Авторская программа внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку "Театр" для 5-7 классов
рабочая программа по английскому языку (5, 6, 7 класс) на тему
Основными формами организации работы театра является работа в группах, парах, а также индивидуальная работа. Очень большое значение при этом имеет организация творческого процесса, предусматривающая сочетание приемов драматизации и инсценирования.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка программы «Театр на английском языке» вызвана необходимостью формирования речевой компетентности при обучении английскому языку, позволяющей осуществить общение в театральной деятельности, которая дает возможность учащимся использовать свои знания и навыки в реальных жизненных ситуациях (или максимально приближенных к ним), что всегда было актуально.
Новизна программы заключается в том, что она составлена с учетом возрастных особенностей детей, желания проявить себя в творческой деятельности, что повышает мотивацию изучения иностранного языка, а также нашего опыта в том, что он позволяет осуществить перенос учебных знаний на практику, в ситуации, в которых организуется речевое свободное общение.
Основной трудностью в процессе творческой работы является то, что не все дети коммуникабельны от природы и поэтому не у всех удается достичь желаемого уровня владения устной речью. Снятие этой трудности достигается за счет создания эмоционального настроя, неотъемлемого компонента театральной деятельности, позволяющего учащимся раскрепоститься, а также поддержания любой попытки позитивного творчества.
Специфика курса такова, что она требует наличия не только интеллектуальных затрат, но и материальных (костюмы, декорации, звукорежессура, светорежессура, афиши, помощь музыкантов, хореографов и т.д.), что не всегда возможно по объективным причинам, вследствие чего руководителю театра приходится прибегать к помощи родителей и специалистов других профилей. Именно организация взаимосвязи между отдельными составляющими определяет педагогический результат этой деятельности, а не качество получившегося продукта, хотя, безусловно качество спектакля в большей степени зависит от грамотного построения процесса подготовки.
Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих, а именно:
- речевая компетенция — развитие коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме);
- языковая компетенция — овладение новыми языковыми средствами (фонетическими, орфографическими, лексическими, грамматическими) в соответствии c темами и ситуациями общения, отобранными для основной школы; разных способах выражения мысли в родном и иностранном языках;
- социокультурная компетенция—приобщение к культуре, традициям, реалиям стран/страны изучаемого языка в рамках тем, сфер и ситуаций общения, отвечающих опыту, интересам, психологическим особенностям учащихся основной школы на разных ее этапах; формирование умения представлять свою страну, ее культуру в условиях межкультурного общения;
- компенсаторная компетенция — развитие умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче информации;
- учебно-познавательная компетенция — дальнейшее развитие общих и специальных учебных умений, универсальных способов деятельности; ознакомление с доступными учащимся способами и приемами самостоятельного изучения языков и культур, в том числе с использованием новых информационных технологий;
- развитие личности учащихся посредством реализации воспитательного потенциала иностранного языка:
- развитие национального самосознания, стремления к взаимопониманию между людьми разных сообществ, толерантного отношения к проявлениям иной культуры; лучшее осознание своей собственной культуры;
- развитие стремления к овладению основами мировой культуры средствами иностранного языка.
Основными формами организации работы театра является работа в группах, парах, а также индивидуальная работа. Очень большое значение при этом имеет организация творческого процесса, предусматривающая сочетание приемов драматизации и инсценирования, представленных по следующим этапам:
- Prereading activities.
(обсуждение темы спектакля, названия пьесы, списка действующих лиц, творческий конкурс на лучший сценарий и стихи)
- Whilereading the play.
1.Reading activities.
- чтение и перевод драматизируемого текста;
- прослушивание образцов чтения ролей в исполнении учителя или сильного ученика;
- выявление лексико-грамматических трудностей, работа по активизации лексики в аналогичных структурах;
- беседа о характере персонажей и способах их передачи при чтении.
2. Rehearsing.
- выполнение интонационных упражнений;
- отработка выразительного чтения ролей;
- выполнение творческих заданий (передать какую-либо мысль другими словами, описать какой-либо персонаж от лица другого персонажа и т.д.);
- передача жестами и мимикой содержания какой-либо ситуации;
- разыгрывание ситуаций по прочитанным текстам;
- импровизация.
- Postreading the play.
1. Распределение ролей и постановка спектакля,
2. Демонстрация спектакля учащимся школы, города и т.д.
- Follow-up activities.
Выполнение творческих проектов (написание песен об одном из героев, написание стихов о каком-либо аспекте сюжета, написание статьи о действующих лицах, сюжете и т.д.).
Для большинства учащихся 5-7-х классов театр – это продолжение их ролевых детских игр, только на английском языке, и, если уровень языковой подготовленности не препятствует участию в этих играх, они сохраняют привлекательность для школьников на среднем этапе обучения. Такое понимание драматизации как игры обязывает учителя не вторгаться в нее с исправлением ошибок, не делать замечаний по поводу поведения участников театра, а позаботиться о создании необходимого уровня языковой подготовки учащихся, подобрать материал, способный вдохновить их, помочь понять его,
научить импровизировать, распределить роли в соответствии с интересами детей, организовать подготовку необходимых атрибутов драматизации. Последние имеют немаловажное значение в создании благополучной сценической и игровой атмосферы, т.к. будят воображение ребенка, подсказывают ему верное поведение, придают особую привлекательность иноязычной коммуникативной деятельности. В распределении ролей необходимо учитывать как языковые, так и актерские возможности учащихся: одни произносят реплики на английском языке, другие – пантомимические роли, третьи становятся суфлерами и работают со зрительной опорой на текст. Могут назначаться дублеры, оформители, режиссеры постановок. Такая организация работы стимулирует активность всех ее участников.
В процессе освоения курса у учащихся будут достигнуты определенные личностные результаты:
- сформированность мировоззрения, соответствующего современному уровню развития науки и общественной практики, основанного на диалоге культур, а также различных форм общественного сознания, осознание своего места в поликультурном мире;
- сформированность основ саморазвития и самовоспитания; готовность и способность к самостоятельной, творческой и ответственной деятельности (образовательной, учебно-исследовательской, проектной, коммуникативной);
- сформированность толерантного сознания и поведения личности в поликультурном мире, готовности и способности вести диалог с другими людьми, достигать в нем взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать для их достижения;
- сформированность навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками, детьми старшего и младшего возраста, взрослыми в образовательной, общественно полезной, учебно-исследовательской, проектной и других видах деятельности;
В процессе освоения курса будут достигнуты определенные метапредметные результаты:
- умение самостоятельно осуществлять, контролировать и корректировать урочную и внеурочную (включая внешкольную) деятельность; использовать различные ресурсы для достижения целей;
- умение продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать в процессе совместной деятельности, учитывать позиции другого, эффективно разрешать конфликты;
- владение навыками познавательной, учебно-исследовательской и проектной деятельности, навыками разрешения проблем;
- готовность и способность к самостоятельной информационно-познавательной деятельности, включая умение ориентироваться в различных источниках информации, критически оценивать и интерпретировать информацию, получаемую из различных источников;
- умение ориентироваться в социально-политических и экономических событиях, оценивать их последствия;
- владение языковыми средствами – умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, использовать адекватные языковые средства;
- владение навыками познавательной рефлексии как осознания совершаемых действий и мыслительных процессов, их результатов и оснований, границ своего знания и незнания, новых познавательных задач и средств их достижения.
В процессе освоения курса у учащихся будут достигнуты следующие предметные результаты:
- достижение уровня владения иностранным языком, превышающего пороговый, достаточного для общения в рамках выбранного профиля и для построения индивидуальной траектории развития;
- сформированность умений перевода с иностранного языка на русский при работе с несложными текстами в русле выбранного профиля;
- владение иностранным языком как одним из средств формирования учебно-исследовательских умений, расширения своих знаний в других предметных областях.
№ | Раздел | Виды деятельности | Количество часов |
1. | Диагностика базовых знаний учащихся. | Выполняют тест, выбирают сказку для последующей постановки. | 1 |
2. | «Новогоднее приключение» | Читают и беседуют по драматизированному тексту. | 10 |
3. | «Джек и бобовое зернышко» | Читают и беседуют по драматизированному тексту. | 10 |
4. | Импровизация сцен спектакля | Выполняют интонационные упражнения, передают жестами и мимикой содержание ситуации, разыгрывают ситуации по прочитанным текстам, выполняют лексико – грамматические упражнения. | 10 |
4. | Демонстрация спектакля учащимися. | Показывают спектакль. | 2 |
5. | Итоговое занятие | Обсуждают впечатления. | 1 |
Всего | 34часа |
№ | Раздел | Виды деятельности | Количество часов |
1. | Диагностика базовых знаний учащихся. | Выполняют тест, выбирают сказку для последующей постановки. | 1 |
2. | «Золушка» | Читают и беседуют по драматизированному тексту. | 10 |
3. | «Алиса в стране чудес» | Читают и беседуют по драматизированному тексту. | 10 |
4. | Импровизация сцен спектакля | Выполняют интонационные упражнения, передают жестами и мимикой содержание ситуации, разыгрывают ситуации по прочитанным текстам, выполняют лексико – грамматические упражнения. | 10 |
4. | Демонстрация спектакля учащимися. | Показывают спектакль. | 2 |
5. | Итоговое занятие | Обсуждают впечатления. | 1 |
Всего | 34часа |
№ | Раздел | Виды деятельности | Количество часов |
1. | Диагностика базовых знаний учащихся. | Выполняют тест, выбирают сказку для последующей постановки. | 1 |
2. | «По щучьему велению» | Читают и беседуют по драматизированному тексту. | 10 |
3. | «Питер Пен» | Читают и беседуют по драматизированному тексту. | 10 |
4. | Импровизация сцен спектакля | Выполняют интонационные упражнения, передают жестами и мимикой содержание ситуации, разыгрывают ситуации по прочитанным текстам, выполняют лексико – грамматические упражнения. | 10 |
4. | Демонстрация спектакля учащимися. | Показывают спектакль. | 2 |
5. | Итоговое занятие | Обсуждают впечатления. | 1 |
Всего | 34часа |
- книги для чтения с CD:
- «Английский в фокусе» книга для чтения для 5 класса / Ю. Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013.
- «Английский в фокусе» книга для чтения для 6 класса / Ю. Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013.
- «Английский в фокусе» книга для чтения для 7 класса / Ю. Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013.
- книги для учителя:
- «Английский в фокусе» книга для учителя; 5 класс / Ю. Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013.
- «Английский в фокусе» книга для учителя; 6 класс / Ю. Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013.
- «Английский в фокусе» книга для учителя; 7 класс / Ю. Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013.
- веб-сайт курса (http://www.prosv.ru/umk/spotlight).
Самусенко Я.А.
на английском языке
сценарии для постановок в 5-11 классах
на английском языке
сборник сценариев для постановок в 5-11 класс
Mermaid Prince
Princess Tessa Wicked Witch
Father-tsar Sisters Mermaids
Crab Sea-horse
The 1st sister: Isn’t that lovely? Crab told me he has fallen in love with me!
The 2nd sister: Really? I heard the same from him two days ago.
The 1st sister: Why are you at a loss? Such an exemplary bridegroom!
The 2nd sister: You are pulling my leg. Well, well and sea horse with his unimpeachable morality!
Mermaid: You’ve got a roguish smile!
We are sisters, we are mermaids,
Living here in the sea,
We have the happiest of the days
Which one could ever see.
