Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Презентация английского клуба "Радуга"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Мероприятие в рамках внеклассной работы по предмету "Английский язык"
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Предварительный просмотр:
«СОШ № 29 им. Г.К.ЖУКОВА»
The English teacher: Netesova L.I.
The first scene.
Meeting the passengers.
Stewardesses and a pilot.
St.1- Hello, we are glad to see you. Welcome to our plane.
St.2- This way, please. Take your seats, please.
St.1- Let us introduce our interpreter. She will translate into Russian.
Pilot- Dear ladies, the pilot is speaking. I would like to welcome you a board” Delta Flight”, thirty –one, non stop to Heathrow Airport in London . We are currently flying at an altitude of eleven thousand metres. Our flight time will be three hours. We arrive at the airport in London at six o’ clock p. m. We leave nothing to chance. Flotation device is under your seats. Don’t think about air crash. We’ll try to make your trip comfortable and pleasant. Sit back, please, and enjoy the flight. Thank you for flying “DELTA”
St.1- dear guests! May I have your attention, please. Our plane is taking off. Fastern your seats belts, turn off your mobile phones. So we are in the air.
St.2- The temperature outside is 10 degrees below zero. The visibility is good.
St.1- Don’t feel yourselves bored. Relax, please. We can offer you some press and light music.
St.2- And now let us introduce your group leaders.
Group leader1: Hello. I’m group leader, my name is…
Gr. l.2- Hello. I’m… We are from the tourist agency” Foggy Albion”.
Gr. l.1- I’d like to tell you that the ceremony of the presentation of the English Club ”Rainbow” is expected in England. It is the greatest event nowadays.
Gr.l. 2- You will be the participants of this creative show and you’ll see everything with your own eyes.
St.1 It seems to me that it’s time to have a snack.
St.2 What can we offer?
G. L.1 It’s very important to know what to offer. It’s no secret that people from around the world eat different kinds of food.
G.L.2 For example Japanese people eat meals with chopsticks.
G.L.1 The airline crew also needs to know that cows are sacred in India, so they will not served beef products on flights.
St.1 And what about drinks?
G.L.2 Usually soft drinks are served, for example juice.
St.2 Orange juice, please.
St.1 Our flight is coming to an end. Our plane is landing, don’t leave your seats.
St.2 Our plane has landed. We say “ Good bye to you and good luck!”
The second scene.
G.L.1 You are welcome to our English Club “Rainbow”.
G.L.2 Dear guests! Take your seats according to the cards on the tables.
G.L.1 All right! It’s time to introduce the president of the club. Meet Ann Yaschuk.
The president- Good evening! I’m glad to see many guests at our English Club. “English Club” What does it mean? Now I’ll tell you shortly about its structure, its aims, its tasks. We are great lovers of E nglish and we want to improve it. We’d like to know more about England, its traditions, customs, culture. At our club we meet and communicate, discuss interesting problems. The club consists of five studios:
Poetic studio- the leader...
Theatrical studio- the leader…
Historical studio- the leader…
Cultural studio- the leader…
Searching studio – the leader…
Tourist agency- the leader…
Уважаемые гости! Мне, как президенту клуба, предоставлено право избрать директора школы Чупрову Т. Н. почётным членом английского клуба и вручить ей эмблему клуба и членский билет. Татьяна Николаевна, пройдите в центр зала, пожалуйста, перед вами англо-русский словарь Мюллера. Это настольная книга учителей английского языка. Положите руки на словарь и послушайте слова посвящения:
Почётному члену английского клуба,
Директору школы, коллеге и другу!
Во всём вам желаем удачливой быть
И просим покрепче английский любить!
Мы вам предлагаем «почётным» членом быть
А по « нечётным « школою руководить!
Мы надеемся, что вы унаследуете все лучшие традиции просвещённых британских монархов, поощряя новаторство; не жалея средств на поддержание традиций, защищая интересы своих подданных во всех делах на благо королевства № 29!
1.And now the tourist agency “Foggy Albion” invite you to walk around London.
T.A.1- Hello, dear guests!
T.A.2- Hello, we are glad to meet you! We are the tourists from the tourist agency” Foggy Albion” I am Regina.
T.A.1- I am Lilya” Foggy Albion” greets you and invites to walk around London. We show you the famous London’s sights.
T.A.2- We start our walk around London in this red double Decker bus. It is the visit card of London.
