Презентации к урокам по обучению письменной речи.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Валиева Гульназ Нафисовна

Презентации к урокам по обучению письменной речи.  Презентация к уроку в 5  классе "Как написать личное письмо". В 8 классе по теме: Agony Aunt "Как написать письмо - совет" другу. В 10-11 классах презентация "Как написать эссе в формате ЕГЭ".


Office presentation icon Agony Aunt451 КБ
Office presentation icon Informal letter186.5 КБ
Файл Essay in RNE format57.36 КБ

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Слайд 3

Letter 1 Who did Pat send a letter to? Is the letter formal or informal? What is the reason for writing? What problems does she describe in the letter? How does Pat start and finish the letter?

Слайд 4

Letter 2 What is the reason for writing? What advice is given? How does the letter start and end? Is it an informal or formal?

Слайд 5

Introduction Paragraph 1 reason(s) for writing Main Body Paragraphs 2-3 description of problem(s) Conclusion Final Paragraph closing remarks name Asking for advice

Слайд 6

Introduction Paragraph 1 thanks for letter/express understanding of a problem Main Body Paragraphs 2-3 Suggestion(s) + reason(s) Conclusion Final Paragraph closing remarks name Giving Advice

Слайд 7

Useful Language for letters Asking for Advice Opening remarks: I’m writing to ask for your advice Can you give me your advice? I’ve got a problem and I need your advice . Closing Remarks: What do you think I should do? Please tell me what to do. What can I do?

Слайд 8

Useful Language for letters Giving Advice Opening remarks: I was sorry to hear about your problem. I just got your letter and I think I can help you. Here’s what I think you should do. Suggestions If I were you I would… Why don’t you… The best advice I can give you is… It would be a good idea to …

Слайд 9

Useful Language for letters Giving Advice Closing remarks Hope this has helped. Let me know what happens. Let me know how it goes. I hope this will help you.

Слайд 10

Dear Stephanie, Thanks for your letter asking me for advice about how to lose weight. I was sorry to hear that you’re feeling depressed. I’m sure your problem isn’t as serious as you say. You always did exaggerate! The best advice I can give you is to choose one diet and really stick to it for a couple of months; It’s pointless trying lots of different ones which only last a few days, as you’ve discovered! If I were you, I would go on the same diet I went on: I’ve sent you the information booklet. The most important thing to remember is to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and to exercise regularly

Слайд 11

Why don’t you join the basketball team? I know how much you love basketball. Also, once you start losing weight you should give yourself little rewards, like a visit to the hairdresser or a new dress. That way you’ll probably find that you won’t think about food so much. If you follow my advice , I’m sure you’ll be back in shape in no time. Anyway, let me know how it goes Lots of love, Kate

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Слайд 1

Russian National Exam Opinion essay It really works… Just do it

Слайд 2

Structure A new-born « caterpillar » method is the best way to recall in mind the basics . Introduction Your opinion Viewpoint Opposing viewpoint Conclusion Thesis Argument ( example ) Argument ( example ) Argument ( example ) Argument ( example )

Слайд 3

Introduction “Too much money is being spent on space exploration while people are starving on Earth”. Statistics show that… Have you ever wondered what/how… Throughout this century the role of …. has changed and the majority of people feel that this change is for the better/the worse. This topic is worth discussing.

Слайд 4

Some/many/most people/experts/scientists/ skeptics/critics Claim/suggest/argue/feel that…

Слайд 5

Express your opinion To my way of thinking… I firmly/strongly believe… I am inclined to believe that… As far as I am concerned… Firstly/Secondly/Finally… This is clearly illustrated by the example of that … In particular… One very convincing point is…

Слайд 6

To add more points to the same point: In addition to this… Furthermore… Not to mention the fact that… As a result /consequence… For this reason…

Слайд 7

• Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it. Opponents of this view say/argue/claim/ that… It strikes me because… I do not agree because… T his fact contradicts the belief/idea because… It can be argued that… In spite of… On the other hand…

Слайд 8

Examples For example… For instance… Like… Especially… Such as… In particular…

Слайд 9

• Draw a conclusion. For the above- mentioned reasons, therefore, I firmly believe that… The best course of action would be… There is no absolute answer to the question of… In the light of this evidence it is obvious that… All things considered… All in all… Taking everything into account/consideration…

Слайд 10

Avoid using simplistic adjectives and adverbs Big Small Very Bad Good/nice enormous miniature absolutely horrible delightful massive microscopic entirely horrifying superb gigantic tiny thoroughly nasty terrific huge extremely disgusting wonderful terrible fabulous

Слайд 11

The t ask Write an essay « Is it patriotic for a person to go abroad for a holiday? » 200-250 words.

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