Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Fashion Show".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Fashion Show". 4–5-й классы
Разделы: Внеклассная работа
Presenter: Ladies and gentlemen! My dear friends! We are glad to greet you at our Fashion Show.
Fashion is an important aspect of our life. Everybody wants to wear beautiful and modern clothes, at the same time, rather comfortable.
Today we’d like to represent you some models of different fashion designers. You can wear these clothes in different places and different situation. But, all of them are modern (up-to-date), beautiful and comfortable.
But before representing our collections I announce a competition of hairdressers. Because, it’s very important to have not only good clothes, but stylish hairdo. I ask four hairdressers with their models to come here. Your task is to make some original hairdos. You may go and be ready for your performance.
And we start our show.
Let me introduce you the collection of Mr. White.
Fashion Designer 1. (FD) – Hello! My name is John White . I’d like to represent you my new collection of uniforms. We have to wear a school uniform at our school. School colours are blue, white, black, brown. Rather boring, isn’t it? But many interesting elements, for example pockets, belts, buttons, zippers, make our uniform unique. It’s very important to be elegant and tidy at school. See our models and enjoy yourselves.
(Demonstration of school uniform collection.)
Presenter: Thank you, Mr. White. Your collection is really convenient and actual for our guests. And now I welcome our next guest Mrs. Jonson.
FD2: Hello, my dear friends! My collection is sportswear one. Most of us are fond of sport. Someone likes playing different sports games, someone likes running or swimming. But, it’s very important to have a comfortable and nice sports uniform. I hope, you will like it.
You know that mountain skiing is very popular nowadays. That is why this model is very actual.
These clothes for people who are fond of walking.
Do you like sambo? Add some patches and your kimono isn’t boring.
I think you like this bright and colorful costume for aerobics.
Baseball becomes more popular in our country. I hope this uniform is both comfortable and modern.
If you wear such an elegant uniform for tennis, you will always look smart.
(Demonstration of sportswear collection.)
Presenter: I think, If we have such an elegant sports uniform, a bit strength and activity, all of us will be good sportsmen.
It’s time to play. (Игра с залом.)
If Your Clothes Have Any Color
(to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It")
If your clothes have any red, any red,
If your clothes have any red, any red,
If your clothes have any red,
Put your hands up on your head,
If your clothes have any red, any red.
If your clothes have any blue, any blue,
If your clothes have any blue, any blue,
If your clothes have any blue,
Put your finger on your shoe,
If your clothes have any blue, any blue.
If your clothes have any green, any green,
If your clothes have any green, any green,
If your clothes have any green,
Wave your hand so you are seen,
If your clothes have any green, any green,
If your clothes have any yellow, any yellow,
If your clothes have any yellow, any yellow,
If your clothes have any yellow,
Laugh like a happy fellow,
If your clothes have any yellow, any yellow.
ha, ha, ha!
If your clothes have any white, any white,
If your clothes have any white, any white,
If your clothes have any white,
Give a hug with all your might,
If your clothes have any white, any white,
If your clothes have any black, any black,
If your clothes have any black, any black,
If your clothes have any black,
Pat your neighbour on the back,
If your clothes have any black, any black,
If your clothes have any brown, any brown,
If your clothes have any brown, any brown,
If your clothes have any brown,
Make a smile like a clown,
If your clothes have any brown, any brown.
Presenter: It’s time to play, it’s time to learn and it’s time to relax. Who likes going to the party? Of course, everybody. And Mr. Brown will show us his party collection. Let’s welcome him.
FD3: Ladies and gentlemen! Everyone wants to look excellent and cool. Going to the party you can decorate yourselves as you like. You can wear rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, I think.
(Demonstration of Party Collection) <Рисунок 2>
Presenter. (Игра с заломю) Now, let’s play again. The game is called –snowball. I ask four players to come up on the stage. (Дети по очереди называют предметы одежды на английском языке. Кто не может назвать слово, выбывает из игры.)
My congratulations to you. You are the winner. This is your prize.
I ask our hairdressers and their models on the stage. Now, you have to choose the most original hairdo and hairdresser. Be attentive.
(Demonstration of hairstyles)
Have you made your choice? You are welcome. Clap your hands to pick out the best hairdo. (Победитель награждается подарком.)
And now, tell me, please, do you like to wear something original? Do you try to look unusual? What do you wear to be unusual?
Everyone tries to wear something original. But there are some people who wear unusual clothes and look so unusual everywhere and every time. As a rule, they like a lot of decoration elements on their clothes and their bodies. They have original haircut and hairdo and a very special manner of behavior. I mean different informal youth groups. And our last collection is the collection of Mr. Richardson. Let’s greet him and his models.
FD4: Hi! I represent my best models. They are punks, rappers, rockers, hippies. They are all different, but at the same time, they are equal.
(Demonstration of the collection of the informal social groups)
Break dance. Look at this boy. You can meet him in every yard. It is important to have comfortable clothes to dance like him. <Рисунок 3>
Who likes hip-hop or rap? Wear our clothes and you are a superstar forever.
Hippies – Many years ago people called them “Flowers of Life”
Punks, rockers. They all like music. Sometimes they are aggressive. But they want to be free.
They always experiment with their clothes. They wear both bright and dark colours. But they are always unique and extraordinary.
Presenter: It was really rather extraordinary.
That’s a pity, our collections are over. Can you say what model or collection was the best one? I think, no, because everything is good in its season. And I’d like to give you some advice: when you think what to wear, please, choose the right dress. Think what is good at the sports ground, what is good at party. And why a long silk dress looks beautiful on a woman, but is funny on a little girl.
I ask all models and their designers on the stage.
(Все поют заключительную песню.)
Once I caught a fish alive.
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.
Thank you for your attention. See you soon. May be not everything you like, but remember the proverb: “Tastes differ”.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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