Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Участники Победы", 11 класс, проектная методика
методическая разработка по краеведению (11 класс) на тему
Представленная методическая разработка по проектной технологии является заключительным звеном в цепочке уроков раздела 5 «Справедлива ли система социального обеспечения?» по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева и др. «Английский язык» 11 класс.
Предварительный просмотр:
Зимина Татьяна Александровна, учитель английского языка
МБОУ города Мценска «Лицей №5» Орловской области
УМК «Английский язык», 11 класс
В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина,
О.В. Дуванова, Е.В. Кузнецова. Ю.Н. Балабардина,
Москва, издательство «Просвещение», 2010 г.
Unit 5, Section 6
Татьяна Александровна,
учитель английского языка
Цель: патриотическое воспитание школьников.
Задачи урока:
Учебный аспект:
1)совершенствовать навыки аудирования с полным пониманием
воспринимаемого на слух текста
2)провести контроль умения в подготовленной монологической речи по теме:
«Мои родственники в годы Великой Отечественной войны»
3)развивать умения в построении косвенных вопросов.
Воспитательный аспект – воспитывать чувство патриотизма,
уважительного отношения к старшему поколению, интереса к традициям
семьи и боевому прошлому родственников, более глубокое осознание своей
родной культуры; ориентировать на усвоение общечеловеческих ценностей.
Развивающий аспект:
1)развивать творческое мышление, самостоятельность, воображение при
изготовлении и защите проектов
2)развивать речевые способности (языковая догадка, логика изложения
материала и т.д.)
3) создавать на уроке условия для интеллектуального и эмоционального
развития учащихся.
Оборудование урока:
УМК по английскому языку для 10-11 классов «English», 11 класс, авторы - В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова, Е.В. Кузнецова. Ю.Н. Балабардина, Москва, издательство «Просвещение», 2010 г.; телевизор, видеомагнитофон, фрагмент документального фильма о Великой Отечественной войне – «Курская битва», магнитофон, фонограммы (музыка) песен; выставка проектов учащихся, мини-музей Великой Отечественной войны, эпиграф к уроку на доске.
Ход урока:
- Вступительное слово учителя.
Dear friends! Now we are going to continue our conversation about the Great Patriotic War (G.P.W.). Would you mind to pay your attention to this slogan. I have taken it from the poem “Victory” by Olga Berggolts.
Эпиграф урока на доске:
There are no victories great and small,
In war there’s but one victory.
One victory there is, as one love,
A single effort of the people…
How can you interpret these words? How do you feel about this slogan?
Возможные варианты ответов:
- In my opinion all people tried to do their best during the G.P.W.
- To my mind the efforts (actions) of all people were important to win the victory.
- From my point of view all old and young men, women, children worked hard to win the war.
So I am sure every person who lived, fought and worked during the war is worth speaking about. All of them are real heroes. I hope today we’ll listen to one more or perhaps two life stories of your relatives who took part in that war. But first of all let’s refresh our memory.
2. Просмотр фрагмента документального фильма о ВОВ, исполнение песни «Вставай, страна огромная» на английском языке. Заполнение «Word web».
I suggest you to watch a documentary. It will be a battle at Kursk. And then try to answer my question. What do you imagine when you think of the G.P.W.?
Words by V. Lebedev-Kumach. Translated by A. Ewing.
Music by A. Alexandrov.
Rise up, beloved Soviet land,
To meet the fascist foe,
To stay his strong and evil hand,
Go forth, to battle go!
Let anger like a rising tide,
With mighty vengeful roar,
Drive forward unto victory,
The people’s holy war.
Destroy them, who destroy the sun
Of every human hope –
These masters of the gangster’s gun,
And of the hangman’s rope.
You have 1 minute to write down your impressions, your feelings.
If you are ready, place your sheets of paper on the blackboard.
tragic events much sorrow violence hunger
disaster wailing women cruelty
Russian courage much distress wicked fascists
the wrecked country homeless children
When I think of the G.P.W.
