Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку " Английский концерт"
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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку " Английский концерт"


Предварительный просмотр:

Михина Наталья Николаевна, учитель английского языка

филиала МБОУ «Первомайская СОШ» в пос. Хоботово

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

" Английский концерт"

Цель мероприятия:

  • развитие творческой активности учащихся;
  • активизация всех форм внеклассной работы;
  • повышение интереса к языку.

На экране презентация https://yadi.sk/i/mAt3sC7AkwLfM

Natasha: Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Dima: Glad to see you at our big English concert!

Natasha: Today you will listen to the English songs, rhymes and tales.

Dima: From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can proof it.

Natasha: Well, we begin. Come on let's go!

Dima: Natasha, do you have any pets?

Natasha: Yes, I do. I have got a cat. I like it very much. As far as I know the children from the 5th form can sing a very nice song about Bingo.

Dima: Who is this? I don, t know it.

Natasha: You don, t know! Listen to the song and you, ll understand.

(выступление учащихся 5 класса, дети исполняют песню "Bingo")

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/PPmz61NFkwLpg (видео показывать без звука)


Thеrе wаs а fаrmеr hаd а dоg

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе.




Аnd Bingо  wаs his nаmе-о!

Thеrе wаs а fаrmеr hаd а dоg

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о.




Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о!

Thеrе wаs а fаrmеr hаd а dоg

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о.

B_I_ N!



Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о!

Thеrе wаs а fаrmеr hаd а dоg

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о.




Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о!

Thеrе wаs а fаrmеr hаd а dоg

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о.




Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о.

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о!

Thеrе wаs а fаrmеr hаd а dоg

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о.

Аnd  Bingо wаs his nаmе-о

Dima: Thank you very much. It was great!

Natasha: Yes, it was really great. To have a dog is well. Dogs are good friends. But I know that pupils from the 5th form have lions, a parrot, a bee, an owl:

Dima: Really? Are they zoo-keepers? Let s see!

(выступление 5 класса. Инсценировка сказки о маленьком львёнке).

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/6VKCyX0vkwLw3 (видео показывать с приглушённым звуком, чтобы было слышно участников сценки)

A story about little lion.



Mother Lion

Little lion

A bee

A parrot

An owl

A young lioness

Author: Once upon a time there was a mother lion. She had a son. It was a little lion.

Little lion: Hello, I am a little lion. Nice to meet you. Mother, who am I?

 Mother lion: You are the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.

A bee: Hello, I am a bee. I am very nice and kind. And who are you?

Little lion: Hello, I am the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.

A parrot: Hi, children. I am a parrot. I can fly and speak very well. Who are you?

 Little lion: Hello, I am the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.

 An owl: Good morning, I am an owl. I am old and wise. And who are you?

Little lion: Hello, I am the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.

 An owl: Never say that you are the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals. There are animals which are stronger, faster, cleverer, better and more beautiful than you.

Little lion: Thank you, Mr. Owl.

 Author: Danger. Never tell the lion that he is the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals. He may eat you up

Little lion: Yes, I may eat you up!

Young lioness: Hello, I am a young lioness. I like you. And I say that you are the strongest, the fastest, the cleverest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals.

All characters (together): Love is a doing thing! Happy end!

Natasha: Oh, my God! I was so worried about young lioness. All is well that ends well.

Dima: Don t worry! Be calm! Say me, please. Do you like to be late?

Natasha: Who? I? Never! To tell the truth the pupils from the 8th form like to be late.

Dima: Are you sure? I don t think so.

Natasha: Sure? Am I sure? Let s see!

(Выступление 8 класса "Late again").  На экране презентация https://yadi.sk/i/mAt3sC7AkwLfM (выбрать слайд)

“Late again”

P1.; Are you ready, are you ready, are you ready to go?

P2.; Not quiet, Not quiet . Just a minute. Don t rush me.

P1.; Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!

