"Who is in charge of our planet?" урок в 7 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок направлен на формирование ответственного отношения к проблемам окружающей среды
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Тема урока: “Who is in charge of our planet?”
Цели урока:
Социокультурный аспект: дальнейшее знакомство с экологическими знаками, принятыми в англоязычных странах, с тем, как жители этих стран заботятся о природе, знакомство с понятиями и реалиями: three R’s, Alf, Woodsy Owl, the Forest Service, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace.
Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к обобщению, логичности и доказательности, внимания.
Воспитательный аспект: формирование способности осознавать экологические проблемы, осознавать роль человека во взаимодействии с природой, формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого; формирование ответственного отношения к проблемам окружающей среды.
Учебный аспект: формировать лексические навыки говорения, развивать речевые умения в монологической и диалогической речи.
Речевой материал: лексический: лексика темы 4 «How Do You Treat the Earth?» по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева «English-7»
грамматический: Simple Present Passive.
Учебные пособия: Картинки по теме “How Do You Treat the Earth?”, лото “What can you do at home to save energy?”, карточки, «Красная книга» и картинки вымирающих животных, флаги России и Британии, карта поселка Щелкан, макет телевизора, именные жетоны для представителей из России и Великобритании.
Урок проводится в форме телемоста «Москва-Лондон».
Ход урока.
Teacher: Good morning, children. I am glad to meet you. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Today we’ll discuss environmental problems in the world, in our country and in our statefarm. We’ll do some exercises, ask and answer the questions, learn a short poem and we’ll play a bit. Now let’s learn a poem by heart “Wild Kingdom”.
All woods are home to animals,
So we behave like guests.
We only looked and never touched,
The birds’ and rabbits’ nests.
(Используется аудиозапись стихотворения).
Teacher: And now let’s discuss environmental problems in our country and in Britain.
Satellite link Moscow-London.
Pupil 1: Good morning, dear friends! I’m Alla Serdyukova and they are my friends: Marina Polyakova, Suseiman Suseibankadiev and Kolya Vashchenko. We are very happy to meet you again.
Pupil 2: Hello! I’m Miss Capwell and they are my frienda: Miss Claydon, Miss Smith and Miss White. We are glad to meet you too.
Pupil 1: Last time we were speaking about school subjects and now we shall discuss environmental problems in our country and in Britain. Are you ready?
Pupil 2: Yes, we are ready. Look, we have such signs in our country “Do not disturb”, Keep off the grass” and “No bicycles”. Do you have such signs in your country?
Pupil 1: Yes, we have such signs in our country.
What do people do when they see such signs?
Pupil 2: When people see such signs they try to keep the rules.
Pupil 1: What rules do you mean?
Pupil 2: I mean these rules: keep the country tidy, respect the life and work of the countryside, keep dogs under control, take litter home, water flowers and trees, put litter away, clean pavements, grow flowers and trees.
Pupil 1: Thank you.
Pupil 2: We know that you have a film character in your country. His name is Alf. Do you like Alf?
Pupil 1: Yes, we like Alf, because he helps children to keep the world healthy and strong.
Pupil 2: What does Alf advise children?
Pupil 1: Alf advise children to put rubbish in a rubbish bin, to clean pavements, to water flowers and trees, not to paint on walls, not to break plants and baby trees, not to leave rubbish in the garden or in the street.
Pupil 2: Thank you.
Pupil 1: Do you like to spend your free time in the countryside?
Pupil 2: Yes, I like to spend my free time in the countryside.
Pupil 1: Do you always keep the rules?
Pupil 2: Yes, I do. I always keep the rules. But sometimes other children don’t keep the rules.
Pupil 1: And what happens when people break the rules?
Pupil 2: When people break the rules, litter is left, dogs are not kept under control, flowers are pulled out, animals are frightened, trees are painted, birds are caught, animals are hurt, the air is polluted, fires are started, the water is polluted. And what about you? Do you always keep the rules?
Pupil 1: Yes, I always keep the rules.
Pupil 2: Is it a wise rule to keep dogs under control?
Pupil 1: I think that it is a wise rule to keep dogs under control.
Pupil 2: is it a wise rule to take litter home?
Pupil 1: To my mind, it’s a wise rule to take litter home.
Pupil 2: What is the most important rule?
Pupil 1: I think that the most important rule is to keep the country tidy.
Pupil 2: And I think that the most important rule is to grow flowers and trees.
