Открытый урок по теме защита проектов "The recipes of dishes- рецепты блюд" в шестых классах 2016-2017 уч.год
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Открытый урок по теме защита проектов "The recipes of dishes- рецепты блюд" в шестых классах 2016-2017 уч.год.
Данная проектная деятельность направлена но мотивацию изучения иностранных языков.
Ребята самостоятельно готовили выбранное ими блюдо, а затем написали пошаговую интрукцию его приготовления на английском языке.
Защита проектов в 6"Б" классе проходила 12.01.17 уч.года;
Защита проектов в 6"А" классе проходила 16.01.17 уч.года.
Предварительный просмотр:
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The ingredients : Bread , cheese and sausage.
Take 2 slices of bread .
Put one slice cheese on the bread.
P ut our complete creation in the microwave .
When we lean out our sandwich from the microwave .
P ut a sausage into the sandwich .
Ready !
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1. Flour -Мука 2. С ottage с heese - Творог 3. Vegetable oil - Раст . масло 4. Vanilla sugar - Ванильный сахар 5. Sugar - сахар 6. Eggs - яйца 7. Salt - соль Ingredients - Ингридиенты .
Step 1 . In order to mix the ingredients we will need a deep dish. - Для того что бы смешать ингредиенты нам понадобится глубокая тарелка.
Step 2. Take the curd and pour in a bowl. Then thoroughly mix. - Берём творог и насыпаем в миску. Затем тщательно перемешиваем.
Step 3. Now add two eggs . And stir again. - Теперь добавляем два яйца . И снова перемешиваем.
Step 4. Add sugar to taste and a pinch of salt. Also for flavor you can add vanilla sugar. -Добавляем сахар по вкусу и щепотку соли. Также для аромата можно добавить ванильный сахар .
Step 5. To the received weight we add the flour. You need to add it gradually as it can pour, and it is better to add little by little not to over do it. -К полученной массе мы добавляем муку. Её нужно добавлять постепенно так как её можно пересыпать,и лучше её добавлять понемногу что бы не переборщить.
Step 6. Pour on the table a little flour. The dough which was put on the table , Then we shape our future cheesecakes. -Высыпаем на стол немного муки. Тесто которое получилось кладём на стол , Далее формируем форму наших будущих сырников.
Step 7. The last stage. In the pan pour the oil. Already on a heated pan put our cheesecakes when they are cooked through until Golden brown on two sides they need to be removed and put into a bowl. Further optionally, something to sprinkle . Example : powdered sugar. -Последний этап. На сковородку выливаем масло. Уже на разогретую сковородку кладём наши сырники , когда они прожарились до румяной корочки с двух сторон их нужно снять и положить в тарелку.Далее по желанию можно чем-нибудь посыпать . Например : сахарной пудрой.
Here are the cakes I did. -Вот такие сырники у меня получились.
Предварительный просмотр:
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Ingredients chocolate sheet puff pastry egg
Step 1 The puff pastry sheet and place on a Board or a table slightly covered with flour. In the center of the sheet put a bar of chocolate. The sides cut into strips with a width of 20-25 mm, slightly obliquely, as shown in the photo. The corner portion of the cut.
STEP 2 Now wrap the chocolate edges first.
STEP 3 Now the side strips, bending in turn.
STEP 4 Lay out puff pastry on a baking sheet, beat the egg with a fork and smear the product.
STEP 5 Bake the chocolate in puff pastry in the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.
The end! Chocolate cake is ready !
Предварительный просмотр:
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Ingredients : Cottage cheese - half a kilo Two eggs Sour cream — three tablespoons Semolina — five tablespoons Sugar — three tablespoons Vanilla sugar — half a teaspoon Cinnamon — half a teaspoon Five pears Vegetable oil Soda — half a teaspoon
Pear cut into small cubes
Cottage cheese spread in a bowl and add sour cream Pour the sugar and soda, mix well.
Beat the eggs and pour into the bowl. Beat cottage cheese with mixer or blender, then add semolina.
Stir again and add pear. Add baking soda, cinnamon, vanilla and stir again
Grease the form of vegetable oil . Put the mixture into the form and decorate with slices of pear. Bake in the oven at 180 ( one hundred eighty ) degrees for 40 ( forty ) minutes until golden brown Cottage cheese casserole with pear is ready!!! Bon appetite!!!
