Поурочные планы по английскому языку в 10 классе. УМК "Spotlight"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
скоректированный поурочный план из книги для учителя спотлайт-10 .Уроки№№ 1-30
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Module 1
Модуль 1 Strong ties.
Урок №1.Вводный урок.
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие: обзорное повторение грамматики с выполнением тестовых заданий;
Развивающие: развивать умения во всех видах деятельности;
Воспитательные: формировать нравственные ценности и ориентиры.
Оборудование: тематические картинки, грамматические таблицы, карточки с тестовыми заданиями.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
-беседа о летних каникулах;
-ознакомить со структурой учебника:
-вводный тест.
2.Введение темы модуля.
-обсуждения значения заголовка;
Предполагаемый ответ: The title refers
-развитие навыков говорения;
Работа над рисунками 1-4 стр.9 Просматривая модуль учащиеся находят указанные изображения и дают краткие пояснения .
-фронтальная работа-чтение содержания материала; .
Предполагаемый ответ: рис. 1 (с. 11)
T: What page is the picture on?
S1: It’s on page 11.
T: What can you see in picture 1?
S2: I can see a
T: How do you think the picture is related to the title of the module?
S3: I think it shows .
T: What do you like? Why?
S4: I like I have a good time with my friends. We laugh and dance.
рис. 3 (с. 21)
What is this picture of? Why do you think the girl is dressed like this? Where is she from? What is the fashion like in your country?
рис. 2 (с. 16) What does the picture show? What do you think they are doing ? Do you know this author?
рис. 4 (с. 11) Who can you see in the picture? How do you think the people are feeling? How do you spend your free time?
What else can you see in the pictures on page 12?
Find the page number(s) for
Предполагаемые ответы: a dictionary entry (с. 12) What is a dictionary entry? (an explanation of a word in a dictionary) When do we use a dictiоnary? What does this dictionary entry say? What information does it give you?
a quotation (с. 23) What is a quotation? (a popular phrase, expression that is repeated by other people) What does this quotation say? What does it mean? Can you think of any other quotations?
a plan for a writing (с. 19) What is a writing? (a way of writing a letter to friends or relatives we know very well ))? What information does it have in it? How do you think it will help in writing a letter?
Listen, read and talk about …/Learn how to …/Practise …/Write/Make …
3.Итог урока. На данном уроке рефлексия организуется при выполнении упр.9
4.Домашнее задание. Рассказать о первых впечатлениях пребывания в школе.
Ответы к грамматическому тесту.
1b 2a 3b 4a 5c 6b
7a 8a 9c 10b 11c let off
12a 13a 14b 15a 16c 15?
17c 18a 19b 20b 21c
22b 23a 24b 25c
26b 27b 28a 29a
30c 31b 32b 33c ? account, subscription, connection
34a/c 35a 36a 37b
38c 39b 40b 41a 42a
43c 44b 45b 46c?
Module 1
Модуль 1а Strong ties./Teens activities
Урок №2.Тема: Занятия подростков.
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие:освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности лексические единицы по теме Занятия подростков;
Развивающие: развивать умения во всех видах деятельности; развитие навыков изучающего чтения
Воспитательные: формировать нравственные ценности и ориентиры; развивать социокультурную компетенцию через освоение традиций проведения свободного времени в разных странах мира и России
Оборудование: ноутбук
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
4.Введение нового материала.
Упр.1 стр.10 Освоить л.е. по теме.
Study Tip: Ask Ss to start a vocabulary section in their notebooks. Ss write any unfamiliar words/ phrases, together with a short definition/ synonym and an example or drawing. Ss list the words/phrases alphabetically. This helps them revise new vocabulary.
Suggested Answer Key In my country most teens enjoy hanging out with friends, playing computer games, listening to music, and watching DVDs. Some teens enjoy going window shopping and going clubbing but not many enjoy going on trips to the countryside. I enjoy chatting online. etc
Упр.2 стр. 10 Развивать умения прогнозирования содержания текста.
Предполагаемый ответ:
Suggested Answer Key I expect to read about what 16-year-olds in different parts of the world do in their free time.
Изучение рубрики «Study skills”.Выполнение упр. 3 стр.10. Развитие умений изучающего чтения.
Keys: Answer Key 1 C Jamie 4 E Brandon 2 A Fiona 5 D Kim 3 B Josie 6 F Emily
5.Итог урока проводится на базе упр. 7 стр.11
Revising new vocabulary
Ss close their books and discuss with a partner new words and phrases they have learned in this unit. Ask Ss to make sentences using them.
(Ss’ own answers)
6. Дом.задание. Выучить лексику упр.1 стр.10 и слова из текста и из словаря в конце учебника к мод.1а
Module 1
Модуль 1b Character qualities.
Урок №3.Тема: Черты хакрактера
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие:освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности лексические единицы по теме Черты характера;
Развивающие: развивать умения во всех видах деятельности; развитие навыков поискового чтения
Воспитательные: формировать нравственные ценности и ориентиры;
Оборудование: ноутбук
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
4. Опрос дом. Задания –слова из мод.1а
4.Введение нового материала. Модуль 1b
Упр.1 стр.12 Обсуждение стихотворения про дружбу.
Suggested Answer Key My best friend is special because she is kind and caring and does a lot for me ― we have a lot of fun together.
Упр.2 стр.12.Работа с о словосочетанием Dictionary entry.
Answer Key
A: To me a good friend should be loyal and trusting.
B: Yes, I agree. It’s important to be able to trust your friend.
C: Hm! I also think a friend should be supportive when you have doubts or problems.
B: Sure! A friend shouldn’t be mean. Etc
Упр.3 стр.12 Развитие навыков чтения (поискового)
Answer Key 1 They are friends. 2 Because Julie cancelled her plans again. 3 Kim is telling Laura why she is angry with her friend.
Упр.4 стр13 Составление предложений на основе прочитанного диалога.
Suggested Answer Key Laura thinks Julie is nice. Laura thinks Kim isn’t being fair. Laura wants to rent a DVD. Kim thinks Julie is selfish.
Упр.5 стр.13 Составление диалога на основе предложенной модели.
Ask what is wrong.
Ask for more details.
Express surprise.
Criticise your friend’s attitude.
Change the subject & make a suggestion.
B Make an angry exclamation.
Explain problem with friend.
Give further details.
Confirm position/ feelings.
5.Итоги урока. Рефлексия изученного материала.
6. Домашнее задание упр.11 стр.13
Module 1
Модуль 1b Character qualities.
Урок №4.Тема: Выражение злости,сарказма
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие: развивать умения употребления в речи выражений сарказма и злости; освоить значение и употребление в речи идиом и слов представляющих трудность по теме.
Развивающие: развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности –пронумеровать тексты в порядке их прослушивания;
Воспитательные: формировать нравственные ценности через освоение норм языка ( общение,сарказм)
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
4. Опрос дом. Задания –слова из мод.1а
4.Введение нового материала. Модуль 1b упр. 6-11 стр.13
Упр.6 стр.11 Прослушивание.
Suggested Answer Key I agree with A, C and F. I can make friends easily because I’m friendly and sociable. Friends help us express ourselves because we spend time together and like the same things and so we are not afraid to express our opinions with them. I’ve experienced a lot with my friends because I’ve known them for a long time and we have done a lot together.
Answer Key 1 E 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 F
TAPESCRIPT Interviewer: We spoke to some British teenagers about how important friendships are to them in today’s world. Speaker 1: I have four great friends and we’ve known each other for years. We have so much fun together. There is never a boring moment when I’m with my friends.
Speaker 2: I move around the country a lot because of my dad’s job so I change schools every couple of years. I have to be able to fit in quickly so I can feel at home. I like to make new friends straight away so I can have a social life as soon as possible. I’m a friendly person so I don’t usually have any problems. Speaker 3: I couldn’t survive without my best friend. Who would I discuss my problems with or share my secrets and thoughts with? I definitely think a true friend who understands you is the most important thing a person can have. Speaker 4: I don’t have many friends probably because I am very shy, but one or two friends are enough if they are friends you can trust and who really care about you. It’s not worth having dozens of friends if they only think of themselves. Speaker 5: I have done so much with my friends. We’ve climbed mountains, swum rivers, and gone hiking and camping together. More than that though, we’ve grown up together and gone through the same things.
Упр.7 стр.11 Прослушивание.
