Going to-Will-Present continuous
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Презентация по теме "Отпуск. Путешествия" с использование грамматики описания ситуации будущего


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Слайд 1

Future Simple( будущее простое время) + I, he, she, it, they we, you will ( `ll) play - I, he, she, it, they we, you will not (won`t) play ? Will I, he, she, it, they we, you play

Слайд 2

Be going to + I am (`m) going to play he, she, it is (`s) going to play they we, you are (`re) going to play - I am not (`m not) going to play he, she, it is not (isn`t) going to play they we, you are not (aren`t) going to play ? Am I going to play? Is he, she, it going to play? Are they we, you going to play?

Слайд 3

Present Continuous + I am (`m) play ing he, she, it is (`s) play ing they we, you are (`re) play ing - I am not (`m not) play ing he, she, it is not (isn`t) play ing they we, you are not (aren`t) play ing ? Am I play ing Is he, she, it play ing Are they we, you play ing

Слайд 4

Going to-Will-Present continuous An on-the-spot decision A prediction based on what we think A future event certain to happen A prediction based on what we see A future plan A fixed arrangement I think it `ll be sunny We are going to miss our plane! It`s 3:00! Accommodation will be in a five-star hotel I `ll come with you We are eating out tonight We are going to travel

Слайд 5

Going to-Will-Present continuous An on-the-spot decision A prediction based on what we think A future event certain to happen A prediction based on what we see A future plan A fixed arrangement I think it `ll be sunny We are going to miss our plane! It`s 3:00 ! Accommodation will be in a five-star hotel I` ll come with you We are eating out tonight We are going to travel

Слайд 6

Ex5 p65 Do you nee a taxi? The doorman (call) it. He is buying a jacket. He (go) on a skiing holiday. I think I (visit) Africa. My parents (travel) to Spain tomorrow. Here are the tickets. They (take) a boat trip today. She is wearing a swimsuit. She (swim) in the sea.

Слайд 7

Ex5 p65 Do you nee a taxi? The doorman (call) it. He is buying a jacket. He (go) on a skiing holiday. I think I (visit) Africa. My parents (travel) to Spain tomorrow. Here are the tickets. They (take) a boat trip today. She is wearing a swimsuit. She (swim) in the sea. An on-the-spot decision A prediction based on what we think A prediction based on what we see A fixed arrangement

Слайд 8

Ex5 p65 Do you nee a taxi? The doorman will call it. He is buying a jacket. He is going on a skiing holiday. I think I will visit Africa. My parents are travelling to Spain tomorrow. Here are the tickets. They are taking a boat trip today. She is wearing a swimsuit. She is going to swim in the sea. An on-the-spot decision A prediction based on what we think A prediction based on what we see A fixed arrangement

Слайд 9

A talk on the phone B- Oh, hi. My family and I are planning to visit the museum and I`m calling for more information. B-Well, firstly,what are the opening hours? B- How much does it cost to get in? B-OK. Just one more thing. What is the best way to get there (by car)?

Слайд 10

Dear Kate, How _____ you? I can't wait ___ you to come and visit next weekend. My dad is going to take us to the _____ on Saturday. My sister's been there before and she says it's great! On Saturday night we can go _____ the cinema. There's a funny film that I think ___ will like. On Sunday we can _____ in the park. The _____ is very cold and snowy here so bring your warm clothes! See you soon, Alex

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