the war against the fascist Germany. (Victory Day)

5. Pancakes are traditionally cooked. (Shrovetide)

6. It is a special day for schoolchildren and their teachers. (the Day of Knowledge)

7. Popular decorations are ghosts, witches, skeletons and black cats. (Halloween)

8. It is one of the local festivals. (City Day)

9. On this day people play tricks on their families and friends. (April, 1)

10. Women are given flowers and presents. (Women’s Day)

11. We congratulate our men and boys. (February,, 23)

12. They are the three main official holidays in Russia. (The day of nation Unity, the Day of Russia, Constitution Day)

T: Almost every festival has its symbol. Do you agree? What holiday symbols can you see on the screen? What other holiday symbols do you know?

Ll: (Possible answers)

T: Look at the screen once again. Which picture does not match? Why?

Ll: Halloween. It’s not a Russian holiday.

T: We are going to speak about holidays in our country. How do Russian people celebrate their holidays?

  1. Brainstorming

What associations have you got when you hear the words holiday activities?

  1. Speaking

Everybody likes holidays. It is interesting to know what the most popular holidays in the class are. Ask your classmates and tell about their favourute holidays.

  1. Reading

      Pre-reading activity

T: We are going to read the text about my favourite holiday. What holiday, do you think, I like more, a Russian or a foreign one?

     While-reading activity

First Reading

Read and check your guesses.

Second Reading

T: Read the text once again and answer the questions:

  1. What is the name of the festival?
  2. When is it celebrated?
  3. What do people usually do on this day?
  4. Why do children enjoy the holiday?

Third Reading

1. Read the text and mark the following sentences as true or false

  1. It is a well-known holiday.
  2. Yarilky is celebrated in August.
  3. The author’s mother doesn’t enjoy the holiday.

     2. Complete the sentences

1. Yarilky is sometimes called

a) Easter

b) Mermaids’ holiday

c) Trinity

2. During Yarilky children

a) swim in the river

b) drink much water

c) pour water over people

3. On this day children carry

a) bottles full of water

b) bottles of Coke

c) flags and balloons

3. Match two parts of the sentence

1. This festival                                             a) do not get offended.

2. You run the risk                                       b) has no fixed date.

3. The weather is usually                             c) of having a cold shower.

4. Most people                                             d) very hot on this day.

Post-reading activity

T: One sentence from the text seems debatable. Can you find it?

Ll: (Possible answers)

Mind some information about the origin of the holiday. Look at the screen.

1. Fill in the gaps.

2. Match the name and the description of the holiday.

3. Fill in the table.




 main activity

  1. Reflection

T: Have you ever participated in any water holidays? Would you like to? What holidays would you organize? Work in groups. Make a poster. Speak about your water holiday using the table as a plan.

  1. Speaking

LL. represent their posters.

  1. Home assignment

Make the advertisement of your new local holiday to attract as many tourists as possible.


Text 1

                                My Favourite Holiday

Many youngsters in Morshansk add one more holiday to famous Russian holidays. Have you ever heard about a holiday called Yarilky? Some people call it Igrishcha or Mermaids’ Holiday. It dates back to the pagan times praying for rain in dry weather. This holiday has no fixed date. It comes on Monday a week after Trinity. It is usually very hot on this day. The main activity of the holiday is to pour water over other people.

   Early in the morning children gather out-of-doors with bottles and buckets full of water. They pour water over each other and have fun. But there is one thing my mother doesn’t like – you risk taking a cold shower passing by a group of teenagers.They even pour water on cars and buses. Most peopledo not get offended. We are really lucky to have such a wonderful and exciting holiday in Morshansk.

Text 2

The week after Trinity was__________ Mermaids’ Week. People believed mermaids went out of rivers and ponds and sat on tree branches. Peasants were afraid to go to the forest until the week was ___________ and some traditions were __________.

      observed      over        called

Text 3

Long ago people worshiped______ gods. Yarilo was an____name of the Sun. The power of the Sun was always  connected with the         strength of water.

The festival glorified a _____________ power of Nature.

ancient     life-giving     pagan

Text 4

In some provinces people had a special _________ on that day. They cooked tasty  _________ and put on their best clothes, danced, sang songs, played games, poured themselves with water and had _______ .

meal    occasion    fun

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

The week after Trinity was__________ Mermaids’ Week. People believed mermaids went out of rivers and ponds and sat on tree branches. Peasants were afraid to go to the forest until the week was ___________ and some traditions were __________. observed over called

Слайд 4

ancient life-giving pagan Long ago people worshiped______ gods. Yarilo was an____name of the Sun. The power of the Sun was always connected with the strength of water. The festival glorified a _____________ power of Nature .

Слайд 5

meal occasion fun In some provinces people had a special _________ on that day. They cooked tasty _________ and put on their best clothes, danced, sang songs, played games, poured themselves with water and had _______ .

Слайд 6

Choose the symbol of the holiday

Слайд 7

Fill in the Table name date symbol main activity

Слайд 8

Информационные ресурсы Край родной Тамбовский. Разработки уроков по региональному социокультурному компоненту. – изд-во ТОИПКРО, 2002. Click on Russia.Culture Clips / edited by V. Evans, O. Afanasyeva,I. Mikheeva, - Express Publishing – Centercom, 2003, 2004. The Russian Traditions: A Guide for Foreigners. – Nizhny Novgorod: KiTizdat, 1996.

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