Конспект урока по английскому языку. Spotlight 9. Module 3. Accross the curriculum.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Урок английского языка в 9 классе с использованием проектора, учебник: Spotlight 9. На тему "Paintings styles". Module 3. Accross the curriculum. Разработка включает в себя презентацию. Урок позволяет ребятам расширить свой кругозор, изучит различные стили искусства, такие как кубизм и сюрреализм, и работы известных художников.


Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Дашковская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

Методическая разработка урока в 9 классе

На тему «Стили живописи»

Корнеева А.В.

Учитель иностранных языков

п. Большевик


Класс: 9

Тема урока: Стили живописи

Тип урока: урок совершенствования и углубления знаний и умений

Предметные: Уметь читать текст с полным или частичным пониманием содержания, выполнять упражнения к нему.

УУД:  Р. Узнавать в тексте лексические единицы

 К. Осуществлять самоконтроль

 П. Уметь действовать по образцу

Личностные: Расширять кругозор.


  1. Организационный момент.

У-ль: Good morning! Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

(вызывает одного из учеников к доске, тот проводит опрос)

У1: What date is it today?

У2: Today is…

У1: What day of the week is it today?

У3: Today is…

У1: Who is absent?

У4: Nobody is absent.


  1. Вводная беседа по курсу и теме модуля.
  • У-ль: Look at the blackboard? Do you know these paintings? What is the difference between these paintings? What is the theme of our lesson? What do you have to learn today?

(Смотрят на доску, где изображены различные картины, определяют тему урока, задачи).





  1. Основной этап.

Ввод новой лексики:

  • Ex. 1. Listen and repeat! Слушают и проговаривают названия геометрических фигур.  

D:\Users7\Home\Desktop\Без названия.png











  • Read and translate. One by one.  У1→У2→У3…

По цепочке читают и переводят название геометрических фигур.

  • Закрепление новой лексики.

У-ль: Look at the paintings and answer the questions.

D:\Users7\Home\Desktop\человек с гитарой.jpg


  1. What style of painting is each picture?
  2. Which colours used the painters? (bright/dull/dark)
  3. How do these styles differ?
  4. Which figures can you see?

 Ex.4 Read and translate the texts. Fill the gaps with the correct word formed from the capitalized words.

 (Читают текст, заполняют пропуски образованными словами)

Ex.5 Answer the questions.

  1. When was Cubism popular?
  2. How did Cubism get its name?
  3. What style did Dalí paint in?
  4. What did Surrealist painters use to get ideas for their paintings?

Ex. 8 Read and translate the description. Which paintings does it match? How is author feel about the paintings?

Ex.9 Use the words to describe the other paintings.

 Strange objects\swans on a smooth lake\reflection of elephants in lake\bright colours\clear blue sky

How does it make you feel: astonished, anxious, curious, confused, excited


  1. Физминутка:

С мячиком. Учитель называет изученные слова на русском, кидает мячик, кто поймал, тот называет их на английском.



  1. Idioms with paint

1 like watching paint dry (смотреть, как сохнет краска)

2 paint the town red (уйти в загул)

3 paint... with the same brush (нарисовать…с той же кистью)

4 paints a grim picture of (рисует мрачную картину)

Сomplete the sentences with the correct idioms. Check in Appendix 3. Are there similar ones in your language? 
1 This film is so boring it's like watching paint dry.

2 I want to have some fun. Let's go out tonight and  paint the town red.
3 I know Sam and Dan can be a bit boring  but don't    
paint Tim with the same brush. Not all people who like science fiction are bores! 
4 The documentary  
paints a grim picture of  life in the war-torn region.

  1. Подведение итогов.

What have ou learned today?


  1. Домашнее задание.

Ex.10 describe the pictures.






Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 5

What is the difference between these paintings ?

Слайд 6

What is the theme of our lessen?

Слайд 7

Painting styles Корнеева А.В. Учитель иностранных языков МОУ Дашковская СОШ

Слайд 8

What have you to learn today?

Слайд 9

rectangle triangle square cube cylinder

Слайд 10

Which of these paitings uses bright or dark\dull colours ?

Слайд 11

Cubism Cubism was a popular painting style from around the 1900s. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were two 1) Cubist painters. They used Cubism to show people a new way of 2) the world. They looked at an object or person and broke it down into shapes. Then they put these shapes back together to make a picture which represented the 3) object even though it may not look very much like it anymore. They used shapes such as rectangles, cylinders and cubes. Most of their paintings were dark and used dull colours like grey and brown. This makes the painting seem to have many layers and so it can be seen from a number of 4) viewpoints . fame s ee origin differ original different seeing famous

Слайд 12

Surrealism 5) such as Salvador Dali and Renè Magritte painted in the Surrealist style that was at its most popular from the 1920s to the 1960s. Surrealist paintings always have an element of surprise in them. They put strange images and ideas together to create strange 6) of things. The Surrealists painted images and ideas from their dreams and their imaginations. They often used bright colours to create an even 7) impact and always showed people and objects in new 8) ways. a rt represent big usual Artists representations bigger unusual

Слайд 13

Listen and read to answer the questions. 1. When was Cubism popular? 2. How did Cubism get its name? 3. What style did Dali paint in? 4. What did Surrealist painters use to get ideas for their paintings?

Слайд 14

dull - viewpoints – element - impact – Match the words in bold to their meanings. not bright angles part/piece effect

Слайд 15

Strange objects Swan on a smooth lake Reflection of elephants in lake Bright colours Clear blue sky How does it make you feel: astonished, anxious, curious, confused, excited

Слайд 16

Idioms with paint Complete the sentences with the correct idioms. Check in Appendix 3. Are there similar ones in your language? 1 This film is so boring it's 2 I want to have some fun. Let's go out tonight and 3 I know Sam and Dan can be a bit boring but don't . Not all people who like science fiction are bores! 4 The documentary life in the war-torn region. 1 like watching paint dry ( смотреть, как сохнет краска) 2 paint the town red ( уйти в загул) 3 paint... with the same brush ( нарисовать…с той же кистью) 4 paints a grim picture of ( рисует мрачную картину) like watching paint dry. paint the town red. paint Tim with the same brush paints a grim picture of

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