Конспект урока "Книги в нашей жизни"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок развивает умения чтения, диалогической и монологической речи, знакомит с новой лексикой по теме «Литература» и ее употреблением в речи, учит вести беседу о писателях и литературных героях.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Зотова Нина Николаевна
Учитель английского языка
Гнилицкая православная гимназия им. Святителя Николая г. Нижний Новгород
7 класс
Тема – Книги в нашей жизни.
Цели: Совершенствовать компетенции разных видов речевой деятельности.
1 Практические - развитие умений чтения, диалогической и монологической речи, ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Литература» и ее употребление в речи. Научить вести беседу о писателях и литературных героях.
2 Развивающая. Развивать воображение и логическое и критическое мышление учащихся, коммуникативную компетенцию через умение строить повествование и работать в парах, развивать лингвистическую компетенцию.
3. Воспитательная. Формировать культуру чтения, интерес и любовь к английской классической литературе.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, мультимедиа – презентация ( подготовленная учителем), интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал. – тексты для чтения.
Ход урока.
- Подготовительный, организационный этап урока. Задачи: активизировать ранее изученную тематическую лексику, мотивировать учащихся на дальнейшую работу по теме.
- Приветствие.
Teacher: Hello, children! I’m very glad to see you.
Сообщение темы и задач урока. (слайд 2)
Teacher: Today we are going to talk about your favorite books and their role in our life. We’ll read the text about a famous English writer and an abstract from his book. Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: At first, have a look at the screen. There are very good English proverbs about books.
«Choose an author as you choose a friend»
«Each book is a magic box»
«Books are worlds of wonders».
Let’s read them. What are the Russian equivalents of these proverbs?
Учащиеся читают поговорки и переводят - «Выбирай автора так же как ты выбираешь друга» , «Каждая книга – волшебная шкатулка», «Книги полны чудес».
- Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Why do people think so?
Pupil 1 – I think that each book is a magic world full of knowledge and when you read a book you get a lot of splendid and useful information about unknown things.
Pupil2 – I think books are our real friends and teachers. They help us to solve a lot of life problems.
Pupil 3 – Choosing friends people choose persons with whom they have much in common, also we choose the author who is interesting to us.Здесь заканчивается текст второго слайда (слайд 3)
- Опрос учащихся по заданному на дом материалу.
Активизация лексики. Задачи: повторение изученной лексики по теме «Литературные жанры», развитие интереса к зарубежной литературе, проверка домашнего задания - учащиеся дают подготовленные дома высказывания о прочитанных книгах и их героях и авторах.
Teacher: In short, people enjoy reading different books. You can see here many books. Are they familiar to you? Have you read them?
Pupil 4: Yes. I have read «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland » by Lewis Carroll. It is about adventures of a little girl. She meets some really weird characters on her journey, like the White Rabbit, The Duchess. I like it a lot.
Pupil 5: I have read The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. It is about the adventures of a man, shipwrecked alone on an island.
Pupil6 I’ve read Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. This book is also about the adventures of a man, shipwrecked on the country, Inhabited by little people.
Pupil 7: I have read Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie. He is such a happy character, he has got a lot of friends and his main enemy Captain Cook is always chasing him.
Pupil 8: I have read Captain Nemo by Jules Verne. It is an adventure story. The main character is mysterious Captain Nemo. He travels under the sea in his submarine the Nautilus. On his journeys he meets strange sea creatures and finds an underwater city.
Pupil 8: I have read The Jungle Book.
Teacher: What is this book about?
Pupil 8: In The Jungle Book, the boy, Mowgli was brought up by wolves when a tiger had killed his parents. Bagheera, the panther, and Baloo, the bear, taught Mowgli the ‘laws’ of the jungle.
Teacher: Did you read it in English or in Russian?
- Изучение нового учебного материала .
- Чтение. Задачи: развитие умений ознакомительного и поискового чтения.
Teacher: Today we have a chance to read «The Jungle book» in the origin and try to find out – what this book can teach us. By the way, who is the author of this book?
Pupil 8: It’s Rudyard Kipling.
Здесь заканчивается текст третьего слайда (слайд 4).
Teacher: First of all, let’s read about his biography. .Answer my questions: When was R. Kipling born? Where was he born? What are his most famous books? Where did Kipling get the inspiration to write The Jungle Book?
Учащиеся читают текст (Приложение – 1) и находят ответы на вопросы. Здесь заканчивается текст четвертого слайда (слайд 5)
Pupil 9: Rudyard Kipling was born in 1865 in Bombay, India. He spent his childhood in India full of exotic sights and sounds. This experience inspired him to write The Jungle Book.
