Урок презентация для 7 класса по теме "Solar System".
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Урок предназначен для учащихся 7 класса и направлен на совершенствование грамматических навыков (сравнительные степени прилагательных).
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MERCURY. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It is not, however, very close, since it is 36 million miles, or 58 million kilometres away from the Sun! Like all the other planets Mercury orbits round the Sun, but its orbit of the Sun lasts for only 88 days. The Earth’s orbit lasts for 365 days and Pluto’s orbit takes 249 YEARS! Mercury’s dark side, however, is very cold indeed, with the temperature going down to -200° Celsius or -328° Fahrenheit. Mercury has no atmosphere around it to protect it from the Sun or to retain any heat when it rotates on its axis. Mercury is quite a small planet. Its diameter, the distance right round its middle, is only 3100 miles or 4990 kilometres. The diameter of the Earth is 7926 miles or 12,760 kilometres.
Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System and can be seen even in daylight if you know where to look. When Venus is west of the Sun, she rises before the Sun in the morning and is known as the Morning Star. When she is east of the Sun, she shines in the evening just after sunset and is known as the Evening Star. Venus orbits round the sun in 225 days. The Earth takes 365 days to complete an orbit of the sun. So a year on Venus only lasts for 262 days! Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System, even hotter than Mercury, which is closer to the Sun. The temperature on the surface of Venus is about 860° Fahrenheit or 460° Celsius. Compare this to a warm summer’s day in London, when the temperature might be 80° Fahrenheit or 26° Celsius. The atmosphere on Venus is composed of carbon dioxide. The surface is heated by radiation from the sun, but the heat cannot escape through the clouds and layer of carbon dioxide. (This is a “greenhouse effect”). VENUS .
Mars has seasons like Earth too. These seasons are much longer than Earth seasons because Mars is so much farther from the sun. And don’t get your swim suits out just yet – the average high during a Martian summer day is 23 degrees F (-5 degrees C) – not exactly beach weather. While a year on Mars might be almost twice as long as a year on Earth, the length of a day there is almost identical. A Martian day is 24 hours and 39 minutes long, less than an hour longer than a day on Earth. Mars and Earth are similar in so many ways that it’s almost hard to believe we haven’t found anything alive there. But, don’t forget that there are many differences too. Without these differences, Mars wouldn’t be such an interesting planet to study. MARS.
Jupiter. Jupiter is the giant of the Solar System, with a mass more than 300 times the mass of the Earth and is called after the ancient Roman sky-god, Jupiter, known to the Greeks as Zeus. Jupiter is made of hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia. The cloudy sphere has bright belts on it which change their shape. Although Jupiter’s orbit, and therefore its year, is so much longer than the Earth’s, its day is much shorter. The Earth turns on its own axis, turning away from the Sun and so giving us day and night, once every 24 hours. Jupiter spins round much faster, turning on its axis once every 9.84 hours! Jupiter is the first of the “gas giants”, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. and Neptune.
Saturn . Like Jupiter, however, Saturn spins much faster on its axis than the Earth. The Earth completes one rotation (turning) on its axis in 24 hours, turning away from the Sun and back again to give us night and day. Saturn, although so much bigger, completes a full rotation in just over 10 hours. Saturn takes 29½ years to make one complete orbit of the Sun. The Earth takes one year. The largest of the moons, Titan, is the 2nd largest in the Solar system, after Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede. Titan is larger than the Earth and is the only moon in the Solar system which is known to have an atmosphere. The atmosphere consists of nitrogen and methane.
Uranus. The seventh planet from the Sun, it was not known in ancient times, unlike the planets from Mercury to Saturn. Uranus has a total of 27 moons, most of whom are named after characters in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The five major moons are called Titania, Oberon, Miranda, Ariel and Umbriel. Umbriel is not from Shakespeare but is the “melancholy sprite” in a poem by Alexander Pope. Uranus is the smallest of the four “giants”, but is still several times larger than the Earth. It has a diameter of 29297 miles, or 47, 150 kilometres, compared to the Earth’s diameter of just under 8000 miles, or 12,760 kilometres . Uranus is 1782 million miles, or 2869 million kilometres from the Sun. Figure 1 does not show the distances from the Sun to scale, but Figure 2 lets you have an idea of how much further Uranus is from the Sun than the Earth .
We have got a table with facts about these planets we should compare them with each other as in the example. Ex.: The temperature on Saturn is colder than on Jupiter.
Solar System. Name Moons Average Temperature Rotation Orbit Diameter (km) Mercury 0 - 167 to - 427 58.6 days 88 days 4.880 Venus 0 472 243.2 days 224.70 days 12.100 Earth 1 - 51 to 48 23.9 hrs 365.26 days 12.800 Mars 2 -123 to - 30 24.6 hrs 686.98 days 6.780 Jupiter 16 -117 9.8 hrs 11.9 years 142.600 Saturn 18 -180 10.2 hrs 29.46 years 120.000 Uranus 17 -221 10.8 hrs 84.01 years 50.800 Neptune 7 -216 15.7 hrs 165 years 49.500 Pluto 2 -230 6.3 days 248 years 2.300
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