Литературная гостиная на английском и русском языках, посвященная творчеству Джека Лондона
материал по английскому языку (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Сценарий литературной гостиной, посвященной 140-летию со дня рождения американского писателя Джека Лондона с презентацией.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий проведения литературной гостиной, посвященной 140-летию со дня рождения американского писателя Джека Лондона.
Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка Телидченко М.Н.
22 января 2016 г. ЧОУ СОШ «Альтернатива»
- пробудить интерес учащихся к творчеству Д.Лондона;
- совершенствовать навыки чтения текстов на английском языке;
- формировать культуру восприятия иностранного языка через литературу
- образовательные: научить применять полученные знания по английскому языку на практике; оперировать имеющимся потенциалом в конкретной ситуации; закрепить умения и навыки работы с художественной литературой и информацией в сети интернет;
- воспитательные: вовлечь в активную деятельность подготовки и проведения внеклассного мероприятия; формировать культуру, в том числе и лингвострановедческую, формировать гуманные качества личности учащихся; совершенствовать навыки общения.
- развивающие: совершенствовать умения работы с источниками знаний; совершенствовать навыки анализа, обобщения; умения выступать; развивать творческие способности; развивать коммуникативные навыки работы в группах; развивать познавательный интерес к американский классической литературе.
Оборудование: проектор, экран, ноутбук, костюмы и реквизит для инсценировок.
Слайд 1
Тeacher: Hello, dear friends! Our party is devoted to Jack London, a famous American writer. His works are very popular with children all over the world.
Let`s watch the presentation and speak about Jack London.
(Ребята рассказывают о биографии и творчестве, используя слайды презентации.)
Слайд 2
Pupil 1.Jack London was a 19th century American author and journalist, best known for the adventure novels White Fang and The Call of the Wild.
Слайд 3
Pupil 2.Journalist and author John Griffith Chaney, better known as Jack London, was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, California.
Джек Лондон родился в 1876 в Сан-Франциско. Его настоящее имя было Джон Гриффит Чейни. Он был самым успешным писателем Америки начала 20 века, чья жизнь символизировала силу воли.
Pupil 3.Jack, as he came to call himself as a boy, was the son of Flora Wellman, an unwed mother, and William Chaney, an attorney and journalist. His father was never part of his life, and his mother ended up marrying John London, a Civil War veteran.
Семья Джека Лондона была очень бедна, поэтому он начал работать в возрасте 8 лет. Он продавал газеты, работал на кораблях и фабриках. Джек путешествовал через океан как моряк, шел пешком из Сан Франциско в Нью Йорк с армией безработных и назад через Канаду в Ванкувер.
Слайд 5
Pupil 4.His life as a writer essentially began in 1893. That year he had weathered a harrowing sealing voyage, one in which a typhoon had nearly taken out London and his crew. The 17-year-old adventurer had made it home and regaled his mother with his tales of what had happened to him. Jack London was full of a new idea. He was going to become a writer. But to his surprise, when he tried to write, he couldn’t make the words tell the stories. His language was poor and it was full of mistakes, because he did not know grammar.
Джек Лондон много путешествовал, совершил морские путешествия, и ему хотелось рассказывать о своих приключениях. Но когда он попытался писать, то понял, что язык его беден, в речи его много ошибок, потому что он не знает грамматики.
Слайд 6
Pupil 5. He went to school. The pupils will be surprised when they see somebody so much older in the class room. He learned from his teachers and from other pupils, but most of all, he learned from books. He read all the books on the shelves of the school library and the city library. As he read novels by well-known authors, he tried to notice the words they used and how they used them: he tried to discover the secrets of their art.
Джек Лондон, будучи взрослым парнем, пошел в школу. Он много впитывал от учителей, учеников, но больше всего он узнавал много нового из книг. Он прочел все книги в школьной библиотеке и, читая известных авторов, он старался открыть для себя секрет их искусства.