T.A.1- London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the most ancient cities in Europe and is very popular among tourists. It stands on the river Thames. There are many sights in London, many of which are in the lists of WORLD HERITAGE OF UNESCO.
T.A.2- Big Ben is the symbol of Great Britain, everywhere you can see red telephone boxes and yellow taxes. And this is London Eye- Giant observation wheel. Tourists can observe London from the height of the bird’s flight.
T.A.1- Tower Bridge divides London into two parts and crosses the river Thames. London is a very large city. Its population is about eleven million. And now we are coming to the Westminster Abbey.
T.A.3- Hello! Westminster Abbey is a historical place and attracts attention of many tourists from all over the world. It was build in 1050. It’s a fine Gothic building.
T.A.-4 Here you can see the tombs of the kings and queens of the Great Britain and the Poet Corner with the tombs to a lot of prominent British writers and poets.
T.A.-3 Now we can see the throne hall in which the kings and queens are crowned. Here the royal fates have begun and here they have found their eternal.
T.A.-4 It’s boys’ chorus is performing the song in the throne hall, while crowning the queen. And here you can see the queen with her people after visiting throne hall.
BIG BEN. ( Presentation)
T.A.5- Hello! We continue our work around London. Now we are making our way to the famous London Clock—Big Ben. It is the main clock of the Great Britain. It has four faces. The clock tower is famous for its big bell, known as Big Ben.
T.A.6- At night Big Ben is especially beautiful. Colourful illumination makes it bright and very nice. In a moment you can see the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Parliament. It is the symbol of London and we are inside of the parliament. Here you can see the House of Lords.
T.A.5- We are coming to the Buckingham palace.
T.A.7- It is the official residence of the queen, wonderful building, in front of which there is a monument to the queen Victoria.
T.A.8- Daily ceremony of changing the guard in front of the palace is an entertaining spectacle. Every day it begins at 11.30 and on Sunday we can see the parade of horse guards at 11 o’clock.
T.A.7- The Buckingham Palace was built in 1803 by Buckingham and became a royal residence. There are 661 rooms in palace. The queen lives in the twelve rooms, only 18 rooms are opened to public in a certain period of a year.
T.A.8- It is the numerous queen’s family.
TOWER. (Presentation)
T.A.9- Hello! I am… We continue our walk around London. You can see the Tower of London. It was founded by Julious in 1066 and was used as a fortress then as a royal place, as a prison and as the king’s Zoo. Now it is a museum, where we can see the crown jewels and a fine collection of armour.
Tower Bridge.
T.A.10- It’s a beautiful sight of London Bridge, which crosses the river Thames. It has interesting construction. One haif of bridge is suspended and other lifting.
T.A.9- The length of the bridge is 244m. Height of the towers is 65m. Between the towers there are galleries, which used as a museum.
T.A.10- Now we are coming to the Trafalgar Square. It’s a geographical centre of London, the most beautiful place. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar.
T.A.9- The Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of the square. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square.
GLOBE THEATRE. (Presentation)
T.A.11-Hello! I’m… From the square we are coming to the Globe Theatre. It’s not simply sight, it’s an operating theatre. The studio which works there, performs the plays of Shakespeare.
T.A.12- It’s a very interesting theatre. There no soffits and lamp lights.
All performances are given during the day, as it was in former times. Microphones are not used.
T.A.11-Besides of it there no chairs and spectator stand. Only rich people can sit. As we now are at the Globe Theatre let us come in and see what play is performing. (выступление театральной студии. )
T.A.13- Hello I’m… At last we have arrived at Piccadilly Circus. It is the place, where six main streets are met. Piccadilly Circus was built in 1819 in the centre of London. Here you can see neon advertisements and fountains with the statue of Eros.
T.A.14- There many shops, restaurants and cafes, pubs and bars. Oh, I see the members of the Cultural Studio and to my mind they’d like to invite us to this cozy café. We are tired, let us come in and have a cup of English tea.
The Tourist Agency say you good bye and wish you luck.
2. The performance of the Cultural Studio.
The president- Dear guests the Poetic Studio is waiting for you in Hyde Park at the famous place “Poetic Corner”, let us meet with them.
3. The performance of the Poetic Studio.
The president- Our excursion has come to the end and the English Club “Rainbow’ would like to entertain you to English dinner.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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