Answer Key 1 e 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 b
Упр.8 стр.11 Распознавания выражений по теме.
Answer Key sarcasm: 1, 4 anger: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Suggested Answer Key 1 A: Oh, perfect! 2 A: Unbelievable! B: What is it? B: Oh dear. etc
Упр.9 стр. 11 Идиомы по теме. Answer Key 1 eye 3 shoulder 5 back 2 head 4 neck 6 nerves
Упр. 10 стр.11 Работа с лексикой.
Answer Key 1 supportive 3 respected 2 caring 4 well-meaning
Suggested Answer Key 1 She won an award for best supporting actress. 2 You must be careful with this, it can be dangerous. 3 We must be respectful to our elders. 4 She’s a very mean person ― she’s been very unkind to us.
6. Итог урока. Рефлексия изученного материала провести на основе упр. 11 стр 11
Suggested Answer Key
I have a lot of friends and all of them are very important to me. In fact, sometimes I wonder what I would do without them. Friends mean a lot to me because I think it is important to have people around you who you can talk to about personal issues and who you can trust. Of course, it’s also important to have friends with whom you can share new experiences and have fun with. For me a friend should be loyal, trusting and supportive. I usually go to the cinema with my friends or play video
7. Домашнее задание. Сделать запись упр.11
Module 1
Модуль 1с Grammar in use
Урок №4.-5 Тема: Формы настоящего времени. Фразовый глагол come , зависимые предлоги
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие: развитие грамматических навыков. Наречия частотности.
Развивающие: развитие умений пользоваться грамматическим справочником.
Воспитательные: воспитание ситуации успеха.
Оборудование: грамматические таблицы
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
4. Опрос дом. Упр.11 прослушивание записи -2х минутная запись про друзей
5.Введение нового материала. Модуль 1с упр.1-7 стр.14-15
Упр.1 стр.14 Раскрыть скобки
Answer Key 1 A: Are you doing B: don’t think, am staying, Are you going 2 A: has he known 3 A: has forgotten 4 A: Have you read B: am reading 5 B: starts 6 A: are you doing B: are thinking7 A: has been getting B: know, is getting 8 A: Do you like B: have been 9 A: are you doing B: am tasting 10 A: smells B: don’t you open
present perfect simple: state that exists from a point in the past up to now (has known, have been), recent action (has forgotten), experience (have you read) ñ present perfect continuous: (has been getting) an action that started in the past and is still continuing (with emphasis on the intensity of the action)
Answer Key stative verbs: think, forget, know, taste, smell
continuous form: thinking ― means having the intention to do sth tasting ― having a taste of it to see if it is good
Упр1б чтение правила и объяснение употребление времен
Упр.2 стр.14 Употребление наречий в диалогической речи на основе предложенного примера
Suggested Answer Key A: How often do you surf the Net? B: Not often. I sometimes surf the Net at weekends. How about you? A: I often surf the Net. B: Really? How often do you go clubbing? A: Oh, I never go clubbing. I don’t like dancing. etc
Упр.3 стр14 Составление предложений о себе с использованием предложенной лексики
Suggested Answer Key I haven’t been to the beach since last summer. I haven’t seen my grandparents for a month. I haven’t written to my pen-friend since last month. etc
Упр. 4 стр.14 установление различий в употреблении been/gone
Answer Key 1 gone 2 been 3 gone 4 been
Упр.5 стр.14 Развитие умений читать таблицу и построение вопросов с yet/already
Suggested Answer Key B: … had lunch yet? A: Yes, she had a sandwich. Has she done the shopping yet? B: No, she hasn’t done the shopping yet. Has she fixed her bike yet? A: Yes, she has already fixed it. Has she done her housework yet? B: No, she hasn’t done it yet. She’s been too busy.
Упр.6 стр.15 Ответы на вопросы у употреблением наречий
Suggested Answer Key 2 … has just left. 3 … have not done it yet. 4 … have just finished cooking. 5 … have already had some.
Упр.7 стр.15
Suggested Answer Key 2 A: Have you been working hard? B: Yes, since this morning./Yes, for two hours.
3 A: Have you been playing in the garden? B: Yes, for two hours./Yes, since this morning.
4 A: Have you been sitting in the sun? B: Yes, since this morning./Yes, for two hours.
Упр.8 стр.15 Употребление фразового глагола .
Answer Key 1 looking forward to 3 look out for 2 looks after 4 looks down on
Упр.9 стр.15 Зависимые предлоги.
Answer Key 2 at 4 with 6 about 3 with 5 on
Упр.10 стр.15 Словообразование-прилагательные от разных частей речи –существительных: -able, -ful, -ical, -ese, -al, -ish, -ous, -ed/ от глаголов—ive, -ing, -ed, -less.
Answer Key 1 daring, honourable 3 comical, fearless 2 fictional, powerful 4 exciting, courageous
Упр.11 стр15 Трансформация предложения путем замены ключевого слова на предложенный вариант.
Suggested Answer Key 1 haven’t been abroad for 2 first time I have met 3 has been working since 4 haven’t eaten out for 5 best story I’ve ever
Итог урока проводится на база упр. 11
Домашнее задание: стр.166 упр.1(4) упр.5 стр. 167 (5)
Module 1
Модуль 1е writing skills
Урок №6 Тема: Личное письмо. Контроль навыков письма.
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие:, развитие умений писать письмо по алгоритму с последующим контролем. Развитие умений продуктивного письма.
Развивающие: развивать навыки в употреблении слов и фраз для неформального стиля общения в письменной речи.
Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру поведения через письмо.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
4. Опрос дом. Упр.6 заполнить таблицу. Собрать для проверки.
5.Введение нового материала. Модуль 1 е
Упр.1 стр.18 Распознавание типов письма
Answer Key 1 D a letter giving advice 2 B a letter giving your news 3 E a letter of apology 4 C a thank-you letter 5 F a letter congratulating someone 6 G a reply to a party invitation 7 H a letter asking for advice 8 A a get-well letter
Упр.3 стр.18 Чтение рубрики и ответы на поставленные вопросы.
Suggested Answer Key 1 a letter 2 a friend 3 to describe life in my new city 4 description of my life in new city, my feelings about the change
Упр.3бстр.18 Развитие умений (умение выбирать ключевые слова и отвечать на вопросы)
Answer Key 1 opening remarks/reason(s) for writing 2 life in the new city 3 writer’s feelings about the change 4 closing remarks
Упр.4 стр.19 переписать предложения в неформальном стиле( слова и выражения неформального характера)
Suggested Answer Key 1 This is just a quick note to tell you about my last holiday. 2 Thanks a lot for your help. 3 It was great to get your letter. 4 Sorry to hear you didn’t get the job.
упр. 5 стр.19 Изучение фраз для выражения совета.
Suggested Answer Key 2 What about going camping together? 3 Why don’t you get a puppy for your sister? 4 Would you like to go to a concert together? 5 Why don’t I meet you at the train station?
Упр.6 стр.19 Фразы выражающие предложение что-нибудь сделать
Suggested Answer Key 2 Why don’t you take up a new hobby? This will keep you busy. 3 Have you thought of getting a part-time job? Then you’ll earn money. 4 You should join a youth club or a sports team. This way you’ll meet new people. 5 If I were you, I’d look for a new job. Then you’ll be happier.
6. Итоги урока упр.7 стр.20
7. Домашнее задание упр. 8 стр.20 выполнить письменно одно из заданий упр.7 и проверить себя по з
аданному алгоритму
Module 1
Модуль :Culture Corner
Урок №7 Тема: Подростковая мода в Великобритании.
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие: Развивать умения употреблять в речи ЛЕ по теме мода, стиль, одежда.
Развивающие: развитие навыков диалогической речи. Развитие умений поискового чтения.
Воспитательные: развитие страноведческих знаний.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
4. Опрос дом. Упр.8 написать письмо. Собрать для проверки.
5.Введение нового материала. Модуль Culture Corner
Упр.1 стр.21 Употребление ЛЕ по теме
Suggested Answer Key British teenagers like wearing comfortable, cheap clothes like baggy jeans and trainers, second-hand clothes and modern colourful designs.