Are you happy? Why aren’t you gay?
What is up with you, tell us
Share all your thoughts and say
All your sorrows away will pass.
Mermaid: Girls, I am not sure if I should tell you anything.
The 1st sister: Well, tell us what you are thinking about.
Mermaid: Oh, darling after all, I can’t keep my thoughts inside.
The 2nd sister: So, what’s the matter?
Mermaid: It is enough to bring the gray hair of my father to the grave.
The 1st sister: Is it so serious?
The 2nd sister: Don’t be afraid, tell us.
Mermaid: Well, yesterday Dad allowed me to swim above and…I saw a prince.
The 1st sister: So, what?
The 2nd sisiet:Do go on, don’t keep silence.
Mermaid: … And I fell in love with him.
The 1st sister: Are you sure?
Mermaid: Yes, I feel I love him. He is so distinguished, his eyes are so big and his hear wave divinely.
The 2nd sister: But he is a man. He doesn’t have a tail as we do.
Mermaid: I know, oh, I wish I lived up there.
Mermaid: The stars that look like shiny stones,
They beckon me above
I saw the birds live in the sky
They sang about love.
Father: So many times I’ve told you already
Dream of the things that are close to you
So far my grandiose plans have been ready
Leave all your thoughts I forbid them to you.
Mermaid: The sun has filled my heart with love,
Alarm has come to me.
I saw a prince above the sea.
He didn’t look at me.
Father: Life in the air for birds that are flying
The sun will burn you to ashes, my girl,
Look at your scales that have to be moistened
Don’t lose your head, forget him, my pearl.
Mermaid: His tender look I can’t forget
I’d like to see his smile
Do let me, Daddy, watch sunset,
Do let me for a while.
Father: Look at the gays that surround you, dear
You may chose anyone close to your heart
Crab is a handsome man, he doesn’t hear,
Sea horse is clever but he isn’t smart.
Mermaid:: Daddy, I don’t want to marry one of them.
Father: Nonsense, one of them can keep an eye on you. They are bridegrooms with exemplary character and unimpeachable morality.
Crab: Oh, we like the look of one another. Bloody!
Sea Horse : Damp it. Blime!
Father: You’d better do what I have told. Stop dreaming of the earth life, choose one of them as a husband.
Sea Horse: We’ve got to strike while the iron is hot.
Crab: Well, I declare!
Crab: Ah, ah, ah
What a pretty girl,
Sea Horse: Oh, oh, oh
She looks like a pearl.
Crab: She is mine!
Sea Horse: What you say!
Crab: you are my rival.
Sea Horse: Go away!
Sea Horse: Ah, ah, ah
The hair is so long.
Crab: Oh, oh, oh
The tail is so strong.
Sea Horse: She isn’t yours!
Crab: What you say!
Sea Horse: She is mine!
Crab: Swim away!
Crab: I will marry you my dear.
Sea Horse: You will live too far from here.
Crab: We will share the sea cave.
Sea Horse: You’ll be served by ugly slave.
Crab: Then keep your black face shut until I tell you to open it.
Sea Horse: I will marry you my mermaid.
Crab: And your marriage won’t be great.
Sea Horse: You will travel on my back.
Crab: And you’ll dream of coming back.
Mermaid:: Please, don’t tell my father… I’ve always been on friendly terms with you.
Sea Horse: It’s supposed to be bad form to ask us not to talk through.
Mermaid:: Somehow it doesn’t seem right, but I don’t love you. My heart is over there with…
Father: Again! What I hear!
Sea Horse : Let’s go away. Somebody bound to get mauled.
Father: I should never have thought you capable of so much disobedience! I cannot forgive being fool of.
Mermaid:: Don’t get angry, Daddy. Just try to understand me.
Father: You are still here! I will demolish all the ships in the sea.
Mermaid:: Daddy, Daddy, I promise I won’t even remind you of him. Please, come down!
Sea Horse: But it’s just a touch murderous.
Father: Wind, tempest, storm, gale,
Blow with all your might.
There will be furies on the surface.
I’ll show who is right.
Mermaid: Oh, there is a prince lying on the water. Oh, he has been hurt, I will help you. Somebody is coming here. I should swim away.
Tessa: Who are you?
Prince: Where am I?
Tessa: Are you prince?
Prince: Yes.
Mermaid: It’s a lie.
Tessa: What are you doing on the sea shore?
Prince: I don’t know.
Mermaid: Why is she here for?
Prince: Who are you?
Tessa: I’m princess.
Prince: You’ve saved me.
Tessa: Oh, yes.
Prince: I am grateful you, my dear.
Mermaid: That’s what I don’t want to hear.
Tessa: This was certainly the way to take it.
Prince: Oh, my emotion trash.
Prince: What’s your name?
Tessa: I am Tessa.
Prince: Will you marry me?
Tessa: Oh, yes.
Prince: I’d like to see you on my ship.
Mermaid: Please don’t kiss her in her lips.
Tessa: I suppose I could since you put it so prettily.
Prince: Will you marry me?
Tessa: Oh, yes
Mermaid: Is it true?
Prince: Oh, my princess.
You’ve saved me, you’ll be my wife.
Tessa: It’ll make happy all my life.
Prince: Now let’s go to the palace. I’d like you to get to know my parents. I’ll tell everybody who my rescuer is.
Tessa: I’d be glad to follow you.
Mermaid: Oh, I don’t care which happens.
Mermaid: Oh, he hasn’t recognized me,
The rival’s taken him away.
The fate is now not with me.
The wicked which will show me the way.
The 1st sister: Somehow it doesn’t seem right. You rescued him.
The 2nd sister:… and he thought Tessa had done it. What a mix up!
Mermaid: I want to see the wicked witch.
The 1st sister: So get a hustle on.
Wicked Witch: You needn’t look for me. I am here.
The 2nd sister: My eye!
Wicked Witch: I am wicked witch I’ve come.
Tell me what you want to be done.
Girl, you want to live above.
Are you ready to suffer for love?
Mermaid: Love, it has visited my heart.
Sky, it beckons me apart.
Sun, its light pulls me above.
Prince, I want to feel your love.
Wicked Witch: You can sacrifice your voice.
You won’t be able to make noise.
You’ll keep silence, tail’ll be away.
Legs will help you above stay.
Mermaid: (tries to thank the witch but can’t say a word)
Wicked Witch: Amounts to nothing! I rate that for the rest of my life now.
Prince: Oh, darling, can you imagine what dream I had last night…
Tessa: Do, tell me, please.
Prince: Look, what a pretty girl. I saw her eyes somewhere. Close in! Who are you?
Mermaid: (tries to say something but can’t)
Prince: Poor thing, she can’t talk. Darling, let’s invite her to our party on board the ship.
Tessa: Rats! Why do we have to invite her?
Prince: Oh, hooey.
Tessa: Well, I hope she won’t bother us. Where has she sprung from?
Prince: Don’t be angry, at any rate, I do love you.
Sea Horse: Look! How she is suffering.
Crab: Oh, If I only could help her!
Sea Horse: I she would just smile back.
Wicked Witch: I will help her.
Wicked Witch: I would like to tell you, dear
You’ll not be able to live here
You will die if he’ll get married
Under the ground you’ll be buried.
The 1st sister: Help her, help her!
Wicked Witch: What will you give me?
The 2nd sister: Well, take our hair.
Wicked Witch: That will be fair.
Wicked Witch: I will try to keep your life
You should take this big sharp knife
And to thrust it to his chest
This way for you is the best.
Sea Horse: She’s been through with him.
Crab: I wouldn’t say.
Sea Horse: She is going to kill him.
Crab: That’s not the way.
Father: Mermaid, please, listen to the witch.
She has promised to return your speech.
You will live down the sea.
I won’t make you these guys see.
The 1st sister: She won’t kill him.
Father: She must live.
The 2nd sister: For her better to be victim.
Father: My daughter I won’t leave!
The 1st sister: Where is she?
Crab: She’s disappeared!
Father: She’s turned into foam.
Mermaid’s voice: Love, it has visited my heart.
Sky, it beckons me apart.
Sun, its light pulls me above.
Prince, I give you my life and love.
(A fairy tale after C. Graham)
Налево от сцены перед занавесом стоит Читатель. Посреди сцены стоит стул на котором сидят Рыбак и его Жена. Жена вяжет, Рыбак держит балалайку, они поют.
Wife and
Fisherman: Oh, I would like to eat some fish,
Fish for dinner or for lunch,
Fish that what I wish,
Oh, I like it very much.
Narrator: Once upon a time, a fisherman and his wife lived in a small house by the sea. The fisherman loved to gout alone in his boat, and sit and fish and wait for a bite from a fish at the bottom of the sea.
Рыбак идёт к концу сцены с удочкой и садится на корточки. Выходит Ангел.
Angel: Sit and fish, and wait for a bite. Sit and fish, and wait for a bite. Sit and fish, and wait for a bite from a fish at the bottom of the sea.
Narrator: One day the fisherman made up a song to sing to the fish while he waited. He liked to sing it.
Fisherman: Catfish, catfish, starfish too.
Tuna salad sandwich, oyster stew.
Catfish heads and catfish tales.
Catfish fins and catfish scales.
Catfish, catfish, starfish too.
Tuna salad sandwich, oyster stew.
Narrator: He felt his pole begin to shake, rattle, and roll.
Fisherman (притворяясь что он что-то поймал): Hey what’s this? Oh, my! What’s this? Why is my pole shaking and rattling and rolling?
С конца сцены появляется Золотая рыбка.
Fisherman: Wow! Look at that! What a fine fat fish! I’ve never seen such a thing in my life! I wonder what kind of fish this is.
Flounder: I’m a flounder.
Fisherman: What? Did I hear something? What did you say?
Flounder: I said, I’m a flounder.
Fisherman: Are you a talking fish?
Flounder: Yes, a talking fish. Listen to me carefully. Listen to me carefully.
Fisherman: Yes, I’m listening, I’m listening.
Flounder: I’m a magic fish. Throw me back to the sea, and I will give you anything in the world you want.
Fisherman: What? I can’t believe my ears. You will give me anything I want?
Flounder: You heard what I said. Anything you want. Say the word, and it will be yours.
Fisherman: Anything?
Flounder: Anything.
Fisherman: I can’t believe it – a talking fish! A fish who will give me whatever I wish.
Flounder: Throw me back to the sea and you’ll see.
Fisherman: Oh, my! What shall I do? Shall I keep him or shall I throw him
Медленно, на цыпочках выходит Чёрт и подходит к Рыбаку.
Devil: Keep him, keep him.
Take him home and eat him
Don’t throw him back.
Don’t throw him back.
Чёрт уходит и выходит Ангел.
Angel: Pick him up and throw him back.
Pick him up and throw him back.
Ангел уходит.
Flounder: Tell me what you want and it will be yours.
Также, как и в прошлый раз, выходит Чёрт.
Devil: Tell him, tell him.
Tell him, what you want.
Tell him, tell him.
Tell him, what you want.
Fisherman: What do I want? Let me see. I can’t think of a thing. I can’t think of a think.
Выходит Ангел и говорит, обращаясь к зрителям:
Angel: He can’t think of a thing. He can’t think of a thing.
Narrator: And then the Flounder disappeared into the deep, dark sea. The fisherman hurried home to tell his wife the story. When she heard the noise of his boots, she ran to the door but she didn’t see any fish.