Слайд 7
Pupil 6. In 1896, when Jack London was twenty years old, gold was discovered in Alaska. But by the age of 22, however, London still hadn't put together much of a living. He had once again returned to California and was still determined to carve out a living as a writer. His experience in the Yukon had convinced him he had stories he could tell.
Даже во времена золотой лихорадки на Аляске Джеку Лондону не удалось заработать себе на жизнь, и он вернулся к идеи стать писателем.
Слайд 8
Pupil 7. In 1899 he began publishing stories in the Overland Monthly. The experience of writing and getting published greatly disciplined London as a writer. From that time forward, London made it a practice to write at least a thousand words a day.
London found fame and some fortune at the age of 27 with his novel The Call of the Wild (1903), which told the story of a dog that finds its place in the world as a sled dog in the Yukon.
Писательская деятельность и публикации его рассказов заставили Джека Лондона упорядочить свою жизнь. В 27 лет его настигла слава благодаря роману Зов Природы.
Слайд 9
Pupil 8. The success did little to soften London's hard-driving lifestyle. A prolific writer, he published more than 50 books over the last 16 years of his life. The titles included The People of the Abyss (1903), which offered a scathing critique of capitalism; and White Fang (1906), a popular tale about a wild wolf dog becoming domesticated.
Джек Лондон опубликовал более 50 книг за последние 16 лет своей жизни. Среди них популярная в нашей стране повесть «Белый Клык», о полусобаке полуволке , которая стала верным другом человека.
Слайд 10
Pupil 9. Among London's major works are The Sea-Wolf, visionary fantasy The Iron Heel (1908), which became very popular in the Soviet Union, The Cruise of the Snark (1911), a travel book from his journeys in South Pacific and Martin Eden, London's most autobiographical novel.
Самые известные работы Д.Лондона это: Железная Пята, Круиз на Снарке, Мартин Иден.
Слайд 11
Pupil 10.In 1900 London married Bess Maddern. The couple had two daughters together, Joan and Bess. By some accounts Bess and London's relationship was constructed less around love and more around the idea that they could have strong, healthy children together. It's not surprising, then, that their marriage lasted just a few years.
В 24 года Джек женился на Бесс Мадерн и у них родились две дочери. Но их брак, к сожалению, продлился всего несколько лет.
Слайд 12
Pupil 11. For much of the last decade of his life, London faced a number of health issues. This included kidney disease, which ended up taking his life. He died at his California ranch, which he shared with Kittredge, his second wife, on November 22, 1916.
В последнее десятилетие своей жизни Джек Лондон столкнулся с проблемами со здоровьем. И в конце концов болезнь и унесла его из жизни. Он умер в Калифорнии в 1916 году в возрасте 40 лет.
And now some questions about Jack London’s life. Please be active and answer the questions.
Слайд 13(общение с залом в режиме вопрос-ответ)
Слайд 14 «Белый Клык». Краткий пересказ и инсценировка.
Слайды 15-17 Задания по содержанию «Белого Клыка».
Слайд 18 «Мартин Иден». Краткий пересказ и инсценировка.
Martin Eden is a 21-year-old sailor, hoping to achieve a place among the literary elite [eɪˈliːt] through an intense and passionate pursuit of self-education. His principal motivation is his love for Ruth Morse. Because Eden is a rough [rʌf], uneducated sailor from a working-class background and the Morses are a bourgeois [ˈbʊəʒwɑː] family, a union between them would be impossible until he reaches their level of wealth and refinement. He doesn't understand why his own works aren't accepted. He looks for Ruth, reads his works to her, asks her to judge. Ruth does not appreciate his work also. After repeatedly is defeated Martin still persists to write. Eden promises Ruth that success will come, but just before it does, Ruth loses her patience and rejects him in a letter. Soon a huge change happens in his life and the publication magazine starts to use his work actually. He becomes the famous writer. Finally, Ruth comes back. But Martin is completely discouraged. He is so disappointed that he tells her he doesn't want to see her any more. He no longer writes a character. He leaves all his money to his sister and his laundry room partner. The novel ends with Eden committing suicide by drowning, which was later called the "biographical myth" because Jack London's own death was a suicide.
