So many countries, so many customs: Great Britain, America, Russia
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Предварительный просмотр:
So many countries, so many customs: Great Britain, America, Russia
- Famous People
Choose the right variant of the proposed list:
Mikhail Glinka |
Robert Scott |
Admiral Nelson |
Walt Disney |
A. Borodin |
F. Dostoyevsky |
Leo Tolstoy |
G.Washington |
A. Lincoln |
- Name the great English explorer who reached the South Pole after Amundsen( Robert Scott)
- Who defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar? ( Admiral Nelson)
- Who wrote the novel “War and Peace”? (Leo Tolstoy)
- Name a famous Russian composer.He is considered to be a founder of the Russian national symphonic music. His most famous opera is “Ruslan and Ludmila” (Mikhail Glinka)
- Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? (Walt Disney)
- Who was the first President of the USA? (G.Washington)
- History
- Where did the English under Wellington crush Napoleon’s imperial dreams? (At Waterloo)
- The famous battle in this place was the beginning of the great victory over Napoleon in the War of 1812? (Borodino)
- What was the group of Puritans, who came to America in 1620, called? ( The Pilgrim Fathers)
- They came from Scandinavia. They first invaded the North of England in 793. In 866 they invaded York and it became the capital of their Kingdom. They brought to England their language? Culture and industries. (vikings)
- Who was the founder of Moscow? (Yuri Dolgoruky)
- What ship brought a group of English Protestants to America in 1620? (The Mayflower)
- Education and Culture
- What is the oldest public school in England? (Eton)
- Who is the founder or the modern detective story? (Edgar Alan Poe)
- Where is the Sleeping Beauty Castle situated? (In Disneyland)
- A major research, artistic, cultural and educational centre in Russia and a museum of Russian Art. (The Tretyakov Gallery)
- The most famous British pop-group, first performing in Liverpool. They were broken up in 1977? (The Beatles)
- What is the centre of the cinema production in the USA? (Hollywood)
- Music
These are four very popular styles of music. Match the musical terms and definitions.
Jazz |
Blues |
Rap |
Rock’n’roll |
Country music |
- A musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words (rap);
- An American style of music based on variation. Since its beginning in the black community of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, it has continuously been involved into many different styles. The constant elements are improvisation and variation (jazz);
- A style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s but it still played now. It has a strong, loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments (rock’n’roll);
- Music that is popular in and originated from the southern and western United States. It has many sources: traditional ballads, cowboy songs, Mexican music and the like (country music);
- A type of music that has its origins in America’s Black Country’s community. Most songs are about loneliness, sadness or lost love, sometimes the words express a humorous reaction to life’s troubles (blues).
- Who is Who?
Look at this list of names. All these people are famous politicians, film stars and pop stars. Do you know what they were before they became famous? Try to guess WHO IS WHO.
Dustin Hoffman |
Sylvester Stallone |
Margaret Thatcher |
Tina Turner |
Madonna |
Christopher Lambert |
Ronald Reigan |
Beatrix Potter |
- At the beginning of his career this person worked in a shoe shop and was a shop assistant. But now this person is a filmstar, very popular and famous.( Sylvester Stallone)
- He was a film actor. He played saxophone, but then he became a president. He wasthe 40th President of the USA. (Ronald Reigan)
- This person studied chemistry and law at Oxford University. This person was a chemist and a barrister, than became a Prime Minister. (Margaret Thatcher)
- She was a waiter, but now she is a very successful American popular music singer known for her unusual, often extreme styles in clothes and appearance. (Madonna)
- Holidays
Make a list of traditional dishes which people usually eat during the celebrations of these holidays.
- Easter
- Christmas
- Thanksgiving Day
- Maslenitsa
- New Year’s Day
- Trade Marks
All this Trade Marks are very popular all over the world. What are they?
- This instant coffee was invented during the Second World War:
- Nescafe Classic (+)
- Jacobs
- Maccona
- Pele
- The first Coffee House was opened in Oxford in
- 1625
- 1650 (+)
- 1720
- 1890
- This tea appeared more than 100 years ago:
- Ahmad
- Dilmah
- Brooke Bond
- Lipton (+)
- This Russian chocolate has been very popular in Russia since 1826. What firm produces it?
- Rossia
- Rot Front (+)
- Krasny Octyabr
- Babaevsky
- It’s interesting to know
Try to guess what I’m speaking about.
- It’s one of the biggest clock towers in the world. Its sound is well known all over the world. It’s a symbol of London and Great Britain. (Big Ben)
- This woman is very popular in America. She is 301 feet tall and weighs 225 tons. The people of France presented her to the USA. (The Statue of Liberty)
- A large prehistoric animal that may live in the deep waters of Scotland lake, but there is no scientific proof. (Loch Ness Monster)
- Russian people discovered this territory. It belonged to Russia till 1867.But now it is an American state. Why? (Alaska was sold to America by Alexander II for 7,2 million $)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Famous People Mikhail Glinka Robert Scott Admiral Nelson Walt Disney Alexander Borodin Fedor Dostoevsky Leo Tolstoy George Washington Abraham Lincoln
History The Р ilgrim Fathers The Mayflower Vikings Borodino Yuri Dolgoruky Waterloo
Education and Culture The Tretyakov Gallery Edgar Po Eton Beatles Disneyland
Jazz Blues Rap Rock’n’roll Country music MUSIC
Dustin Hoffman Sylvester Stallone Who is Who Margaret Thatcher Tina Turner Madonna Christofer Lambert Ronald Reigan
Holidays Easter Christmas Maslenitsa New Year
Trade Marks
1625 1650 1720 1890
Rossia Krasny Octyabr Babaevsky Rot Front
The Statue of Liberty Loch Ness Monster Big Ben Alaska It's intersting to know
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Презентация на тему "So Many Countries, So Many Customs" к УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой "Английский язык", 5 класс...

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