"Thanksgiving Day" - День Благодарения
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Данная презентация может использоваться на уроках английского языка по теме" Праздники в Британии" Содержит историю возникновения праздника. Традиции по проведению мероприятия.
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History THANKSGIVING became a national, thanks to a woman named Sarah Hale. Forty years, Sarah wrote to every American president with a request to proclaim Thanksgiving Day an official holiday, and her efforts were crowned with success. In 1863, George Washington proposed to celebrate this date November 26. And in 1864, after a long and bloody civil war, Abraham Lincoln decided to move Thanksgiving Day to the fourth Thursday in November.
In 1620, hundreds of people exposed to persecution the Church of England, crossed the Atlantic to find a new home in the New World. They settled in what is now Massachusetts. The first winter was hard, the new colonists arrived too late to grow the first crop, so this winter died half the population of the new colony. When spring came, the Indians taught the colonists how to grow corn, process an unfamiliar land to hunt and fish. Autumn of 1621 was assembled bountiful harvest of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins. In honor of this event, the colonists decided to have a celebratory feast. They invited the Indians, who brought the turkey and venison. Official recognition of the role of the Indians in the life of the first settlers there in the church of St. John at the ceremony of Thanksgiving Day only in 1988, more than four thousand people gathered that night, including the descendants of the first settlers and Native Americans - Indians from various tribes scattered equal.
About Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day is also called the Harvest Festival, and in fact is simply an expression of his gratitude and appreciation to God for the material well-being and good attitude. These days holiday in the U.S.A., and Canada is no longer a religious character. Gratitude and appreciation is expressed in the same family and friends. Sometimes jokingly referred to as the Americans this holiday Indyushkin day as this day is sure to cook a stuffed turkey with sweet syrup and pumpkin pie . Sample menu: Turkey Stuffing - stuffing, which is usually stuffed turkey Cranberry sauce - cranberry sauce that is served with turkey Gravy - gravy, sauce, which is served with turkey Potatoes Carrots Squash - kind of pumpkin or squash Pumpkin pie
Tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving Day The food: turkey, sweet potatoes, yams with beaten flower sauce, cranberry sauce, stuffing cubes rusk with spices, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and gravy. Two days, more food, View the football games on TV, again the food Local parades and even more food. The week after Thanksgiving is celebrated malnutrition remains. If someone is left without a holiday dinner, it will invite charitable organizations. The president himself has time in his schedule and go hard on this day to help feed the homeless, the poor and the elderly, superimposing them on a plate portions generous. It is clear that without his help would have done, but it's his role - to show the country the example of charity .
Turkey Pardon Another tradition - turkey pardoning ceremony. More than fifty years ago, she found Harry Truman. In keeping with this tradition is at least one turkey to avoid the fate to be on the holiday table. In the form of half-jokingly, half seriously recognize the role of Turkey as well as the role of charity on the eve of an American president announces clemency of the turkey, which together with him on TV on the White House lawn. The President read out a decree, and gently stroked the bird alarmed. Later, she was sent to the zoo, where she lives to old age.
Macy's parade in New York At the very Thanksgiving parades. The first parade walked along the western edge of Central Park in 1924, and since then every year the procession is sponsoring shopping monster Macy's. From there begins the Christmas season, hang red plakatiki SALE, shopping becomes feverish . By autumn streets is the procession, but in contrast to the European carnivals over the crowd piled not puppets of medieval characters, and bursting with hot air multimeter dog Snoopy, Garfield the cat, pig Piggy and other characters in American history.
The end.
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