- Аудирование. Прослушивание и просмотр отрывка мультфильма The Jungle Book (Уроки Маугли). Демонстрация отрывка фильма.
Задачи: Развитие навыков аудирования и языковой догадки. Слайд 6.
Teacher: Identify the animals in the pictures. Listen and watch the extract and say which animals are mentioned in the story.Здесь заканчивается текст шестого слайда (слайд 7)
Pupil 10: The mentioned animals are - Bagheera, the Black Panther ,the big, serious, old brown bear Baloo, Shere Khan, the tiger, Tabaqui the Jackal and the Hyena. (слайд 8)
Teacher: Who is the main character of the extract?
Pupil: It’s a little boy – Mowgly.
- Чтение. Задачи: развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения , освоение тематической лексики через контекст.
Teacher: Read the extract from The Jungle Book. For questions 1-5 chose the best answer A, B, C, D. Здесь заканчивается текст седьмого слайда (слайды 9, 10, 11, 12)
Учащиеся читают отрывок ( Приложение 2)и находят ответы на вопросы, записывают их в тетради. Затем проводится фронтальная проверка - учащиеся соединяют вопросы с ответами на интерактивной доске маркерами. Ответы: 1 – С, 2- B, 3-C,4 –A, 5 – D.
Teacher: Read the extract again and explain the words in bold. Use you dictionaries if necessary. Then match the words with their Russian equivalents. (Здесь заканчивается текст слайда 12 ( слайд 13).
Учащиеся выписывают выделенные слова в тетради и пытаются догадаться об их значении по контексту. После выполнения задания – проводится фронтальная проверка - соединение слов маркерами на интерактивной доске.
- Pack стая
- Tribe племя
- Cub детеныш
- Purr мурлыкать
- Recited отвечать урок
- In a temper раздраженно
- Spoil испортить
- Bruised поврежден
- Blunt тупой
- Admire любоваться
Teacher: Match the word with their definitions. Здесь заканчивается текст слайда13 (слайд14)
Учащиеся соединяют слова и значения маркерами на доске.
Ответы:1 -b, 2 -a, 3 -g, 4 -f, 5 -e, 6 – d,7-c.
Teacher: Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Здесь заканчивается текст слайда14 (слайд15)
1-A rotten branch 4 –blunt claws
2 – to spoil a child 5- to attack sb.
3- to learn by heart 6 –run in a temper.
- Закрепление учебного материала в речи.
- Говорение. Задачи: Развитие умений диалогической речи, умений работать в парах.
Teacher: Now, in pairs, answer the questions.Здесь заканчивается текст слайда 15 (слайд 16)
Учащиеся работают в парах – отвечают на вопросы , записанные на доске. Учитель участвует в беседе, переходя от одной пары к другой.
- What did the young wolves learn? –They learned the Hunting verse (words) only .
- What did Baloo teach Mowgli? - Baloo taught him the wood and the water laws, how to speak politely to wild bees, birds and snakes. Baloo also taught him The Stranger’s Hunting Call to hunt for food when he was away from his home.
- Why did Mowgli have to learn much more? He was a man cub and did not have sharp teeth and claws, he was so little, everyone could kill him. That’s why he had to learn all the Low of the Jungle.
- Why was Baloo happy with his student ? Mowgly was a clever student. He could learn very much.
- What was Mowgli very good at? He was good at swimming, running and climbing.
- Why did Baloo teach Mowgly the Wood and Water Lows? Baloo taught Mowgly the Master Words of the Jungle that could protect him from birds and snakes and all four footed animals.
- Why was Bagheera sorry for Mowgli? Bagheera thought that Mowgly was too small to learn so many lows, Baloo beat Mowgly? His face was all bruised.
- Where was Mowgli hiding? He was hiding in a tree trunk.
- Обсуждение. Задачи: Развитие критического мышления, умений обсуждать содержание прочитанного. Учитель поощряет использование новой лексики из текста, подводит учащихся к эмоциональным и оценочным суждениям, выслушивает разные позиции и точки зрения.
Teacher: Now let’s discuss the following: What does this scene teach us? Здесь заканчивается текст слайда16 (слайд 17).
- Why did Mowgli have to know the Jungle Laws?
Pupil 1: Mowgly had to know the Jungle Low to be protected.
- What do you think it would be like to live in a jungle?
