will, going to, and the present continuous
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Алексеева Александра Юрьевна

Подразумевает отработку использования will, going to, and the present continuous.

Имеются ключи и пояснения к выполнению заданий


Файл otrabotka_will_going_to.docx14.08 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

 will and going to

A Talk about your intentions and predictions for the future with a partner. Find and write down answers that are true for both of you.

1 Something you’re definitely going to do before you go to bed tonight

2 A job you’re definitely not going to do after you leave school

3 Someone you’ll probably text this week

4 Somewhere you probably won’t visit this weekend

5 A country you’ll probably visit in the future

6 A hobby you’re definitely not going to take up in the future

B Complete the mini-dialogues below with the correct form of will or going to.

1 A Can you keep a secret?

B Yes, don’t worry. I tell anyone.

2 A What (you) get Mum for her birthday?

B Oh, I forgot about that! I think I buy her some flowers.

3 A Has Tina decided about the trip to Rome?

B Yes. She go, because it’s too expensive.

4 A Oh no! I need to be at the airport by seven o’clock and the first bus leaves at eight.

B It’s OK, don’t panic! I give you a lift.

5 A Can you make sure you’re home by six o’clock?

B OK. I work late tonight.

6 A Look! Those two men over there look really angry.

B Oh yes! I think they have a fight!

C In the questions, choose the correct form. Then, ask your partner the questions. Remember to give as much information as possible!

1 Do you think you’ll travel / you’re travelling abroad for your next holiday?

2 Will you go / Are you going shopping next Saturday?

3 Are you going definitely to / Are you definitely going to have kids in the future?

4 When do you think you’re leaving / you’ll leave home?

5 Do you think you’ll probably earn / you probably will earn a high salary in your future job?

6 Who will you meet / are you meeting after school today?

Aims To review and practise uses of will, going to, and the present continuous

Time 15 minutes

Materials 1 handout for each student

Before beginning, elicit from students the difference between probably and definitely. Then, give each student a copy of the handout and give them time to discuss task A. Get some feedback and focus on correct form and accurate positioning of probably and definitely.

In task B, students need to complete the dialogues with the correct forms of will or going to. During feedback, get students to say why they have used each form.


1 won’t

2 are you going to, will / ’ll

3 isn’t going to

4 will / ’ll

5 won’t

6 are / ’re going to

Get students to do task C.


1 you’ll travel

2 Are you going

3 Are you definitely going to

4 you’ll leave

5 you’ll probably earn

6 are you meeting

Working in pairs, students ask and answer the questions from task C, expanding their answers.

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