Wife: Oh, no! Didn’t you catch anything?
Fisherman: I did! I caught a flounder!
Wife: Where is it? What did you do with it?
Fisherman: I threw it back to the sea.
Wife: You did what? You threw it back? Why? Why did you throw it back?
Рыбак жестами рассказывает историю.
Narrator: So the fisherman sat down and told his wife the whole story. As she listened to him, her eyes got bigger and bigger. When he had finished, she said:
Wife: Imagine that! A talking fish! Didn’t you ask him for something?
Fisherman: For what?
Wife: For a house, for example.
Fisherman: A house? But we have a house.
Wife: Yes, but look how small it is. We need a bigger house.
Fisherman: Bigger than this? Bigger than this!
Wife: Oh yes, much bigger.
Fisherman: How many rooms?
Wife: Let’s see. Let’s see.
One for you and one for me.
One for this and one for that
One for me and one for you.
One, two, three, four.
Four rooms.
Fisherman: Four rooms? Four rooms? What’ll we do with four rooms?
Wife: Four rooms, four rooms… Why four? Why not more? Why not five six or seven? Why not nine? Nine sounds fine.
Fisherman: Nine rooms?! Nine rooms?! What’ll we do with nine rooms?
Wife: I want a house with nine rooms!
Fisherman: Oh…
Рыбак снова идёт к концу сцены и зовёт Золотую рыбку.
Fisherman (оглядывая весь зал): Flounder, Flounder in the sea,
Flounder, Flounder come to me.
Narrator: Soon the flounder appeared.
Появляется Золотая рыбка.
Flounder: Yes? What can I do for you?
Fisherman: Oh, Flounder, Flounder, it’s not for me. It’s for my wife… She wants…
Flounder: Yes? What does she want?
Fisherman: She wants a house.
Flounder: What kind of a house?
Fisherman: A big house.
Flounder: How big? How many rooms?
Fisherman: Nine. She said nine. But if it will be hard for you to do…
Flounder: The house is hers. Go home, my friend.
Золотая рыбка исчезает и Рыбак идёт домой.
Narrator: And so the fisherman thanked the flounder, and hurried home to his wife. She met him at the door. Her eyes were shining and she said:
Wife: Call the flounder!
Fisherman: Call the flounder? What for?
Wife: I have an idea?
Fisherman: What kind of idea?
Wife: I want you to be king.
Fisherman: Me?
Wife: Yes, I want you to be king.
Fisherman: That’s the worst idea I’ve heard. I don’t want to be king.
Wife: Then I’ll be king. I will. I will be king. Call the fish. Tell him I want to be King. I hate a life of a fisherman’s wife. I want to be king. Go to the flounder.
Narrator: And so the fisherman went down to the sea, and called the flounder.
Fisherman: Flounder, Flounder in the sea,
Flounder, Flounder come to me.
Narrator: Soon the flounder appeared
Появляется Золотая рыбка.
Flounder: Yes?
Fisherman: My wife… My wife wants to be King.
Flounder: Go home my friend. Your wife is King.
Fisherman: Thank you, dear Flounder. Thank you, so much.
Золотая рыбка уплывает. Рыбак, ходит по сцене, ищет свой дом. Потом он видит замок и берётся за голову. На стуле сидит его жена переодетая в королеву.
Narrator: And so the fisherman went home but he didn’t see his house. Instead of his house he saw a castle!
Wife: Call the flounder!
Fisherman: Call the flounder? Again?
Wife: Yes, again. I’m tired of being king. Tell him, I want to be an Emperor.
Fisherman: An Emperor!
Wife: Yes, I want to be an Emperor. Go to the flounder! I am King! Go to the flounder!
Fisherman: OK, OK.
Рыбак зовёт Золотую рыбку дважды.
Fisherman: Flounder, Flounder in the sea,
Flounder, Flounder come to me.
Появляется Золотая рыбка.
Flounder: Yes? What is it?
Fisherman: My wife…she wants to be an Emperor but if it will be…
Flounder: Go home, my friend. Your wife is the Emperor.
Золотая рыбка исчезает. Рыбак идёт домой и садится чтобы поспать около его жены,
которая переодета Императрицей.
Narrator: And so, the fisherman go to his wife. He was very tired and got asleep.
Wife: Wake up! Wake up! I have an idea!
Fisherman: An idea? Again?
Wife: Yes again. I want to be the most important person in the world. I want to make the stars shine. Look at the sun! Look at the sky! I want to make the sun rise. I want to make the sun rise and set.
Fisherman: Oh no! Oh no!
Wife: I want to make the snow! Go to the flounder! I am the Emperor! Tell this to him! Go!
Рыбак трижды зовёт Золотую рыбку.
Fisherman: Flounder, Flounder in the sea,
Flounder, Flounder come to me.
Narrator: Soon the Flounder appeared
Flounder: Yes? What is it?
Fisherman: She wants… She wants…
Flounder: Speak up! Speak up! What does she want?
Fisherman: She wants to make the sun rise and set. She wants to make the snow. She wants…
Flounder: Stop it! Stop it! I’ve heard enough.
Listen to me carefully.
The answer is “No”.
The stars? The moon?
The rain? The snow?
The sun? The sky?
The answer is “No”.
Рыбак идёт к своему дому, Жена сидит переодетая в простую одежду.
Narrator: And so the Flounder disappeared into the angry sea. The fisherman went home, and found the all of the things the flounder had given them were not there. They were back where they had started, in their simple house.
Рыбак и его жена поют песню.
Wife and
Fisherman: Oh, I would like to eat some fish,
Fish for dinner or for lunch,
Fish that what I wish,
Oh, I like it very much.
Выходит Чёрт и подходит к рыбаку на цыпочках.
Devil: I told you “Eat him, eat him”.
Уходит Чёрт. Выходит Ангел и поёт, танцуя около Рыбака.
Angel: Try not to get worried,
Try not to get worried.
Everything is all right,
Everything is all right.
Cinderella Stepmother
Father Liz
Pat Narrator
King Prince
Chancellor Cat
Jack Gas
Fairy Herald
Narrator: Long, long ago very far from here there was a little kingdom not smaller than a town. The people didn’t worry about it too much. They had a good king who reigned wisely and fairly. They honoured the customs of ancestors and knew many beautiful tales. Let me tell you one of them. Once there lived a bachelor with his favourite daughter Cinderella. One day he married a very angry woman with two daughters. That is the beginning of our story.
Сцена 1.
Cinderella: Good morning, Daddy dear!
Father: Good morning my little daughter. How are you?
Cinderella: Fine, Daddy. I have already been in the garden and picked some flowers. Look! They are wonderful!
Father: Oh, my child you are so nice and kind…
Cinderella: Thank you, Daddy.
Входит мачеха.
Stepmother: Cinderella! What are you doing? Why are you not working?! You are sleeping and eating, sleeping and eating! The house is dirty. There is a lot of spider’s web and dust everywhere. There are caterpillars and weeds in the garden! And you?! You are speaking and laughing!!!
Father: But…
Stepmother: Have you made the breakfast? I’m hungry. Where are my sandwiches, eggs, cheese, honey? I want a cup of tea. Get a move on!
Cinderella: Yes, Mummy.
Stepmother: Basil, what did you speak about? Did your crazy daughter complain of her life?
Father: Oh, no…
Stepmother: My poor daughters and I work day and night but she doesn’t stir a finger.
Входит Пэт. Она зевает, потягивается и, не глядя на Золушку, ленивой походкой подходит к матери.
Cinderella: Good morning, dear sister.
Pat: Good morning, Mummy dear.
Stepmother: And how are you today, my dear?
Pat: Oh, I could not get to sleep all night. It was terrible. And the best sleep came just before morning. But this worthless girl began to sing her disgusting song and I woke up.
Stepmother: Oh, dear.
Входит Лиз. Она держит голову руками и стонет.
Cinderella: Good morning, sister.
Stepmother: Ah, good morning, my child. What’s the matter? What has happened?
Liz: Birds!! They chirped so loudly. I could not get to sleep.
Stepmother: Oh, dear, you too?
Liz: Oh, my poor head… oooh…
Pat: Well, I am hungry. Cinderella! Bring me breakfast. Be quick! I’m hungry and thirsty. Bring me breakfast! Be quick! I’m hungry and thirsty. Bring me some sweet porridge, raspberry, jam, pudding, the apple cake, two cups of cocoa, cream with sugar and…and…
Liz (перебивает сестру и, загибая пальцы и начинает перечислять): I want macaroni, a cup of coffee, fresh juice…
Пэт, насупившись, сердито смотрит на сестру.
Liz: Oh, I have a terrible headache…
Pat: …butter.
Liz: Milk, dry bread-rings, sausage. Cinderella! Get a move on. Why are you standing here?
Cinderella: Yes, sister. Yes, sister. (убегает)
Сцена 2.
Во дворце тихо горюет король.
Chancellor: How are you, sir?
King: Oh, how I am! I worry about my son. He rides the horse all day and doesn’t think about marriage. As for me, I was married at his age. (плачет) Oh, I wouldn’t see my grandsons.
Chancellor: Your majesty! Your son is coming back tomorrow.
King: Yes, he is coming back, then he is leaving again and again.
Chancellor: Your Majesty! I’ve got an idea.
King: An idea?
Chancellor: Yes. Let’s invite all the ladies of our kingdom to the ball. He will fall in love and your desire will come true.
King: Will come true?
Chancellor: Yes.
King: My son will fall in love?
Chancellor: Yes.
King: Oh, let’s make a ball. Everybody is invited to the ball. Call the herald. The ball, the ball, wonderful idea.
Сцена 3.
Herald: The King and the Queen of our kingdom invite all young ladies and their parents to the ball. Our young prince wants to choose his bride. We are waiting for you in our palace.
Stepmother (хватает послание и перечитывает): We have to wear our best clothes!
Звучит музыка. Мачеха и её дочери открывают шкафы и хватают с вешалок платья. Пэт и Лиз вырывают друг у друга то одно, то другое платье. Им всё не нравится. Они бросают одежду на пол.
Stepmother:., P. and L.: Cinderella!
Cinderella: Yes, I’m here.
Stepmother: We are going to the ball. But we have not got party dresses. We need beautiful hats, bands and ribbons, gloves and shoes.
Cinderella: You have a lot of different beautiful dresses in the trunk. Let’s look and choose something. What kind of dresses, bangs, and gloves would you like to wear.
Stepmother: Stupid girl! I have told you we want new dresses, new hats, new shoes!
Pat. and Liz.: And me too!
Pat: I want a pink dress with large bows, gold shoes, a large hat decorated with fruit!
Liz: And I want yellow dress, a green hat with strange birds and red shoes.
Stepmother: Go and sew! You must do it today.
Cinderella (шьёт и поёт): The dress is what I’m making
The dress is what I’m sewing
The yellow is for happiness
But Why I’m in a sorrow.
The pink dress is what I’m making
The pink dress is what I’m sewing
The pink color is for gladness
But why I am so joyless.
Cat: Murr. Working again, try your best! My hostess must be satisfied with the new dress. Pat me, take me to your hands.
Cinderella: Don’t scratch me, Lucifer. You will tear the dresses. Drink some milk.
Cat: Milk, again, milk. Oh, no, one sausage, just one sausage.
Cinderella: Hush!
Cat: Then I’ll catch your mice. Jack, Gas, mice. Where are you, my little mice. Come up to me to play.