Упр.2 стр.21 Развитие умений поискового чтения
Answer Key 1 John 3 Amy 5 Lisa/Amy 2 Lisa 4 John
Упр.3 стр.21 Закрепление лексики путем подбора синонимов
Suggested Answer Key
well-dressed: dressed quite well
individuality: being yourself/different to others
bothered about: interested in sth
tend to: to usually do sth
stick to: not to change
rip: tear
keeping up with: following a trend
top designers: the most famous designers
trendy: fashionable
affordable: at a reasonable price
hit the shops: to go shopping
inspiration: sth that influences your decisions/ choices
multi-cultural: involving people of different cultures
trends: fashions picking up
bargains: buying things at a low price
second-hand shops: shops that sell used items
stand out in a crowd: to be noticed
influenced by: affected by
the other way round: the opposite
Упр.4 стр.21 Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
Suggested Answer Key A: So, Amy, tell me, do you like to keep up with the latest fashion? B: Oh, yes! I just love fashion and I buy a lot of fashion magazines. A: Where do you shop mostly? B: I do most of my shopping in the high street shops. A: Why’s that? B: Because they are full of trendy affordable clothes. Etc
Упр.5 стр.21. Рефлексия изученного .
Suggested Answer Key In my country, there are always several trends and so teenagers wear a variety of clothes. A lot of teenagers are influenced by American TV and they copy the clothes some American kids wear. Many boys like to wear large baggy trousers, Nike or Adidas trainers and baseball caps. Most girls seem to follow the latest fashion that they see in magazines and so they wear whatever is in. Others are inspired by rock groups and wear the same clothes that their favourite singer wears. Teenagers who keep up with the latest fashion and who have the money to spend, tend to go to high street shops while others like going to markets or second-hand shops. I think most teenagers would spend about ú 100 a month on clothes.
affordable: at a reasonable price
bargains: buying things at a low price
bothered about: interested in sth
hit the shops: to go shopping
individuality: being yourself/different to others
influenced by: affected by
inspiration: sth that influences your decisions/ choices
keeping up with: following a trend
multi-cultural: involving people of different cultures
rip: tear
second-hand shops: shops that sell used items
stand out in a crowd: to be noticed
stick to: not to change
tend to: to usually do sth
the other way round: the opposite
top designers: the most famous designers
trends: fashions picking up
trendy: fashionable
well-dressed: dressed quite well
Module 1
Модуль : Citizenship/Across the curriculum/Going green.
Урок №7 Тема: Дискриминация и защита прав. Вторая жизнь вещей.
Классы: 10а_________
Обучающие: развитие умения составлять тезис устного сообщения; развитие умений устной речи.
Развивающие: развитие умений употреблять в речи ЛЕ по темам.
Воспитательные: воспитание бережного отношения к природе; воспитание культуры поведения, терпимости к людям разных конфессий, пола и убеждений.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
4. Опрос дом. Упр.5 стр.21написать сообщение моде среди подростков. Опросить устно несколько учеников.
5.Введение нового материала. Модуль Citizenship/Across the curriculum/Going green.
Упр. 1 стр.22.Разобрать понятие дискриминация. Чтение словарной статьи.
Упр.2 стр.22.Развитие навыков чтения.
Suggested Answer Key A: I think Paolo should talk to his teacher because if not, the situation will only get worse. B: I agree. He can also tell his parents so they can help him. A: I think Meg should keep on applying for jobs. She will find one in the end. B: I agree. She should never give up. A: I think Julie should start an anti- discrimination group at school to help others like her. B: I think you’re right. She would make new friends that way too.
Упр.3 стр.22
Suggested Answer Key
teased: made fun of
made redundant: be asked to leave your job because you are not necessary
placement agency: an employment agency that helps you find a job
highly qualified: to have lots of qualifications
tomboy: a girl who likes doing the things boys usually do
hurt: upset
reluctant: not prepared to do sth
shared: to give a part to sb else
halved: reduced by half
illegal: against the law
provide: give sth
counselling: giving advice (therapist/expert)
guest speakers: sb who is invited to speak at a conference/meeting
bullied: hurt or threatened by sb more powerful
Suggested Answer Key 1 teased 3 made redundant 2 hurt 4 tomboy
4 Giving a talk about discrimination
Useful link ―www.yourrights.org.uk www.nistudents.org
Упр.2 стр.23 Развитие навыков чтения с заполнением пропусков словами в правильной грамматической форме.
Answer Key 1 represents 6 completes 2 them 7 recycled 3 third 8 shopping 4 consumer 9 driving 5 Buying 10 manufacturers
Итоги урока.
Домашнее задание. Подготовиться к выполнению заданий на стр.25 (письмо, говорение)
a. teased: b. made redundant c. placement agency: d. highly qualified: e. tomboy: f. reluctant g. shared: h. illegal i. provide: j. counselling: k. guest speakers l. bullied: |
1 made fun of
2.to have lots of qualifications
3.not prepared to do sth
4. giving advice (therapist/expert)
5. hurt or threatened by sb more powerful
6.give sth.
7.sb who is invited to speak at a conference/meeting
8.be asked to leave your job because you are not necessary
9.an employment agency that helps you find a job
10. against the law
11. a girl who likes doing the things boys usually do
12.to give a part to sb else
a. teased: b. made redundant c. placement agency: d. highly qualified: e. tomboy: f. reluctant g. shared: h. illegal i. provide: j. counselling: k. guest speakers l. bullied: |
1 made fun of
2.to have lots of qualifications
3.not prepared to do sth
4. giving advice (therapist/expert)
5. hurt or threatened by sb more powerful
6.give sth.
7.sb who is invited to speak at a conference/meeting
8.be asked to leave your job because you are not necessary
9.an employment agency that helps you find a job
10. against the law
11. a girl who likes doing the things boys usually do
12.to give a part to sb else
a. teased: b. made redundant c. placement agency: d. highly qualified: e. tomboy: f. reluctant g. shared: h. illegal i. provide: j. counselling: k. guest speakers l. bullied: |
1 made fun of
2.to have lots of qualifications
3.not prepared to do sth
4. giving advice (therapist/expert)
5. hurt or threatened by sb more powerful
6.give sth.
7.sb who is invited to speak at a conference/meeting
8.be asked to leave your job because you are not necessary
9.an employment agency that helps you find a job
10. against the law
11. a girl who likes doing the things boys usually do
12.to give a part to sb else
Урок №9 Тема: Контроль навыков чтения, аудирования, лексики и грамматики
Классы: 10а_________
Задачи: Проконтролировать знания по всем видам речевой деятельности.
Оборудование: ноутбук, раздаточный материал
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3 Прослушивание
5.Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №14
Класс: 10а
Тема: Юные потребители. Урок введения новой лексики.
Обучающие: развитие навыков чтения (изучающее чтение); освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме.
Развивающие: развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста по заголовку и
Воспитательные: воспитывать бережное отношения к деньгам и умение правильно их тратить.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
Выполнение заданий
Упр.1 стр.28 Задачи: прогнозирование содержания текста по заголовку и иллюстрациям.
Suggested Answer Key A: British teenagers spend their money on clothes, mobile phone cards, sweets and bus fares. B: You’re right. They also spend it on computer games, going out and magazines/books/ comics, etc.
Упр.2 стр.28 Задачи: развитие навыков изучающего чтения.
Answer Key 1 F 3 B 5 E 2 A 4 C 6 D
Упр.2б стр. 28 Развитие умений аргументировано отвечать на вопрос.
Упр.3 стр.28 Задачи: повторение изученных и введение новых слов по теме; подбирать синонимы к словам.
Suggested Answer Key
consumers: people who buy things for their own use
retailer: shop owner/seller
catching up: reaching the same level
as something digging deeper into their pockets: paying out more money than usual
handing out: giving away
making ends meet: having enough money to live on
resist: stop from doing something
survive: live;
get by student loan: money the government lends students to pay for their studies
pocket money: money parents give children to spend as they wish
household chores: routine jobs done around the house
can’t afford to splash out: not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things
shopping sprees: buying lots of things at the same time
saving up: gradually collecting money by spending less than usual
5 Рефлексия изученного.