Предварительный просмотр:
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Cooking 1. flour-4 tablespoon мука- 4 столовой ложки 2 . sugar - 4 tablespoon Сахар – 4 столовой ложки 3 . cocoa-3 tablespoon Какао – 3 столовой ложки
Cooking 4. egg - 1 piece Яйцо – 1 шт. 5 . milk – 3 tablespoon Молоко – 3 столовой ложки 6 . butter-3 tablespoon Сливочное масло – 3 столовой ложки
Mix in a bowl the flour , sugar and cocoa . Смешайте в тарелке муку , сахар и какао
Add to dry ingredients egg Добавьте к сухим ингредиентам куриное яйцо
bake chocolate cake in the microwave for 5 minutes . з апекаем шоколадный кекс в микроволновке за 5 минут.
cupcake is ready !!! Кекс готов!!! Bon appetit !!! Приятного аппетита!!!
Предварительный просмотр:
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Ingredients : 3 eggs- 3 яйца 1 cup flour- 1 стакан муки 1 cup sugar- 1 стакан сахара Soda- сода Vinegar- уксус Glaze- глазурь
1 ) HeaT oven to 180 c- Разогреть духовку до 180 c .
2) Put flour and eggs into the largest bowl. Stir with a mixer- положить муку и яйца в большую миску . Перемешать миксером .
3) Add sugar and some soda . Stir with a spoon- добавить сахар и немного соды и перемешать ложкой.
4) Sort molds- разложить по формочкам .
5) Bake for about 15-20 minytes . Leave to cool on the tray- выпекать около 15-20 минут . Оставьте остывать на подносе.
bon appetit !
Предварительный просмотр:
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Ingredients : Hamburger buns Ground beef Onions Gherkins Salt – (to taste) Pepper mayonnaise – 3st.l Mustard — 1 tsp. Vinegar Cheese in slices Salad
Cutting of ingredients will be the first stage of preparation, we will begin with gherkins. They should be cut on very thin circles. Also thinly we cut onions plates, I will use a head floor. We cut other half on small pieces. We cut a little more gherkins on small pieces.
In a separate empty cup we spread 3s.l. mayonnaise and 1 tsp of mustard. We fill up the crushed onions and gherkins. Let's add a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt, we will a little pepper. Everything is carefully mixed. We add a teaspoon of vinegar and again we mix. Sauce for Big Mac is ready.
The main ingredient for our recipe is cutlet. What it would be tasty and fresh, I recommend to prepare it with own hand from the freshest ingredients. We take beef sirloin and we pass via the meat grinder. We salt and pepper the received forcemeat to taste. From the received amount of forcemeat we mold flat cutlets. Approximate thickness has to be about 1 cm on in width cutlet has to than the roll will turn out slightly more.
We start roasting, we will do it with use of a frying pan and sunflower oil. Fry cutlets 5 minutes from each party. Now we will pan fry rolls, about about a minute. They have to be reddened only a little.
Let's start the most important stage of preparation, assembly of a hamburger. On the basis of a hamburger we smear sauce which we made in advance. Over sauce we stack onions with gherkins cut thin plates. Further there is a cheese piece, lettuce leaves and cutlet. As we do Big Mac, it will be two-story. We start assembly of the second tier, we put a little fried roll. From above, as well as for the first time, we spread onions, gherkins and lettuce leaves. From above we put one more cutlet. We cover all this with the top roll with sesame.
The Big Mac made in house conditions is completely ready. You need only to enjoy his magnificent taste or to please the family and friends. On it I consider the review of this recipe ended, all bon appetit, so long!
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Предварительный просмотр:
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I ngredients : two Mandarins, one banana, some grapes, a little bit of condensed milk
1) wash fruits, cleanse banana and m andarins
2) cut the banana tangerines and grapes
3) mix all in a bowl and pour the condensed milk
Т hank you for your attention and Bon appetite.
Предварительный просмотр:
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Ingredients : Two eggs ; 100 gr. powdered sugar or fine sugar.