Pupil 1: In our country we have a holiday “Earth Day”. This holiday is for all people. Do you have “Earth Day” in your country?
Pupil 2: Of course, we have. We think that taking care of the Earth is everybody’s business.
Pupil 1: Is it necessary to think about nature only on Earth Day?
Pupil 2: Of course not. We think that every day should be Earth Day. Do you have any environmental groups in Britain? Yes, we have a lot of environmental groups in Britain: “Friends of the Earth”,
“Greenpeace”, “London Wildlife Trust”.
Pupil 1: Are you a member of any ecology group?
Pupil 2: As for me, I am a member of Liverpool Ecology group.
Pupil 1: What activities does Liverpool Ecology group suggest?
Pupil 2: Liverpool Ecology group suggest such activities: “How to help wild birds in winter?”, “How to build a bird table?”, “Water pollution”, “Wild flowers”, “How to plant a tree?”, “How we can collect old newspapers?”
Pupil 1: What activity would you like to take part in?
Pupil 2: I’d like to take part in “How to plant a tree” activity.
As for me, I’d like to take part in “Wild flowers” activity
And now, please, tell me how you can help the Earth?
Pupil 1: One way is to remember three rules.
Pupil 2: What rules do you mean?
Pupil 1: I mean these three rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. In my family we reduce energy and water, we reuse glass bottles and we recycle newspapers, plastic containers, cans, tins and paper.
Pupil 2: Look at this picture; do you know this Woodsy Owl?
Pupil 1: Of, course. It’s a mascot of Forest Service. Woods Owl suggests ways to take care of the environment.
Pupil 2: What does Woodsy Owl suggest?
Pupil 1: Woodsy Owl suggests people to take care of animals, birds and fishes, not to throw rubbish into their homes, to leave flowers for other to enjoy, not to paint on trees.
Pupil 2: Is it important to take care of birds, animals and fishes?
Pupil 1: I think it’s very important to take care of birds, animals and fishes.
Pupil 2: Miss Surina, do you have any environmental problems in your country?
Pupil 1: Oh, yes, we have a lot of environmental problems. In my country the forests are cut down, the rivers are polluted, the seas are destroyed, the animals are killed, the birds are captured and sold in pet stores.
Pupil 2: Thank you.
Teacher: Excuse me, please. It’s 10.40. Let’s watch TV.
Pupil 2:Good morning, dear listeners! I’m Ira Garanzha with our favourite programme “7A News”. Today we’ll talk about environmental problems in our country. Every ten minutes one kind of animals, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about it, over one million species will disappear in twenty years from now.
Pupil 1: The seas are in danger! They are filled with poison industrial and nuclear waste. If nothing is done about it, one day noting will be able to live in the seas.
Pupil 2: The tropical rainforests, which are the home of half the Earth’s living things are being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will disappear in 20 years.
Teacher: We’ll continue our programme “7A News”. Animals are in danger!
Pupil 1: Grey wolves are in danger! Ever since Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf has been personified as a delvish creature and a threat to man. And now their population is very low. They can disappear.
Pupil 2: Cheetahs are in danger! Even the fastest animal on Earth is defenseless against poachers. Now, as many as 5.000 cheetahs have been killed. Today the wild cheetah is only found in a Far East African parks and reserves.
Pupil 3: Penguins are in danger! The Cape Penguin is South Africa’s only resident. Their population is very low too.
Pupil 4: Humpback Whales are in danger! Unafraid of ships, the Humpback Whale was easily approached by hunters. The population of Humpback Whales is only 10.000 animals!
Pupil 5: Green Sea Turtles are in danger. The Green Sea Turtles have been over exploited for their meat, eggs, oil and skin. Now, their population is dangerously low.
Pupil 6: Whooping Cranes are in danger! This Crane once lived in the northern part of the USA. Today the total population of Cranes is only 50.
Pupil 7: African Elephants are in danger. As many as 300 Elephants are slaughtered every day to supply the world’s ivory trade. If this trend continues by the turn of the century African elephants could disappear from the face of the Earth – forever!
Satellite link Moscow – London.
Pupil 1: Do you watch this programme very often?
Pupil 2: Oh, yes! “6A News” is my favorite programme.
Pupil 1: Do you take care of nature.
Pupil 2: Of course, I do. I take care of animals.
Pupil 1: And who is in charge of our planet?
Pupil 2: I think that grown-ups, children, organizations, special magazines, newspapers and TV programmes are in charge of our planet.
Pupil 1: Thank you. We have a lot of environmental problems. We’ll continue to talk about it next time. Good-bye!
