Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему: «What Can We Do to Save the Earth?»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Конспект урока в 8 классе по английскому языку в 8 классе на тему: «What Can We Do to Save the Earth?»
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок на тему:
«What Can We Do to Save the Earth?»
Цель: воспитание бережного отношения к природе, активизация известной лексики по теме "Защита окружающей среды", формирование навыков ознакомительного чтения, развитие навыков монологической речи на основе текста.
- обеспечить дальнейшую тренировку и закрепление лексики по теме «Environmental problems»;
- практиковать учащихся в чтении с извлечением детальной информации из текста;
- совершенствовать навыки устной речи по теме «Environmental problems»;
- развивать умение излагать на английском языке результаты коллективной поисково-познавательной деятельности.
Оборудование: карточки с заданием «Vocabulary Quiz», текст с заданием, компьютерная презентация.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент.
T.: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you today. How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Students, look at the posters at the blackboard, please. How do you think what problems we shall discuss today?
На интерактивной доске картинки:
S.1: I think we shall discuss the problems of pollution of our environment.
S.2: I guess we shall discuss how we can save the Earth from pollution.
T.: You are right. Today we will study the theme “What Can We Do to Save the Earth?” And we’ll discuss what we can do to save the beaty of our village.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
Чтение песни Луи Армстронга «What a wonderful world»
I see trees of green, red roses too
I watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of the people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, "I love you"
I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
- Обучение лексической стороне речи.
T.: First of all let’s repeat the words and word combinations on the theme “Environmental problems”.
Карточки с заданием «Vocabulary Quiz» (на интерактивной доске)
Task 1. Find the pairs of opposite words.
Task 2. Find the words with the same meaning.
- Обучение грамматической стороне речи.
T.: Let’s do ex.56 p.54
Complete the sentences using Conditional II.
- If all people decided to save our world, ...
- If people took cans, bottles, paper to local recycling centres, ...
- If people bought only the things they really needed, ...
- If people tried to walk or cycle instead of driving cars, ...
- If people didn’t drop litter in the countryside, ...
- If people avoided buying packaged goods, ...
- If people didn’t waste paper, ...
Use: (на интерактивной доске)
- to make the world a better place; to stop polluting air, rivers, seas and oceans, etc.
- to avoid littering; to save energy / trees, etc.
- to produce less packaged goods; to save rainforests, to create too much litter
- to pollute the atmosphere; to produce gases; to cause “greenhouse” effect: to lead to ozone holes, etc.
- to be spoiled; to disappear; to damage/to be damaged; to contaminate / to be contaminated, etc.
- to save a lot of trees / wildlife / animals, birds, insects living in the forests; protect the environment / the planet / the Earth from littering, etc.
- to save a lot of trees / energy; to reduce air pollution / littering, etc.
- Физкультминутка.
- Обучение чтению с извлечением детальной информации из текста.
Now, students, read the text in ex.53 after that I will ask you to answer some questions and translate some sentences into English.
Give a short summery of the text in groups.
- Аудирование.
Ex.54, p.54 - Обучение говорению.
T.: You understood that people can pollute the environment very much. But people can save it too. It depends from each of us. How can we help our nature? What can we do for it?
S.1: Avoid dropping litter here!
S.2: Put your litter in the bin!
S.3: Please, keep off the grass!
S.4: Help to clean up your local environment.
S.5: Take care of nature!
S.6: Take your rubbish to local recycling centers.
- Рефлексия.
T.: Students, do you know now what you can do to save the Earth from pollution?
What can you do to save the beauty of our village?
S.1: We can never drop litter.
S.2: We can pick up litter and put up signs that say, “Please don’t litter”.
S.3: We can stop and think before we throw anything away.
S.4: We can help to clean up our local envirinment.
S.5: We can plant flowers and trees to make our village nicer.
S.6: We can try to avoid buying things we really don’t have any use for.
T.: What is the conclusion of our lesson?
S.: We must take care of our nature, help it and love it.
- Домашнее задание
T.: Make a poster warning people about environmental problems.
T.: At the end of our lesson I shall read you a poem. Listen to me carefully.
I want to live and not to die
I want to laugh and not to cry
I want to feel the summer sun
I want to sing when life is fun
I want to fly into the blue I want to swim as fishes do
I want to stretch out friendly hands
To all the young of other lands
I want to live and not die
I want to laugh and not to cry
I want to mate, No atom bomb
My shining world!
Teacher: I think these words are the main idea of our life and we must remember that only we can help the environment today.
Well, the lesson is over! Thank you for your work!
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