Song Contest "Eurovision"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

This is the script of the contest which can be held in any school, where children like singing English songs.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Ход вечера:

(Звучит песня C. Лазарева с  Евровидения-2016)

A1: Ladies and gentlemen! We are happy to see you at the song contest EUROVISION, held in our school.

(Звучит торжественная музыка)

A3: Adelya, by the way, do you know the performer of the song we’ve just heard?

A1: Hm... I don’t remember his name, but if I’m not mistaken, he took part in  the last Eurovision and he presented our country

Maybe we’ll apply to the audience for help. Can you help us? What is his name?

A2: Yes, you’re absolutely right. His name is Sergei Lazarev and the song he presented is called «The only One»


A4: It’s high time to begin our contest and we would like to give you some useful information about the history of it.

A3: Евровидение – это ежегодный музыкальный конкурс песен, который проводится среди исполнителей из стран, входящих в Европейский Вещательный Союз. Поэтому  среди участников конкурса можно увидеть исполнителей из Израиля и других стран, находящихся за пределами Европы. От каждой страны-участницы на «Евровидение» отправляется один участник, который исполняет одну песню. Победитель конкурса определяется путём голосования телезрителей и жюри из каждой участвующей страны.        

A2: Впервые музыкальный конкурс «Евровидение» прошёл в Швейцарии в 1956 году. Появился конкурс в результате преобразования итальянского фестиваля Сан-Ремо. Марсель Бесон, который очень любил этот проект, видел в конкурсе возможность объединения наций в послевоенное время. Фестиваль в Сан-Ремо существует по сей день. А «Евровидение» сегодня – это одно из наиболее ожидаемых и популярных событий в музыкальной жизни Европы. Ежегодно за этим конкурсом наблюдает более 100 миллионов телезрителей по всему миру.

 A4: Для финала конкурса существуют особые строгие правила. Например, на сцене не может быть усилителей, барабанщик должен играть на предоставляемой ударной установке. Исполнитель может использовать инструментальные минусовки. Любая песня, продолжительность которой больше 3-х минут, может быть дисквалифицирована, о том, что «краткость – сестра таланта» помнят все.

A1: As for our country, Russian performers began to participate in the song contest since 1994. Over the years, Russia was represented by Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva, NataliyaPodolskaya, Julia Savicheva? Dina Garipova from Tatarstan, pop-groups “Serebro”, «Prime Minister», «Tatu»  and others.

A3:2000 year was a special year for our country when ALSOU broke through, performing her song :SOLO” in English.

(видео с песней)

A2:In 2008 Dima Bilan stopped short before the victory, taking the second place with the song “Never, never let me go”


A4: It was only in 2008 that Russia became an absolute winner of this contest with the song “Believe me”.


A1: In 2009 Alexander Rybak, performing his song «Fairytale»

(видео с песней)

A3: In 2015 Polina Gagarina won the second place with the song

“A Million Voices”

(видео с песней)

A2: Don’t you think that it’s too much for history and I’m sure that our participants are eager to demonstrate their talents.

A4:Adelya, I’m sorry, but you forgot to mention our respected jury. Meet them …

 A3:Adelya, have you ever heard the song «Timber»?

A1: That’s a pity, but I haven’t heard.

A3:Adelya, today you have a chance to listen to this song. The girls and boys from 9V will perform it now.

A1:You are welcome.

(After the song)

A2: Thank you. It was perfect.

A4: And now we are glad to invite to the stage the 9th B with the song “Lemon Tree”.


(After the song)

A1: Thank you ! Brilliant! Well, let’s continue our concert. … What are you doing? (the boy is waving a flag)

A3: I want to greet the next participants of our contest!!!!

A1: Oh, I see!!!! The next participant s of «Eurovision» are the boys and girls from the class 9B with the song  «Waving Flag». Welcome.

(After the song)

A2: Do you see what a storm of applause? Boys and girls, it was great. Thank you.

A4:Adelya,what do you know about Bob Marley?

A2: Well, let me think… If I am not mistaken, he is a talented singer, musician and composer. He has more than 18 albums.

A4: Quite right. Today we have to chance to listen to a song of one of his albums “Three Little Birds”. The 10A is going to present it! Welcome!

(After the song)

A1: Thanks. It was great!

A3:AlbinaGarifullina from the 10th  B  will also take part in our concert .

 A1: AlbinaGarifullina from the 10th  B  with the song «Perhaps». Welcome.

(After the song)

A3: Thank you, Albina! It was a real masterpiece!

A1: I got you!

A3: Really?

A1:. This song will be performed by the 11th A.

A3: Let’s call them with a storm of applause.

(After the song)

A2: Thank you. How energetic!

A4: Hands UP!!!!!

A2: Are you going to have a break and do several exercises with our audience????

A4: Oh, no. To tell the truth it is the title of the song of the 11th B!

A2: Really? Then let’s greet the participants from the 11th B with the song “Hands up”!!!

(After the song)

A2: Thanks. First rate!

A1: The contest is coming to its end. Before giving the floor to the jury with the results we suggest you singing  a funny Christmas song “Jingle Bells” all together.

(After the song)

A3: And now it’s time to give a word to our jury. You are welcome on the stage. (After the jury)

A4: Our contest is over! Thank you for participation!

A2: But before we finish we’d like to wish all of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

A1: Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.

The good you do for others is good you do yourself.

A3: Good luck!

A1- Гатауллина

A2- Ситдикова

A3- Асхат

A4- Ядгар

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