I imagine
heroic deeds of the Russians the courageous people
the talented commanders of
the Soviet Army
Now let’s have a look at the blackboard. Are there any mistakes in spelling? Thanks.
3. Сообщение общих сведений о ВОВ.
So the Great Patriotic War. Let’s remind how it was.
Pupil 1:
On the twenty second of June, 1941 Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. About 200 motorized divisions, 6 million soldiers, about 4000 tanks and 5000 aircrafts were deployed against the Russian land to crush and destroy it. The Great Patriotic War began. There were unforgettable battles at Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, and other places. Many Soviet people displayed outstanding heroism and courage. All young and old men fought shoulder to shoulder for every town and village. A lot of people lost their lives on the battle – fields. Some of them were titled Heroes of the Soviet Union, others were awarded medals and orders. The slogan of that time was “Everything for the front. Everything for victory!” Our country was turned into a military camp. True, it was women who had to do most of the work. They took over from their husbands and sons who had gone off to fight. Often old people and teenagers also worked at factories, sometimes, round the clock. Hundreds of thousands of people performed heroic deeds.
- Презентация первого проекта.
Now it’s a turn of Kosourova Olga and her project.
Защита проекта по теме «My great-granny in the years of the Great Patriotic War».
Pupil 2 (Kosourova Olga):
My great-grandmother had an ordinary life for a Soviet person, but it does not mean her life was easy. On the contrary. It was difficult and full of tragic events, which turned all her life over.
She was born in 1906 in the Ukraine. The town of Kremenchug was her birthplace. Near the river Dnepr she spent her childhood. It was really happy time to her – wonderful picturesque places, the deep, wide and powerful Dnepr - everything impressed her very much and influenced her character: free warm winds from the great river made her independent, wise and loving freedom.
Her family was not big – she had a mother, a father and a sister. Her mother was a brilliant housekeeper; a kind, warm and wise woman, she loved her children very much and tried to make the life of her daughter more interesting and happier, she devoted all her life to her children, gave them all she could, all her life, all her love.
When my great-grandmother was a little girl, the mother told her and her sister marvelous fairy-tails, which impressed the girls very much and made my great-grandmother be sure about her future profession.
Her father was a teacher of the Russian language and literature at a women’s gymnasium. Thanks to him my great-grandmother loved our Russian literature with all her heart. Very often, in the evening, they all gathered together, read our native books and shared their impressions. It was such a wonderful tradition of their family!
Then it was the Great October Revolution, which changed lives of all people. Since that time they had been living in another country with another government and ideology.
My great-grandmother joined the Komsomol. She had already become a young woman; she was about 25 years old. She thought about her profession, the Soviet Party charged her to work with homeless children. She had been working in that sphere till 1930.
When 1930 came she got married and moved to Gorky with her husband, who was a director of the factory. My great-grandmother had a son. At that time she showed her talent to everybody – she became a correspondent of the «Komsomolskaya Pravda». She wrote about everything in the Soviet Union, she had fame.
But then the happiness left her. It was 1937. The blackest 1937! She lived with her husband and son in a big flat. They had a neighbor, a prudent, hypocritical and ennoble man. He envied their happiness and decided to make a slander on them. You know that time – so they both were repressed. Since that time we know nothing about her husband, my great-grandfather. Many years later they got only a note about his death. As for my great-grandmother, she had been in the exile till 1942: during all that time she had been working a lot. And at the end of her life she wrote the book (diary) about her life, her reminiscences those years of her repression. They were really shocking years, so she was so depressed that could not write and speak about them.
While she was repressed, her son and her mother were deprived their flat. They both did not know where to live. They lived at their far relatives, friends. The son was 7 years old; he had to go to school, so his granny sent him to the children’s house to get education.
Then 1941 came. The Great Patriotic War began. You know, it was the hardest time for all Russian people; it was the time of unbearable sorrow, great losses and violence. It was the time of incredible fascists’ cruelty, whose hearts were made of tin. People could not live; they suffered from the cruelty, their lives finished when they started. But nevertheless! Our nations did not die at all – we were alive when we died, we showed all the world our firmness, courage and power. It was really hard time of the stunning deeds of our Great Nation.
