Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме "Spending money"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме “Spending money”.УМК Spotlight 10.
Цель урока:
- активизация лексического материала по теме «Shopping»;
- формирование ответственного отношения к деньгам.
- активизировать употребление в речи лексических единиц по теме «Shopping»;
- развивать умения и навыки аудирования;
-развивать умения и навыки ознакомительного и изучающего чтения;
- совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки обучающихся;
- развивать внимание, память, мышление обучающихся;
- развивать познавательную активность;
-развивать умение анализировать и делать выводы
- развивать речевые способности, умение анализировать.
- формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
- формировать навыки культуры общения;
- развивать умения и навыки работы в парах, командах с целью достижения общего результата;
- формировать ответственное отношение к деньгам.
Тип урока: совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков .
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока
по английскому языку
в 10 классе
по теме “Spending money”
УМК Spotlight 10
Цель урока:
- активизация лексического материала по теме «Shopping»;
- формирование ответственного отношения к деньгам.
- активизировать употребление в речи лексических единиц по теме «Shopping»;
- развивать умения и навыки аудирования;
-развивать умения и навыки ознакомительного и изучающего чтения;
- совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки обучающихся;
- развивать внимание, память, мышление обучающихся;
- развивать познавательную активность;
-развивать умение анализировать и делать выводы
- развивать речевые способности, умение анализировать.
- формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
- формировать навыки культуры общения;
- развивать умения и навыки работы в парах, командах с целью достижения общего результата;
- формировать ответственное отношение к деньгам.
Тип урока: совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков .
Форма урока: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая
Применяемые технологии: коммуникативные, компьютерные, игровые, проектные, здоровьесберегающие.
Оборудование и наглядность: компьютер, проектор, экран, учебник Spotlight 10, CD Spotlight 10,презентация ,видеоматериалы, раздаточный материал для выполнения самостоятельных работ учащимися в течение урока.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент
Hello, my friends! I’m glad to see you. I think you’re fine and I hope we’ll have a wonderful time together. Today we’re going to do vocabulary, speech exercises, listen to the text, read and discuss it, watch and study video materials.
Watch a short video and guess what topic of the lesson is.
(“Going shopping to Oxford street”)
You’re right. We’re going to talk about shopping and the way teenagers spend their money.
2. Speech practice
Listen to the song “The greatest things in life are free”(page SS1 Module 2/CD3 Spotlight10) and answer the questions:
-What is this song about?
-Which lines do you like most?
-What can’t we do with money?
-How do you think your life would change if you suddenly became very rich?
3.Vocabulary exercises
1) The game “Word battle”. The class is divided into two teams. The first team starts the game by saying any word from Module 2A in Russian. The second team gives its English equivalent as soon as possible. Then teams change the roles. It’s very important to say and translate the words very quickly. One point is given for each right answer. The team that gets more points wins.
2)The game “Pairs”
All students get one or two cards with the names of shops and products. The task is to match shops with products. The students can walk around the class looking for the necessary card. The last two students get a funny task from the class.
Florist’s | A bunch of roses |
Newsagent’s | A magazine |
Baker’s | A loaf of bread |
Antiques shop | An 18th century mirror |
Stationer’s | A packet of envelopes |
Delicatessen | Cheese/pate |
Greengrocer’s | grapes |
Boutique | An evening dress |
Electronics shop | A digital camera |
Butcher’s | Minced meat |
3) What do you think most teenagers spend their money on?
Choose from the hints on the screen (слайд1).
clothes | eating out | rent | computer games | magazines/comics |
accessories | mobile phone cards | bus fares | CDs and DVDs | books |
household bills | sweets and snacks | petrol | going out (cinema, concerts, sporting events) | supermarket shopping |
4)Find the definitions for the following phrases. Work in pairs.
Let’s see which pair will be the quickest.
Make ends meet | A short period of time in which someone buys a lot of things |
Digging deeper into their pockets | Tasks such as cleaning, washing, ironing that have to be done regularly at home |
Catching up quickly | Give things to different people in a group |
Can’t afford to splash out | An amount of money that parents regularly give to their child to spend as they choose |
Pocket money | Reach the same quality or standard as someone or something else |
Shopping spree | Can’t spend a lot of money |
Handing out | Manage after some difficulty to find the money to pay for something |
Household chores | Have enough money to pay for the things that you need |
Key(слайд 2):
Make ends meet | Have enough money to pay for the things that you need |
Digging deeper into their pockets | Manage after some difficulty to find the money to pay for something |
Catching up quickly | Reach the same quality or standard as someone or something else |
Can’t afford to splash out | Can’t spend a lot of money |
Pocket money | An amount of money that parents regularly give to their child to spend as they choose |
Shopping spree | A short period of time in which someone buys a lot of things |
Handing out | Give things to different people in a group |
Household chores | Tasks such as cleaning, washing, ironing that have to be done regularly at home |
5)Now use these phrases to complete the sentences on the screen (слайд 3)
1.My parents give me …every week. (pocket money)
2.The number of girls playing video games is … to the number of boys playing.(catching up quickly)
3.Many teenagers are…to pay for all the things they want.(digging deeper inti their pockets)
4.Many parents are …more and more money to their teenagers each month.(handing out)
5.Some people are working two jobs to… these days.(make ends meet)
6.I think children should do …to help their parents and earn a little extra money.(household chores)
7.He went out on a … and got everything he wanted for himself.(shopping spree)
8.My parents …yet on extra things for my sister and me.(can’t afford to splashout)
4.Let’s have a rest (Звучит музыкальный отрывок)
Read and smile (слайд4).