Слайды 19-22 Задания по содержанию «Мартина Идена»
Слайд 23. Заключение.
Teacher: We realize that some schoolchildren like reading and read a lot of books but some don’t read at all. We advise you to read more often in Russian and in English to be more intelligent, well-educated and more intellectual. Don’t waste your time.
Мы хотим пожелать вам читать больше, чтобы быть образованными, умными и интеллектуально-развитыми. Не тратьте время зря, читайте хорошую литературу!
На этом наша литературная гостиная закрыта. До новых встреч!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Jack London , a 19th century American author and journalist
He was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, California.
Flora Wellman, his mother
His life as a writer essentially began in 1893.
He read novels by well-known authors.
In 1896, when Jack London was twenty years old, gold was discovered in Alaska .
A novel The Call of the Wild (1903)
White Fang (1906), the most popular tale about a wild wolf dog becoming domesticated.
The Sea-Wolf , visionary fantasy The Iron Heel (1908), The Cruise of the Snark (1911) Martin Eden , London's most autobiographical novel.
Family In 1900 London married Bess Maddern . Daughters Joan and Bess.
He died at his California ranch , on November 22, 1916.
Questions: Is Jack London the author`s real name? Where and when was he born? Was it easy for him to become a writer? Why? What books written by Jack London did you remember? How many times was Jack London married? Why did he die? Where did it happen?
White Fang
Choose the words to complete the sentences: White Fang did not like ________________ to a man. At night White Fang stood _______________ over his master`s things. The man was trying to ____________ himself from White Fang`s teeth. Weedon Scott asked Matt to take _________ of the dog. Weedon Scott was standing on the _______ with White Fang by his ______. deck protect submitting side on guard a good care
True or false? Weedon Scott was not kind to White Fang. White Fang loved Matt not Weedon Scott. When Scott came back White Fang got better quickly. White Fang did not pay attention to a man who came at night. Weedon Scott decided to stay in the north. He couldn`t take White Fang with him because he was afraid that the dog would kill all the dogs in town. White Fang found his master in the port.
Who said the following? “I always said that the wolf was a dog!” “Take your wild dog. He will tear me to pieces.” “Tried to steal you, did he? And you didn`t let him?” “What can I do with the dog in California?” “I`m going away forever, my dog.” “Are you taking him with you?”
Martin Eden
Choose the right answer: Martin Eden was: a young man who didn`t want to learn a person who even cut his sleep hours down was very proud when he received the magazines with his words 2. Ruth was: indifferent to martin`s failure shocked when she heard what professor hilton advised martin fond of reading martin`s works
Choose the right answer: 3. Professor Hilton: congratulated Martin with his success invited Martin to have a cup of tea advised Martin to go back to the grammar school for at least two years 4. The editors of different papers and magazines: accepted all Martin`s works sent all his manuscripts back asked him to type all his works
True or false? Martin was happy to learn that he had succeeded in his exams. He was deeply affected by his failure. Ruth was very disappointed. He received a lot of money for his work. Martin sent his works to a lot of magazines but with no result. Martin rented a computer and spent days and nights mastering the machine. He did not like his poems. They seemed awful to him.
Who said the following? “You know nothing, positively nothing. I should advise you to go back to the grammar school for at least two years.” “Oh, Martin. I can`t imagine that you have failed. I`m so disappointed.” "Knowledge seems to me like a chart-room. Whenever I go into the library, I am impressed that way.”
Литературная гостиная, посвященная 140-летию со дня рождения американского писателя Джека Лондона. ЧОУ СОШ «Альтернатива», январь, 2016 год. Подготовили и провели учителя английского языка: Телидченко М.Н., Рындина Н.В., Ермакова В.А.
http://englishstory.ru/jack-london-the-biography.html/2 http://www.biography.com/people/jack-london-9385499?page=1#final-years http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/jlondon.htm
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