Jack and Gas: Pi-pi-pi.
Входит мачеха с дочерьми.
Stepmother: Are the dresses ready?
Cinderella: They are ready
Stepmother: Horrible. (поворачивается к дочерям) Beautiful!
Liz: Tasteless. (поворачивается к матери) Charming!
Pat: Ugly (поворачивается к матери) Fascinating!
Cinderella: I’d like to go to the ball, Mummy.
Pat. and Liz.: You?
Stepmother: Hush! Of course my dear, you can go to the ball. But you must do some work: clean the house, wash the clothes, water the roses, feed domestic birds and animals, go to the market and buy some food, cook dinner and… (ссыпает вместе горох и чечевицу) sort lentil and peas.
Cinderella (плачет): I cannot do it all.
Stepmother: Hurry up, girl. May be you’ll finish the work and go to the ball.
Мачеха и дочери смеются и уходят. Золушка начинает убирать посуду.
Сцена 4.
Золушка танцует танец. Садится, перебирает зёрна и плачет. Появляется фея.
Fairy: How are you, pretty girl? Why are you crying? I know you want to go to the ball.
Mice: That’s a very strange woman. Let’s run away.
Cinderella: Yes, but I can’t. I have too much work to do and my dress…
Fairy: Don’t be afraid. I’ll help you. Bring me largest yellow pumpkin.
One, two, three
It should be
A… gold carriage.
Cinderella: Thank you dear fairy. But where shall we take horses?
Fairy: I need a couple of mice.
Gas: Oh, I don’t want to be a pumpkin.
Jack: Don’t touch me!
Fairy: One, two, three
You should be… horses!
Мыши превращаются в лошадей.
Cinderella (хлопает в ладоши): Wonderful!
Fairy: Now everything is ready. Oh, I have just forgotten about your dress (касается платья)
One, two, three
It should be… a beautiful dress.
Cinderella: Oh, how beautiful!
Fairy: Now you can hurry to the ball but don’t forget, at 12 o’clock you must be at home, otherwise your new dress will disappear.
Cinderella: Thank you, dear fairy.
Сцена 5.
Гости танцуют на балу.
King: Oh, my dear. How do you like our quests? Is there anybody closer to your heart?
Pat: They are too alike.
Chancellor(трогая усы): What about these girls?
Pat: They are ugly.
King: Yes, I wouldn’t like to have a daughter like this.
Появляется Золушка.
Pat: Look! What is she? Who is she?
King (обращается к советнику): It seems to me, my boy likes somebody. Oh, charming, charming girl.
Принц и Золушка танцуют.
King: My boy has fallen in love. Oh my God, how happy I am.
Часы бьют полночь.
Cinderella: It’s late.
Pat: No, I’d like to introduce you to my father.
Cinderella: No, I have to leave you.
Pat: Why? Let’s dance a little more. I don’t even know your name.
Девушка убегает по лестнице. На ступеньке остаётся туфелька.
Pat: She has run away (поднимает туфельку и садится).
King: Oh, my dear. Where is she?
Pat: I don’t know.
King: You let her go away?
Pat: No, she disappeared so suddenly that I don’t know where to look for her.
King: Don’t be afraid, we’ll find her. Herald! Listen to my order. Try on the shoe! The girl who will fit the shoe will be a princess.
Herald: Yes, your Majesty.
Сцена 6.
Stepmother: Cinderella, how could you go to the ball? Where did you take the dress? Did you steal it?
Pat: We shall punish you.
Liz: We shall put you in the closet.
Stepmother: Yes, and I’ll lock the door. Nobody will make you free.
Мачеха уводит Золушку и входит с ключом, который кладёт в карман.
Herald: Listen to king’s order. Every girl in our kingdom should try on the shoe. The girl who will fit the shoe will be a princess and Prince will marry her.
Stepmother: Girls, today one of you will be a princess. Give me the shoe. Pat, give me your foot.
Pat: Oh, a little more, more (плачет).
Stepmother: You are clumsy. Liz, give me your foot. Bend your toes, please.
Liz: Oh, I can’t (плачет).
Мышонок вытаскивает ключ из кармана мачехи. Появляется Золушка.
Cinderella: Could I try on the shoe?
Stepmother: Go away.
Herald: Surely. King has ordered to try the shoe on every girl of our kingdom.
Золушка надевает туфельку, а затем достаёт другую и надевает её.
Cinderella: I’ve got another one.
Herald: Oh, I’ve found her, Your Majesty.
Мышата хлопают в ладоши, появляется принц, целует руку Золушки, они танцуют танец, король и министр пританцовывают.
Magic Dwaft
Annie Father
Narrator People
King Rumpelstiltskin
Narrator: Once upon a time there was a poor widower who was very proud of his daughter. Her name was Annie. She was a pretty child, but her father thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Unfortunately her father was fond of boasting and he told everybody he met what wonderful things his daughter could do.
Father: Hey! Have you heard, what a clever daughter I’ve got!
People: Really?
As clever as you?
You are joking!
Father: Stop laughing! Listen to me and believe me.
She can sing like a bird,
She can swim like a fish,
She can bake a cake,
She can speak Chinese,
She can spin straw
Into the gold,
She can do everything
What she is asked or what she is told.
Can she sing like a bird?
Can she swim like a fish?
Can she bake a cake?
Can she speak Chinese?
Can she spin straw
Into the gold?
Can she do everything
What she is asked or what she is told?
King: What I hear! Can your daughter really do what you have told?
Father: But I…
King: Tell me, can she sing like a bird?
Father: Yes.
King: Well, didn’t you joke when you told she can swim like a fish?
Father: No…
King: She can speak Chinese, can’t she?
Father: Yes…
King: I’d like to see your daughter in the palace tonight. She must spin straw into gold. Won’t you deny she can do it?
Father: No…
King: Tell your daughter I’m waiting for her in my palace. I’d like to see for myself if she can spin straw into gold.
Oh, my poor Annie
What have I done!
I’ve boasted and many
Real facts were none.
Oh, my honey wife, you hear,
Help her daughter, help her, dear,
And forgive my boastful words
Didn’t want I any hurts.
King: Hello, Annie. I’ve heard you can spin straw into gold I’d like you to do it for me.
Annie: But I can’t do it.
King: I won’t do you any harm, dear Annie, but you must spin straw into gold for me.
A: But it is impossible. Tell him, father, tell him, please, I can’t do it.
F: Do the best you can, my child, do the best you can.
King: You can do.
Annie: I cannot.
King: You will do.
Annie: I will not.
King: You will take the wheel in your hands.
Annie: I have never seen its movements.
King: Can you sing?
Annie: Yes I can.
King: Can you swim?
Annie: Yes I can.
King: That means you can do the work.
Annie: Please don’t put me under a lock.
King: If you don’t.
Annie: If I don’t.
King: If you can’t.
Annie: If I can’t.
King: I will put you into prison.
Annie: I’ll be punished for what reason?
King: If you spin.
Annie: If I spin.
King: Into gold.
Annie: It can’t be.
King: You’ll be Queen and I’ll reward you.
Annie: I will try to if I am due.
King: I’ll come tomorrow, Annie. If I don’t see gold here on the floor I’ll punish you. You should respect your king.
Narrator:With these words the king left the room. The girl sat down on the straw in despair and began to cry. She didn’t know what to do. Nobody could help her – neither her father, nor her dead mother. She had never seen the spinning wheel and didn’t know how to manage it.
What am I going to do
If I am going to cry?
Cry can’t help me any more
What am I here, Daddy, for?
I can’t spin straw into gold
I can’t do what I was told
Oh, someone, somewhere help me, please
I haven’t the power to do this.
Why am I punished here for
How can I leave the room for more?
And if I touch the spinning wheel
God cannot realize my will.
N: Suddenly the door opened and in danced a tiny little man. He was dressed all in silver from head to toe. His stockings and shoes sparkled when he moved.
Don’t cry Annie
Don’t cry, dear.
I will help you
I am here.
I am magic,
I’m not mean.
I will help you
To be Queen.
I can spin straw
Into gold,
If you give me
What I told.
Give me necklace,
Don’t be greedy.
Necklace is something
What you needn’t.
I can spin straw
Into gold,
If you give me
What I told.
Give me your ring,
Don’t be silly.
Ring is not a price
For Queen’s being.
I can spin straw
Into gold,
If you give me
What I told.
First born child
What I want.
Think of your being
If you don’t.
You’ll stay here,
You’ll be punished.
King won’t love you,
Dreams will varnish.
Annie: But I don’t have a child.
Dwaft: You will. You are a nice girl. King Joe will marry you as soon as you do what he wants. You should agree if you don’t want to lose your chance. Or you want me to disappear?
Annie: No, no, don’t leave me. Let it be as you want.
Dwaft: Good girl and how clever you are! Fall asleep. I will work. Each of us will get what he wants.
Narrator: Poor Annie got asleep. Not having maternal feelings she didn’t know how it’s difficult to part with her own child. Thoughts of being a Queen eclipsed her mind. But ahead there was a wedding. In the morning King Joe came in.
King: Oh, no. You’ve done it. It is a miracle! Gold! Gold is everywhere!
Oh, my sweetie, you have done it.
Here is my hand and you’ll be mine.
You could spin straw into gold.
You’ve done all what you were told.
Be my wife,
Stay with me.
You are mine,
Dear Annie.
Oh, my King,
Dear Joe,
You’ll open
My heart's door.
I have spinned straw into gold,
I have done what I was told.
We will marry, dear Joe,
I will do for you something more.
I will bear
You a boy,
You’ll be happy,
You’ll have a joy.
Oh, my Annie,
Thank you dear,
I didn’t expect
News to hear.
P: Hey, everybody! There is a wedding, King Joe will marry charming Annie.
She has done something special for him. What is it? I don’t know. They say she has spinned straw into gold. Is it possible? What a miracle!
Be happy dear Queen and King,
We wish you luck and peace.
Be healthy, wealthy and all this
We seal with a ring.
Narrator: One year passed. The Queen bore a child. She forgot about her promise. But one day…
Dwaft: Hello, Queen! Haven't you forgotten me?
Annie: Oh, no. Not that!
Dwaft: I see you remember me. I've come to take your baby.
Annie: Take anything you want, but not my child. I won't give him to you.
Dwaft: But you promised. I will take him anyway.
Annie: Oh, please, don't take my baby. Leave us.
Dwaft: You didn't ask me to leave when you had troubles.
Annie: But I didn't know…
Dwaft: Well. Let's play a game. Guess my name and I won't disturb you.
He can't live in the wood,
Sleep with you on the grass,
He should have childhood
In the palace with us.
You have only three days,
Days will come one by one.
Guess my name or I
Take your child with mine.
I will try to guess the name,
I will try to break the promise,
I won't give my child,
I won't give my Tomas.
Andy, Annie, Billy, Bobby,
Carlos, Charlie, David, Dobby,
Ernie, Eddie, Francis, Freddy,
Jimmy, Joe, Harry, Randy.
Oh, I don't know. Hey, servants! Come up to me, please. Look for the tiny little man! Keep an eye on him. You should tell me everything you'll see. I want to know his name.
What a happy day today!
What a happy night tonight!
Tomorrow I'll take
The young Queen's child.
Ref: I'll win the game
Rumpelstiltskin is my name.
How funny is to play,
How silly is to pray.
Queen won't guess
My uneasy name.
