Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Роберт Бёрнс"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Сценарий литератрного вечера, посвященного творчеству шотландского поэта Роберта Бёрнса
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Предварительный просмотр:
Роберт Бернс
(Сценарий литературного вечера)
Compeer: Dear ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this party. As you see it is devoted to a great poet of Great Britain. Today we honor the memory of Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland. I’m glad to see you on the eve of his birthday, which is celebrated in all English- speaking countries on the 25th of January.
Why is Burn’s poetry so loved by people? Can you answer?
_Oh, I see, you know a lot about Robert Burns. Let’s remember the most important dates and events of his life. I’ll show you the card with the date and you‘ll say what you know about this period of his life. You may illustrate your answers with poems, songs, and short performances.
Now, the first date is 1759.
Pupils: Robert Burns was born in 1759, on the 25th of January. He was born in Alloway, in Ayrshire, Scotland.
(Then, on the stage, the pupils perform a short play about Robert’s first day of life.
Scene: A room in the Burns’ neighbors’ house. A man and a woman with a baby in her arms are sitting there. The man is making something with a hammer. The baby is asleep.
Woman: The night is so stormy. It is snowing. Somebody is knocking.
Husband: I’ll open the door.
Burns’ Mother (coming in): My dear neighbors! The storm has broken the roof of my house. May I spend this night at your place?
Woman: Oh, dear! You are welcome! Sit down, please. Let me have a look at your baby. What a handsome boy!
Husband: Hush! Somebody is knocking again. Who can it be? The storm is so terrible.
Woman: Oh, a stranger may have lost his way. We can’t leave anyone without help. Open the door, my dear.
Gypsy (entering the room): Hello! How are you? I’m cold and wet. May I warm myself in your house?
Woman: Of course, my dear Sarah. She is a gypsy. She can tell fortunes.
Gypsy: What a nice baby! Let me see his hand. Oh, this boy won’t be a fool. He’ll be famous! He will glorify his family and his country.
(All the four personages recite the following lines of Burns’ poem “Robin”):
Man: The Gossip keekit in his loof,
Gypsy: Quo’ scho wha lives will see the proof,
This waly boy will be nae coof,
I think we’ll call him Robin.
He'll have misfortunes great and small
But ay a heart aboon them all:
All: He’ll be a credit till us all,
We’ll all be proud of Robin.
Разжав младенческий кулак,
Гадалка говорила так:
-Мальчишка будет не дурак.
Пускай зовется Робин.
Немало ждет его обид,
Но сердцем все он победит.
Парнишка будет знаменит,
Семью прославит Робин.
Compere: What family did he come from?
Pupils: His father was a poor farmer, but his greatest wish was to give his children the best education he could afford. He was a clever man and had a shelf with books in his poor house. Robert Burns wrote about his father in his verses “My Father Was a Farmer’’:
My father was a farmer
upon the Carrick border, O,
And carefully he bred me
in decency and order, O,
He bade me act a manly part,
though I had ne’er a farthing, O,
For without an honest, manly heart
no man was regarding, O.
One of the pupils reads his own translation of the poem into Russian.
Robert’s mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them to her son in his childhood. She lived long and enjoyed the fame of her poet son.
Compere: Now look at this date-1765.
Pupils: In 1765 Robert was sent to school, but his school days did not last long because his
teacher soon got another job and left. The Burns’ father persuaded some neighbors to hire a
young man as a teacher for their children. This young man was John Murdoch. He was very
clever and gave his pupils a good knowledge of English. They read Shakespeare, Milton and
other most important writers of the 16th-18th centuries.
Compere: Roberts childhood and adolescence were not happy. Being the eldest in the family Robert had to begin working on the farm at a very early age. At 13 he worked in the field on a par with grown-ups. Now look at this date-1773.
Pupils: In 1773 Robert was 14. He wrote his poems in that year. (It was “Handsome Nell”) It was written for a girl who worked in the field with him.
Compere: Do you know when boys begin to write poems? No? Oh, it’s a well-known fact. All great poets began to write poems when they fell in love with girls. The same thing happened to Robert Burns. The first songs were composed by Burns to the tunes of popular folk songs. They were song by his mates and neighbors and made him famous in his parts. Robert wrote about lasses and lads he knew well, about everything that happened to them. Here is one of his songs, “Coming thro’ the rye”.
Пробираясь до калитки
Полем вдоль межи,
Дженни вымокла до нитки
Вечером во ржи.
Очень холодно девчонке,
Бьет девчонку дрожь:
Замочила все юбчонки,
Идя через рожь.
