Материалы открытого урока по теме «My family and our favourite activities»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
Урок для учащихся 4 класса УМК «Rainbow English». Авторы: Афанасьева O. В., Михеева И. В.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Технологическая карта урока английского языка по ФГОС.
Учитель иностранных языков Харитонова Елена Анатольевна
МБОУ «СОШ №18 им. А.С. Сергеева»
Учебный предмет | Английский язык. | |||
Класс | 4 класс | |||
УМК | «Rainbow English». Авторы: Афанасьева O. В., Михеева И. В. | |||
Тема раздела | «Meet John Barker and His Family» | |||
Тема урока | «My family and our favourite activities» | |||
Тип урока | Повторительно-обобщающий с использованием игровых приемов и наглядно-иллюстративного метода обучения | |||
Цель урока Задачи урока: |
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Планируемый результат | Предметные умения | УУД | ||
1) Строить специальные вопросы в Present Simple, уметь давать на них ответы. 2) Употреблять в устной (монологической) речи лексические единицы и речевые структуры по теме урока. | Личностные:
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Основные понятия | Лексические единицы по теме «My family and our favourite activities», специальные вопросительные слова, структура специальных вопросов в Present Simple, наречия «always», «never», «often», «sometimes», «usually». | |||
Организация пространства | ||||
Межпредметные связи | Формы работы | Ресурсы | ||
Русский язык, чтение, физическая культура, изобразительное искусство. | Фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная. | - учебник, - рабочая тетрадь, - мультимедийная презентация, - проектор, ноутбук, - аудиозапись, - раздаточный материал (карточки с индивидуальными заданиями, конверты с карточками для «домино», карточки с ребусом и игрой «Hide -and- Seek», карточки с генеалогическим древом). - флаги, таблички с фамилиями семей на столы, - коробка с игрушечным домиком, - нарисованный бумажный дом. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[ θ ] [ ð ] [ ] æ c a t, h a t, b a d, h a s, h a nd mo th er, fa th er, wi th , ano th er Mr. Smi th
Mr. Smi th h a s got a son. Mrs. A bb h a s got a daughter. Fa th er, mo th er, sister, bro th er H a nd in h a nd wi th one ano th er.
Hide -and- Seek Jokh mother a Hgr cousin rok Gkra son te Saw daughter Pol brother fp Msv sister ow Ol uncle tu S husband herrl Diks wife
One busy housewife to sweep up the floor Two busy housewives to polish the door. Three busy housewives to wash all the socks. Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks. Five busy housewives to cook dinner too. Six busy housewives with nothing left to do.
Вопрос. слово Глагол do / does Подлежащее Сказуемое Др. члены предл-я ?
The Wilsons family Where does live?
the Adams Family Where does live?
The Barkers family Where does live?
go - Why doesn’t to school? Sue
three What do to do? little daughters like
Where do like Sally and John to ride a bike?
in the morning? Where do her husband Kate and run
books What does read? Max often
to do? What does Margaret like
the Wilsons When do together? sing
the Adams When do to the cinema? go
she When does a chocolate cake? cook usually
1. Will’s family is very small. 2. Will has two sisters. 3. Will’s sisters are pupils. 4. Will’s dad is a pilot. 5. Will’s mother is a teacher. 6. Will’s says his mother is a good singer. 7. Will’s grandparents live with him. 8. Will never sees his grandparents.
Homework: The project «My family tree»
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
The Adams Family
The Wilsons Family
The Barkers Family
Предварительный просмотр:
Приложение 1.
Fill in the missing letters
Fill in the missing letters
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife |
Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife |
Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife |
Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife |
Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife |
Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife | Hide -and- Seek Jokhmothera Hgrcousinrok Gkrasonte Sawdaughter Polbrotherfp Msvsisterow Oluncletu Shusbandherrl Dikswife |
Предварительный просмотр:
The Adams Family
The Adams Family lives in America (the USA). They are a big family. They are nine: David and his wife Linda, their son Max and their three daughters, Linda’s parents and David’s cousin Tim. They live together in a big house. Max goes to school, he is a pupil. His sisters are little. They like to run, jump and play with toys.
In the evening Max often reads interesting books, Linda with her daughters usually go to the shop and David always watches TV. Linda’s parents sometimes listen to the radio but never dance. At the weekend they all go to the cinema.
The Wilsons Family
The Wilsons Family lives in Canada. Their family is not very big. They are five: Kate and her husband Denis, their daughter Sue, Kate’s sister Jane and their mother Alice. They don’t live in a town.
Sue doesn’t go to the school, she is a student. She likes to play tennis with your friends. In the morning her parents usually run in the wood. Sue never runs in the morning but she often swims in summer and skate in winter. Her aunt Jane sometimes read books in the evening. At the weekend they always sing together.
The Barkers Family
The Barkers Family lives in England. Their family is not very big. They are four: Richard, his wife Margaret, their son John and daughter Sally. They also have two pets.
Mr. Barker is a doctor, he always drives in his car. John and Sally like to ride a bike in the park. They never play computer games and often help their mother about the house. Margaret likes to cook very much. On Sunday she usually cooks her chocolate cake. In the evening they are all in their house. They are very good friends.
The Adams Family
Where does the Adams Family live?
What do three little daughters like to do?
What books does Max often read?
When do the Adams go to the cinema?
The Wilsons Family
Where does The Wilsons family live?
Why doesn’t Sue go to school?
Where do Kate and her husband run in the morning?
When do the Wilsons sing together?
The Barkers Family
Where does The Barkers family live?
Where do John and Sally like to ride a bike?
What does Margaret like to do?
When does she cook a chocolate cake?
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