Дополнительный материал к учебнику Gateway B2 2-d edition Unit 1
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему
Я разработала упражнения двух уровней сложности: В и С. Они содержат лексику Unit 1, но сделаны с использованием технологии "ИнтеллекТ". Время выполнения - 15 мин
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Предварительный просмотр:
Vocabulary Unit 1 part 1
- Body idioms and human interaction. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Two are extra. Level B
stuck his neck out under my thumb lend me a hand behind your back the cold shoulder pull his leg see eye to eye get it off my chest |
- I don’t want to have these people ______________________. I’m not the manager type.
- I thought she really liked me, but the next day she gave ______________________________.
- He made a risky investment. He ___________________________ for the deal because he thought he could make some big money.
- It’s not about who is real to your face, it’s about who stays real __________________________.
- Could you _________________________ with this math assignment?
- Bon and Sue don’t _________________________ on religion. He’s an atheist and she’s a Christian.
______ /12
- Guess the word in the sentence. Unscramble the words. Level B/A
- The ctemomurs ___________ were sitting in the train silently and reading their morning papers.
- We don’t see much of our neighbours – they kepe______ ot_ tehsmlees__________.
- The new system should help to improve the arcucacy______________ of weather forecast.
- There is not enough irttainocn_______________ between the teacher and the student.
- Dan’s errors were occurring with increasing fenruceqy______________.
- The holiday cost a lot more than we had atncipitaed_______________.
- The billionaire founder of SAC Capital aasemsd___________ a fortune of $ 230 million.
______ / 14
- Match the words and their definitions. Level A.
1 | Collect a lot of something over a period of time. | A | precise |
2 | Moving or happening at the same time or speed. | B | keep to themselves |
3 | People who travel regularly to and from work. | C | household |
4 | A state of well-being, the good life, pleasant emotions | D | commuters |
5 | Exact and accurate | E | happiness |
6 | With feet moving at exactly the same time. | F | synchronise |
7 | Stay alone and not talk to other people | G | amass |
8 | A group of people, often a family who live together. ~ chores | H | In step |
______ /4
Total ______ / 30
Предварительный просмотр:
Vocabulary Unit 1 part 1
- Body idioms and human interaction. Complete the sentences. Level C
- It’s not about who is real to your face, it’s about who stays real __________________________.
- I don’t want to have these people ______________________. I’m not the manager type.
- I thought she really liked me, but the next day she gave ______________________________.
- Could you _________________________ with this math assignment?
- Bon and Sue don’t _________________________ on religion. He’s an atheist and she’s a Christian.
- He made a risky investment. He ___________________________ for the deal because he thought he could make some big money.
______ /18
- Guess the word in the sentence. The first letter is given. Level B
- The c__________________ were sitting in the train silently and reading their morning papers.
- We don’t see much of our neighbours – they k_______ __ ____________.
- The new system should help to improve the a______________ of weather forecast.
- There is not enough i_______________ between the teacher and the student.
- Dan’s errors were occurring with increasing f______________.
- The holiday cost a lot more than we had a_______________.
- The billionaire founder of SAC Capital a___________ a fortune of $ 230 million.
______ / 14
- Guess the words from their definitions. Level A.
1 | A state of well-being, the good life, pleasant emotions | |
2 | Exact and accurate | |
3 | People who travel regularly to and from work. | |
4 | Collect a lot of something over a period of time. | |
5 | Moving or happening at the same time or speed. | |
6 | With feet moving at exactly the same time. | |
7 | Stay alone and not talk to other people | |
8 | A group of people, often a family who live together. ~ chores |
______ /8
Total ______ / 40
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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