6.Домашнее задание. Выучить слова для устного опроса стр 28
Keys 1b 2a 3k 4d 5n 6l 7j 8- 9i 10h 11g 12m 13c 14f
1.consumers 2.retailer 3.householdchores 4. catching up 5.making ends meet 6. resist 7. survive 8. student loan 9. pocket money 10. can’t afford to splash out 11. shopping sprees 12. saving up 13. digging deeper into their pockets 14. handing out | a. shop owner/seller b. people who buy things for their own use c. paying out more money than usual d. reaching the same level e. gradually collecting money by spending less than usual f. giving away g. buying lots of things at the same time h. not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things i. money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live; k. routine jobs done around the house l. stop from doing something m. : having enough money to live on |
1.consumers 2.retailer 3.householdchores 4. catching up 5.making ends meet 6. resist 7. survive 8. student loan 9. pocket money 10. can’t afford to splash out 11. shopping sprees 12. saving up 13. digging deeper into their pockets 14. handing out | a. shop owner/seller b. people who buy things for their own use c. paying out more money than usual d. reaching the same level e. gradually collecting money by spending less than usual f. giving away g. buying lots of things at the same time h. not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things i. money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live; k. routine jobs done around the house l. stop from doing something m. : having enough money to live on |
1.consumers 2.retailer 3.householdchores 4. catching up 5.making ends meet 6. resist 7. survive 8. student loan 9. pocket money 10. can’t afford to splash out 11. shopping sprees 12. saving up 13. digging deeper into their pockets 14. handing out | a. shop owner/seller b. people who buy things for their own use c. paying out more money than usual d. reaching the same level e. gradually collecting money by spending less than usual f. giving away g. buying lots of things at the same time h. not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things i. money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live; k. routine jobs done around the house l. stop from doing something m. : having enough money to live on |
1.consumers 2.retailer 3.householdchores 4. catching up 5.making ends meet 6. resist 7. survive 8. student loan 9. pocket money 10. can’t afford to splash out 11. shopping sprees 12. saving up 13. digging deeper into their pockets 14. handing out | a. shop owner/seller b. people who buy things for their own use c. paying out more money than usual d. reaching the same level e. gradually collecting money by spending less than usual f. giving away g. buying lots of things at the same time h. not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things i. money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live; k. routine jobs done around the house l. stop from doing something m. :having enough money to live on |
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №15
Класс: 10а
Тема: Трата денег.
Обучающие: развитие навыков говорения ( диалогической и монологической).
Воспитательные: воспитывать бережного отношения к деньгам.
Оборудование: карточки для закрепления лексики
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания.-карточки
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
Выполнение заданий
Упр.5 стр.29 Работа с лексикой
Answer Key 1 pay 4 save 7 earn 2 lend 5 waste 3 borrow 6 cost
Упр.6 стр.29 Портфолио-развитие навыков диалогической речи.
Suggested Answer Key
A: How much money do you get, Josh?
B: I get £15 a week.
A: What do you spend it on?
B: Things like CDs, computer games, comics and going out. What about you, Hayley?
A: Well, I get £70 a week and I spend my money mainly on snacks, bus fares, going to the gym and going out. Etc
Упр.7 стр.29 рефлексия изученного материала.
Домашнее задание: упр.7 стр.29
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №16
Класс: 10а
Тема: Занятия в свободное время.
Обучающие: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые Л.Е. по теме и повторить изученные; научится вести разговор о разных видах предпочтения в зависимости от типа характера;
Развивающие: развитие навыков во всех видах речевой деятельности-навыков выразительного чтения.
Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру поведения через освоение норм этикета (умение выражать предпочтения и спрашивать о предпочтениях).
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания- упр.7 стр.29 собрать тетради
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
Выполнение заданий
Упр.1 стр.30 Введение и закрепление лексики по теме
Suggested Answer Key
do: gardening, martial arts, aerobics, archery, (weightlifting, track and field events)
play: football, tennis, board games, (baseball, basketball)
go: white-water rafting, fishing, skydiving, snowboarding, (walking, climbing)
упр.2 стр.30 Составление предложений о хобби и личностях
Suggested Answer Key
gardening: cautious, creative, relaxed, quiet, sensitive, imaginative
white-water rafting/skydiving/snowboarding: adventurous, brave, outgoing, active, strong
fishing: cautious, strong, relaxed, quiet
martial arts/archery: fit, strong, determined
football/tennis/aerobics: fit, strong, outgoing, sociable, determined, active
board games: creative, cautious, quiet, sociable, reserved, imaginative
Cautious people enjoy gardening, fishing or playing board games.
Creative people enjoy gardening, martial arts or playing board games.
Fit people enjoy martial arts or football. Etc
Упр.3 стр.30 Развитие навыков диалогической речи
Suggested Answer Key
A: Would you rather go snowboarding or play football?
B: I prefer to play football because I like team sports. Etc
Упр.4 стр.30 Прогнозирование содержания диалога по предложенным отрывкам из диалога.
Suggested Answer Key I think that the dialogue is about different activities teenagers do in their free time.
Упр.4б стр.30 Заполнение пропусков с последующим прослушиванием. Работа с лексикой.
Answer Key 1 C 3 A 5 D 2 E 4 B 6 F
Suggested Answer Key
y bruises: injuries that look like purple marks on your body
come along: come with, as well action
shots: photos of something in motion
Jake likes extreme sports such as white-water rafting and snowboarding. Suzy likes going to art classes and taking photographs.
Упр.5 стр 30 Выразительное чтения диалога.
Упр.6 стр.30 Идиомы связанные с характером человека
Answer Key 1 cool 2 straight 3 joke
Рефлексия.упр.11 стр.31
Домашнее задание 1пр.1,2 стр.30 для словарного диктанта.
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №17
Класс: 10а
Тема Запись на дополнительные занятия
Обучающие-развивать навыки аудирования и устной речи.
Развивающие-развивать коммуникативные умения при работе в паре.
Воспитательные: формирование ценностной ориентации
Оборудование: компьютер, карточки для проверки слов
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания- словарный диктант
Авантюрный аэробика честолюбивый стрельба из лука настольная игра осторожный решительный рыбная ловля в хорошей физической форме садоводство одаренный воображением боевые искусства общительный тихий уравновешенный замкнутый чувствительный затяжные прыжки с парашютом сноубординг дружелюбный сильный сплав на плотах
3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.
Упр.7 стр.31 Прослушивание. Прогнозирование содержания диалога по форме
Suggested Answer Key I think the form is for enrolling in a class.
1 surname
2 phone number
3 name of class
4 day/date
5 a number
6 a place or thing that has adverts
Упр.7б стр.31 Заполнение пропусков при прослушивании
Answer Key
1 Barlow
3 kick boxing
5 35 2 875 6540
4 3rd
6 a poster
Упр.8 стр.31Портфолио
A Greet and ask to help. B Greet & express interest in taking a class.
Give name.
Confirm spelling.
Give phone number.
Ask what is available.
Choose one.
Ask about cost.
Say goodbye.
Ask for name.
Check spelling of name.
Ask for contact number.
Ask which classes interested in.
Ask if sporty or not.
Give list of classes.
Give starting date.
Give price.
Make closing remarks.
Упр.9 стр.31 Выбор правильной реплики. Выделение ударного слога. Выразительное чтение.
Answer Key 1 a 2 a 3 b
Answer Key 1 gym, along, really
2 cinema, tonight, love, really, can’t
3 shopping, afternoon, That, really, great
Рефлексия изученного материала. Упр.10 стр 31
Домашнее задание: диалог учить
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №18 (2c)
Класс: 10а
Тема :Развитие грамматических навыков: ing-form,инфинитив с частицей и без частицы to/
Обучающие-освоить распознавание и использование во всех видах речевой деятельности инфинитива и герундия/ причастия.
Развивающие-развивать познавательные интересы за рамками урока.
Воспитательные- освоить культуру поведения через освоение норм написания письма с употреблением изученной грамматической темой.
Оборудование: таблица
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания упр.8 стр.31 ( учить диалог)
Введение в модуль 2с Изучение грамматического справочника стр.3-5,конспектирование
1.существительное в качестве подлежащего;
2. после глаголов admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, fancy, go( for activities)imagine, mind, miss, practice, prevent, quit, save, suggest.
3.после глаголов love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate для выражения общего предпочтения.
4.после выражений таких как be busy, it’s no use, it’s not good, it/s not worth, what’s the use of, can’t help. Can’t stand, have difficulty in, have trouble, there is no point in.
5.после глаголов spend, waste, lose (time, money)
6.после предлога to и выражениями look forward to, be used to, in addition to, object to, prefer (doing sth, to sth. Else)
7.после других предлогов (of, for etc,)
8.после глаголов hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel для описания незаконченных действий, но для оконченных действий употребляется инфинитив без частицы to .