Pupil 2:I think it would be dangerous to live in the Jungle. There are so many wild animals, we do not know much about their habits. We do not know the Low of the Jungle.
- Would you like to live in the jungle if you had a chance?
Pupil 3: If I had a chance I would like to live in the Jungle. I would like to watch the nature and wild animals. I’m not afraid.
Pupil 4: I would like to travel to the Jungle not to live. And firstly I would learn the Low of the Jungle to be protected, to survive.
- How important are rules in our life?
- Why is it necessary to obey rules?
Pupil 5: Rules are very important in our life. There are many rules at home and at school It is necessary to obey them to be safe.
Teacher: To sum up, this scene teaches us to obey rules; they help us to be safe.
- Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов урока.
Teacher: Thank you very much. Your dialogues were good. Let’s see what we’ve learnt today. We’ve read the extract of the book in the origin, have discussed it and come to the conclusion that books can teach us, they are our real friends and teachers.
Домашнее задание. Здесь заканчивается текст слайда17 (слайд18).
Teacher: Now your home work. Chose your favorite Russian book, describe its genre, main characters and events, find out what it can teach you. Thank you once more. The lesson is over, you may go.
Приложение 1.
Краткая биография Р. Киплинга
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was born in Bombay, India and educated in England. His earliest years were happy ones, spent in an India full of exotic sights and sounds. This experience would later influence some of his writing. During his lifetime, Kipling published many short stories, poems and books. His most famous works include Kim (1901) and The Jungle Book (1894), which was followed by The Second Jungle Book in 1895. In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature for his originality and style.
Приложение 2.
Отрывок из книги Р. Киплинга «Книга джунглей»
«It was in the days when Baloo was teaching him the Law of the Jungle. The big, serious, old brown bear was delighted to have such a clever pupil because the young wolves will only learn as much of the Law of the Jungle which is necessary to their own pack and tribe, and run away as soon as they can repeat the Hunting Verse: "Feet that, make no noise; eyes that can see in the dark and sharp white teeth, all these things are the marks of our brothers, except Tabaqui the Jackal and the Hyena whom we hate." But Mowgli, as a man cub, had to learn a lot more than this. Sometimes Bagheera, the Black Panther, would come to see how his pet was getting on, and would purr with his head against a tree while Mowgli recited the day's lesson to Baloo. The boy could climb almost as well as he could swim, and swim almost as well as he could run. So Baloo, the Teacher of the Law, taught him the Wood and Water Laws: how to speak politely to the wild bees when he found a hive of them fifty feet above ground; what to say to Mang the Bar when he disturbed him in the branches at midday; how to warn the water-snakes in the pools before he splashed down among them. None of the Jungle People liked being disturbed, and they were all very ready to attack an intruder. Then, Mowgli was taught the Strangers' Hunting Call, which inusl be repealed aloud till it is answered, whenever one of the Jungle People hunts outside his own area. It means, "Let me hunt here because I am hungry," and the answer is, "Hunt then for food, but. not. for pleasure."
All this will show you how much Mowgli had to learn by heart, and he grew very tired of saying the same thing over a hundred times. But, as Baloo said to Bagheera, one day when Mowgli had been slapped and run off in a temper, "A man cub is a man cub, and he must learn all the Law of the Jungle."
"But think how small he is," said the Black Panther, who would have spoiled Mowgli if he had had his own way. "How can his little head carry all vour long talk?" "Is there anything in the Jungle too little to be killed? No. That is why I teach him these things, and that is why I hit him, very softly, when he forgets."
Softly! What do yon know of softness, old Ironfeet?" Bagheera grunted. "His face is all bruised today by your softness. Ugh!"
"It is better he is bruised head to foot by me who loves him than he is harmed through ignorance," Baloo answered. "I am now teaching him the Master Words of the Jungle that will protect him from the birds and the Snake People, and all four fooled animals, except his own pack. He is now protected if he only remembers the words. Is not that worth a little beating?"
"Well, look to it then that you do not kill the man cub. He is no tree trunk to sharpen your blunt claws upon. But what are those Master Words? I am more likely to give help than to ask it." Bagheera stretched out one paw and admired the sharp claws at the end of it. "Still I should like to know."
"I will call Mowgli and he'll say them if he wants to. Come, Little Brother!"
"My head is ringing like a bee hive," said a cross little voice over their heads, and Mowgli slid down a tree-trunk very angry and upset, adding as he reached the ground: "I come for Bagheera and not for you, fat old Baloo!"
"It doesn't matter to me," said Baloo, though he was hurt and grieved, "Tell Bagheera, then, the Master Words of the Jungle that I have taught, you today."»
