План-конспект урока в 8 классе на тему: «Праздники британские и русские: следование традициям или просто выходные?»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Цель: развитие речевой компетентности учащихся
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект открытого урока
в 8 классе.
Тема: « Holiday: just a day off or following traditions? »
Цель: формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения
- Образовательные: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения по теме «Праздники», навыков чтения с пониманием основного содержания, навыков аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
- Развивающие: развитие нестандартного мышления, языковой догадки, познавательного интереса учащихся.
- Воспитательные: формирование понимания общности британской и русской культур, развитие умения работать в группе.
План урока.
- Формирование групп (grouping). При входе ребятам раздаются картинки с изображением символов британских праздников: Новый год (Санта Клаус), Хэллоуин (тыква), День летнего солнцестояния (Стоунхендж), День Гая Фокса (фейерверк).
- Головоломка-загадка (jigsaw guessing). Now your task is to solve the riddles given in your cards and find the letters which will make up the theme of our lesson. Ребята отгадывают загадки и называют буквы, которые составят слово “HOLIDAY”, которое и является темой урока.
Group 2 Task 1 Find these words:
Make a word from the first letters of these words. The group word: a kind of fruit. Task 2 Find these words:
Make a word from the first letters of these words. The group word: A piece of furniture. | Group 3 Task 1 Find these words:
Make a word from the first letters of these words. The group word: A preposition. Task 2 Find these words:
Make a word from the first letters of these words. The group word: It gives you light. |
Group 4 Task 1 Find these words:
Make a word from the first letters of these words. The group word: A preposition. Task 2 Find these words:
Make a word from the first letters of these words. The group word: A part of the body. | Group 1 Find these words:
Make a word from the first letters of these words. The group word: A period of time. |
- Мозговой штурм (brainstorming) Your task is to write down as many things as you associate with the word HOLYDAY. Now write down 5 common things and put them in the order of their importance for you.
- Словесная паутина (word web) Теперь наша задача – составить словесную паутину и сформулировать проблемный вопрос. Holiday: just fun (a day off) or following traditions? Примерная «паутина»:
- Головоломка-«пила» (Jigsaw puzzle). Каждая из групп получает текст о британском празднике, после прочтения заполняет табличку (чтение с выбором необходимой информации) и прочитывает ее другим группам. Результат – заполненная таблица о праздниках.
The name of the holiday | When it is celebrated | The holiday activities | The background of the holiday | A similar Russian holiday (if there is any) |
Как же мы ответим на проблемный вопрос? Holiday is first of all following traditions. We must keep our customs and learn other peoples’ traditions to understand them better to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts.
- Составление пересекающейся межкультурной диаграммы (cross-cultural diagram). А теперь назовите праздники, которые отмечают только в Британии. Только в России. Общие. Видите, как много у нас общего? Наша цель – понять, что иной – не значит плохой, он просто – другой!
- Домашнее задание: Ex.2 4), 5) p.83-84.
Group 1.
Read the text and fill in the table.
In Britain the New Year is not as widely celebrated as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at usual time. Others, however, do celebrate it in one way or another. The most common type of celebration is a New Year party.
There is a funny tradition connected with the New Year: the First Foot. This is the first visitor to enter a house on New Year’s morning He is a person of great importance. The first Foot must be a man because it is believed that if a woman first sets foot in the house, bad luck will follow throughout the year. He may be a chance caller or a person who comes on purpose to let the New Year into the house and bring good luck to the family. Traditionally, the first visitor of the year must carry food, drink and coal into the house. Coal helps to make a fire in midwinter and there shall never be lack of food and drink during the coming year.
Group 2.
Read the text and fill in the table.
Midsummer’s day, June 24th is the longest day of the year. On that day a very old custom at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, is observed. Stonehenge is one of the Europe’s biggest stone circles that is 10 or 12 metres high. The earliest part of Stonehenge is approximately 5000 years old. But what was Stonehenge? A holy place? A market? Or a kind of a calendar? Actually the Druids priests in Britain used Stonehenge for a calendar. They introduced it 2000 years ago. The sun and the stones at Stonehenge let the Druids know when the months and season start. On the morning of June 24th the sun shines on the famous stone – the Heel Stone, this is the most important moment of the year for the Druids. There are Druids in Britain today, too. And every June a lot of them attend Stonehenge. It is a strange, ancient, rare but still living custom.
Group 3.
Read the text and fill in the table.
Halloween (a contraction of “All Hallows Eve”) dates back to a time when people believed in devils, witches and ghosts. People thought that on that day the spirits of all those who had died during the last year would be wandering around in the search of living bodies. To save themselves from the spirits people lit bonfires, dressed up in a ghoulish manner and walked around the village making noise to frighten away dead souls. Later people walked from village to village begging for “soul cakes”. Families who had lost relatives offered cakes to the beggars in exchange for the promise to say prayers for the dead souls. Nowadays people mark this holiday by costume balls or fancy-dress parties. Children like to visit houses and ask the traditional question “Trick or treat?” If people in the house give the children a “treat” (usually money or sweets) then the children won’t play a trick on them. A favourite Halloween custom is to make or buy a jack-o’lantern. The children scrape out a pumpkin, cut the eyes, nose and mouth, and light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends.
Group 4
Read the text, guess what holiday the girl is talking about and fill in the table.
Celebrating is my joy. I like this perfect atmosphere behind celebrations. It takes time to make all the arrangements. But my favourite celebration is worth many efforts. The best moment is when the guests arrive. They are the people I love best. I greet them. They come to share the joy of the day. Their gifts make me think of the day again and again. For me this celebration is a good opportunity to get together. We listen to some good music and have a great chat. Sometimes we dance or play party games. The cake with candles is sure to be the highlight of the day!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Following traditions Eating tasty food Inviting guests Having a day off Enjoying holiday activities Giving, receiving presents HOLIDAY
Holiday is a day that is a celebration of something special, on which you do not have to work or go to school. (From the Macmillan Dictionary for advanced learners). Holiday: just a day off or following traditions?
just a day off for an opportunity to get together for the joy of celebration for A holiday is … Tanya Rashid Cindy COMPOSE THE SENTENCES TO ANSWER THE QUESTION: WHAT IS A HOLIDAY FOR THESE TEENAGERS?
Holiday Holy Day Holy – important in a religion, or used in worship. (From the Macmillan Dictionary for advanced learners).
Other cultures of the world The American culture The Russian culture The British culture THE WORLD CULTURE
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