Инфинитив с частицей to
1.для выражения цели
2 после определенных глаголов которые относят действия к будущему agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, want.
3. после выражений would like, would prefer, would love для выражения особого предпочтения.
4. после прилагательных, которые описывают чувства и эмоции (happy, glad, sad.),выражают желание или нежелание (eager, reluctant, willing), слова относящиеся к характеру человека и прилагательные удачи (lucky, fortunate-clever, kind), .
!!! после прилагательных которые описывают характер человека может использоваться безличная конструкция , например It WAS KIND of you to lend me your laptop.
5.после too, enough.
6.с it+be+adjective/noun
7.после be+first/second/next/last
8.после глаголов и выражений ask, decide, explain, find out, learn, want, want to know , когда за ними следует вопросительное слова (when )
9.после выражений to tell the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with.
10.после определенных существительных my honour
11.с so+adj.+as
12.с only выражающий неудовлетворительный результат
13.в выражениях for+noun/pronoun+to infinitive
Инфинитив без частицы to
1.после модальных глаголов (can, must, may, should etc;)
2.после глаголов let, make, see, hear, feel) , но после be made, be heard, be seen (пассивная форма) используется инфинитив с частицей to.
Когда после глаголов see, hear, watch следует ing-form нет изменений в пассивную конструкцию. Например: I heard her crying in the room/She was heard crying in the room.
3. После had better/would rather;
4.После help употребляется инфинитив с/без частицы to;
Упр.1 стр.32 Практика употребления грамматических структур.
Answer Key Andrew needs a job because he doesn’t have enough money.
Claire suggests that he does odd jobs for his neighbours.
Answer Key
1 -ing form
2 –ing form
3 infinitive with to
4 infinitive without to
5 –ing form
6 infinitive with to
7 infinitive without to
Упр.2 стр.32 Закрепление. Раскрыть скобки
Answer Key
1 helping 6 playing
2 reading, watching 7 go
3 finish 8 cry
4 saying 9 to see
5 to do 10 to go
Упр.3 стр.32 Составление предложений с использованием фраз на закрепление темы
Suggested Answer Key
1 hates sailing.
2 enjoys working long hours.
3 wants to be alone.
4 likes to be on time.
5 don’t mind eating Chinese or Indian food.
Упр.4 стр.32 Составление предложений с использованием лексики и грамматической темы.(перенос на себя). Проконтролировать.
Suggested Answer Key
I look forward to going on holiday every year.
I can’t help laughing at David ― he is so funny!
I don’t mind working out each day. It keeps me fit.
I can’t imagine living anywhere else. I really like living in Kiev.
I can touch my toes if I really stretch.
Let me go first, please. I’m in a hurry.
I want to go to university when I leave school.
I don’t fancy going to Dublin in the winter.
Домашнее задание: стр.33 упр.2 изучить, написать, выписать фразовые глаголы
Инг-форм/ ing-form
1.существительное в качестве подлежащего;
2. после глаголов admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, fancy, go( for activities)imagine, mind, miss, practice, prevent, quit, save, suggest.
3.после глаголов love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate для выражения общего предпочтения.
4.после выражений таких как be busy, it’s no use, it’s not good, it/s not worth, what’s the use of, can’t help. Can’t stand, have difficulty in, have trouble, there is no point in.
5.после глаголов spend, waste, lose (time, money)
6.после предлога to и выражениями look forward to, be used to, in addition to, object to, prefer (doing sth, to sth. Else)
7.после других предлогов (of, for etc,)
8.после глаголов hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel для описания незаконченных действий, но для оконченных действий употребляется инфинитив без частицы to .
Инфинитив с частицей to
1.для выражения цели
2 после определенных глаголов которые относят действия к будущему agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, want.
3. после выражений would like, would prefer, would love для выражения особого предпочтения.
4. после прилагательных, которые описывают чувства и эмоции (happy, glad, sad.),выражают желание или нежелание (eager, reluctant, willing), слова относящиеся к характеру человека и прилагательные удачи (lucky, fortunate-clever, kind), .
!!! после прилагательных которые описывают характер человека может использоваться безличная конструкция , например It WAS KIND of you to lend me your laptop.
5.после too, enough.
6.с it+be+adjective/noun
7.после be+first/second/next/last
8.после глаголов и выражений ask, decide, explain, find out, learn, want, want to know , когда за ними следует вопросительное слова (when )
9.после выражений to tell the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with.
10.после определенных существительных my honour
11.с so+adj.+as
12.с only выражающий неудовлетворительный результат
13.в выражениях for+noun/pronoun+to infinitive
Инфинитив без частицы to
1.после модальных глаголов (can, must, may, should etc;)
2.после глаголов let, make, see, hear, feel) , но после be made, be heard, be seen (пассивная форма) используется инфинитив с частицей to.
Когда после глаголов see, hear, watch следует ing-form нет изменений в пассивную конструкцию. Например: I heard her crying in the room/She was heard crying in the room.
3. После had better/would rather;
4.После help употребляется инфинитив с/без частицы to;
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №19 (2c)
Тема: суффиксы абстрактных существительных
Класс: 10а
Развитие грамматических навыков: освоить образование абстрактных существительных и фразового глагола take; освоить употребление ЛЕ представляющих трудность в различении.
Развивающие-развитие навыков распознавания и использования на письме ing-forms/infinitive.
Воспитательные: воспитание познавательных интересов за рамками урока.
Оборудование: таблица
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания упр.2 стр.33 ,правило
Введение в модуль
Упр.5 стр.32 Изучение теории- образование абстрактных существительных
Answer Key
1 action 4 selection 2 competition
5 accommodation 3 excitement
Практика употребления.
Answer Key 2 education 6 suggestion
3 collection 7 recovery
4 dependence 8 agreement
5 achievement
Упр.6 стр.32 фразовый глагол
Answer Key
1 take over –принимать должность 4 takes after-быть похожим
2 take up -приступить 5 Take off –снимать одежду
3 take (you) out-пригласить за свой счет 6 take (your clothes) in-ушивать
Упр.7 стр.33 зависимые предлоги
Answer Key
2 at 4 at 6 on
3 in 5 of 7 of
Упр.8 стр.33 практика употребления трудных ЛЕ
Answer Key
1 owe
2 change
3 broke
4 salaries
Упр.9 стр.33
Suggested Answer Key
1 is crazy about
2 can’t afford to go
3 would rather go out than
4 not keen on going
5 looking forward to seeing
Домашнее задание упр.10 стр.33 правило учить
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №20 (2c)
Тема: Э. Несбит «Дети железной дороги»
Класс: 10а
Обучающие: развитие навыков ознакомительного и изучающего чтения;
Развивающие: развитие умений выполнять задания в формате ЕГЭ (выбор ответа из нескольких вопросов).
Воспитательные: прививать любовь к литературе через знакомство с зарубежной литературой.
Оборудование: компьютер для прослушивания
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания упр.10 стр.33 ,правило
Введение в модуль
Упр.1 стр.34 Работа по картинке для нахождения ответа на вопрос.
Suggested Answer Key I think the story took place about a hundred years ago in the early 1900s.
Упр.2 стр.34 Развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения.
Suggested Answer Key
The extract is about the three children and their parents. It describes them and the relationship between them. It also describes their lifestyle and prepares the reader for the event that changed their lives.
Упр.3 стр.34 Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.
