лексико-грамматический тест английский язык 6 класс (учебник Starlight)
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Отиско Елена Вячеславовна

лексико-грамматический тест


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

  1. Peter isn’t here. He_________(study) at the library.
  2. You_________(not/understand) what I’m saying.
  3. Michael and Rene are at the sports centre. They_________(play) tennis.
  4. The children ________(not/watch) TV very often.
  5. Ted______(go) to the bowling alley once a week.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

  1. It’s _________(good) shopping centre in town.
  2. The flat is__________(expensive) than the other one.
  3. This is __________(bad) neighborhood in the city.
  4. Carl’s bedroom is _______(big) than Sue’s.
  5. Big cities are usually ________(crowded) than small towns.

3. Choose the correct item.

  1. You_______throw your rubbish in the bins.

A  can           B must         C could

2. _____you please help me do the washing-up?

A should        B must        C could

3. You_____mop the floor. It’s clean.

A can’t          B don’t have to      C  mustn’t

4. Kelly goes to the gym ____foot.

A by              B with              C   on

5. Walk_____the road and turn right at the lights.

A into           B across           C under


4. Circle the correct item.

  1. The community station/centre offers many great activities.
  2. Please make/do your bed before you leave.
  3. Let’s take a street/road trip down the coastline.
  4. The pedestrian/public services are excellent in my city.
  5. Put on some reptile/insect repellent so you don’t get stung.

5.Choose the correct item.

  1. A bite from a(n)________snake can be dangerous.

A fatal      B poisonous      C innocent      D strange

2. Some programmes use video______from hand-held cameras.

A documentary    B reality    C footage     D voice-over

3. Ted likes to_____books from the library.

A report   B return  C borrow   D deposit

4. Many tourists _______trouble while visiting the swamps.

A take out     B fall into   C get into  D pull in

5. A good citizen always______the law.

A obeys   B follows   C volunteers    D helps


6. Read the dialogue and fill in the missing phrases.

-That’s £15, please.

-Have a nice day.

-I’d like a ticket to Manchester, please.

-When do you want to go?

-Single or return.

A: Hello. Can I help you?

B: 1)_________________

A: Sure. 2)_____________?

B: Single, please.

A: 3)__________________

B: I’d like to take the 10 am bus.

A: Ok. 4)______________

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you. 5)__________

B: Thanks, you too.

7. You will hear 2 people talking about a street in a city. Listen and put an (x) in the correct box.

  1. Trevor and Carla are standing on a bridge.                                                  



  1. Trevor’s film has no actors in it.
  2. Trevor wants to make a film about street crime.
  3. Carla thinks there should be more patrol cars in the street.
  4. There are many cars driving through the tunnel.


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