урок-соревнование по теме Weather
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
МОУ «Узуновская СОШ»
Серебряно-Прудского района
Московской области
(The Weather)
Составлено учителем английского языка Комашковой Т.В.
2011-2012 учебный год
обобщение пройденного материала по теме «Погода»
Тренировка навыков монологической, диалогической речи;
Тренировка навыков аудирования;
Повышение интереса к изучению английского языка,
Лингафонный кабинет (для станции Listening);
Карточки с заданиями для учащихся (для станции Vocabulary, Grammar)
Картинки с изображением погоды, времён годадля украшения класса,
Презентации (для станции Speaking).
Учебник Английский язык для 7 класса, автор Афанасьева
Рабочая тетрадь №2 для учебника Английский язык для 7 класса, автор Афанасьева
Интернет ресурсы
Организационный момент.
Hello, boys and girls. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.
Who is absent today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
Today we will speak about seasons, the weather, and of course we can’t forget about grammar.
Фонетическая разминка
If the weather is good,
I’ll go to the wood.
If the weather is bad,
I’ll stay in my flat.
If the weather is wet,
I won’t fret
If the weather is cold,
I won’t scold
Речевая разминка.
Answer my questions, please.
What seasons do you know?
What can the weather be like? (sunny, warm, cold, rainy, frosty, foggy) (каритнки)
What is the weather like today?
What can the weather be like in autumn, in winter, in summer?
We can say that the weather is warm or cold if we know how many degrees there are. Say me please how many degrees? (Презентация)
What is your favorite season?
Основная часть урока
We have divided into tree groups.
There are four stations: Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary and Grammar. At station Listening you listen to the tape and do the tasks in your workbooks Ex. 1, p.4, Ex.2, p4, ex, 3, p.5.
At the station Grammar you have to do some tasks. Don’t forget Future simple tense.
At the station Vocabulary you have to show your knowledge of the English words.
The last station will be Speaking. It was your homework. Tell us about your favorite season.
Each of the teams has to visit each of these stations and do the tasks. The time is limited. Each station lasts 6 minutes and then we count your points. Are there any questions? Let’s start.
Call the names of your teams.
Listen to the tape and decide what season they like very much and why.
1. Mrs Jennings a) Summer. There is no school
2. Careen smith b) Winter. She likes winter sports and winter holidays.
3. Mary Brodwick c) Autumn. It’s beautiful season. She gathers fruit and vegetables.
Decide what the weather is like in these cities.
- In San Francisco the weather is _________________________.
- In New Orleans the weather is __________________________.
- In Seattle the weather is _______________________________.
Which of these cities (San Francisco, New Orleans or Seattle) is the place for you? Why?
s_ _ ny T_mo _ _ ow
we_ ther sn_w
cro_ _ s_nb_the
n_ xt d_ff_rent
sk_ _ ebo_ _ d
Find the translation
- cross a) заканчиваться
- nothing b) пересекать
- season d) кто-то
- someone e) время года
- win f) ничто, ничего
- be over g) выигрывать
- degree h) градус
Write in numbers. What is the temperature?
- seventeen degrees above zero
- thirty degrees below zero
- twenty-five degrees above zero
- four degrees below zero
- ten degrees above zero
- eighteen degrees below zero
- zero
- twenty degrees below zero
- five degrees above zero
10. forty degrees below zero
Write the words in the right order
- I, swim, in, shall, the river
- they, read, a poem, will, next, lesson.
- football, will he play.
- we, play, in winter, snowballs, shall.
- brother, fly, my, will, kite
- visit, friend, shall, my, I
Thank you
Физ. Минутка. Let’s have a little rest.
Hands up (to the sun), clap-clap
Hands down! shake-shake
Hands on hips, turn around and sit down.
Thank you. Return to our lesson.
Sentences with mistakes:
- When the summer will come, the children will sunbathe.
- If the weather shall be fine, we shall skate.
- I phone you, before I come.
- I come to your party, if I shall in the town tomorrow.
- Is there somebody at home?
- I don’t know nothing about him.
- There is anybody upstairs.
Put the verb in the right form.
- When I (come) to the St. Petersburg, I (call) you.
- They (write), as soon as they (return) home.
- As soon as the spring (come), the birds (fly).
Choose the right form
- I have/shall have breakfast at 8 o’clock a.m. every day.
- We shall help/help you in an hour.
- It is/’ll be snowy and cold next winter.
- They play/will play computer games next week.
- It will be/is hot tomorrow.
Домашнее задание
Please answer these questions at home. And the next lesson we’ll speak about the weather in Uzunovo.
- What season is the most beautiful in Uzunovo?
- How many sunny days are there in Uzunovo a year?
- What weather is the most wonderful in Uzunovo?
- What can we do during rainy days in summer, autumn, spring in Uzunovo?
- What temperature was the lowest this winter in Uzunovo?
- What temperature was the highest last summer in Uzunovo?
Подведение итогов
Выставление оценок
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