Презентация на тему "Подготовка к ОГЭ разделы "Грамматика", "Аудирование"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Презентация будет полезна для учителей, которые готовят своих учеников к итоговой аттестации в форме ОГЭ.
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Подписи к слайдам:
In order to perform the given task It is important to be able to determine the part of speech of the given word and its place in a sentence It is necessary to know the variants of transformation of each part of speech, that is the grammatical forms which can be derived from a particular part of speech (for example, for a noun, the variant of grammatical transformation will be singular or plural, and for an adjective there will be degrees of comparison ) It is important to master grammatical transformation of this or that part of speech It is essential to know the forms of grammatical phenomena including exceptions It is necessary to understand the meanings of grammatical phenomena and be able to single them out in a sentence It is essential to know spelling rules while forming different forms of grammatical phenomena It is important to be able to see the text as a whole
Для успешного выполнения данного задания — важно уметь определять часть речи как отдельно взятого слова, так и по его месту в предложении — важно знать варианты трансформации каждой части речи, т.е. те грамматические формы, которые можно образовать на основе конкретной части речи (например, для имени существительного вариантом грамматической трансформации будет единственное — множественное число, а для прилагательного — степени сравнения ); — важно владеть умениями грамматической трансформации той или иной части речи ; — важно знать формы грамматических явлений, в том числе и исключения; — важно понимать значения грамматических явлений и уметь определять их в предложении ; — важно знать правила орфографии при образовании разных форм грамматических явлений. - важно уметь видеть текст в целом
Step 1 Determine the part of speech, pay attention not only to the word itself but its place in the sentence and make sure you are not mistaken in its determination.
Part s of speech NOUN is a type of word that is usually the name of something such as a person, a place, a thing, a quality or an idea. ADJECTIVE is a' describing' word the main role of which is to give more information about the object. VERB is a type of word that usually denotes an action or a state and is the main part of a sentence
Part s of speech ADVERB is a word that changes or qualifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective, other adverb, a clause, a sentence or any other word or phrase NUMERAL denotes an abstract number or the order of things in succession PRONOUN is one of a class of words that serves to replace a noun phrase that has already been or is about to be mentioned in the sentence or context
Match the words and phrases from two columns 1. noun а . имя прилагательное 2. pronoun b. числительное 3. а dverb с. местоимение 4. adjective d. имя существительное 5. verb е . глагол 6. numeral f. наречие
Divide the grammar forms given in the table. Fill in the table with given grammar forms. potatoes, (2) unfortunately, (3) one hundred and twenty, (4) will make, (5) have been taught, (6) mine, (7) thirty, (8) is raining, (9) necessary, (10) you, (11) ten, (12) the most comfortable, (13) foreign, (14) successfully, (15) nicely, (16) easier, (17) the seventh, (18) him, (19) whole, (20) our, (21) writes, (22) themselves, (23) strategy, (24) two, (25) knowledge, (26) jeans, (27) level, (28) closely, (29) furniture, (30) evident, (31) his, (32) the twenty-first, (33) bought, (34) selling, (35) well, (36) greatly Noun Adjective Pronoun Numeral Verb Adverb
Refer the given grammar forms to the parts of speech. ( 1) cook, (2) leaf, (3) cooks, (4) more often, (5) ten, (6) is cooking, (7) warm, (8) are cooking, (9) am cooking, (10) was cooking, (11) most comfortably, (12) were cooking, (13) cooked, (14) leaves, (15) will cook, (16) will be cooking, (17) have cooked, (18) has cooked, (19) is cooked, (20) had cooked, (21) cooked, (22) cooking, (23) softly, (24) tenth, (25) to cook, (26) will have cooked, (27) the warmest, (28) I, (29) myself, (30) warmer, (31) me, (32) my, (33) mine
Титульный слайд Подзаголовок Step 2 Remember all possible variants of grammatical transformation for the given part of speech
Read the following nouns , form their plural forms using the letters on the right . Singular forms Plural forms 1.a man- nme 2.a woman ownme 3.a foot eetf a tooth thete 5.a mouse ciem 6. а n ох ехпо 7 . a goose eeegs
Read the following nouns , form their plural forms a zoo a leaf a ski a hero a mouse an ox kilo zoos leaves skies heroes mice oxen kilos
Divide all the adjectives in the table into three groups. wonderful, bad, interesting, clever, expensive, cheap, good, tall, far. Степени сравнения образуются при помощи суффиксов Степени сравнения образуются при помощи наречий Исключения
Степени сравнения образуются: При помощи суффиксов Clever Cheap Tall Исключения Bad good far При помощи наречий Wonderful Interesting Expensive
Match the grammar tenses with the verb forms.
Read the text. Find and underline 10 verb forms in it. Morning sun splashed into the room moments before the first notes came from the clock radio. David Shelton, eyes still closed, listened for a few seconds before silently guessing Vivaldi, The Four Seasons, probably the Summer concerto. It was a game he had played nearly every morning for years. Still, the occasions on which he identified a piece correctly were rare enough to warrant1 a small celebration. Which of the forms you’ve underlined are 1) examples of Past Simple? 2) Past forms of the verb to be? 3) examples of Present Participle, Past Participle and Infinitive ? Find one example of Past Perfect in the text . Find an odd word. Explain your choice. 1 . Teach, teacher, has taught, is teaching, is taught 2. Nice, nicer, the nicest, nicely 3. They, their, then, them, themselves, theirs 4. Leaf, leaves, is leaving, to leave, has left, left 5. To sing, singing, have sung, song, was sung
Step 3 Analyze the sentence and the general context of the extract and choose the corresponding transformation variant of the given part of speech
Step 4 You should think if the given word refers to exceptions. Form the necessary form of the word. Make sure you observe spelling rules while writing it.
There are three main types of listening: 1 Understanding the main information 2 Ability to extract the required information from the text 3 Detailed understanding of the information
In a park — grass, trees, walk In a shop — buy, money, food In a vet clinic — cat, dog, pet, doctor In a hotel — room, service, food, restaurant At a party — food, drinks, dance, music
How to improve your listening skills How to improve your listening skills Listen to simple things first Listen and see the text Enlarge your vocabulary Improve your grammar Listen to various sources. Listen to native speakers.
Happy Teachers’ Day!
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Презентация по теме "Обучение аудированию"
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