Если кто-то звал кого-то
Сквозь густую рожь
И кого-то обнял кто-то,
Что с него возьмешь?
И какая нам забота
Если у межи
Целовался с кем-то кто-то
Вечером во ржи.
Comin’ thro’ the rye, poor body,
Comin’ thro’ the rye,
She draigl’t a’ her petticoatie
Comin’ thro’ the rye.
Oh Jenny’s a’ weet, poor body,
Jenny’s seldom dry;
She draigl’t a’ her petticoatie
Comin’ thro’ the rye.
Gin a body meet a body
Comin’ thro’ the rye,
Gin a body kiss a body
Need a body cry?
Gin a body meet a body
Comin’ thro’ the glen;
Gin a body kiss a body
Need the warld ken?
Compete: And now listen to one more song by Robert Burns.
A Red, Red Rose. Любовь
O my Luve’s like a red, red rose, Любовь, как роза, роза красная,
That’s newly sprung in June; Цветет в моем саду.
O my Luve’s like the melody Любовь моя-как песенка,
That’s sweetly play’d in tune.- С которой в путь иду.
As fair art thou, my bonie lass, Сильнее красоты твоей
So deep in luve am I; Моя любовь одна.
And I will luve thee still, my Dear, Она с тобой, пока моря
Till a’ the seas get dry. - Не высохнут до дна.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my Dear, Не высохнут моря, мой друг,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun: Не рушится гранит,
I will luve thee still, my Dear, Не остановится песок,
While the sands of life shall run.- А он, как жизнь, бежит…
And fare thee weel, my only Luve! Будь счастлива, моя любовь,
And fare thee weel, a while! Прощай и не грусти.
And I will come again, my Luve, Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile!- Пришлось бы мне пройти.
Compere: Now the next date-1784.
Pupils: In February 1784 Robert’s father died and Robert became the head of the family. Life on the farm grew harder and harder. So the Burns moved to a smaller farm of Mossgiel. Robert wanted to make the new farm better. He bought and read books on farming. In spite of all difficulties Robert began to write a book of poems.
In 1784, at a dancing party, Robert Burns met the ‘’beauty of the village’’- Jean Armour, the daughter of a rich master-mason. It was ‘’love at first sight’’. Jean had a beautiful voice. Robert composed songs for her and she sang them with great pleasure.
Compere: Let’s listen to one of his songs.
O whistle, and I’ll come to ye, my lad, Ты свисни- тебя не заставлю я ждать,
O whistle, and I’ll come to ye, my lad; Ты свисни- тебя не заставлю я ждать.
Tho’ father, and mother, and a’ should gae mad, Пусть будут браниться отец мой и мать,
Thy Jeanie will venture wi’ ye, my lad. Ты свисни - тебя не заставлю я ждать.
At kirk, or at market whene’er ye meet me, А если мы встретимся в церкви, смотри:
Gang by me as tho’ that ye car’d nae a flie; С подругой моей, не со мной говори,
But steal me a blink o’ your bonie black e’e, Украдкой мне ласковый взгляд подари,
Yet look as ye were na looking at me.- А больше- смотри!- на меня не смотри,
Yet look as ye were na looking at me.- А больше- смотри!- на меня не смотри!
Compere: Jean and Robert loved each other dearly. They could be happy, but they weren’t. Jean’s father didn’t want his daughter to marry Robert because he was poor. So Robert decided to emigrate to Jamaica. The words of the following poem reflect his thoughts and feelings quite vividly:
From thee, ELIZA, I must go, Прощусь, Элиза, я с тобой
And from my native shore: Для дальних чуждых стран
The cruel fates between us throw Мою судьбу с твоей судьбой
A boundless ocean’s roar; Разделит океан.
But boundless oceans, roaring wide, Пусть нам в разлуке до конца
Between my love and me, Томиться суждено,-
They never, never can divide Не разлучаются сердца,
My heart and soul from thee. Что спаяны в одно!
Farewell, farewell, ELIZA, dear, Оставлю я в родной стране
The maid that I adore! Тебя, мой лучший клад.
A boding voice is in mine ear, И тайный голос шепчет мне:
We part to meet no more! Я не вернусь назад.
But the latest throb that leaves my heart, Последнее пожатье рук
While death stands victor by, Я унесу с собой.
That throb, ELIZA, is thy part, Тебе- последний сердца стук
And thine that latest sigh! И вздох последний мой.
Of a’ the airts the wind can blaw, Из всех ветров, какие есть,
I dearly like the West, Мне западный милей.
