спектакль на английском языке "Puff-the-ball"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку на тему

Стуканских Надежда Васильевна

Данный сценарий разработан на основе учебных материалов, взятых из учебников для начальной школы "Enjoy English" и "Spotlight", из которых в спектакль вошли рифмовки,песни, диалоги.


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Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived grandmother and grandfather.

They were so bored.

Grandfather: Granny, let’s make Puff-the-ball.

Grandmother: It’s good idea, but where can we get some flour and eggs?

Grandfather: Granny, you can look for flour and eggs in the corners.

Storyteller: So, grandmother made Puff-the-ball. He was so handsome, yellow, big and sweet.

Grandfather, Grandmother, animals from the wood:

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Puffy

Happy birthday to you

May your birthday be bright

From morning to night

May your birthday be bright

From morning to night.

Puff-the-ball: I'm Puff-the-ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet. This is my house.

This is my house

This is the door!

The windows are clean,

And so is the floor!

Outside there’s a chimney,

As tall as can be,

With smoke that goes up,

Come and see!

Storyteller: Grandmother and grandfather loved him and sang a lullaby for him.

Puff-the-ball: Good night, Grandma. Good night, Grandpa.

Grandmother: Good night, Puff-the-ball.

Grandfather:   Good night, Puff-the-ball.

Sleep my baby, do not cry

I shall sing a lullaby

Hide your nose into your pillow,

Shut your eyes and sleep, sleep, sleep.

Storyteller: One day grandmother put Puff-the-ball on the windowsill. Puff-the-ball looked around , jumped from the windowsill and ran away.

Puff-the-ball: Good morning, girls and boys!

I want to go for a walk.

Storyteller: You see two hares. They live in the forest. They are very clever. They can read and count. But they always argue who is cleverer of them. 

Hare 1: Hello, I am a hare. My name is Timoshka. I can read and count and I like to sing the alphabet.

Hare 2: Hello, I am a hare. My name is Stepashka.  But I can read and count and I like to sing the alphabet too.


Hare 1: I am clever.

Hare 2: No, I am clever.

Puff-the-ball: Hello, who are you? Why do you quarrel?

Hare 1: Hello, I am a hare. My name is Timoshka. I can read and count and I like to sing the alphabet.

Hare 2: Hello, I am a hare. My name is Stepashka.  But I can read and count and I like to sing the alphabet too.

Hare 1 and Hare 2: Who are you?

Puff-the-ball: I'm Puff-the-ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

Hare 1: Good, I will eat you!

Hare 2: No, I will eat him!

Puff-the-ball: Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you!

Come on, everybody! Stand up, stand!

Stamp your feet, and clap your hand!

Come on, everybody! Sit down, sit!

Clap your hands, and stamp your feet!

Storyteller: And he runs away. But now you see a pack of wolves. They are cruel. They like to eat small animals.

Wolf 1: Hello, I'm a wolf!

Wolf 2: I am very cruel and rude.

Wolf 3: Who can guess the riddle?

Wolf 1: It's grey. It's little like a fox.

Wolf 2: It eats meat.

Wolf 3: It’s fierce and cruel.

Wolf 1, Wolf 2 and Wolf 3: Who is it? 

Дети отгадывают загадку: It's you

Wolf: You are right.

Puff-the-ball: Hello, who are you?

Wolf 1: Hello, I'm a wolf!

Wolf 2:  I am grey and I'm hungry.

Wolf 3:And who are you?

Puff-the-ball: I'm Puff-the-ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

Wolf 1, Wolf 2 and Wolf 3: We shall eat you!

Puff-the-ball: Oh, please, don't eat me! I will sing for you!

One, and two, and three, and four.

I am sitting on the flour

I am playing with a ball

And a pretty little doll.

One, and two, and three, and four.

We are sitting on the flour

We are sitting boys and girls

We are playing with the toys.

Storyteller: And Puff-the-ball again runs away. Here you see a bear. He is big, but he is kind.

Bear: I'm a bear. I'm brown and very strong. I like sport. Stand up!

Hands up, hands down Hands on hips, sit down Hands up, to the side

Bend left, bend right

One, two, three hop!

One, two, three, stop!

Stand still!

Puff-the-ball: Hello, who are you?

Bear: I'm a bear. I'm brown and very strong. And who are you?

Puff-the-ball: I'm Puff-the-ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.

Bear: I will eat you!

Puff-the-ball: Oh, please, don't eat me! I will recite a poem for you!

Teddy bear turn around

Storyteller: And Puff-the-ball again runs away. Here you see a fox. She is very cunning and nice.

Танец лисы.

Fox sings: What is your name?

What is your name? Now tell me please What is your name?

Puff-the-ball: My name is Puffy My name is Puffy

My name is Puffy. That’s my name

What is your name? What is your name? Now tell me please What is your name?

Fox: My name is Foxy

My name is Foxy

My name is Foxy

That's my name.

You are very pretty, I want to eat you.

Puff-the-ball: Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you!

If you happy and you know it…

Fox: Come to me, Puff-the-ball. I can't see you.

Колобок подходит к лисе поближе, она хватает его и убегает вместе с ним.

Storyteller: Then fox eats Puff-the-ball.

Подходит к рассказчику маленький мальчик и начинает громко плакать.

Storyteller: Who are you?

Boy: I'm Willy.

Storyteller: Why do you cry Willy?    Why do you cry?

Why Willy, Why Willy, Why Willy, Why?

Boy: That's a pity! I liked Puff-the-ball! Fox ate him!

Storyteller: Don't cry Willy. He is alive. He plays a game with fox's children and they are preparing to meet Christmas.

Все выходят на сцену и поют песню:

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year!

Oh, bring us some Christmas pudding!

Oh, bring us some Christmas pudding!

Oh, bring us some Christmas pudding!

Please bring it out here!

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