Задание в формате ЕГЭ по теме"СLIMATE CHANGES"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Global warming is the result of the (0) …………. of greenhouse gases, EMIT
also known as the 'greenhouse effect'. According to (1) , the SCIENCE
consequences of global warming would be severe for human (2) POPULATE
and ecosystems since we are totally (3) on them. The rise would DEPEND
produce new patterns of rainfall and drought that would affect the
(4) of mankind. Global warming could cause polar ice to melt SURVIVE
(5) Sea levels would rise as a result of that and coastal cities and RAPID
islands would be (6) DANGER
In all (7) , the rise in global temperature will accelerate unless LIKELY
countries decide on a universal scheme for the (8) of greenhouse REDUCE
gases. Most developed countries, however, are reluctant to delay their
economic (9) by imposing strict environmental GROW
(10) on their industries unless they become compensated for their losses. RESTRICT
Which words belong together?
1 keep | a exercise |
2 go on | b a diet |
3 suffer from | c an illness |
4 have | d an arm |
5 take | e an operation |
6 cure | f a temperature |
7 treat | 9 fit |
8 break | h a check up |
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
The condition of our bodies is something we all know is important. (1)
fit is something (2) most of us try to do, and going (3)
a diet is easy enough when we become overweight. It is also important to (4)
regular check-ups, especially if you (5) a lot of exercise. However, we
all occasionally suffer (6) an illness, and visit our doctor. He will
probably (7) your temperature and will prescribe pills to
(8) the problem. But what if you (9) to a doctor and
he then began to stick steel needles into your skin? I think most of us would consider this
a very painful way to (10) cured.
However, acupuncture is used to (11) many illnesses, and often cures
back pain and headaches. People who have (12) an arm or a leg can
get great relief from pain with this method, and many people have (13)
operations without anaesthetic. It is an ancient Chinese practice, (14)
has been used for centuries. It involves putting needles into the skin, which release certain chemicals in your body. It is safe and has no side-effects, although in the West, it is not
considered the normal way to (15) illnesses. The Chinese say that it is
better than Western medical practice.
^ = '■ ■ ■-■■ ~ ' ' ! ■ !
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