To start, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Proteins put in the prepared, absolutely dry container and start whisking.
To proteins gradually add sugar and continue whisking .
First, the mix must operate at a high speed. As soon as the mass begins to acquire its characteristic density, slow it down . Thus beat all to a thick cream. It is important that the mass had quite strong structure and are not dumped from the mixer down.
With the help of a special nozzle pour the mixture on a baking tray, covered with baking paper and place in cold oven. Only after that turn the oven to 100 degrees and wait an hour.
After – reduce temperature to 60. So the dessert will dry up and will have a delicate, airy structure.
French dessert is ready!
Предварительный просмотр:
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The ingredients : Ingredients: 100 gram butter, 200 gram cottage cheese, half a baking soda, salt, sand and vanilla , 200 gram flour.
The first step in the preparation of food . Первый шаг в приготовлении пищи. It is necessary to mix the cottage cheese with soft butter. надо смешать творог с мягким маслом . + +
The second step in the preparation of food . Второй шаг в приготовлении пищи. We need to sift the flour and add salt, baking soda, sugar and vanilla . Нужно просеять муку и добавить соль , соду , сахар и ваниль.
The third step of cooking . Третий шаг приготовления пищи. Take and mix 1 and 2 point and put in refrigerator . Взять и перемешать 1 и 2 пункт и поставить в холодильник.
The last step of cooking. Последний шаг готовки . We need to roll out the dough and cut into slices and put into the oven at 180 * . Нам нужно раскатать тесто и нарезать ломтиками и положить в духовку при 180 *.
The dish is ready Блюдо готово. Bon Appetite . Приятного аппетита
Предварительный просмотр:
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Nuts-200g Eggs-3 Sugar-80g Baking powder-1 Ingredients
Step 1 Grind nuts in a blender or coffee grinder
Step 2 Add nuts, egg, sugar, baking powder. Mix.
Step 3 The form, which is suitable for microwave oven, lay a film. The dough is poured into the mold
Step 4 Put in a microwave for cooking. At a power of 900 W- 5 minutes, 800 W- 5.5 minutes, 700 W- 6 minutes. You can prepare this cake in the oven for about 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180.
Step 5 The finished cake lay out to cool on a grid.
And then you can fantasize-drizzle chocolate, sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut and fluff cream. Cake is ready
Предварительный просмотр:
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Ingredients On 8 servings : 1 pack of ready-made (8 pcs wafer sheets) 200g softened butter 400g of condensed milk (not boiled)
Step 1 Oil soften at room temperature. Combine the softened butter with condensed milk.
Step 2 Blender, mixer or even a fork, carefully beat the butter and condensed milk until creamy state.
Step 3 Enough cream cakes 7, a single sheet (the 8 th ) had to be postponed-his coat is not necessary, it will be the top of the cake. Alternately, lay out tortillas on a flat surface (if the surface is curved when buttering they can crack). Evenly distribute the cream on the cakes (1 cake 1.5 tbsp ), paying attention to the edges-they should be well missed.
Of step 3
Step 4 Stacking the wafer sheets on each other, cream up. Cover pending remaining korzh .
Step 5 The cake should thoroughly soak in the fridge ( 5 hours).
Thank you for attention
Предварительный просмотр:
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Нам понадобятся : яблоки , лимон , мука , сахар , ваниль , сметана и разрыхлитель . we need apples, lemon, flour, sugar, baking powder vanilla cream.
1) Apples should be cut into cubes and form grease.
Then rub the lemon on a fine grater.
Mix together the flour sugar cream vanilla, baking powder and grated lemon and mix.
Pour apple mixture.
You can add berries to taste. Bake for about 30 minutes.

Предварительный просмотр:
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The pancakes
Ingredients: Kefir(250ml.) F lour(2tbsp) S ugar(4tbsp.lodges) Salt(1h lodges) S oda(1h lodges) E gg(1 piece) V egetables oil
W ay of preparation Whisk the egg with a whisk Sahara
Add yogurt, baking soda and salt .
Add flour,stir to get constistency thick cream
Put the frying pan, pour oil
Fry the fritters, first with one hand then the other
And on the other hand
All a pleasant appetite
The End
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