For there the bonnie lassie lives, Он о тебе приносит весть,
The lassie I lo’e best; О девушке моей.
There wild woods, and rivers row, Леса шумят, ручьи журчат
And mony a hill between, В тиши твоих долин.
But day and night, my fancy’s flight И, как ручьи, мечты мои
Is ever with my Jean. К тебе стремятся, Джин.
I see her in the dewy flowers, Тебя напоминает мне
I see her sweet and fair; В полях цветок любой.
I hear her in the tunefu’ birds, И лес в вечерней тишине
I hear her charm the air; Заворожен тобой.
There’s not a bonnie flower that spring Бубенчик ландыша в росе,
By fountain, shaw, or green, Да и не он один,
There’s not a bonnie bird that sings А все цветы и птицы все
But minds me of my Jean. Поют о милой Джин.
Compere: Now the next very important date: 1786, August Kilmarnock.
Pupils: In August 1786 Burns published his poems in Kilmarnock. Their success was tremendous. The publication changed the course of Burns’ life. Robert was so encouraged by success that he decided to go to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. There he was introduced to many famous people. All were impressed by his modesty, his witty conversation and excellent manners.
Compere: Common people admired his poems. One of Burs’ friends wrote: “Weavers of Kilmarnock bought the book together, shared it by pages, learnt the poems by heart and then exchanged the pages.” What do you know about this date?-1787, April Edinburgh.
Pupils: In April 1787 the second edition of Burns’ poems appeared in Edinburgh. It brought him money and gave him an opportunity to see more of his native land. Robert made several trips around the country and saw beautiful landscapes and lochs of the Highlands. He visited some historical places, which made a great impression on him.
Compere: I think the poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands” was the result of this tour. So let’s recite this poem one by one:
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here; В горах мое сердце…Доныне я там.
My heart’s in the Highlands a chasing the deer; По следу оленя иду по скалам.
A chasing the wild deer and following the roe; Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go. В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North; Прощай, моя родина! Север, прощай,-
The birthplace of Valour, the country of Worth; Отечество славы и доблести край.
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove; По белому свету судьбою гоним,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love. Навеки останусь я сыном твоим!
Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow; Прощайте, вершины под кровлей снегов,
Farewell to the straths and green vallies bellow; Прощайте, долины и скалы лугов,
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods; Прощайте, поникшие в бездну леса,
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods Прощайте, потоков лесных голоса.
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here; В горах мое сердце…Доныне я там.
My heart’s in the Highlands, a chasing the deer; По следу оленя лечу по скалам.
A chasing the wild deer and following the roe; Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go. В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу.
Compere: And now 1789.
Pupils: In 1789 Burns bought a farm not far from the town of Dumfries. By that time he had married Jean Armour. The new farm did not bring Burns any profit. Fortune was against him. His friends helped him to get a job in Dumfries and Robert became an exciseman for his district.
Compere: Good, you know the biography of Robert Burns quite well. So, tell me, please, what human qualities Robert Burns valued most if all.
Pupils: Pride, honesty, dignity, courage, intellect. He wrote about things eternal. He saw injustice everywhere and his thoughts were about sense, honesty, and independence. Sometimes his poems seem to have been written about our daily problems. His poems are up-to-date, though they were written many years ago.
Compere: You know that Robert Burns died in 1796. After his death his poems were translated into almost every language. In Russia six of his poems were translated for the first time by Mikhailov in 1856.Shchepkina-Kupernick, Bagritsky and other poets translated Burns’ poems, too. But the best translations were made by Marshak. Thanks to Marshak’s translations we have come to know and love Robert Burns. We know that the Scottish national anthem “Auld Lang Syne” composed by Robert Burns is often sung at parties or meetings of friends or New Year’s Eve all over the world. And I think that today we shall honour the memory of the great bard of Scotland by singing his song.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days of auld lang syne!
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand, my trusty friend
And gie’s a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll take a right gude-willie-waught,
For auld lang syne.
The End
Используемая литература:
Кочанова И.М. Роберт Бернс для учащихся 8-х классов. ИЯ №1 2001 с51-55.
Гальперина М.Е. Роберт Бернс (сценарий литературного вечера.) ИЯ№2 1981 с92-95.
Стихотворения Роберта Бернса даются в переводе С.Я. Маршака: Собр. соч. в 8-ми т.
М., 1969, т.3.
Слова и ноты песен “A Red Red Rose”, “Auld Lang Syne” см. в кн: Дубровин М.И. Книга для ежедневного чтения на английском языке (Х класс), с.86-89, с.99-101.М., 1971.
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