Ref: I'll win the game
Rumpelstiltskin is my name.
How bright the fire’s burning,
We will have the baby born.
We'll be very happy
To have a little baby.
Ref: I'll win the game
Rumpelstiltskin is my name.
You won't win the game
Rumpelstiltskin is your name.
Servant: Oh, queen! We've found the tiny little man deep in the forest.
Annie: How did he look like?
Servant: He was dressed in silver from head to toe.
Annie: Have you known his name?
Servant: His name is Rumpelstiltskin.
Annie: Rumpelstiltskin! Wonderful! I am very grateful to you. Now leave me alone.
Narrator: The queen was happy. Now she knows the little man's name. And she wanted to play a joke on him. In the evening he came in.
Oh, my dear girl, I've come.
Tell me, tell me, what you've done?
Have you guessed my uneasy name?
Give me baby, over's game.
Stop, my dear, dwarf, you say
I should tell your uneasy name.
If I guess I won't give Tomas,
I will tell you the name, I promise.
Andy, Annie, Billy, Bobby,
Carlos, Charlie, David, Dobby.
Haven’t I won your uneasy game -
Rumpelstiltskin is your name.
Oh, how it is wonderful to win!
Come to me, my dear king.
We shall live with little Tomas.
Life will be happy, I promise.
You’re my wife,
Stay with me.
You are mine
Dear Annie.
Oh, my King,
Dear Joe,
You have opened
My heart's door.
King: You look mysterious. Has something happened?
Annie: Oh, no. There must be some mystery in every woman. Let me not distract you from king's affairs.
King: Well, the better I recognize you the more I love you.
Narrator: What should I say in addition? The story has a happy end.
Be happy dear Queen and King,
We wish you luck and peace.
Be healthy, wealthy and all this
We seal with a ring.
Winter Tale.
Mother Daughter
Stepdaughter Queen
Lady Teacher
Chancellor Ambassador of the Western country
Ambassador of the Soldier
Eastern country
Wolf Hare
First Squirrel Second Squirrel
Raven Twelve months
Зимняя поляна в лесу. На ней сидит ворон. Выбегает
Wоlf: Ou-u-u! There is nobody in the forest. Where are the hares? Where are the squirrels? I shall eat everybody!
Raven: Cr...Cr...Cr! Lie! You cannot eat everybody.
Wolf: I am hungry!
Raven: Go away! I see а Soldier. Не is coming here.
Волк убегает. На поляне появляются заяц и две белки.
Н а re: It is cold today! It is terribly cold! Squirrels! Squirrels! Let' s play catch!
First Squirrel: Let' s play, Hare! Who begins?
Second Squirrel: Let' s count!
First Squirrel: Let me count!
Five plus seven
And twice eleven.
Five from seven
And twice eleven.
Five and eleven
Twelve and seven.
First Squirrel: Hare! Catch us!
Белки разбегаются.
Hare: It is dishonest! I don' t want to play with уоu. (Убегает.)
На поляну с противоположных сторон сцены выходят
солдат и падчерица.
Soldier: Hello, girl! What are you doing here?
Stepdaughter: My Stepmother ordered me to bring firewood. And what are you doing here?
Soldier: I look for а nice fir-tree for our Queen. Tomorrow there will be many guests in our palace. Our Queen is а girl. She likes New Year' s parties, the New Year's fir-tree; she plays with dolls and toys. Our Queen is an orphan, she hasn't got parents.
Stepdaughter: I am an orphan, too.
Soldier: What а pity! Poor girl! Let me help you with your firewood.
Stерdаughter: Thank you for your kind words!
Oh! I know where а wonderful fir-tree is. I can show it.
Soldier: ОК! Come on!
Комната в королевском дворце. В комнате доска, парта,
учительский стол. За партой королева, перед ней
Queen: I don't like writing. My hands are dirty!
Teacher: You are right, Your Majesty. It is very
unpleasant work. However, may I ask you to write down
four lines only?
Queen: All right! Dictate!
The grass is green.
The sun is bright.
The swallow is singing
And flying to us.
Queen: I shall write "the grass is green" only. "The gra-а-ass is..." (Пишет.)
Входит министр.
Сhancellor: Good morning, Your Majesty! Мау
I ask you to put Your signature?
Queen: Write! Well! But then I shall not write
"green"! Give me your papers! (Подписывает.)
Сhancelloг: Thank you very much, Your Маjesty!
And now, may I ask you to write...
Queen: Write, again!
Chancellor: Your resolution only.
Queen: And what shall 1 write?
Chancellor: Either "execute" or "forgiveness".
Queen (читает): Е-xe-cu-te, for-gi-ve-ness. I
shall write "execute" — it is shorter.
Министр берет бумаги и уходит.
Teacher (вздыхает): It is shorter!
Queen: What' s the matter?
Теасhеr: Oh! Your Majesty! What have you written!
Queen: Did I make any mistakes? Maybe it should
be "ixicut"?
Teacher: No, you were right, but made а bad
Queen: What mistake?
Теаchеr: You executed а person and you didn't
think about him!
Queen: I am tired. Tell me something.
Teacher: What?
Quееn: I don' t know. Something about New Year.
Теасheг: Your obedient servant. There are twelve
months in the year.
Queen: Really?
Teacher: It is true! Their names are January,
February, March, Арril, Мау, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December.
Queen: You have got а brilliant memory!
Теасhеr: Thank you, Your Majesty. Months соmе
one by one. February never comes before January, and
September never comes before August.
Queen: But I want April now. I like snowdrops
very much. I have never seen them.
Teacher: Your Majesty! You can' t break the law
of Nature!
Queen: This is my order!
Деревенский дом. Мачеха накрывает стол для ужина.
Ее дочь сидит у камина и перебирает корзинки.
Dаughtеr: Mummy! How much gold can we put
into this basket?
Mother: А lot!
Dаughtеr: Can we buy а fur coat?
Mother: А fur coat! Both а fur coat and many
skirts and tights and many other expensive things.
Daughter: And what do you think about this basket?
Моthеr: This basket is bigger than that one. We’ll
have enough money to buy а stone house; а horse, а
sheep and а pig.
Daughter: And what about this basket, Mummy?
Mother: This is the biggest one. You will eat on
gold, sleep on gold and wear gold.
Daughtеr:. ОК. I’ll take this basket
Моthеr:No, I don' t allow you to go to the forest.
It is very cold now. Look out of the window! It is
Daughter: I want to go and I'll go!
Mother: You will freeze to death!
Daughter: Well, then go to the forest yourself.
Mother: What?! You don' t love me!
Daughter: I love you, but I love gold more than you. (Плачет.) If you don’t want to go to the forest, let my sister go there.
Mother: OK. We’ll give her the biggest basket we have
Входит падчерица.
Is it snowstorming?
Stepdaughter: Yes, it is. It is terribly cold. I am frozen!
Mother: It is winter. It is always cold in winter.
Stepdaughter: But today is the last day in the year. It is a holiday, isn’t it?
Mother: I don’t think you’re frozen, if you remember about it. Go to the forest and pick up some snowdrops.
Stepdaughter: Are you joking?
Daughter: No, I am not. This is an order! You’ll bring snowdrops and we’ll get the biggest basket of gold. Take a basket and go away and don’t come back until it’s full! Even if you get lost, no one shed tears for you.
Заснеженный лес. В глубине сцены – поляна, на поляне горит костёр. Падчерица подходит к лесу, кутаясь в рваный платок
Stepdaughter: Well! It is an edge of the forest. It is so dark here. I cannot see my hands before my face. (Оглядывается.) Oh! I see a light flickering some way off amid the trees! (Выбегает на поляну.)
December: Who are you? What brought you here?
Stepdaughter: I have to pick a full basket of snowdrops.
Все переглядываются и смеются.
January: Snowdrops in January? Is it a joke, girl?
Stepdaughter: My stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and forbade me to return without them.
February: What are you going to do?
Stepdaughter: I shall stay in the forest and wait until the month of April comes. I would rather freeze here than return without them. (Садится и плачет)
Месяцы шепчутся.
April: Brother January! Let me take you r place for single hour.
January: Gladly would I grant you an hour, brother, but April cannot come before the months of February and March.
February: Let him take my place, I don’t mind. We all know the girl. We meet her at the ice-hole with her pails or in the forest with her bundle of firewood.
March: We must help her.
January: So be it! (Стучит три раза посохом.)
Frost, O Frost, cold master of the ice,
Pray melt thy frozen heart;
Untie thy stuff bonds in a trice
And let the snowdrifts part.
Sturdy fir and lofty pine,
Snake free your crystal lace;
Frozen snows, at once recline,
January yields his place.
Now, it is your turn, brother February. ( Передаёт посох Февралю.)
Wind, tempest, storm and gale,
Blow with all your might.
Blizzard, furies, sleet and hail,
Rage into the night.
Now it is up to you, brother March. (Передает посох
Babble gaily, melting brook,
Ripple, glistening pool;
Ants awake and leave your nook,
Gone's the winter cruel.
Now it is up to you, brother April. (Передает посох.)
Birds, return and sing your song,
Disperse the forest gloom.
Bears and squirrels come along,
Tender snowdrops, bloom.
Girl, you have only an hour. Take your basket and pick snowdrops.
Набрав подснежников, Падчерица подходит к месяцам.
Stepdaughter: Thank you very much!
April: We’ve decided to give you our ring. If you want to see us, you’ll have to throw our ring and say:
Roll, roll the ring
To the steps of spring,
To the summer porch,
To the autumn cottage, with winter shine
To the New Year’s fire!
Stepdaughter: Thank you! Good-bye!
Девочка уходит. Посох переходит из рук в руки
Spring is coming, I can feel it,
How fine is the morning air!
Birds are singing, buds are peeping,
Life and joy are everywhere.
The summer sun shines hot and high.
Baby birds now learn to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All the things are good!
J u1у:
Соmе, to the woods
On а sunny day,
Соmе to the woods
On а day so gay.
Look at the grass,
At the busy bees,
Look at the birds
In the green, green trees.
When trees are green and forests are green.
And grass is green and long,
It' s good to walk in the forest
And listen to birds' song.
"Соmе little leaves,"
Says the wind one day.
"Соте over the meadows
With mе to play.
Put on your dresses
Of red and gold.
For summer is gone
And the days are cold."
Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it' s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they аll are falling down.
Suddenly the sky turned gray,
The day,
Which had been bitter and chill,
Grew soft and still, quietly
From some invisible blossoming tree
Millions of petals cool and white
Drifted and blew,
Lifted and flew,
Fell with the falling night.
December: OK. Winter is here.
Зал королевского дворца. В зале много знатных гостей. Они ожидают выхода королевы. На сцену выходит королева. Придворные ( среди них министра и учитель) и гости наперебой пытаются поздравить её с Новым годом.
All together: Happy New Year, Your Majesty! Happy New Year! New happiness to you!
Queen: My happiness is new every day, however, it isn’t New Year today.
All together (удивляются): Why?
Chancellor: But, Your Majesty, It is New Year today!
Queen: You are wrong! Teacher, how many days are there in a month?
Teacher: 31.
Queen: Well! Today is the 32nd of December.
Lady: It is a nice New Year’s joke, Your Majesty!
Все смеются.
Queen: But I’m not joking.
Все перестают смеяться
It will be the 33d of December tomorrow, then the 34th of December and so on.
Teacher: It is impossible!