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
BOOKS IN OUR LIFE « Choose an author as you choose a friend» «Each book is a magic box» «Books are worlds of wonders».
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling 1 1 a) Where did Kipling get the inspiration to write The Jungle Book? b) When was Rudyard Kipling born? c) Where was he born?
Joseph Rudyard Kipling 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936 (Bombay)
Which of these animals are mentioned in the story?
Baloo , the bear, Shere Khan, the tiger Bagheera,the panther, the Hyena
Who is the main character of the book?
Read the questions 1-5 and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D. 1. Who taught Mowgli the Hunting Verse? A- the jackal B-the hyena C- the bear D- the wolves 2. Mowgli learned the Stranger’s Hunting Call A - to hunt only for fun and games. B - to hunt for food when he was away from his own home. C – to find his way through the jungle. D – to tell other animals that he was coming.
3. Bagheera , the Black Panther, thought that Mowgli A – was too spoiled to learn his lessons. B – wasn’t smart enough to understand Baloo . C – was too small to learn so many laws. D – enjoyed the same lesson everyday.
The Master Words of the Jungle will protect Mowgli from A – all of the jungle animals. C – all the dangerous snakes. B – his own pack of wolves D – some birds and snakes
Why did Mowgli come down from the tree? A- in was full of bees C – to see Baloo B – his head was hurting D – to say his lesson
Pack детеныш Tribe мурлыкать Cub испортить Purr любоваться Recited тупой In a temper стая Spoil поврежден Bruised племя Blunt раздраженно Admire отвечать урок
Match the words with their definitions . 1- grunt a – feel very sad 2 – grieve b- make a short rough sound 3 – ignorance c –one of the long curved 4 -protect nails on the feet of some animals and birds 5-hive d- the foot of an animal 6 – paw e- a place where bees live 7 – claw f – keep sth safe from harm g- not knowing about sth
Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Then, use the phrases to make sentences. Blunt, rotten, run off, spoil, attack, by heart . 1………………branch 2 to…………….a child 3 to learn…………… 4 …………………claws 5 to ………………………. sb 6 to ………………in a temper
Answer the questions What did the young wolves learn? What did Baloo teach Mowgli? Why did Mowgli have to learn much more? Why was Baloo happy with his student ? What was Mowgli very good at? Why was Bagheera sorry for Mowgli? Where was Mowgli hiding?
What does this scene teach us? Why did Mowgli have to know the Jungle Laws? What do you think it would be like to live in a jungle? Would you like to live in the jungle if you had a chance? What does these scene teach us? How important are rules in our life? Why is it necessary to obey rules?
Home work. Chose your favorite Russian book, describe its genre, main characters and events, find out what it can teach you.
Список использованных источников J. R. Kipling “The Jungle Book” – АНО»Центр продуктивного обучения» Санкт-Петербург 2009 г. J. R. Kipling “The Jungle Book . The Second Jungle Book: Методическое пособие ”/ Автор 0 составитель И. Киреева, АНО «Центр продуктивного обучения» Санкт-Петербург 2009 г. Enterprise plus. Students Book. Virginia Evance , Jenny Dooley, Express publishing 2009 http://hotdrama.net/xem-phim/the-jungle-book_t0coi /
http:// cdn3.volusion.com/jtoq7.b7owf/v/vspfiles/photos/GULLIVERS_TRAVELS-2.jpg http:// img.soundtrackcollector.com/cd/large/Captain_Nemo_FSMCD1208.jpg http:// www.koresh27.narod.ru/Alice_in_Wonderland_00.jpg http://cartoonsimages.com/sites/default/files/field/image/917Qrf1uUlL._AA_. jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ed/CLASSICS_ILLUSTRATED_-10-_ ROBINSON_CRUSOE.jpg https:// fanart.tv/fanart/movies/10693/movieposter/peter-pan-5252d9aa8b50a.jpg
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTU0MTA2OTIwNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzA0Njk3OA@@._V1_SY317_CR10,0,214,317_AL_. jpg http ://www.metronews.ru/_ internal/gxml!0/r0dc21o2f3vste5s7ezej9x3a10rp3w$bpdr3cfvpdkax8sweizixw87l40pn22/Kipling_nd.jpeg http:// alldayplus.ru/uploads/agava/old/flabad/society/Kipling/01.jpg Изображения животных и Маугли взяты из учебника Enterprise plus. Students Book. Virginia Evance , Jenny Dooley, Express publishing 2009
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