презентация к уроку по теме "Дискриминация"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
тема "Дискриминация" поднимает важные проблемы взаимоотношений между людьми, воспитывает чувство толерантноти, взаимоуважения
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Introduction
Discriminatory traditions, rules, ideas, practices, and laws exist in many countries and organizations around the world, even where discrimination is unacceptable.
- Discrimination
Discrimination is a negative attitude, prejudice, violence, injustice and deprivation of certain rights of persons because of their membership in a particular social group.
There are many types of discrimination but we will consider only 3 of them more thoroughly: racial, religious and sexual.
2.1.1. Racism
Racism is a set of beliefs, which are based on the provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races and the decisive influence of racial distinctions on history and culture.
There are some broader definitions of racism. So, the encyclopedia Britannica states that racism is an ideology stating that the division of people into strictly differentiated groups, called races, is made according to inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, culture, and also the inherent superiority of some races over others.
2.1.2. Religious discrimination
Religious discrimination is a limitation of the people’s rights on the basis of their religious affiliation. In some countries, where there are several religious communities, religious discrimination is usually accompanied by stratification.
I can show you some examples from history:
- The Crusades (series of religious military campaigns in the XI—XV centuries from Western Europe against Muslims).
- The fight with the pagans after the adoption of Christianity in Russia.
- 2.1.3. Sexism
Sexism is a prejudice against men or discrimination against people on the basis of sex or gender; it is also an ideology and system of social practices that support Patriarchy, or the oppression of women.
The ideology of sexism divides people into men and women, and opposes them to each other, attributing to them the opposite quality. It justifies the domination of men and subordination of women, arguing to the natural origin of this inequality.
2.2.1. The consequences of discrimination
Discrimination creates stress, prejudice self-esteem for employees, reduces their morality - in other words, contributes to the degradation of workers. In addition, discrimination causes social tension in the team, resulting in labor conflicts, it does not contribute to better economic performance. The main consequences of discrimination are:
- Socio-economic differences between groups of people;
- Political and social instability;
- Preservation of poverty;
3. The ways of discrimination destroying:
a) Assessment of existing legislation, rules and administrative procedures in order to identify discriminatory provisions with a special focus on laws, regulations and procedures relating to the least protected groups;
b) The equality of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen at the legislative level, the prevention of discrimination of citizens, suppression of discrimination on grounds of race, nationality or attitude to religion;
c) Establishment of a procedure for fixing the national and religious characteristics of man in the acts of civil status and identity documents and the procedure of establishing discrimination on grounds of race, nationality or attitude to religion;
- Conclusion
Discrimination is a global problem, which was, is and will be, but we will do all our best to eradicate it.
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