внеклассное мероприятия по теме "Биография В. Шекспира"
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему
Внеклассное мероприятия или урок-творческая мастерская по теме "Биография В. Шекспира" .
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Ход урока
Этап урока | Деятельность преподавателя | Деятельность студентов |
- Good afternoon, dear friends! I’m glad to see you. I hope you are O.K. Сообщение темы урока: - We are going to have an unusual lesson today. We are in creative studio. Today we are going to speak about one the greatest person of Renaissance. This time is famous for its artists, writes, talented people. They wanted to be in history of human, they liked to create and dance. Let’s thanks our students, they tried to show you the Renaissance dance. What the greatest person of Renaissance do you know? Cлайд «Балл во времена Возрождения»
Of course William Shakespeare is the greatest person of Renaissance. William Shakespeare’s life and work is our lesson theme. Cлайд «портрет Шекспира»:
| - Good morning. We are glad to see you too. (Студенты приветствуют преподавателя и знакомятся с темой урока) Ответы студентов Джованни Боккачо «Декамерон», Мигель Сервантес «Дон кихот», Франческо Петрарки |
II Основной этап | ||
1.Изучение нового материала 1.1Постановка целей и задач, настрой учащихся на усвоение нового материала | Everyone, I think, has a favorite Shakespeare’ s play in his memory. What plays do you remember? We don’t know a lot about Shakespeare’s biography, but today the aim of our lesson - to know Shakespeare’s biography, study new words. Tasks: 1) Understand Shakespeare’s biography 2) translate Shakespeare’s sonnet №18 3) do the test Cлайд3 And now let’s listen to the main facts from his biography. Be very careful, because you’ll do the task at the end of lesson. | Студенты отвечают на вопросы преподавателя ” Othello”, “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Twelfth Night”. |
1.2 Изучение нового материала: «открытие нового знания» 1.3. Обыгрывание ситуаций Репортаж с международной читательской конференции. 2.проверка домашнего задания. 2.1Чтение сонета учителем 2.2Работа в группах. Развитие навыков работы в группе
3 Обобщение и систематизация языкового материала 3.1самостоятельная работа с тестом 3.2 Проверка теста | But before listening, look at the blackboard. There are some new words in our listening comprehension. На доске выписаны незнакомые слова, учитель на английском языке объясняет их значение:
Now, let’s listen to the text. Who wants to start? Слайд «LISTENING COMPREHENSION» William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. At the age of 6 he was sent to school, but had to leave it at the age of 13 and never went to school again. When Shakespeare was 21, he went to London and became an actor. He began to work in the modern theatre “Globe”. 14 years later he became a part owner of the Globe theatre in London. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 17 comedies, 10 historical plays and 7 books of poems. But only 18 of them were published in his lifetime. In the course of his life Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, which covers themes such as the passage of time (течение времени), love, beauty and mortality. Shakespeare spent the last years of his life at Stratford, where he died, on the same date as his birthday, the 23rd of April 1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was opened to the memory of the great playwright in the Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey. Слайды 4- Well done. Thank you students for your good reading. As you see William Shakespeare had very busy life, he left a lot of plays and sonnets for us. Let’s know a little more about his creative works. For this I need 4 helpers. Who wants to help me? Раздаю роли и реквизиты. Correspondent. 2017 год объявлен всемирным годом поэзии. В связи с этим в ПТПИТ проходит международная читательская конференция “Шекспир на все времена” – “Shakespeare of all time”. Interpreter. 