Queen: You again?!
Chancellor: Your majesty, let me introduce the Ambassador of the Western country and the Ambassador of the Eastern country to you.
Послы входят и кланяются.
Ambassador of the Western country: Your Majesty, my king charged me to wish you a Happy New Year.
Ambassador of the Eastern country: Your Majesty, my king ordered me to wish you…
Queen: What?
Ambassador of the Eastern country: We wish you luck and health.
Queen: Well! Where are the flowers? Do all people know my order?
Chancellor: Your wish my Queen was fulfilled. These flowers for you.
Входят мать и дочь.
Queen: Are these flowers snowdrops?
Mother: Yes, of course, Your Majesty. They are from the forest. We found them under the snow.
Queen (вытаскивает подснежники): Well! New Year has come! You may congratulate me!
All together: Happy New Year, Your Majesty!
Queen: Let’s dance!
Все танцуют.
Mother: Your Majesty, Happy New Year!
Queen: Yes.
Mother: Yes, our basket is empty.
Queen: Chancellor! Fill the basket with gold! So tell us where you picked the flowers?
Mother (дочери): You tell.
Daughter: No, you tell.
Mother: When we heard about your order, we took our brooms and spades and went to the forest. It was dark and cold in the forest. My daughter is frozen, and me too.
Queen: Go on!
Mother: We walked and walked and came to that place. There were many high trees around a small lake. White ducks swam in the lake. And there were a lot of snowdrops on the banks of that lake.
Queen: Snowdrops?
Mother: Both snowdrops and many other beautiful flowers.
Queen: And what about berries?
Daughter: Yes, of course. There are wild strawberries, bilberries, great bilberries, blackberries, raspberries.
Queen (хлопает в ладоши): Splendid! Got o the forest and bring me some wild strawberries!
Mother: Your Majesty, we are cold!
Queen: Chancellor! Give them fur coats!
Придворные подают шубы матери и дочери.
Go to the forest and come back with berries quickly.
Queen: Stop! Give me my fur coat.
Mother and daughter (падают на колени): We didn’t pick these flowers. Our stepdaughter did it.
Queen: Liars! We are going to the forest together.
Лесная поляна. На поляне ворон. Выбегают две белки.
First Squirrel: Hello squirrel!
Second Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
First Squirrel: Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year!
First Squirrel: It is a present for you – a pinecone.
Second Squirrel: And a fir cone – for you.
First Squirrel: A pinecone!
Second Squirrel: A fir cone!
First Squirrel: A pinecone!
Second Squirrel: A fir cone!
Raven: Cr…Cr…Cr! Hello squirrels!
First Squirrel: Hello, old Raven! Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! How are you?
Raven: As before.
First Squirrel: Old Raven, how many times did you celebrate the New Year?
Raven: 150.
Second Squirrel: Oh!
First Squirrel: They say, you know everything! Is it true?
Raven: Yes, it is.
Second Squirrel: Please tell us something.
Raven: Cr…Cr… Cr!
First Squirrel: We don’t understand your language!
Raven: You must study foreign language!
На поляну выскакивает заяц.
First Squirrel: Hello, Hare.
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! Are you frozen?
Hare: Am I frozen!? No, I am hot! Squirrels, have you seen our Wolf?
First Squirrel: Why are looking for Wolf?
Hare: I am not looking for him, I am afraid of him!
Second Squirrel: Run away, Hare! It is Wolf!
Выбегает волк.
Wolf: Squirrels, have you seen Hare?
First Squirrel: Yes, of course. Our Hare is looking for you..
Wolf: Well! Where is Hare? I’ll catch him!
First Squirrel: There! (Показывает вправо.)
Second Squirrel: There! (показывает влево.)
Raven: Look! Soldiers are coming here!
All together: Let’s run away.
Лесная поляна. На поляне учитель и королева.
Queen: Teacher! You told me there are many wild animals in the forest. But I saw no one. Where are they? Please? Show them to me.
Teacher: I think they are sleeping now.
Queen: Why? It isn’t dark now.
Teacher: Some of them usually go to sleep in autumn and wake up in spring.
Queen: There is a lot of snow in the forest. The trees are very strange! They are black and have no leaves. But I like them.
Where are those two women, Mother and Daughter? They promised to show us the snowdrops. Where are they?!
Появляются мать, падчерица и дочь.
Teacher: They are here!
Queen: At long last!
Mother: Your Majesty, this is my stepdaughter.
Queen: Come here, dear. I see you are a nice girl. But you are frozen! Give her a fur coat!
Учитель накидывает на падчерицу шубу.
Stepdaughter: Thank you, Your Majesty.
Queen: I can give you a basket of gold, a lot of dresses, nice shoes, skirts. What do you want?
Stepdaughter: Thank you, Your Majesty. I don’t want anything from you. But let them (указывает на мачеху и её дочь) give me my ring back.
Mother: Don’t listen to her, Your Majesty!
Daughter: She doesn’t know what she says.
Stepdaughter: I do! I had a ring and you took it and don’t want to give it back.
Mother: Oh! Your Majesty, believe us, we haven’t got the ring.
Queen: Give it to me quickly!
Daughter: Just a moment. (Достаёт из кармана кольцо и отдаёт королеве)
Stepdaughter: It’s my ring!
Queen: A beautiful ring! Where did you get it?
Who gave it to you?
Stepdaughter: I shall not tell you.
Queen: Oh! You are obstinate! Well! Show us where the snowdrops are and I’ll give you your ring.
Stepdaughter: I cannot do it!
Queen: Tell me!
Stepdaughter: Never!
Queen: So… Take off her the fur coat!
Teacher: Your Majesty!
Queen: Yes?
Teacher: You shouldn’t do this!
Queen: You forgot who the Queen is! You forgot that a word ”execute” is shorter than “forgiveness”!
Teacher: Your majesty!
Queen: No! (Поворачивается к падчерице.) I am asking you for the last time: where are the snowdrops? Will you show them to me?
Stepdaughter: No, I shall not!
Queen: Say “Good-bye” to your ring! (Бросает кольцо.)
Stepdaughter: No!
Roll, roll the ring
To the steps of spring,
To the summer porch,
To the autumn cottage, with winter shine
To the New Year’s fire!
Queen: What is she saying?
Танец снежинок. В вихре танца снежинки уносят Падчерицу.
It is spring now!
Teacher: Nonsense!
Queen: The snowdrops! Stop! Where is the girl? Woman, where is your stepdaughter?
Mother: She is absent. She ran away.
Все бросаются собирать цветы. Появляется Январь.
January: What are you doing here?
Queen: We are looking for the snowdrops.
January: There are no snowdrops in winter.
Queen: I know it. I want to go home, but I don’t know how to do it. Please, help us! I’ll reward you.
January: I need nothing. I can reward you. What New Year’s presents do you want?
Queen: I wan to be at home.
Teacher: I want all months come one by one.
Mother: And we want a fur coats.
January: Take them! (набрасывает на дочь и мать шубы.)
Mother (к дочери): You’re a dog!
Daughter: You’re a dog, too!
Садятся на корточки, дерутся, лают как собаки и уходят.
January: Let’s go to our fire!
Лесная поляна. На поляне все, кроме месяцев поют песню “Jingle bells”.
Dashing through the snow,
in a one horse open sleigh,
Down the fields we go,
laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring,
making spirits bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing
a sleighing song tonight!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
Oh! What fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
Oh! What fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh!
Scene 1
Author: Once there lived an old woman. She had a son, Yemelya – the Fool. He lay the whole day on the stove and cared about nothing.
Mother: Yemelya, bring some water.
Yemelya: I don’t feel like it.
Mother: I won’t buy you any sweets!
Yemelya: All right, Mom.
What a day!
What a life!
No one minute without a lie!
She won’t buy me any sweets.
For the garden she’ll buy seeds.
Mother: Stop talking! Bring some water!
Scene 2
Author: Yemelya came down from the warm stove, put his clothes and shoes on, took two buckets, an axe and went to the river.
Yemelya : What a day!
What a life!
How to make an ice-hole right.
I would better sit at home.
And not wander day and night.
(Емеля делает прорубь и наполняет ведра водой, он наклоняется и замечает, что что-то поймал)
Yemelya: What is it? A fish! That tasty fish soup we’ll have for dinner!All of a sudden a spike said:
Spike: Let me go, Yemelya, I’ll be useful to you!
Yemelya: What can I need you for? I’ll take you home and mom will make perfect fish-soup.
Author: The spike begged for mercy again.
Spike: Yemelya, Yemelya, please let me go. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.
Yemelya: All right. But first prove that you can help me. Let my buckets go home by themselves and no water splash out.
Spike: Remember my words. Whenever you want something , just say:
“ At the spike’s will
And my wish…”
Yemelya: Well, let me see.
On the spike’s will
And my wish – go buckets back home yourselves!
Author: As soon as the buckets went home, Yemelya let the spike swim and rushed after the buckets!
Yemelya: What a miracle!
What a life!
That spike hasn’t told a lie.
Now I will do my best
To sleep on the stove like a bird in a nest.
(Емеля поставил ведра и залез на печь.)
Scene 3
Author: In the afternoon mother came home.
Mother: Yemelya, I’ve bought you some sweets. No firewood is left. Go to the forest and chop some.
Yemelya: I am not in the mood of doing that!
Mother: You should do it. I can’t make dinner!
Yemelya: What to do,
I have to help
That spike gave me something great
I will say some words and a sledge
Takes me to the wood without a wage.
At the spike’s will
And my wish – drive, my sledge into the forest!
(Емеля садится на сани и они едут.)
People: What a miracle!
What a life!
Yemelya can make this drive!
It’s impossible! It can’t be!
Oh, my eyes! What can they see?
Author: People shouted and laughed. And the tsar who lived not far away heard that noise.
Scene 4
(Королевский дворец. Сидит царь. Царевна, закрыв лицо руками, рыдает. Слышатся крики с улицы.)
Tsar:What is it? Why are my people shouting? I do my best to make my state prosperous and they are not satisfied with something?
(Царевна начинает рыдать еще громче.)
Tsar: Oh, dear, stop crying. What can I do to make you smile?
Tsarevna: (рыдая) I don’t want anything.
Tsar: Oh, dear, do you want to marry a tsarewitch?
Tsarevna: I don’t know, let me alone!
Tsar: Look at the window! Do you see that fellow? He is driving the sledge without horses1
Tsarevna: (смотрит в окно) Tell him that I want to see him!
Tsar: Hey! Servants! Take him to the palace immediately!
Servants: Yes, tsar.
Scene 5
Author: Servants ran to Yemelya. They knew that they had to take him to the palace, otherwise, tsar will punish them.
(У окна сидит царь и царевна, слуги бегут по улице к Емеле, который едет на санях навстречу им.)
Servants: Stop that! Tsar ordered to take you to the palace! (стражники пытаются задержать сани)
Yemelya: At the spike’s will
And my wish – run, my sledge, over the servants.
(Сани начинают ездить за слугами, слуги убегают.)
Yemelya: What a fun!
What a joke!
You’ll remember how you spoke!
I will show who is right.
I will drive with all my might.
(Царевна в окне начинает смеяться.)
Yemelya: At the spike’s will
And my wish – fall in love, tsarevna, with me!
Tsar: Oh, dear, you are laughing! You’ve made your father happy.
Tsarevna:Tell him I want to marry him!
Tsar: But, my dear, he is Yemelya the-Fool.
