9 класс к уроку 6d
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Кузнецова Ирина Валерьяновна

Урок в 9 классе


Файл 9_klass_k_uroku_6d_spotlight_-_9.docx28.25 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Цель урока: 

Цель: Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся с элементами рассуждения и обобщения.



  • развивать у учащихся умения монологической речи;
  • развивать у учащихся умения понимать иноязычную информацию на слух;


  • формировать у учащихся уважение и интерес к культуре других стран;
  • формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в социально-культурной сфере;
  • воспитывать культуру общения.


  • развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка;
  • углублять познавательные мотивы;
  • развивать умения описывать, интерпретировать, критически оценивать произведения искусства, выражать свое мнение.


  • обобщить и расширить знания учащихся о мировом художественном наследии;
  • расширить общий и лингвистический кругозор учащихся.

Краткое описание: 

 План-конспект урока,составленный на основе книги для учителя к уроку 6d, Spotlight - 9.





be acquainted with the group

Hello! Glad to see you again. I hope you are fine and all are ready to work hard at our lesson? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What date is it today? What season is it now ? What “t the weather like today ?

Now let’s start our lesson. First of all we will check your homework up.

Your homework was  ex.   page …..




II.  T-S,S,S….

Set the topic of the lesson



Set the aim of the lesson



Active speaking skills


Look at the pictures, please, what do you think is common between pictures ?(The pictures are about  Art/paintings …..)

Right! So what are we going to talk about today?  (talk about Art)

The topic of our today”s lesson is Painting styles

And I would like you to open your textbooks page 54 and 55.

Thank you..

What is the title of the lesson?

Right : Art and Design

So, today we are going to speak about art, painting in particular. We shall learn interesting information about some painting styles, Cubism and Surrealism in particular, we shall practice our skills in describing pictures.


Visual art is a vast subject, including all kinds of pictures and sculptures. Artists make art for many reasons. Hundreds of years ago – when many people couldn’t read – paintings were often designed to illustrate stories.  And a lot of paintings were made to decorate churches. More recently, artists have begun to paint to express their own feelings or explore ideas, or just to create something beautiful. People have always argued about art – how to make it? What it should like and why. But there are no wrong answers. What kind of art you enjoy is up to you.

So I would like to ask you some questions T:

  • Have you ever been to any picture galleries or museums? Please, don’t forget to use definite article THE before  names of museums and picture galleries .For example : the Tate Gallery
  • Are you interested in art? What art in particular? Remember that no article is used before proper nouns and names of art.


Realism Surrealism Cubism Rococo Romanticism Abstract Gothic Expressionism


  • Have you ever tried your hand at any of the arts?


  • What world-famous artists do you know?

Look at the screen and tell me please if you know these artists ?( slide 1) Very well.

Do you know what paining style  they painted? ?

Key:Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque  pained in the Cubism style and Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte painted in the Surrealist style.

Well done.

So, we will talk about two painting styles today : Cubism and Surrealism.

As you know of Cubism style rejects perspective in favour of geometric forms.

And first let’s revise the vocabulary of this theme.

Ex.1 on page 54 will help us.Look at the pictures,please.I hope you know what these words are in your language.

Let”s listen to the tape and repeat after the speaker these words to spell them correctly.

Well done, thank you.



III Activating vocabulary   Developing speaking skills


T:Now, would like you to look at paintings A and B p.p.54-55 and tell me please whish uses bright colours, dark/dull colours .


S:Key: Paining A uses dark/dull colours and painting B uses brightcolours.

Thank you.



IV. Reading skills

Work in groups

I “d like to divide you into two groups. Those who have green circles go to this row, those who have blue ones go here.Take a circle from the box,please. Thank you.You should work in group. You should read the texts on p.p.54-55 to find out what style of painting each picture is and how these styles differ.

You have got 2 minutes. When your time is up you choose one person, a speaker, and he will answer. The winner will be that group, who will do all correctly. Understand? Keep to business! It is game time !

The time is out. Let”s check !

Key: Picture A is a Cubist painting whereas picture B is Surrealist.

