Входная контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Задания по грамматике, чтению и аудированию.
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Входная контрольная работа 9 г класс
- Г рамматика. А.Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк
The National parks of Wales
There are three National parks in Wales, which cover one-fifth of the whole country.
These parks 1 __ protected by law because of their natural beauty, but ordinary BE
People still live and work here. The 2 ___ of the parks is Snowdonia in the north- FAMOUS
West. It 3 ___ 840 square miles (2,176 sq. km.). It’s Wales’ most picturesque COVER
Countryside. The 4 ___ mountain range in Wales is in this area, with several peaks HIGH
Over 3000 5 ___ ( 910 m). Snowdon is more than 1,085m. You can reach the top of FOOT
It on foot or by the Snowdon mountain railway, which is 7 kilometers long.
Many men, women and 6___ travel to the parks for special holidays. These include CHILD
a large number of outdoor 7 ___ such is walking, climbing and riding, or water-sports ACTIVITY
such as canoeing and fishing.
В. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски 1 -7, выбрав из вариантов a ---d.
Not a problem.
Some people know 8 __ but they are too shy to speak foreign languages. Some people know little but they overcome this problem 9 ___. Once a famous European writer 10___ to an American girl. The American, speaking in the writer’s native language, asked him why he had never visited 11 ____ United States. “I know only a few sentences 12___ English,” answered the writer. “What are 13___ sentences ?” Asked the girl. “How do you do? I love you. Forgive me. Ham and eggs, please,” answered the writer. “But,” said the girl, “with that vocabulary you
14____ travel all over my country.”
- A) much b) little c) many d) a little
- A) easy b) easiest c) easily d) easier
- A) talked b) was talking c) talks d) is talking
- A) a) b) the c) an d) –
- A) by b) at c) on d) in
- A) the b) a c) - d) an
14 A) have to b) mustn’t c) can d) had to
2.Прочитайте текст. Отметьте “True” “False” “Not stated”
The Bermuda Triangle
On December 5th, 1945 five US Navy planes took off from Fort Lauderdale In Florida. There were 14 pilots on board. Some time after the take off the control tower got a message from one of the planes. “There’s something wrong. The magnetic compass is going crazy. We don’t know where we are.” Soon the five planes disappeared. Boats and planes went immediately to look for the lost planes but they were not successful. There were neither crashed planes nor dead bodies. The accident happened in the area called Bermuda Triangle. It/s a large part of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Southern Florida Puerto Rico. Many ships, planes and about 1,000 people have disappeared in this area. One of the explanations is that underwater earthquakes cause huge waves called tsunami. They also produce very strong winds. Both can destroy ships and planes. Another theory says that there is a strange magnetic force in this area. It can really break a ship into pieces. Scientists also speak about the methane gas on the sea floor of the Bermuda Triangle. When it comes out and mixes with the air, it’s so powerful that it can stop the ship/s or the plane’s engine. It can also start a fire. Than the explosion destroys the ship or the plane completely. Some people believe that aliens carry away people together with the machines. Whatever the truth is there is no clear answer.
- The control tower got a message from one of the ships that the magnetic compass was going crazy.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- There weren’t any pieces of planes or dead bodies in the water.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- Tsunami can cause the destruction of ships and planes.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- There is the methane gas on the sea floor of the Bermuda Triangle.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- Aliens carry away people together with the machines to examine them carefully.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- There is clear answer about The Bermuda Triangle
- True b) False c) not stated
- Аудирование
Вы услышите 5 коротких текстов. Установите соответствие между каждым текстом 1-5 и вопросами, данными в списке A _F
Are you happy or not?
Which of them …?
A Is absolutely happy
B Has little free time
C would like to get some pocket money
D has problems with Maths
E would like to get some privacy
F has problems making friends
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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