My great-grandmother had been to the concentration camp till 1942. During all that time she had been working, working and working.
In 1942 her exile was exchanged to the free living in Kazakhstan. There she had to manage to get a new job. She became an accountant. She had to know maths! She hated it during all her life, but that time she had to know it perfectly to earn money for living. Her mother took her son from the children’s house and moved to Kazakhstan. They became to live together, their family was gathered, the life became better.
In 1950 they all moved to the Ural and my great-grandmother spent there the rest of her life.
She died in 1993. She spent really a hard life, but she had been happy – during her childhood, during the time with her husband and son… At the end of her life she wrote her reminiscences – it was a diary, which helps us to know now, in the XXI century about her hard life.
All of us have Relatives, who lived at that time. Their lives were not easy. We have no right to forget about those lives! It is our pain. It is our past.
- Обсуждение представленного проекта и его защиты.
It’s high time to analyze Olga’s work. Ask your questions (if you have). Will you comment on, give your impressions, your marks and try to give arguments?
Let’s see what mark Olga has for presenting her project.
And what about the mark for the project itself?
You may open your students’ books on p.31 and use the information.
Don’t forget about indirect questions.
Возможные вопросы для обсуждения:
I wonder if your great-grandfather/mother is alive now?
I don’t quite understand where/when he/she was born?
Can you say that you are proud of him/her?
I’d like to know if he/she had got any war awards.
Could you explain what front your grandfather fought at?
Do you imagine what your grandmother could do during the war?…
Комментирование проекта и его презентации:
I like the original idea of the project itself.
The project was done perfectly. It’s pleasant to have a look at it.
I like the title to this project. It expresses the main idea of the work.
I am pleased with clear and interesting explanation why the main character is worth speaking about…
- Празднование 67 годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Исполнение песни, посвящённой участникам Победы.
Medinets Victoriya is eager to say a few words.
Pupil 3:
“This year we’ll celebrate the 67th anniversary of the Great Victory. It mustn’t be forgotten that the past sixty-five years the flames of war and war actions flared up in Chechnya, Osetiya, Georgia. But it’s high time to stop fighting and to realize that we have only one world to live in. We should respect and love each other. We should be happy to live in such a beautiful country. We are proud of our great-grandparents and thank them for our lives. Grishina Olga and Byrkina Nataliya composed a song about our native town of Mtsensk. They used the music of Paul McCartney from “Yellow Submarine”. Now we’d like to sing this song and devote it to all people who did their best to save our Motherland during the G.P.W.”
Музыкальная пауза.
(music – Paul McCartney «Yellow Submarine »
lyrics - Grishina Olga and Byrkina Nataliya)
Mtsensk is a town where we were born
And we live today with our friends
When we travel in the world
We will always come here back.
We like quiet streets and golden churches,
The river Zusha and the strongest frosts
And more than that we all enjoy
Every person with a loving heart.
We all love our native town of Mtsensk. 2 times
Native town of Mtsensk. (2 times)
- Презентация второго проекта.
Will you present your project, Olga? (Grishina Olga is presenting her project “My great - grandfather – my pride”).
Обсуждение проекта, выставление оценок (анализ: представленной информации, манеры повествования, сложности и разнообразия грамматических конструкций, темпа речи, произношения; оформления творческой работы, наличия фотографий и документов и т.д.)
- Заключительное слово «Цена Победы».
Student 3:
The victory the Soviet people won in the Great Patriotic War cost them very high. More than twenty million Soviet people were killed. The fascists destroyed and burned about 2000 cities and towns and 70000 villages.
Now the greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May 1945, our army completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended. We’ll never forget our great grandparents who died to defend our Motherland. Now let’s honor their memory with a minute of silence.
- Минута молчания.
- Подведение итогов урока.
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