 P2.; I ll be ready in a minute, in a minute, in a minute! I can t find my shoes. I can t find my shoes.

P1.; Come on let s go! Come on let s go!

P2.; I can t find my socks. I can t find my socks.

P1.; Come on let s go! Come on let s go! P2. I can t find my shoes. I can t find my shoes.

P1.; Come on let s go! Let s go! Let s go! Your keys are in your hands. Your socks are in your shoes. Your shoes are on the floor. Let s go! Let s go!

Dima: Thank you very much, children. Better late than never.

Natasha: But better never late. Dima, do you know Michelle?

Dima: Michelle? No, I don t know. Who is she?

Natasha: Let s listen to the song! Meet Kashirin Vova from the 11th form. I am sure that he knows this mysterious Michelle.

(Каширин Вова из 11 класса исполняют песню группы "Биттлз" "Michelle").

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/FezI1U4mkwMpb (видео показывать без звука, оно как фон к песне)


Michelle, ma belle, these are words that go together well, my Michelle.

Michelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble,

Tres bien  ensemble.

I love you, I love you, I love you, that s all I want to say.

Until I find a way,

I will say the only words I know that you ll understand.

Michelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble,

Tres bien  ensemble.

I need to, I need to, I need to, I need to make you see.

Oh, what you mean to me,

Until I do, I m hoping you will know what I mean. I love you.

I want you, I want you, I want you, I think you know by now,

I ll get to you somehow, until I do, I m telling you, so you ll understand:

Michelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble,

Tres bien  ensemble.

And I will say the only words I know that you, ll understand,

My Michelle.

Dima: Thanks, Vova. You are right. Love is great. But to love or not to love? What is the questions!

Natasha: What do you say? There is no doubt to love! And now meet the 10th form! (выступление учащихся 10 класса "On the rocks").  На экране презентация https://yadi.sk/i/mAt3sC7AkwLfM (выбрать слайд)

“On the rocks”.


P1.: You never listen to me!

P2.: What did you say?

P1.: You never listens to me!

P2.; What?

P1.: He never listens to me, he never talks to me. He just sits around and watches TV.

P2.: She never listens to me, she never talks to me. She just sits around and watches TV.

P1.: She never listens to me.

P2.: She just sits around,  she just sits around, she just sits around and watches TV.
P1.: She just sits around

P2.: He never listens to me!
P1.: He just sits around.

P2.: He never talks to me!

P1.: He just sits around. He just sits around. He just sits around and watches TV.

P2.: He just sits around.

Dima: Thank very much. In my opinion the quarrel is a bad thing. Why do people quarrel with each other? I do not know. But as far as I know the pupils of the 7th form can answer this question.

(выступление учащихся 7 класса - "The Quarrel"). 

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/A0PXYg6_kwMmv 

“The Quarrel”.

I quarreled with my brother,
I don t know what about,

One thing led to another

And somehow we fell out.

The start of it was slight,

The end of it was strong,

He said that he was right

I knew that he was wrong.

We hated one another.
The afternoon turned black.

Then suddenly my brother

Thumped me on the back,
And said, “Oh, come along!

We can t go on, all right –

I was in the wrong.”

So he was in the right.

 Natasha: It was not bad. Thanks, children. :.Oh, my God! To tell the truth, I am very hungry! I d like to eat banana or ice-cream with pleasure. Letgo to the cafe!

Dima: OK! And you, my dear friends, meet the pupils of the 6th form.

(учащиеся 6 класса разыгрывают сценку "Приглашение в кафе").  

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/qj3AvsahkwMV2

“At the Hamburger Bar”.



Mike: Lisa, Let, go to the bar?

Lisa: Yes, all right. With  pleasure.

Mike: What shall we have? I usually have a hamburger and a large coke. But today I, ll take a kingsize and a strawberry milk shake. I am very hungry.

Lisa: And I, ll take a cheeseburger and pure orange juice.