Answer Key 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 B
Упр.4 стр. 34 Работа с лексикой
Suggested Answer Key
ordinary: plain;
usual suburban: from an area outside the city centre where people live and do not usually work tiled: covered with tiles (flat, square pieces of dried clay)
bells: devices that make a ringing sound used to get attention or give a signal
French windows: pair of glass doors usually leading to a garden
estate agents: people whose job it is to sell houses and land
dull: boring
aloud: speaking out loud
refurnishing: putting of new furniture into a house
mumps: a childhood illness where your face and neck swell up
nursery: a room in a house where children play and/or sleep
heaps: a lot, many
merry: very happy
cross: a little angry
unjust: unfair over and done with:
finished; ended;
no more dreadful: awful
model: a smaller but exact copy of something, e.g. plane, train charm: to be pleasant/attractive/likeable
lasted: existed for a period of time
inexperience: lack of skills or knowledge of something
intentions: an idea or a plan of what you want to do in the future
Рефлексия изученного
Домашнее задание –учить слова 2
ordinary: usual suburban: tiled: bells: French windows: estate agents: dull: aloud: refurnishing: mumps: nursery: heaps: merry: cross: unjust: finished; no more dreadful: model: charm: lasted: inexperience: intentions: | ordinary: usual suburban: tiled: bells: French windows: estate agents: dull: aloud: refurnishing: mumps: nursery: heaps: merry: cross: unjust: finished; no more dreadful: model: charm: lasted: inexperience: intentions: | ordinary: usual suburban: tiled: bells: French windows: estate agents: dull: aloud: refurnishing: mumps: nursery: heaps: merry: cross: unjust: finished; no more dreadful: model: charm: lasted: inexperience: intentions: |
ordinary: usual suburban: tiled: bells: French windows: estate agents: dull: aloud: refurnishing: mumps: nursery: heaps: merry: cross: unjust: finished; no more dreadful: model: charm: lasted: inexperience: intentions: | ordinary: usual suburban: tiled: bells: French windows: estate agents: dull: aloud: refurnishing: mumps: nursery: heaps: merry: cross: unjust: finished; no more dreadful: model: charm: lasted: inexperience: intentions: | ordinary: usual suburban: tiled: bells: French windows: estate agents: dull: aloud: refurnishing: mumps: nursery: heaps: merry: cross: unjust: finished; no more dreadful: model: charm: lasted: inexperience: intentions: |
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №21 (2е)
Тема: Короткие сообщения.
Обучающие: развитие навыков письма-короткое сообщение с освоением структуры и типов коротких сообщений; развитие ознакомительного и поискового чтения.
Развивающие: развивать навыки письма с использованием аббревиатур и сокращений принятых в сообщениях.
Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру написания коротких сообщений
Оборудование: выдержки из коротких сообщений .
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания слова модуля 2д
Введение в модуль
Упр. 1 стр.36
Suggested Answer Key I
last wrote a written message when I left a note for my mother on the fridge. It said that I was going to be late home as I had hockey practice after school.
Упр.2 стр.36 Изучение теории.
Answer Key 2 abbreviations 5 informal linker 3 present participle 6 short form 4 imperative
Упр.3 стр.36 Практическое задание.
Suggested Answer Key
2 (I) Can’t come tonight ― no money.
3 Back late tonight.
4 Meeting in front of theatre at 8.
5 Your food’s in the fridge.
6 Got a new Saturday job. I’ll tell you when I see you.
7 Gone to supermarket. Back soon.
8 Looking forward to our trip next month.
9 Sorry (I) didn’t call you yesterday. I’ll call you tonight.
10 John’s buying (the) tickets for Saturday’s match.
Упр.4 стр.36 Сопоставление отрывков из писем с описанием
Suggested Answer Key
A 6 thanks, B 3 email addresses (@, com, mail)
C 4 sorry D 1 Don’t forget
E 5 2, 2nite, u, ☺
F214, Church Lane, Aylesbury Dear Sally, Having great time here
Упр.5 стр.37Повторение аббревиатур.
Answer Key 1
E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A
1 etc 2 e.g. 3 asap 4 P.S.
Упр.6 стр.38 Нахождение ключевых слов
Suggested Answer Key
Key words: Luke gone out, boots, What time you back, Dad’s birthday dinner at 7, Leave mum, reply, thanks, when back
Упр 6б стр.38
Suggested Answer Key
The answer is too long. It includes all the correct information but it should begin ‘Dear/Hi Mum’. The style is too formal and there are no contractions. It should be much shorter and have a friendlier ending.
Упр.7 стр.38 Практическое задание
Suggested Answer Key
Hi Mum
Thanks for buying my boots. Will be home at 6.30. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten Dad’s birthday.
See you later!
Рефлексия на основе упражнения 8
Упр.8 стр.38 Поисковое чтение.
Suggested Answer Key
Key words:
reason can’t go shopping,
suggest meet later, where, shopping,
25-35 words
1 a note
2 Katie
3 informal
4 reason can’t go shopping and meeting place
Чтение теории. Ознакомительное и поисковое чтение.
Упр.9 стр.38 Развитие навыков письма.
Suggested Answer Key
1 Dear Sarah,
Having great time in Brighton. Going shopping and seeing the sights. Just love the place. Wish you were here! Will take lots of photos to show you when I get back.
2 To: Gill@hotmail.com
From: Sueblue@hotmail.com
Just started at Leeds University. Fabulous city with great shops and clubs. Think I’m going to like it here! How about coming to stay one weekend?
Let me know asap (as soon as possible).
3 Mum &Dad
Gone to cinema with Fred. Be back at 6. Didn’t have time to walk Dodo. Would you walk him, please? Thanks
. See you later.
Домашнее задание: упр.9 стр.38
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №22 Culture Corner
Тема: Известные спортивные события в Великобритании.
Цели: Vocabulary: British sporting events. Введение новой лексики по теме «Спортивные события в Великобритании»-обучающие
Reading: texts about four British sporting events (matching).Чтение поисковое (сопоставление)
Skill ― reading for specific information.Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.(развивающие)
Writing: a short article about famous sporting events in your country. Развитие навыков письма (короткий текст о спортивных событиях в России) .Развитие страноведческих знаний (воспитательные)
Speaking: talking about a sporting event (monologue ― role play).Развитие навыков говорения-монолог.
Оборудование: видео.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания упр.9 стр.38.
Введение в модуль
Упр.1 стр.39 Работа по картинкам- с целью задать вопрос о с/событиях. Просмотр видео и самопроверка.
Suggested Answer Key
A When does it take place? (every spring)
B Why do people do it? (prize money, fun, to raise money for charity)
C Where is it? (Berkshire)
D How long does it last? (two weeks)
Упр.2 стр.39.Повторное чтение текста с целью развития навыков чтения.
Answer Key 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A
Упр.2 б стр.39 Работа с лексикой.
Suggested Answer Key
competitors: people taking part in a contest
extremely: very much
get out of breath: breathe very quickly and with difficulty
take part in: be involved in
offers: gives
majority: most
raise money for charity: make money for those less fortunate
race course: a place where horses run against each other
presenters: people who introduce a TV programme
comment on: talk about,
give an opinion on smart: fashionable
championship: a competition to find the best player(s) in
a sport spectators: people who watch a sporting event
queue: wait in a line to be served/for your turn
compete: play against each other
упр.3 стр.39 Повторение лексики из упр.1
Аnswer Key 1 presenters 3 competitors 2 spectators
Упр.4 стр.39 Развитие навыков монологической речи. Рассказать об одном из событий.
Suggested Answer Key
Hi everyone! It’s Mike Legg here at the London Marathon. Competitors are just lining up for the start of this fantastic event. As always it’s a race over 26 miles. You have to be pretty fit to enter. There are over 40,000 people taking part this year. Here at the starting line the serious runners are on the left and those raising money for charity are on the right. Hello, they’re asking people to be quiet. … And that was the starter pistol. There they go! They’re off to a flying start.
Рефлексия изученного What have you learned at the lesson? What can you do now?
Упр.5 стр.39.-портфолио либо д/p
Suggested Answer Key One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events is the Round the Bays fun run. Held in March every year since 1972 and with 70,000 runners, it is one of the world’s largest. It costs $15 to enter but all the money goes to charity. It starts at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay. Some of the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Even members of Greenpeace race in whale costumes!! After the run people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm. Every runner gets a certificate. It is a good day out and a lot of fun for all.
Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events….
Type- the Round the Bays fun run.
Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay
Time- Held in March every year since 1972
Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams.
Prizes-to charity
Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №23 Across the Curriculum
Тема: Деньги и ответственность. Чистый воздух дома.
Reading: a quiz on money (comprehension) .Развитие навыков чтения квизов
Skill ― reading for detailed understanding.Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.
Speaking: expressing/enquiring about opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement.Развитие навыков говорения –выражения/запроса мнения/выражения согласия и несогласия.
Writing: a survey about Ss’ responsibility with money; survey results. Развитие навыков письма-обозрение чье-то ответственности по отношению к деньгам.
Оборудование: .
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания собрать письменное сообщение .
Упр.1 стр.40 Обсуждение ситуаций по заданной теме.
Suggested Answer Key 2
A: Do you think you would tell your friend he had paid you twice?