-When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping.
-I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist. (It means that buying things can cheer you up)
-I’ve been shopping all my life and still have nothing to wear.
-If the shoe fits, buy it in every colour.
-The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.
-Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window;
Why, why, says the junk in the yard.
-Shopping is really complicated if you are a girl.
-I hate last-minute shopping, it’s always unsuccessfull.
Do you agree with these statements?
Which saying do you like most of all?
1)Now try to predict what our text is about? Look at the pictures and the title and read the first paragraph of the article. Have you got any ideas?
Students: The text is about British young people, teenagers who like going shopping.
2)Let’s listen to the text and answer the question:
What do teenagers spend their money on?
British teenagers spend their money on clothes, mobile phone cards, sweets, chocolates, bus fares.
They spend their money on computer games, magazines, books, comics, CDs, going out, eating out, going to the gym, doing extreme sports.
Read the teenagers’ quotes and match them to the comments A-F. Work in pairs.
Now be ready with your answers.
1 F (This student earns 50 pounds from her weekend job and her/his parents give her/him an extra 20 pounds)
2 A (This student has borrowed money to pay for his/her studies)
3 B (This student is a football fan)
4 C (This student doesn’t work because he/she is studying for exams)
5 E (This student earns 20 pounds a week by doing household chores)
6 D (This student is saving up for a mobile phone)
7. Speaking
1)Answer the questions:
-Do you like shopping?
-Do you prefer window shopping or buying things?
-Where do you usually do the shopping?(supermarket, market, shopping malls, department store, corner shop)
-What do you usually buy?
-Who do you prefer going shopping with?
-How do you feel while shopping?( excited, fascinated, encouraged, bored, depressed)
-Are you a spender or a saver?
-Are you good with money?
-Where do you spend your money from?
-Do you get enough money?
What do you spend your money on?
2)Work in pairs
Take the roles of teenagers from the text. Ask and answer questions about how they get their money and what they spend it on.
P1: How much money do you get, Andy?
P2: I get 10 pounds a week.
P1:What do you usually spend your money on?
P2: You know, I’m fond of going on shopping sprees. Besides, I often buy magazines. And you, Josh?
P1:Oh, I get 15 pounds a week. And as a rule, I spend my money on computer games, CDs, comics and going out.
8. Watching a video
I think you understand that it’s very important to spend your money in a right way . Here are some tips how to save money as a teen.
Watch a short video
It’s probably time for learning how to make a budget and save money. All of your budgeting can be done using a pen, a piece of paper, and a calculator. It will be your project work.
You can create a detailed budget with charts.
It can be done in this way(слайд7):
wages | |
gifts | |
bonuses | |
dividents | |
allowance | |
food (groceries, snacks, dining out) | |
bills | |
clothes | |
bus fares | |
haircuts | |
entertainments (movies, music,concerts) | |
gym/sport | |
You can see if a budget is balanced or not.
9.Home task
Create your monthly budget and analyse its results.
10. Summarizing the results of the lesson .
Our lesson is over. You worked so hard. And all of you got good marks. I hope that you enjoyed the lesson and it was very useful for you.
What new information have you learned at the lesson?
What was the most interesting to you?
Did you have any difficulties?
How did you feel at the lesson?
Thank you for your hard work. All of you get excellent marks today. See you later.
Analysing project works
Some of the budgets show that money is in limited supply and , as a result, we have to make spending choices.
It may be tough to realize that you can only go out to dinner once a month . But it will be a lot harder to not have the money to pay a required bill. Planning, however tough it may be at times, helps ensure that money is well-spent.
For example, if you get 2000 roubles, and you spend about 1800 roubles, then you have a balance of 200 roubles, which is great! But if you get 1800 roubles and spend 2000 roubles – then you have a negative balance. And you’ll need to make some cuts.
How can you do it?
-List necessary expenses.
-Circle everything you don’t have a choice about spending money on (bills, school supplies, toiletries).
-Such things like eating out, going to movies, buying computer games, buying extra pairs of shoes are not necessary.
-Plan activities that keep you away from cafes and malls.(Suggest a picnic at the park, and ask each person to bring sandwiches and soda).
-For daytime activities, you can hike at the park, go for a bike riding, playing a board game, go to a museum that’s free.
-If you’re going out, eat before you leave your house.
-If you love shopping , wait for sales.
-Join exchange groups in which members swap clothes or other items.
To sum up, it’s important for teenagers to recognize the value of money.
Managing our own budget teaches us lessons about spending money and avoiding unplanned expenses.
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