Конспект урока в 9 классе по теме "Optical illusions"/ Оптические иллюзии.
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока в 9 классе урок 3 d "Optical illusions."
Цели урока:
Образовательные: введение новой лексики, учить употреблять тематическую
лексику в беседе и кратких высказываниях; ознакомление с грамматической
структурой «модальные глаголы
Воспитательные: способствовать эстетическому воспитанию, расширению
кругозора учащихся ,способствовать формированию умения высказывать свое
мнение по поводу прочитанного, высказать предположения, вероятность .
Развивающие: развивать навыки самостоятельной работы с
текстом, самоконтроля. Способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, мышления,
воображения, языковой догадки при помощи средств родного и английского
Тип урока : Урок сообщения новых знаний
Форма и виды работы: Индивидуальная, фронтальная, работа в паре
Ход урока:
2.Сообщение темы и цели урока
3.Усвоение новых знаний
4. Проверка понимания учащимися нового
5.Закрепление нового материала
6.Информация о домашнем задании,
инструктаж по его выполнению
Ход урока:
№ п/п | Этап урока и его метод. задача | Содержание (деятельность учителя) | Деятельность учеников | Режим работы |
1 | Приветствие Сообщение цели урока и темы | Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. How are you? Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. -What date is it today? -What day of the week is it today? -Who is absent today? Today we are going to talk about very interesting things which happen around us but we seldom pay our attention to them and I won’t tell you about the subject of our conversation because I hope you can do it yourselves a little bit later. Look at the screen (слайд 2) What can you see in this picture? How many whales can you see? Different numbers of whales but the right answer is 13. Can you explain why? What about the colours of the picture? What about the background of this picture. What m ethods and ways were used by the author to play such tricks with our eyes? : It allows us to see objects in tree dimensions even though they are in the picture is only two dimensional.So what do you think is the of our lesson. You’ll see several variants of it. Choose the best one.
We notice such things but forget about them very quickly. But there are people among us who watch our world more attentively, take an interest in these things. Besides they have bright and vivid imagination to create images which make bigger impression on us and they show people real objects in surprising and unusual ways. What are they? | -Fine, thanks. - It is .... - It is... .... are absent today.
-Wales -5 The images are large. -They are in the foreground. - The images are accurate and clear, real and bright. The colours are mostly white, black, grey with different shades of grey colour. First it seems that the background is water, seaweed and other sea-plants but if we look at this picture with concentration we begin to distinguish or even discover images of other whales. Representation main images in the foreground.
Using different combinations of light, shade.
S: Artists, photographers, designers and etc | Teacher-Pupil 1 Teacher-Pupil 2 ..... Teacher-Pupil 1 Teacher-Pupil 2 |
Проверка дз |
| |||
Look at the following slides.4-21 What can you see? How many images? | ||||
Введение нового материала | Now look at Ex 1 on p 48. Look at the pictures. In this Ex you are to look at the optical illusions and answer the questions. I can say that we meet various mind puzzles in our real life when our eyes don’t always see the world as it really is. Let us do Ex 2 and answer the question Why do we not always see the things as they really are. We are to read the text to check. First listen to the text and fill in the gaps using phrases from ex 2b. | 1 d 2 f 3 a 4 b 5 e | ||
Введение новой лексики | Look at the following words related to the mind. Fantasy Imagination Shadow Reflection Mind Illusion imagination In Ex 3 you are to choose the correct words. I give you 3 min. | 1 fantasy 2 reflection 3 mind 4 brain 4.Illusion
5.Imagination | ||
Введение граммат. материала | Making assumptions.Слайд 22 Must/can't + infinitive without to
= we are sure about sth: This picture must be very old .( I'm sure it's very old) It can't be an original. (I'm sure it isn't an original)
May + infinitive without to
= we aren't sure about sth: This picture may be expensive. ( I'm not sure if it's expensive; it's possible)
| |||
pp Закрепление | Look at ex 4 b. Look at the painting and choose the correct word. Good and now look at the slide. You are to choose the right word (ck 23) | 1may Must Must May Can not may can’t/ may can’t be must may | ||
When describing pictures , describe them as fully as you can. You should mention:
Let`s read the text Ex 5. And answer the questions. Is the description detailed? What is mentioned about tje people? The place? The colours? The style? | Yes, it is They are a group of field workers collecting grapes. The place is in the open countryside The colours are natural shades of green, red andblue. The picture is realistic. | |||
And now describing another pictures (c 5)/ Work in groups. Which picture was more difficult to describe? | The second one. Because we can see no objects, only lines, spots different colours. We can only say about out thoughts, assuptions, feelings, atmosphere and etc. The painting style of this picture is abstract art. We didn’t talk about this style and it will be your homework to find information about it on the Net and prepare a mini-project for the next lesson. T: Your descriptions are very interesting and aren’t similar even though they are about the same paintings. It’s o key when we have a different opinion about something. We are just seeing things in a different way. It’s because seeing is a complicated process. We are going to find out how this process happens. We’ll read the text but the text with blanks. Our task is to complete the text and then think of the main idea of this text. | |||
Дом зад | Уч 8 з 49 | |||
Подведение итогов | Today we have talked about optical illusions but in reality we have talked about the world around us because all works of arts can not be created without objects existing around us. But at times we are really “blind” in the truest sense of the world. We don’t see what we don’t pay attention to even when it is in front of our eyes. Open your eyes, open your mind and the world pops in it. Look and watch. It is amazing! |
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