Урок систематизации и обобщения по английскому языку для 8 класса (по учебнику Верещагина)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Конспект урока систиемтизации и обобщения знаний.
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Автор работы: Фролова Юлия Владимировна. Английский язык,8 класс .
Конспект урока обобщения и систематизации по теме «Путешествие в страну идиоматических выражений английского языка»
Цель урока: совершенствование навыков монологической речи по теме»English coloured idioms»
Задачи урока:
1)Образовательная: активизация идиоматических выражений в монологических и диалогических высказываниях учащихся.
2)Развивающая: развитие познавательной деятельности и лингвистического мышления учащихся.
3)Воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся толерантности, культуры речи.
Структура урока:
I. Организационный момент
II. Целеполагание
III. Проверка домашнего задания
IV. Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме
V. Подведение итогов работы
План урока:
- Организационный момент. Вопросы о предполагаемой теме урока.
What do you think is the topic of our lesson?
What are we going to discuss today?
- Вступительное слово:
I would like to invite you to the country of coloured idioms. We will make an exciting journey through this country and get acquainted with some outstanding persons. But to my mind, we should be polite to our guests. So the suggestion is to make up a present-the poem, which you have read at home.
- Фонетическая зарядка(ex.81 p. 126) .Проверка домашнего задания.
Task 1
How can you translate such words:
1) window-pane;
2) to stick;
3) to move off;
4) smear;
5) to rush;
6) fluff.
Task 2.
Give English equivalents to the words:
1) капли дождя;
2) оконное стекло;
3) сдвигаются с места;
4) пушинка.
Task 3
Questions to the poem:
1. Is this text emotionally coloured?
2. Does this poem speak about human nature?
3 .Were you disturbed or puzzled when you read this poem?
4. Do you think that the author spoke about himself in the poem?
5 .How can you characterize a boy?
6 .Have you had the same situation in your childhood?
7 .Do you like this poem?
Task 4
May be somebody has translated this poem into Russian?
- Основная часть урока-«Путешествие в страну идиом английского языка»
Now we are in a hurry-we can not loose time. Let’s imagine that we are in the country of coloured idioms. There are a lot of citizens in this country. They are very mysterious and it is difficult sometimes to understand them. But first of all, we can repeat idioms not to lose our way in the country.
Task 1
You see some pictures on the blackboard. Try to match these idioms with the pictures according to the sense.
- To give a black look.
- Once in a blue moon.
- To be (feel) blue.
- To be like a red rag to a bull.
- A white elephant.
- To be yellow (быть трусом).
Task 2
Read the sentences and then say which of the idioms you can use in the sentences below.
- My daddy has a car, but he doesn't drive and he has no garage.
- Jack is not brave at all, he always runs away, when we fight.
- My aunt Polly can't stand long hair and platform shoes.
- I think he hates me. He always looks at me angrily.
- What has happened? Why are you so sad?
- Call me more often. You hardly ever call me these days.
Let’s finish the sentences with idioms according to the context.
- Jack is a very brave person. He doesn’t let offend girls. He has never ....
- Do you often visit your relatives? Unfortunately, not. They live in the Far East, that’s why I do it only ... .
- - Why are you so unhappy today?
- Don’t mind, please. I’m just....
- - My new young man is very rich. He gave me a statue of horse as a birthday present yesterday.
- But don't you think, it is a real....
- I have broken a very expensive cup today, but my mother didn't say a word to me, she just....
- You must switch off your mobile telephones during the lecture, because they are ... .
Task 4
Now we are ready to get acquainted with the citizens from this country. But our task is not only to read about them, we must choose the most appealing person from your point of view to be our guide around the city.
Do you know any other English idioms in which colours are mentioned? Now we are ready to get acquainted with the citizens of this city. Let's read information about them. But our task is not only to read about them, but we must choose the most appealing person from your point of view to be our guide the city.
This young lady is considered to be the most fascinating girl in the city. Her cherry - red lips, red hair drove mad lots of young gentlemen. But she is a stong person: rather hot-tempered
and red - blooded. The word “must” to her is like a red rag to a bull.
She is rather famous, but she also writes for the yellow press from time to time. Some of her scandal stories were a real sensation. As for her character - she is yellow. But on the whole, she is a rather pleasant woman.
- Professor White.
Professor White is the most respectable man in the whole country. He is a short man with white hair. He is very experienced and knows black from white. He hasn't got much money, that's why he doesn't like when somebody gives him a white elephant.
- Mrs Blue.
Mrs Blue is one of the richest persons in the city. She is blue blood and very proud of this fact. Some people say that she is a blue stocking. Her hobby is to gossip, that's why she talks blue: over the telephone. She doesn't like to work, that's why she visits her work once in a blue moon As she explains it to her boss, she fells blue.
- Dr. Black.
Dr. Black is a well-known scientist. His clinic is famous all over the world. He is said to deal with black magic. He often says: “The devil is not so black as he is painted “. But his relatives don't like him at all and often give him a black look.
- Финальная часть урока:
Обобщающие вопросы по уроку:
1. Do you like our journey?
2. What do you like most of all?
3. What new idioms have you learnt from the lesson?
4. Is it important to use idioms in the speech? Why?
Объявление домашнего задания
Составить диалог по теме «Путешествие в страну идиоматических выражений»
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