День Святого Валентина
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Николаева Татьяна Ильинична

Сценарий школьного праздника на английском языке для старшеклассников


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Предварительный просмотр:

День Святого Валентина.

(Сценарий школьного праздника

для старшекласников)


- Here it comes again: the day for exchanging love messages, valentines, chocolates and flowers.

- On the 14th of February we celebrate St.Valentine's day when all people show their love and affection to other people.

- Where does the tradition of celebrating St.Valentine's day come from?

- Listen and you will know.

 (Презентация № 1 "История дня Св. Валентина)


- Now you know something about the history of the holiday. In our school we enjoy this holiday and traditionally have a concert.

- It is all about the most tender feeling - about love.

- A lot of songs, which we hear and sing, are about love. Here is one of them.

(Песня о любви)


- I say Olya, have you received any Valentine's greeting cards today?

- Yes, why? Lots of them.

- And now listen to a poem about them.

(Стихотворение «My Valentine» by M.C.Parsons)


- Well, Olya, here I am.

- What do you mean? I see you are here.

- «Here I am» is the next song.

- I see.

 (Песня "Brian Adams ")


- And do you know, Olya, that each symbol drawn on a Valentine means something special.

- Really? I like red hearts and wonderful roses most of all.

- There are some other symbols. Listen about them.

  (Презентация №2 «Символы Валентинок»)


- Olya, come along with me to the town beside the sea.

-Do you really mean that?

- Well, in fact I’am joking. It's the title of the next song.

 (Песня «Come Along…»)


-You can express your feelings not only with Valentine cards and their symbols but also with the body language - with a dance.

- Think about the feelings which these dancers reveal.

(Английский танец)


- Why is it so dark here?

- It’s dtcfuse we are going to listen to one more lyrical song - "Love in the dark".

(Песня "Love in the dark")


- I say, Alexey, what do you like best of all?

-What do you mean? Lots of things.

- I like apple sauce.

(Стихотворение «I love you more than apple sauce»)


- Olya, what is love for you?

- For me, love means spending all your time together.

- And what does love mean for you?

- For me it is sharing all your interests and hobbies.

(Песня «Love is…»)


- Olya, have you got a mobile phone?

- Yes, sure.

- And what about a computer?

- Yes, I have, why?

- Can you imagine how people exchanged messages without these things?

- I heard something about the language of a fan.

- Let’s watch and know about it.

(Сценка «Язык веера»)


 -Olya, do you like poetry?

- Yes, I do. Especially poems about love. Then listen to the poem "I met you".

(Cтихотворение "I met you")


- I say, Alexei, who is the most famous English poet?        

- William Shakespeare, of course.

- Do you know that he wrote 154 sonets.

- Wow! Really!

- Let's listen to one of them. 

(Сонет Шекспира)


- It's a pity, but our concert is coming to an end.

- Now thеre is a final song about love.

- This time you'll see the lyrics on the screen and we can sing all together.

(Песня "Wonderwall")


- Thank you for your attention.

- We wish you love and happiness. Goodbye.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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