B: Of course! I wouldn’t want to take his pocket money from him.
3 A: Don’t you think you should just ask your mum for some extra money?
B: Certainly not! It’s my fault I spent all the money at the arcade.
4 A: Don’t you agree that you should always lend a friend money?
B: You are wrong there. If he/she doesn’t pay you back, you might have an argument and fall out.
5 A: Don’t you agree that taking the money is the same as stealing?
B: That’s correct. You shouldn’t keep it.
6 A: Don’t you think that you should give your mother back all her change when you go to the shop for her?
B: Certainly.
Упр.2 стр.40 Проведение опроса .
- Preparing a survey and writing your findings
- Elicit/Explain the meaning of the word survey.
- Explain how a survey is conducted (by asking a specific number of people a number of questions on a particular topic).
- Allow Ss time to come up with questions.
- Write the questions on the board.
- Count how many Ss answer Yes and how many answer No. Ss write a paragraph about the findings.
- Allow Ss some time to write it or alternatively assign the task as HW.
Домашнее задание заполнить таблицу и приготовить результаты опроса
Suggested Answer Key
Most of the class seems to be really honest. Only one person said that they wouldn’t return a wallet if they found it in the street. On the other hand, five people said they wouldn’t tell the shopkeeper about the extra change and two people said they wouldn’t tell the boss about paying the extra day. However, most people felt it was better to tell the boss to show their honesty and perhaps be given promotion.
Name 1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ......
1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ......
1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 ......
Statement Yes No 1 You find a wallet in the street with an address in it. Do you keep it?
2 A shopkeeper gives you too much change. Do you tell him?
3 You don’t work one Saturday but your boss still pays you. Do you return the money?
Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events…. Type- the Round the Bays fun run. Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay Time- Held in March every year since 1972 Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Prizes-to charity Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all | Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events…. Type- the Round the Bays fun run. Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay Time- Held in March every year since 1972 Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Prizes-to charity Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all |
Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events…. Type- the Round the Bays fun run. Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay Time- Held in March every year since 1972 Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Prizes-to charity Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all | Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events…. Type- the Round the Bays fun run. Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay Time- Held in March every year since 1972 Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Prizes-to charity Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all |
Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events…. Type- the Round the Bays fun run. Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay Time- Held in March every year since 1972 Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Prizes-to charity Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all | Name- One of Auckland’s most famous sporting events…. Type- the Round the Bays fun run. Place- at the city harbour and continues around 8.4 kilometres of coastal roads finishing at St Helier’s Bay Time- Held in March every year since 1972 Competitors-70,000,the world largest; the most interesting competitors are rugby teams, hospital staff pushing hospital beds, firemen and parents running with children in prams. Prizes-to charity Other information- people have barbeques at Madrill’s Farm, gets a certificate, a lot of fun for all |
1.competitors: 2.extremely: 3. get out of breath 4. take part in 5.offers: 6.majority 7. raise money for charity 8. race course | a very much b. people taking part in a contest c. be involved in d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty f. most g. gives h. a place where horses run against each other i. make money for those less fortunate |
1.competitors: 2.extremely: 3. get out of breath 4. take part in 5.offers: 6.majority 7. raise money for charity 8. race course | a very much b. people taking part in a contest c. be involved in d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty f. most g. gives h. a place where horses run against each other i. make money for those less fortunate |
1.competitors: 2.extremely: 3. get out of breath 4. take part in 5.offers: 6.majority 7. raise money for charity 8. race course | a very much b. people taking part in a contest c. be involved in d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty f. most g. gives h. a place where horses run against each other i. make money for those less fortunate |
1.competitors: 2.extremely: 3. get out of breath 4. take part in 5.offers: 6.majority 7. raise money for charity 8. race course | a very much b. people taking part in a contest c. be involved in d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty f. most g. gives h. a place where horses run against each other i. make money for those less fortunate |
1.competitors: 2.extremely: 3. get out of breath 4. take part in 5.offers: 6.majority 7. raise money for charity 8. race course | a very much b. people taking part in a contest c. be involved in d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty f. most g. gives h. a place where horses run against each other i. make money for those less fortunate |
1.competitors: 2.extremely: 3. get out of breath 4. take part in 5.offers: 6.majority 7. raise money for charity 8. race course | a very much b. people taking part in a contest c. be involved in d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty f. most g. gives h. a place where horses run against each other i. make money for those less fortunate |
1.competitors: 2.extremely: 3. get out of breath 4. take part in 5.offers: 6.majority 7. raise money for charity 8. race course | a very much b. people taking part in a contest c. be involved in d. breathe very quickly and with difficulty f. most g. gives h. a place where horses run against each other i. make money for those less fortunate |
Модуль 2 Деньги в нашей жизни
Урок №24
Тема Выполнение заданий в формате ЕГЭ.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Контроль выполнения заданий.
Reading for specific information
Allow Ss time to read the text. Ss complete the multiple choice task
Answer Key 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 C
Use of English
Using word derivatives
Answer Key 1 enjoyable 5 usually 2 expensive 6 shiny 3 working 7 excitement 4 really 8 generously
Explain the task. Read out the text. Allow Ss time to complete the task..
Listening for specific information
Explain the task. Play the recording. Allow Ss time to complete the task. Select individual Ss to read out the answers.
I asked some people about what kinds of sporting events they enjoy. Here’s what they had to say:
Speaker 1: My boyfriend always wants to stay in and watch sports events on TV. It’s really annoying because I find watching sport really boring. Speaker
2: I usually watch sports events in the pub with my friends when something important is on. The atmosphere’s just not the same when you watch it by yourself!
Speaker 3: I go to a major sporting event at least once a year. The tickets can be a bit expensive but they are usually worth every penny!
Speaker 4: I’m a really active person and play quite a lot of sport. I sometimes watch sports events, on TV for example, but I’d rather be out there doing it myself!
Speaker 5: I love watching sports. My girlfriend thinks I’m really boring but I always stay in and watch if something important is on.
Speaker 1 2 3 4 5
Writing a letter to a pen-friend
Check Ss’ understanding by asking questions:
What are you going to write? (a letter)
Who is the letter for? (my pen-friend Matt)
Why are you writing? (to tell him about my hobbies and ask 3 questions about pocket money). Allow Ss time to complete the task.
Suggested Answer Key
Dear Matt,
Thanks for your last letter. How’s your new baby sister?
You asked about my hobbies. Well, I’m not really into sports. I prefer quieter pastimes like stamp collecting. As a matter of fact, I have a huge stamp collection ― over 5,000 stamps. Most of my stamps are from America but I also collect Australian stamps.
Helping your mother and father is a good way to earn money. Do you get other pocket money, too? How much pocket money do you get a week? What other jobs do you have to do to earn it? I have to earn all mine.
Write again soon.
Модуль 3 Образование и карьера.
Цели :
понимать небольшие аутентичные тексты, короткие диалоги, высказывания об образовании, типах школ и школьной жизни в странах изучаемого языка.
Чтение: читать аутентичные прагматические, научно-популярные и худ. тексты по изучаемой теме с извлечением частичной и полной информации.
Монолог.речь: рассказывать о школе и школьной жизни, планах на летние каникулы; делать рекламу своей школы.
Диалогическая речь: брать/давать интервью во время поиска работы, сообщать новости, и реагировать на них, запрашивать информацию и выражать желание/намерение.
Письмо: уметь писать резюме и сопроводительное письмо, эссе, научно-популярную статью о вымирающих животных.
Урок №26
Тема: Школы. Развитие лексических навыков.
Класс: 10а
Vocabulary: types of schools & school life.Освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности слова по теме «Школа»
Reading: text about schools around the world (matching; multiple choice cloze) .Развитие навыков чтения(сопоставление и выборочное чтение)
Skills ― skimming ― reading for detailed understanding .Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.
Speaking: acting out an interview (role play) .Развитие навыков диалогической речи (ролевая игра)
Writing: a short article about your school. Развитие письменной речи (короткая статья о школе)
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
Before you start …
- Revise one or two points based on you and your favourite free-time activities.
-Think about what type of person you are, what you are like and how you enjoy spending your free time.
- Direct Ss’ attention to the title of the module, Schooldays & Work.
-Explain that throughout the module they will learn to talk about different types of schools found around the world, how life is different in each and what jobs will be available to them later in life.