Pupil 2: Good-bye!
Teacher: Now, children, let’s listen to a song and do exercises.
(“A song “When trees are green”)
Teacher: We’ll play a game now. Our problem today is construction of a garage very near our park. The drivers of the city decided to build a garage. They cannot find a better place than our park. The angry citizens who live nearby are demanding a meeting with the Major of the city. Let us take part in the meeting. Let’s form a few groups. Who wants to speak for the Major? (For the citizens? For the parents? For the children?)
The drivers: On behalf of the drivers we are ready to help the city with public traffic, which is and always has been a problem. We can give you a drive!
The citizens: On behalf of the citizens who live near the park we want to say that the air in our town is very much polluted, the air in our district is especially badly polluted, because there is oil refinery nearby, and now you are going to poison the air still more with car exhaust. We are against a garage! Keep the park green!
The parents: On behalf of the parents we protest against building a garage near the park. Look at our children’s pale faces. The air smells awful, the water tastes bad, the traffic sounds terrible. The best place for a garage is out of town. Think of your future!
Children: On behalf of the school students we’d like to tell you that this park is the only place where we can have fun. You are stealing our playground!
The Major: Dear citizens! Your problems are our city problems. I promise, I’ll do my best to solve this problem. I want to know which of you are for and against the garage. Let us vote. Which of you are for the garage? Which of you are against the garage? (the children are voting). Thank you. Now I know your opinion. Thank you for coming and for the information I’ve got.
Teacher: And now, let’s play another game: “What can you do at home to save energy?” (лото)
Pupil 1: I have a computer at home. I use it every day…...
Teacher: Look at the map. It’s our statefarm. It shows the environmental problems in our statefarm. Please, name them.
Pupil 1: The pond and the rivers are polluted.
Pupil 2: The trees are damaged, painted.
Pupil 3: The air is polluted.
Pupil 4: The flowers are pulled out.
Pupil 5: The birds are frightened.
Pupil 6: The animals are hurt.
Pupil 7: The dogs are not kept under control.
Pupil 8: The litter is left.
Teacher: And now, let’s play another game: “Who is the best interpreter?”
(Дети переводят предложения с русского языка на английский).
- В нашей стране много проблем окружающей среды.
- Эльф советует детям заботиться о природе.
- Дети любят проводить свободное время за городом.
- Иногда люди нарушают правила.
- Если бы мы не заботились о природе, животные были бы ранены, воздух загрязнен, птицы напуганы.
- Если мы не заботимся о природе, вода загрязнена, деревья повреждены, мусор разбросан, собаки не держатся под контролем.
- Я думаю, что это мудрое правило – поливать цветы и деревья.
- Я думаю, что это мудрое правило – бросать мусор в корзину.
- По-моему, самое важное правило – содержать страну в порядке.
- В Британии есть праздник – «День Земли»
- В Британии много экологических групп.
- Экологическая Ливерпульская группа предлагает много видов деятельности.
- В нашем поселке воздух загрязнен.
- Африканские слоны исчезают.
- Азиатские тигры в опасности.
- Все люди в ответе за нашу планету.
- Многие люди любят проводить свободное время в сельской местности.
- Очень важно заботиться о птицах и животных.
- Не рисуйте на деревьях.
- Каждый день должен быть «Днем Земли».
Teacher: I think that pupils of the first group are the winners. Children, let’s do some cards in written form.
The task: Fill in the right form of the verb.
- Animals …. by hunters.
- Are killed
- Kill
- Thousands of birds …. every year.
- Catch
- Are caught
- Litter …. everywhere.
- Is left
- Leave
- A lot of wild flowers …. by children.
- Pull out
- Are pulled out
- The forests …. every day.
- Are cut down
- Cut down
- The wild cheetahs …. in a few east African parks.
- Find
- Are found
- The green sea turtles …. for their meat, eggs, oil and skin.
- Exploit
- Are exploited
- The tree …. by a girl.
- Painted
- Is painted
- The dogs …. under control.
- Are kept
- Keep
- The playground …. by the drivers.
- Stolen
- Is stolen
Teacher: Thank you, children. (Подведение итогов урока)
You have worked hard. I’ll give you such marks: Alla-5, Ira-5, Zhenya-5, Seryozha-4, Amina-4….
Thank you for the lesson! It is over. Good-bye!
Примечание: Pupil 1- учащиеся 1 группы; Pupil 2 – учащиеся 2 группы.
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