Tsarevna: (начиная рыдать) I want to marry him.
Tsar: Well, well, dear, I’ll do everything for you. (кричит Емеле из окна) Hey, Yemelya, my daughter wants to marry you!
Yemelya: But I have to chop some firewood first.
Tsar: You won’t live in the house any more. You’ll live in the palace.
Yemelya: I’ll take my mom to the palace.
Tsar: Everything you want to make my daughter happy.
Yemelya: On the spike’s will
And my wish – let me become a handsome fellow!
(Емеля исчезает на санях за занавесом, царевна танцует с отцом. Через минуту появляется Емеля одетый как царевич со своей матерью. Танцуют вчетвером.)
Author: A great feast was prepared. Yemelya married Tsarevna and began to rule in that kingdom and lived happily for many years.
Esmeralda and Hunch
(after Rita Savenkova, 9th form pupil, Michurinsk)
Hunchback Quasimodo
Dark was the night
When our tale was begun
On the docks
Near Notre Dame (ребёнок плачет).
Killer: Shut it up, will you? We’ll be spotted!
Woman: Hush, little one!
Killer: Look! Judge Claude Frollo longed to purge the world of vice and sin!
Frollo: Bring the Gypsy vermin to the Palace of justice!
Woman (женщине,пытающейся скрыть дитя): You, there! What are you hiding?
Frollo: Stolen goods, no doubt. Take them from her! (Женщина убегает.Стража и Фролло за ней. Женщина подбегает к Нотр-Дам)
Woman: Sanctuary! Please, give us а sanctuary! (ребёнок плачет).
Frollo:A baby? (Снимает с него одеяло, видит, что он урод, убивает женщину). A monster! (хочет кинуть его в колодец, появляется архидьякон)
Archideacon: Stop!
Frollo:This is an unholy demon. I’m sending it back to the hell, which it belongs.
Archideacon: See, there, the innocent blood you have spilt on the steps of the Notre Dame (берёт женщину на руки).
Frollo:I am guiltless. She was running. I was pursuing.
Archideacon: Now you would add this child’s blood to your guilt on the steps of the Notre Dame.
Frollo: My conscience is clear.
Archideacon: Your immortal soul will be damaged.
Frollo: What must I do?
Archideacon: Take care of the child and raise it as your own.
Frollo: What? I am to be saddled with this misshapen-very well. But let him live with you in your church.
Archideacon: Live here? Where?
Frollo: Anywhere. The bell tower, perhaps. And who knows? Our Lord works in mysterious ways. Even this foul creature may yet prove one day to be of use to me. I will give him a name that means “half-formed”-Quasimodo.
Спустя годы.
Quasimodo: (на балконе башни) Good morning, birds! Oh today is The Festival of Fools!
Оживают каменные изваяния.
1st stone: Hey, man! What’ s up? Today is The Festival of Fools!
2nd stone: Aren’t you going to watch the festival with us?
Quasimodo: I don’t get it.
1st stone: Perhaps, he is sick.
3rd stone: Impossible! If 20 years of listening to you two hasn’t made him sick by now, nothing will.
2nd stone: Watching the Festival of Fools has always been the highlight of the year for Quasimodo.
3rd stone: What good in watching the party if you never get to go? Here get away from me! Go on, ya bunch of buzzards! He is not made of stone, like us!
Квазимодо тем временем сидит один за столом.
1st stone: Quasi, what’s wrong? You want to tell old Laverne all about it?
Quasimodo: I just don’t feel like watching the festival .That s all.
2nd stone: Well, did ya ever think of going there instead?
Quasimodo: Sure. But I’d never go out of there. I am not normal.
2nd stone: Oh, Quasi. Do ya mind? I would like to have a moment with the boy, if it is all right with you!
3rd stone: Hey, quilt beating around the bell tower. What do we gotta do, paint ya a fresco?
1st stone: As your friends and guardians, we insist on your attending the festival.
Quasimodo: Me?
1st stone: Of course you!
3rd stone: It would be a veritable potpourri of educational experience.
2nd stone: Wine, women and song.
1st stone: You can learn to identify various regional cheeses.
2nd stone: Quasi, take it from an old spectator. Life is not a spectator sport. If watching is all you are gonna do, then you are gonna watch your life go without ya.
3rd stone: Yeah, you are human with the flesh and the hair and the navel lint.
Quasimodo: Thanks for the encouragement, but you’ve all forgotten one big thing…
All stones: Oh, yeah, yes.
1st stone: But you needn’t ask him to go there!
Quasimodo: Oh! Yes! I’ll go! I’ll get cleaned up! I’ll stroll down those stairs, yes! I’ll open the door… and…
Frollo: Good morning, Quasimodo.
Quasimodo: Oh, good m-morning, Master.
Frollo: You were speaking about festival?
Quasimodo: Oh, no!
Frollo: You are thinking about going to the festival. Thieves and cutpurses, the dregs of humankind are all mixed together in a shallow, drunken stupor.
Quasimodo: I’m sorry, sir.
Frollo: The world is cruel. The world is wicked. I am alone whom you can trust in this whole city. I am your only friend. Remember, you are a monster! So stay in here. Do as I say. Obey. (Уходит).
Quasimodo: All my life I wonder how it fells to pass a day not above them, but part of them. I just want to live only a day out there.
(Убегает на фестиваль).
На площади танцует Эсмеральда.
Clown: Now it is the moment to choose the King of Fools!
(Эсмеральда срывает со всех маски, хочет снять маску с Квазимодо, но тут все понимают, что это его лицо).
Clown: OK. He is the King of Fools.
(Его забрасывают мусором).
Esmeralda: Don’t be afraid! I am so sorry.
Frollo: You! Gypsy girl! Get down at once!
Esmeralda: Yes, your Honor. Just as soon as I free this poor creature.
Frollo: I forbid it!
(Эсмеральда разрывает верёвки, связывающие Квазимодо).
Frollo: How dare you defy me?
Esmeralda: You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people! You speak of justice, but you are cruel to those who most in need of your help!
Frollo: Silence!
Esmeralda: Justice!
Frollo: Mind my words, Gypsy! You will pay for this insolence!
Esmeralda: Then it appears we have crowned the wrong King of Fools! The only fool I see is you, your Honor! (смех толпы)
Frollo: Take her away!
Esmeralda: Now. Let’s see.1,2,3, (считает стражников).So, there’s ten of you and one of me. What’s a poor girl to do? (Исчезает).
Frollo: Witchcraft!
Esmeralda: (из-за угла): Oh, boys! Over here!
(Эсмеральда скрывается в толпе. Стража догоняет её).
Esmeralda: Seal off the area, find her!
(Фролло уводит Квазимодо в Нотр-Дам).
(Эсмеральда приходит, маскируясь, в Нотр-Дам. Тут врывается Фролло и стража).
Frollo: Splendid, Gypsy! Arrest her! Immediately!
Archideacon: Frollo! You will not touch her! Don’t worry my girl! Minister Frollo learned years ago to respect the sanctity of the church.
Frollo: (Эсмеральде на ухо): You think you’ve outwitted me, but I am a patient man. And Gypsies don’t do well inside the stone walls. You’ve chosen a magnificent prison, but it is a prison, nonetheless. Set one foot outside and you’re mine. (Уходят).
Эсмеральда одна. Подходит к распятию.
Молитва Эсмеральды
1) I don’t know if you can hear me
Or if you’re even there,
I don’t know if you would listen
To a Gypsy prayer.
Yes, I know I’m just an outcast
I shouldn’t speak to you
Still, I see your face and wonder
Were you once an outcast too.
God, help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don’t find on earth!
God, help my people
We look for you still
God, help the outcasts
Or nobody will.
2) I ask for nothing
I can get by,
But I know so many
Less lucky than I,
Please, help my people
The poor and down threat
I thought we all were
The children of God.
God, help the outcasts-
Children of God.
(Появляется Квазимодо, берёт Эсмеральду за руку и ведёт её на крышу cобора).
Esmeralda: Oh, I bet the king himself doesn’t have a view like this. I could stay up here forever.
Quasimodo: You could, you know.
Esmeralda: No, I couldn’t.
Quasimodo: Oh, yes, you have a sanctuary.
Esmeralda: But not freedom. Gypsies don’t do well inside stone walls.
Quasimodo: But you’re not like other gypsies. They are … evil.
Esmeralda: Who’s told you that?
Quasimodo: My Master, Frollo. He raised me.
Esmeralda: How could such a cruel man have raised someone like you?
Quasimodo: Cruel? Oh, no. He saved my life. I’m a monster, you know.
Esmeralda: He told you that?
Quasimodo: Look at me.
Esmeralda: Give me your hand. Just let me see it.
Quasimodo: What?
Esmeralda: Hmmm… A long lifeline. Oh, and this one means you’re shy.
Well, that’s funny.
Quasimodo: What?
Esmeralda: I don’t see any…
Quasimodo: Any what?
Esmeralda: Monster lines. Not a single one. Now look at me. Do you think I’m evil?
Quasimodo: No! You’re kind and good and-and…
Esmeralda: And a Gypsy. And maybe Frollo’s wrong about both of us…
God save the outcasts - children of God.
(after Ilya Ivanov9th form pupil, Michurinsk)
Prince Charming
Fiona’s Father
Fiona’s Mother
Other people
Puss in the Pants
Part I
Act I
Scene 1
(Солнечная поляна, лес, пение птиц, стоит Автор)
Years ago,
Far away from here.
On a dirty swamp,
Where no birds appeared,
There stayed а large house,
There lived someone
(By the way: I can add,
There was no one in the area like this).
And the nearby village
Was just shaking of him.
They had thoughts about
Their lives he can dim.
So he lived, and he grew,
And became very tall,
His name was Shrek.
And he was… an ogre!!!
Yes! He was not like the others.
And he didn’t have sisters,
And he didn’t have brothers.
So he lived by himself
By himself making meal,
And he was not such a victim
As everyone talked about him.
But one day, Lord Fraquad,
The worst of all genius,
Had sent to his habit
(смотрит на часы)
Well, my time’s going up,
I must leave you alone!
Go, go my donkey,
I am returning my home.
(Автор уходит)
Scene 2
(Выбегает Осёл, пока он поёт, на заднем плане происходит инсценировка всего, что он поёт)
Donkey: Hey man! Where are you going?! What home?! Whose home?! I’ve paid you 20 bucks and… what… What have I received?! OK, I’ll tell you about my dearest friend, mighty, powerful ogre – SHREK!!!
Hey, DJ! Start the beat!
(выходит человек в огромных спортивных штанах, в спортивной куртке, в чёрных очках и с огромными наушниками и начинает пританцовывать)
Donkey (надевает очки): Ok… Come on!
So that guy ’s just told you
About Shrek’s past life
When he was all alone
(Without a company of mine)
But one day the evil lord
Whose name was Farquad
Sent to his house
A fairy-tale crowd.
There were different creatures
Huge trolls and small dwafts
And, of course, there was me –
The best donkey in the world that just can be.
And so Shrek went berserk
Then, departured to lord.
But instead of freeing his swamp
He was told to resque the princess in a tower by that lord
And he went with his friend
(Of course his friend was me)
And arrived to the castle
(With the dragon)
Darker just couldn’t be.
After hours of fight,
After genius tricks
We, at last, escaped
From our enemy
But when princess realized
That her savior was an ogre,
She was so angry
Even Shrek had never been so.