Assistant: Hello!

Mike: Hello. One kingsize hamburger, one cheeseburger, a large strawberry milk shake and pure orange juice, please.
Assistant: Anything else?

Mike: Yes, chips, please. Thank you very much.

Assistant: That, ll be £4. 60, please.

Mike and Lisa (together): Thanks.

Dima: Good for you, thanks.

Natasha (поёт): « This Love»

Dima: Natasha, what are you singing?

Natasha: Oh, it is a very nice song, but I have forgotten the words.

Dima: Never mind! Vadim Trukhin from the 11th form can help you.

(звучит песня " This Love " в исполнении Трухина Вадима). На экране презентация https://yadi.sk/i/mAt3sC7AkwLfM (выбрать слайд)

This Love

I was so high I did not recognize

The fire burning in her eyes

The chaos that controlled my mind

 Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane

Never to return again

But always in my heart

This love has taken its toll on me

She said Goodbye too many times before

her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause

I won't say goodbye anymore

I tried my best to feed her appetite

 Keep her coming every night

So hard to keep her satisfied

Kept playing love like it was just a game

Pretending to feel the same

Then turn around and leave again

This love has taken its toll on me

She said Goodbye too many times before

And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause

 I won't say goodbye anymore

I'll fix these broken things

 Repair your broken wings

And make sure everything's alright

My pressure on your hips

Sinking my fingertips

Into every inch of you

Cause I know that's what you want me to do

This love has taken its toll on me

 She said Goodbye too many times before

 And her heart is breaking in front of me

I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore 

Dima:  Meet the girls of the 11th form.

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/_Kavm5VikwR3n (видео показывать с приглушённым звуком, чтобы было слышно читающих сонет)

Sonnet 90 by William Shakespeare

Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now 
Now while the world is bent my deeds to cross, 
Join with the spite of Fortune, make me bow, 
And do not drop in for an after-loss. 
Ah do not, when my heart has scaped this sorrow, 
Come in the rearward of a conquered woe; 
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow, 
To linger out a purposed overthrow. 
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last, 
When other petty griefs have done their spite, 
But in the onset come; so shall I taste 
At first the very worst of Fortune's might; 
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe, 
Compared with loss of thee, will not seem so.

Natasha: Thanks, Vadim! It was great! Dima, where do you live?

Dima: I live in the city.

Natasha: And I live in the country.

Dima and Natasha (together): Where would you rather live?

(Полина Стрельникова из 7 класса читает стихотворение " A question").

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/Szf15kApkwMPS

“ A question”.

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small,

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall.

But in the country where the houses are small

The gardens are very big,

And in the city where the houses are tall,

There are no gardens at all.

Where would you rather live?

Natasha: Good for you! You are very clever!

Dima: And now, Natasha, listen to my favorite song!

(учащаяся 9 класса Самбулова Галина исполняет песню "Katyusha").

Видео https://yadi.sk/i/_fE5ARfbkwMKY

Apple trees and pear trees were a flower,
River mist was rising all around.
Young Katyusha went strolling by the hour
On the steep banks,
O’er the rocky ground.

By the river’s bank she sang a love song
Of her hero in a distant land.
Of the one she’d dearly loved for so long,
Holding tight his letters in her hand.

Oh, my song, song of a maiden’s true love,
To my dear one travel with the sun.
To the one who Katyusha loves so,
Bring my greetings to him, one by one.

Let him know that I am true and faithful,
Let him hear the love song that I send.
Tell him as he defends our home that grateful,
True Katyusha our love will defend.

Apple trees and pear trees were a flower,
River mist was rising all around.
Young Katyusha went strolling by the hour
On the steep banks,
O’er the rocky ground.

Natasha: Very, very talented children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye.

Dima: Thank you very much! Well meet next year. See you!

На экране презентация https://yadi.sk/i/mAt3sC7AkwLfM (выбрать слайд)

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