Cubist paintingsbreak the object down into shapes whereas surrealist pictures put strange images together.

Well done.


The first group get …. point (s)and the second group gets …point(s)


And now I would like you to read the texts again and revise our word formation , some prefixes and suffixesin particular. You know how to do this kind of the task: don’t forget to pay attention the words that stand before the missing words and the ones that  follow the missing words to decide what the part of speech the messing word is. The  Study skills table on p.54 can help you.Read it ,please before filling in the gaps.

You have got 2 minutes and you will work in groups.

Understand? Keep to business! It is game time !

The time is out. Let”s check !


Answer Key      group 1    group 2

1 famous

2 seeing

3 original

4 different

5 Artists

6 representations

7 bigger


Well done

Listen to the tape to check yourself.

The first group get …. point (s)and the second group gets …point(s)



















Individual work

We have known some new things about two painting styles.

And I would like you to answer the questions from ex. 5 using the information from the text.

Who can tell me when Cubism was popular ?

How did Cubism get its name?

What style did Dali paint in ?

What did Surrealism painters use to get ideas for their paintings ?

Answer Key

1 Cubism was popular from around the 1900s.

2 Cubism getsits name from the fact that artists broke down people and objects into shapes such as rectangles, cylinders and cubes to represent them in a new way.

3 Dali painted in the Surrealist style.

4 Surrealist painters used their dreams and their imaginations to get ideas for their paintings.



Work in pairs

Now work in pairs  and match the words in bold to their meaning using the words from ex.6 p.54.You have got 1 minutes. Who will be the first let me know, please. Keep to business.

Time is over. Let”s check.

Answer Key

dull ― not bright

viewpoints ― angles

element ― part/piece

impact ― effect

Well done.Thank you.




Now let’s listen to the music extract and look at the pictures. How do you fill ?Which picture do you like and why?

2 min

Describing pictures

Giving opinion

Individual work


Let”s look at the picture A and B once more, after that read the description in ex.8 and decide which painting it matches And tell me please how do you think is author feels sad about the painting ? . Do this! Are you read?

Well done!

Key: The description matches paining A.

The author feels sad looking at this painting.

Now I would like you to try to make up your own description paining B. The words from ex.9 will help you to describe your picture and express you feeling about it  .Work in group. You know how to work with this task. First of all pay attention at the beginning of the each sentence:


  1. The picture shows:the subject (what is represented in the picture).


  • When I look very closely, however, I can also see:the composition (how the space of the picture is used).
  • The artist has used many : the colour scheme (how different colours are handled).
  • The painting makes me feel:the general impression the picture makes.

You have got 3 minutes .Keep to business.

The time is over. Let’s check

Well done. Thank you.

Now , when you go to the museum I hope you will be able to give your opinion about  pictures and express your feelings about them.

Suggested Answer Key

This picture shows many strange shapes and objects. I can see swans on a smooth lake but they have the reflection of elephants in the lake. The lake is surrounded by a rocky landscape and unusual trees with a clear blue sky. The artist has used bright colours in shades of blue, brown and yellow. This painting makes me feel curious about how Dali came up with the idea.




Now let”s  return to the beginning of our lesson.

Can you tell me the subject of our today”s lesson?

So, how do you find today”s lesson?

Have you leant anything new?

Have you learnt any new words ?

Ok, thank you very much for your hard work, your marks :.......

Write down your homework, please: 10 p.55 You should find paintings on the Internet or in the reference books which represent the two styles of painting discussed in the text and present them to the class.

  • Teacher: I would like to finish our lesson with the words of a famous English artist Pablo Picasso :
  • “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary “

How do you think if he is right ?


Good luck and see you on …….

Suggested Answer Key(homework)


This painting is called ‘Bread, Fruit and Table’. Pablo Picasso painted it in 1908. It shows a table with a bowl of fruit and some bread on it. The painter uses dark, green and bright yellow colours. The painting makes me feel calm.


This painting is called ‘The Human Condition’. Rene Magritte painted it in 1935. It shows a painting within a painting. In the background I can see the ocean. The painter uses a few plain colours. The painting makes me feel sad and lonely.











2 min 


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