Упр. 1 стр.46 Сопоставление
Answer Key 1 F 2 D 3 A 4 E 5 B 6 C
Упр.2 стр.46 Reading
2 Matching headings to text
Ask Ss to focus on the six prompts offered as headings.
Answer Key
A Schools of Every Shape and Size (The different types of schools)
B To and From School (The distance some kids travel to school)
C Studying Hours (Different school hours)
D School Rules (Different school rules)
E Education or No Education (The lack of schools in some countries)
3 a) Gap-filling. Заполнение пропусков.
- Ss to try each word if they are unsure and select the best answer.
- Allow Ss time to complete the task and advise them to read the article again after they have completed the task in order to check their answers.
-Review with the class to check for accuracy.
b) Eliciting meaning from text
Play the recording for Ss to check their answers and follow the text in their books.
Focus Ss’ attention on the words in bold throughout the text. Ss explain the meaning of each word by giving a synonym, example or explanation before checking in their dictionaries and use them accordingly in sentences.
Ask various Ss to share their sentences with the rest of the class.
Answer Key 1 D 3 D 5 A 7 A 2 B 4 C 6 B 8 C
Упр.3б стр.47 Составить предложения.
I dread the cold winters. John Logie Baird invented the first television.
Training is important at a circus school.
The skills students acquire at school can help in later life. I find schools only for boys or girls unusual.
Buses are the cheapest form of public transport.
I attend school five days a week.
My teachers are quite strict.
People at weddings usually wear smart clothes.
My grandfather is very old-fashioned and still wears a hat.
I have to wear a uniform at school. I
t is important for people to participate in sports.
Упр.4 стр.47 Краткая информация о тексте.
Suggested Answer Key
At Eton College in England, students wear uniforms. It takes a long time for Japanese children to get to school on public transport. Etc
Упр.5 стр.47 Acting out an interview/Questions and Responses. Диалог.(вопрос-ответ)
Suggested Answer Key
A: Hello, we’re making a TV programme about schools in Russia. Could you tell me about your school?
B: Yes, of course. What would you like to know?
A: When does school start?
B: School starts at 8 am.
A: And how do you get to school?
B: I go on public transport. It takes 20 minutes.
A: Do students wear a uniform?
B: No, we can wear what we like.
A: Are there rules in your school?
B: Yes, of course, but they are not that strict. Etc
Упр.6 стр.47развитие навыков письма.
Suggested Answer Key
My school is a co-educational state school. We study all the usual subjects such as Maths, Science, History, Geography, Russian and English. Most of the students live nearby and come to school on public transport. The school day usually starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 2:30 pm and we eat our lunch at school. There are rules, but they aren’t that strict. Students must respect each other and school property for example, and we don’t have to wear a uniform.
Рефлексия изученного материала. What have you learned at the lesson? What can you do know?
Домашнее задание.упр.6 стр.47 письменно.
Модуль 3 Образование и карьера.
Урок №28-29
Тема: Профессии. Собеседование с работодателем.
Класс: 10а
Цели: : Objectives
3 Listening & Speaking Skills b
Vocabulary: jobs. Введение новых и повторение пройденных слов по теме «Работа»
Reading: a dialogue (comprehension questions; ordering; matching).Развитие умений чтения с общим пониманием, расстановкой предложений в правильном порядке, сопоставление)
Skills ― predicting ― reading for gist & specific information.Развитие умений ознакомительного и поискового чтения)
Listening: an interview (gap-fill) .Развитие умений аудирования с заполнением пропущенной информации.
Skill ― listening for specific information. Поисковое
Speaking: asking about and expressing wants and intentions; acting out an interview; giving and reacting to news Развитие умений говорения-спрашивать и выражать желания и намерения и реагировать на новости.
Оборудование:компьютер для прослушивания.
Ход урока
2.Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.
3.Опрос домашнего задания упр.6 стр.47 слова урок 3а
4. Ознакомление с новым материалом.
Упр.1 стр.48 Расширение словарного запаса по теме.
Suggested Answer Key
1 a cartoonist, a website designer 2 an electrician, a builder 3 a CEO, a chairman 4 a typist, a receptionist 5 an accountant, a surveyor 6 a director, a TV presenter 7 an ambulance driver, a soldier 8 a shopkeeper, a photographer 9 a midwife, an optician
Упр.2 стр.48 2 a) Using definitions to eliminate possibilities
- Ask Ss to review the list of jobs in Ex. 1.
-Ss work in pairs. Explain the task and be very clear they are looking for jobs that cannot be done by the person described.
uggested Answer Key
1 a naval officer, a fisherman
2 a secretary, a managing director
3 a doctor, a lawyer
4 a gardener, a carpenter
5 a pilot, a nurse
6 a fire fighter, a nurse
7 a vet, a surgeon
8 a bank clerk, a secretary
Упр.3б стр.48 Сопоставление описаний с профессиями.
Suggested Answer Key
1 naval officer 8 pilot
2 translator 9 nurse
3 secretary 10 surgeon
4 doctor 11 architect
5 carpenter 12 dancer
6 fire fighter 13 managing director
7 fisherman
Упр.4 стр.49 Идиомы по теме «Работа»
Answer Key 1 follow in her footsteps 2 jack-of-all-trades 3 in the same boat 4 bring home the bacon
Домашнее задание: упр.5,6 стр.49
Suggested Answer Key interviewer/interviewee
Mr Smith is interviewing Ann for a job.
Упр.6 стр.49 Использование прилагательных для описания профессиональных качеств.
Suggested Answer Key
Ann is applying for a job as secretary. I think the adjectives hardworking and outgoing best describe Ann. She worked during her summer holidays from college, and doesn’t mind working long hours or weekends. She also likes going out with friends, which makes her an outgoing person.
Упр.7 стр.49 Развитие навыков чтения диалога по ролям.
Упр.8 стр 49 Контроль навыков аудирования.
Suggested Answer Key I think he asks her about her name, age, experience, qualities and when she will be available to start.
Answer Key 1 Hodgkins 4 receptionist 2 22 5 organised 3 training course 6 from 1st April
Interviewer: Good morning, please take a seat. It’s Sarah Hodgkins, isn’t it?
Sarah: Yes, that’s right.
Interviewer: Is that H-O-D-G-K-I-N-S?
Sarah: Yes, it is.
Interviewer: … and how old are you, Miss Hodgkins?
Sarah: I’m 21, but I’ll be 22 in two weeks’ time.
Interviewer: Nearly 22. Ok, that’s fine. Now, you’re applying for the flight attendant training course, is that right? Sarah: The training course. Yes, that’s right.
Interviewer: OK. And what relevant experience do you have?
Sarah: Well, I haven’t worked in the tourist industry before, but I’ve got a lot of experience of working with people. I’ve been working as a hotel receptionist for the last two years.
Interviewer: Oh right! Well, I’m sure the skills you’ve acquired as a receptionist would be very useful for this job. So what other qualities do you have that would make you a good flight attendant?
Sarah: Well, I think I have very good common sense and communication skills. People say that I’m reliable too and I’m also a really good organiser. Yes, I’m really organised.
Interviewer: Well, it’s definitely important for a flight attendant to be organised. There can be a lot to do in a very short time on a flight! Now, if you are selected, you will have to complete a two-month training course. When would you be available to start?
Sarah: Well, I have to give my current employer one month’s notice, so I would be available from about 1st April. Interviewer: 1st April would be fine. Well, thank you for coming, Miss Hodgkins. You’ll receive a letter in about a week to let you know if you have been successful.
Sarah: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Greet, offer seat & confirm name. B Confirm name.
State age.
Give details of previous job(s).
Give details of personal qualities.
Give possible start date.
Thank & say goodbye. Ask about age.
Confirm position applying for. Ask about previous experience.
Ask about personal qualities. Ask when available to start.
Thank & offer job/say you’ll let them know.
Упр.10 стр.49Реакция на новость.
Answer Key 1 a 2 b 3 a
Домашнее задание: учить диалог. № 5
Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | ||
Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | ||
Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. | Translate into English. 1.архитектор 2.автор 3.банковский служащий 4.косметолог 5.знаменитость 6.флорист. 7.внештатный сотрудник 8.полный рабочий день 9.адвокат 10.следователь 11.управляющий директор 12.неполный раб. День 13.водопроводчик 14.жалование 15.сменная работа 16.хирург 17.переводчик 18инженер 19.рыбак 20.плотник. |
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