Открытый урок "Optical illusion"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Материал для урока в 9 классе по Теме "Оптические иллюзии" по учебнику "Spot light"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 9 «А» классе
учителя высшей квалификационной категории
Волковой Натальи Леонидовны.
Цели урока:
Активизация лексики по теме «Оптические иллюзии» на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме с применением современных педагогических технологий:
а) информационно-коммуникативной
б) личностно ориентированного обучения
в) здоровье сберегающих технологий (практическое задание, логика построения урока).
Актуализация изученного материала по теме
- развитие языковой и речевой компетентности,
- развитие умения высказывать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к поставленной проблеме,
- развитие умения аргументировать свое высказывание,
- развитие догадки, воображения
воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу, эстетического вкуса, способности к сотрудничеству и умению общаться.
Оснащение урока:
1) УМК “Spotlight” 9 класс
2) компьютер, проектор
3) презентация урока
4) опорные выражения для бесед
4) раздаточный материал для практической работы
Ход урока:
I. Greeting. Warm-up.
1. Вступительное слово учителя. Объявление темы урока.
Hello, dear friends, Glad to see you. How are you today? Do you like the weather today? Why?
(Ответы учащихся).
Today we are going to talk about very interesting things which happen around us but we seldom pay our attention to them. So, read the title of the lesson and try to guess what it is about.
S: May be it is about strange things that are around us and we can’t see them immediately because we are not attentive enough.
T: OK, may be you are right.
II. Основной этап урока.
a). Language work. ( Учащимся предлагается посмотреть на экран, ответить на вопросы по картине и сделать выводы):
T: Look at the screen now. Our first wow-factor is this picture. (Picture of whales on the screen)
T: What can you see in this picture?
S: (Students’ answers)
T: How many whales can you see?
S: (Students’ answers)
T: Different numbers of whales but the right answer is 13.Let’s count them.
How many whales can you see in the picture at first?
S: (5 whales)
Can you explain why?
S: - The images are large.
-They are in the foreground.
- The images are accurate and clear, real and bright.
T: What about the colours of the picture?
S: The colours are mostly white, black, and grey with different shades of grey colour.
T: What about the background of this picture.
S: First it seems that the background is water, seaweed and other sea plants but if we concentrate on this picture we begin to distinguish or even discover images of other whales.
T: What methods and ways were used by the author to play such tricks with our eyes?
S: Representation main images in the foreground.
- Using contrasting colours.
- Using different combinations of light and shade.
T: It allows us to see objects in tree dimensions even though they are only two dimensional in the picture.
- When we look at them we have a sense of motion.
T: Diagonal disposition of main images, the curve of their bodies, air-bubbles around the whales – all these things create such perception. They are dynamic.
What conclusion can we make from our conversation?
S: - When we first look at a picture we can see one thing but when we continue to stare at it we can see something else.
T: So, you understand that we are talking today about optical illusions.
T: I can say that we meet various mind puzzles in our real life when our eyes don’t always see the world as it really is. I want you to give some examples of them. (Примеры оптических иллюзий в реальной жизни – ответы детей).
S: - When you stand on the road and look far forward it seems the road narrows and then turns to a point.
- On a hot day the surface of a road doesn’t seem flat it looks like sea waves.
- When two trains are staying at the station and the other train starts it’s moving, it seems that your train starts moving.
- When we are in a traffic jam and all the cars don’t move then the nearest car starts it’s moving, it seems that your own car moves back.
- When you look at the top of a high building and clouds are floating in the sky, it seems that the building is falling down.
T: You are quite right. We notice such things but forget about them very quickly. But there are people among us who watch our world more attentively, take an interest in these things. Besides they have bright and vivid imagination to create images which make bigger impression on us and they show people real objects in surprising and unusual ways.
What are they?
S: Artists, photographers, designers and etc.
T: You are absolutely right. I’d like you to see more examples of optical illusions in my presentation. (презентация) Ask their opinions about each picture.
T: I hope it was interesting and unusual.
b).Reading and listening.
OK, now let’s do ex 2a on p. 48 in your textbooks.
Read the text and answer the question before reading. (We don’t always see things as they really are because of optical illusions and because we all have different opinions. We just see things in a different way, that’s all!)
T: Go on working with the text. Ex 2b. Match phrases A-F to gaps 1-5. There is one extra phrase you do not need. Listen to the disc to check your answers.
T: What is the main idea of this text? Why is seeing a complicated process?
S: -Our eyes work together with our brain and our brain makes the images simpler
- We don’t worry about unimportant details.
- Our brain sees things that aren’t really there.
- There is often more than one way to see things.
- What you see isn’t always what you get.
- We see things in a different way.
- It’s not an easy thing to see something that is there.
- We see only that which we are concentrating on, which we find interesting.
T: - Vision is the most creative art. Our mind is an artist; it interprets and reconstructs our near environment.
- Each situation can be seen from a number of viewpoints. It depends on our concentration, our mood, maybe even our health and etc…
c). Practical work.
Now we’ll try to illustrate that our mind is an artist and we, together with our mind, are artists too. We’ll do a very creative task. Each team has the sets of the same elements. They are geometric shapes. Your task is to create a picture and name it if it’s possible. To do this task each team has to choose the background for its picture. They are in different colours. Come up and choose.
S: (Do the task.)
T: Now. Look at your works at art.
VII. Conclusion.
Today we have talked about optical illusions but in reality we have talked about the world around us. But at times we are really “blind” in the world. We don’t see what we don’t pay attention to even when it is in front of our eyes.
Open your eyes open your mind and the world pops in it. Look and watch. It is amazing!
Итог урока: Рефлексия освоенного материала.
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Optical illusions
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