2017 has been declared the world year of poetry. So international readers' conference held in the technical school “Shakespeare of all time”. The main question that scientists are trying to find an answer: "Why do the same work has several translations into the Russian language?” Guests from Stratford-upon-Avon, came to the conference. They, together with scientists trying to find the answer to this question Correspondent. Давайте обратимся к участникам конференции: – Не могли бы Вы сказать, в чем уникальность и вечность Шекспира? Interpreter. Would you be so kind as to answer my question? What makes Shakespeare the famous playwright of all time? English Scientist. I’ll start by saying that the Shakespeare’s insight into human nature, and his gift for using words; make him the most famous playwright of all time. Interpreter. Начну с того, что именно способность Шекспира понять и постигнуть человеческий характер, его дар использовать слова и интерпретировать их дали ему возможность стать самым известным поэтом на все времена. English Scientist. It must be admitted that Shakespeare gave the English language many phrases and sayings, which English speakers still use every day. Interpreter. Шекспир подарил современному английскому языку много интересных фраз и выражений, которые англичане употребляют в речи каждый день. English Scientist. Often, they don’t realize these words came from Shakespeare’s plays or poems! Probably you know some of them: “To be or not to be…” Interpreter. Часто они даже не догадываются, что это фразы и выражения из произведений Шекспира. Вот, например: “Быть или не быть” English Scientist. You are free to disagree with me, but in my opinion Shakespeare’s time is a time of great advance of learning, culture and English language. Interpreter. Вы можете со мной не согласиться, но, по-моему, время Шекспира – это время великих достижений в науке, культуре и английском языке. Correspondent. Спасибо. Скажите, пожалуйста, почему произведения великого английского поэта так популярны у нас в России? Interpreter: Why are Shakespeare’s works so popular in Russia Russian Scientist. Основные проблемы, которые Шекспир поднимал в своем творчестве, – это темы любви, дружбы, взаимопонимания и бессмертия. Я думаю, они близки и понятны каждому человеку, независимо от того, на каком языке они звучат. Interpreter: the main problems are the love, theme of friendship. I think they are very close for every person. Teacher. Excellent! You’re doing great! Thank you for talented actors play. You have known that Shakespeare gave the English language many phrases and sayings, that he is the most famous playwright of all time. And we came to check homework. You had to translate one sonnet, number 18. It is one of the best sonnets in Shakespeare’s work. Let’s listen to it first. Под музыкальное сопровождение учитель читает сонет №18. слайд Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, But thy eternal summer shall not fade, So long as men can breath or eyes can see, Teacher. Your home task was to prepare a translation of this sonnet from English into Russian. Have you all done this task? Work in groups and choose the best translation. And now I want to listen to your translations. Who wants to begin? Please, read your variants of translating this sonnet. Учащиеся зачитывают варианты перевода сонета №18, которые они самостоятельно подготовили дома. Teacher. Thank you very much. It was a great pleasure to listen to you. Your translations were very interesting and unusual. It was a surprise for me. I think, everybody has a literary talent. It is my opinion. Now let’s listen to the professional translations of this sonnet by Marshak and Stepanov. Good done. As you see there are a lot of variants translations of Shakespeare, but every of them is amazing and unique. Teacher. And now we’ll do the task. Раздаю задания учащимся и гостям. Everybody has this test paper. And now write down your surnames and mark the right variant. I’ll give you 2 minutes. LISTENING TАSKS. 1. William Shakespeare was born … a) 1560; 2. William Shakespeare left school when he was … a) 15; 3. William and Anne had … children. a) 1; 4. When Shakespeare was …, he went to London and became … a) 18, a writer; 5. Shakespeare wrote … plays. a) 37; 6. Shakespeare died … a) on the same date as his birthday 7. A monument was opened … a) near the theatre “Globe”; 8. Shakespeare wrote … sonnets. a)145 b)164 c)154 Key: 1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) b, 5) a, 6) a, 7) b, 8)с Your time is up. Let’s check слайд How many right answers do you have? Well done. | Студенты читают и переводят информацию на слайдах Студенты поднимают руки, Выходят к доске. Зачитали перевод, который у них получился. Учащиеся выполняют задания Проверяют работы друг друга |
III Домашнее задание.
| Thank you students. I’m afraid it’s time to finish now. Write your homework - learn by heart words, read text and understand it. | Студенты записывают дом задание. |
Рефлексия . | It was great pleasure to listen to you. Thank you very much for your excellent work in our creative studio. Today we have proved that William Shakespeare is the greatest person of Renaissance and had answer for question “why are Shakespeare’s works so popular in Russia. It’s time to finish. Good bye. |
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