Well, we went back to the castle,
And during the trip
Our Romeo fell in love with that princess – Fiona
(Yes, she was beautiful, you know what I mean).
And somehow I discovered:
The princess was half-ogre,
She must have a kiss
To be one she really was.
But that day Shrek thought
That she spoke so rudely about him
And he forgot his love,
And my friendship.
But I told him (of course
As a really friend should)
That princess was half-ogre,
That she, too, might love him.
At last came the moment of marriage
Between Fiona and Farquad
He rushed into the church
And pushed bride and groom apart
And he kissed her lips,
Then the magic begins.
After that magic performance
She became ogre on face as she was within.
So, happy marriage,
Beautiful honey moon,
The grinnest family
And a good friend (you know who)
(Осёл уходит)
Scene 3
(Болото, дом, сидит Осёл и входят Шрек и Фиона)
Shrek: Hey, Donkey, what are you doing here?
Donkey: Oh, hi Shrek! I ‘ve been guarding your lovely house! I watered those plants and also I fed your fishes!
Shrek: I haven’t got fishes!
Donkey: Now you have. I’ve called one Shrek, and another – Fiona.
Shrek: Donkey, thank you for such help, but… we need to… the place here.
Donkey: Ok, do it! (смотрит на них с некоторым умилением)
Shrek: And we need to be now by ourselves…
Donkey: Ok!
Shrek: Alone…
Donkey: I’ve got it! (всё ещё смотрит)
Shrek: Just me and Fiona…
Donkey: Ah, you mean, I must go… (уныло)
Shrek: Yes.
Fiona: Go back to your dragon, I think she’s waiting for you!
Donkey: Well, you know, she is now moody, maybe I’ll stay with you. (снова смотрит)
Shrek: Go! (указывая на дверь)
Donkey: (понурив голову) Ok, yeah, who need a donkey, yeah…(уходит)
(Шрек пытается поцеловать Фиону, но его перебивает стук в дверь)
Shrek: What?
Donkey: Please, maybe you’ll let me in… (смотрит)
Shrek: NO!!!
(Снова пытается поцеловать и снова стук в дверь)
Shrek (разъяренно): What now?!
(уходит за кулисы)
Shrek: Donkey, I’ve already told you no!
Donkey: Then what you’ll tell them?
(Шрек возвращается на сцену, за ним глашатае с трубами, все трубят и один после этого пытается что-то напеть, но главный глашатай его перебивает)
Herald (читает): Princess Fiona! You and your charming (осматривает Шрека, затем продолжает читать) husband have been invited to the Far Far Away to have benediction of the king and the queen of that country – your parents.
Fiona: What?
Shrek: What?! No, I’m not going!
Fiona: What? Why?
Shrek: You see, I don’t look like a CHARMING HUSBAND!
Fiona: That doesn’t matter, at last they’re my parents! They will receive us with an open heart!
Shrek: And with sharpened pitchforks!
Donkey: When are we going?
Shrek: We are not going anywhere!
Fiona: Yes, we are!
Act II.
Scene 4
So, they arrived
To the Far Far away,
And Shrek was so nervous
About that day.
They arrived on a square
There were many people,
And there was such silence,
When they appeared.
Everybody was shocked:
“The princess is ogre!
And her “charming” husband
Is like a green rock!”
Even the King and the Queen
Were surprised; no! shocked, too,
They tried to be polite
As a man with an ogre could be
And then, there was supper,
Shrek, Fiona, Queen, King.
And in the middle of the meal
In the Hall rushed a strange being.
(медленно уходит, снова пересчитывая деньги)
Scene 5
(зал, за столом сидят Фиона, Королева, Шрек, напротив Короля, оба смотрят другу на друга с некоторой злостью, слышится голос Осла “What?! I’m a friend of princess’s husband!” и входит Осёл)
Donkey: You see, they don’t want to let me in! Do they know who I am?
(долгая пауза, все пытаются есть, а Шрек никак не может справится с вилкой и его еда летит во все стороны)
Queen: So, do you think about making children?
(Шрек поперхнулся)
Shrek: Children?
Fiona: Children?
Shrek: Well, we haven’t thought about children…
King: Of course you haven’t done it while swimming in your dirty place!
Shrek: Do you mind something?
Queen: Please, Calm down.
(долгая пауза)
Queen: So where do you live? In what castle?
Shrek: Ah… ee… Our place is in the Magic forest. There are many interesting beautiful… squirrels!
Queen: Squirrels?
Shrek: Yeah, squirrels…
Donkey: Oh, you mean the swamp!
Shrek: Donkey! (Фиона и Шрек смотрят на него с укоризной)
King: A swamp! Right place to live for…
Shrek: For who? Tell it!
(в это время Шрек и Король начинают переносит свой гнев на еду)
King: For ogres! For this (с чувством) dirty..
Shrek: Yeah!
Fiona: Shrek!
King: Green…
Queen: Dear, what are you saying?
King: Impolite creatures!
Shrek: At least we are happy together!
King: Of course!
Queen: Stop it!
(Фиона убегает)
Queen: You, both, stop it! (К Королю) Perhaps, you haven’t noticed, but YOUR daughter is an OGRE, too!
(занавес опускается)
Scene 6.
(балкон, выходит король в пижаме и ночном колпаке)
King: Hey, who has called me? Is there anybody here?
(вдруг выбегают Фея и Принц и король пугается)
Fairy: So, do you remember the deal?
King (дрожа от страха): Wh… What deal?
Fairy: (устремляясь к нему, яростно): Ah, so you don’t remember who advised you to sent your daughter to the tower, you don’t remember who helped you, you don’t remember whose (с Принцем, как с маленьким ребенком) little sweety pretty son (снова к Королю, яростно) had to rescue and marry your daughter?!?!
King (ещё больше дрожа) : But…
Fairy: What “but”? Did you forget all this?
King: But… she is married.
Fairy: Married? (нахально) And who did she marry?
King: She married…
Fairy: Well…
King (совсем тихо): …an ogre…
Fairy: What?! She married an ogre?!
(Король тихонько кивает)
Fairy: Ok. I’ll give you an address of one ogre-slayer…
(занавес опускается)
Scene 7.
(Бар, звучит музыка, сидят люди и говорят, бармен разливает напитки,
выходит Король в плаще с капюшоном, подходит к стойке бара)
King (тихо): I’m sorry, I’m looking for one person…
Barman: Yeah?
King Who can cope with…
(наклоняется к Бармену, шепотом)
King: An ogre…
(все затихли, музыка смолкла, и бармен указывает большим пальцем на дверь-кулисы)
(Король уходит в ту сторону, и все, кроме бармена, провожают его взглядом.)
Scene 8.
(тёмная комната, входит Король и осматривается, и вдруг из-за кулис звучит грубый голос Кота в Сапогах)
Puss: What do you want?
(Король, хочет подойти к нему)
Puss: No, stay there.
King: I… have some problems... with ogres.
Puss: Then do you know whom you should ask for solving these problems. Where’s the money?
(Король кидает мешочек с деньгами)
King: Is it enough?
Puss (пауза, считает деньги): Ok, now you can forget those problems.
Scene 9.
(Ночь, спальня Шрека и Фионы, Шрек стоит в нижнем белье или пижаме, осматривается, видит шкатулку и открывает её, из неё звучит музыка, сразу же её закрывает, оглядывается, затем снова быстро открывает шкатулку и достаёт книжку, начинает читать и садится на стул)
Shrek: It’s a diary! (открывает) “Father told me, that I would spend some time without them in the tower. (перелистывает страницу) My mother said that she would be missing me. She told me that some day a charming prince would rescue me and I would marry him and we would live long and happy life. (вдруг слышится храп, Шрек снова осматривается и перелистывает несколько страниц) Mrs. Fiona Charming. (перелистывает) Mrs. Fiona Charming (3 раза).
(стук в дверь, входит Король)
King: Hello, Shrek!
Shrek: Hello.
King: I think it wasn’t good in the Hall, so I’ve come to apologize.
Shrek: Yes, I think so too, sorry.
King: And I think that it would be good if we’ll speak as a Dad and a son tomorrow under the old oak.
Shrek: All right.
(все уходят)
Scene 10.
(Лес, идут Шрек и Осёл)
Shrek: Donkey, I think we have lost our way.
Donkey: No! You see, we have passed that bush in the shape of Marilyn Manson, as the King said.
Shrek: We’ve passed for 3 times already!
Donkey: Ok, now I think that we’ve lost our way.
(выбегает Кот в Сапогах и делает милое личико)
Shrek (улыбаясь): Donkey, look, what a nice kitten!
Donkey: Shrek, I really don’t like him.
(вдруг Кот вскакивает и обнажает свою шпагу)
Puss: Beware, the evil ogre! Surrender!
(у Шрека и Осла непонимающее выражение лица)
Puss: On guard!
(Кот, размахивая шпагой, бежит к Шреку, тот останавливает его рукой, но Кот продолжает размахивать шпагой)
Shrek (Ослу): Donkey, see, what a pretty creature!
Donkey: Shrek, he is attacking you!
(выходит девушка с табличкой “To be continued…”)
End of part II
Shrek 2
(after Ilya Ivanov9th form pupil, Michurinsk)
Prince Charming
Fiona’s Father
Fiona’s Mother
Other people
Puss in the Pants
Part II
Act I
Scene I
Осёл стоит один в той же позе, а за кулисами слышаться голоса.
Shrek: Oh, kitty, kitty, kitty!..
(Слышится хриплый кашель)
Shrek: What is this?
(выходят Шрек и Кот)
Shrek: Is it?..
Donkey (с отвращением): A lump of wool!!!
Puss: Oh no! How I am ashamed! (преклоняет колено и опускает голову)
(Шрек и Осёл немного пригибаются к нему, и немного отскакивают, когда он, резко подняв голову, говорит)
Puss: I am your slave! You can do with my life whatever you want!
Shrek: Well… I don’t need a slave, but a guide won’t be bad. Do you know this place?
Puss: As my five claws!
Shrek: OK. Then you’ll show us the way!
Scene II
(звучит музыка, выходит Осёл)
Donkey: And so, our story continues,
Bringing new people, gathering beings,
But I will say everything step by step,
‘Cause you have to know Shrek’s every step.
Puss in the pants said us one thing:
He was ordered to kill Shrek by his majesty King,
And after this shocking confession
We started making the real session!
Our first stop was the Fairy
And her factory of wishes with very
Very very many potions and herbs
With which you can make either love or friends
We stole one drink – the beauty potion,
And didn’t remember the things of social
In a day me and Shrek became something more than just fine
From donkey to horse, from ogre – to knight
And this time, in the castle,
Charming prince told a lie:
He said he was Shrek,
And drank beauty-giving wine.
The next stop of our group
Was the cook who made real soup,
But his specification was the baker
And he was the greatest candy-maker.
He made huge candy-man,
That can everything stand
And we went with this weapon
To Shrek’s opponent.
Then there was something terrific
That no one could stand all pacific
Cause huge monster was crushing castles wall
And made his way someone very tall…
Of course this man was our Romeo!
Shrek that day was a real hero!
When he ran in the hall the dances were stopped,
And Fiona saw Shrek, and prince Charming was knocked.
So, at last came happy end
Wicked gone, Shrek became himself again
“That is all” – you might think,
But it can continue…
And, maybe, next time the end will be seen.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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